Starting With Batman

Chapter 138 – Straight Through

At first, Link only found Batman’s powered armor odd. It was unusual, a little tricky, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He had fought dangerous foes before, and this was just another battle. Or so he thought.

But as the minutes dragged on, with Batman’s relentless strikes landing over and over again, confusion turned to fear. This wasn’t normal. What the hell am I fighting? That thought echoed in his mind, louder with every blow that sent his body reeling.


A few minutes earlier.

In their previous encounter, Batman had kept his distance, avoiding direct combat with Link. Using tactics, sneak attacks, and exploiting weaknesses was a much more efficient way to fight for Batman. It was his style, after all. And there had been a good reason for it—Link’s sheer physical power had made him a dangerous opponent in a head-to-head brawl.

But this time? This time was different.

The upgraded battle armor Batman was using now gave him the raw strength and speed necessary to match Link in direct combat. He was still pushing the limits of his endurance, but now, those limits were much higher than before, and with Batman’s vast combat experience, this gave him a significant edge. It was no longer just about tactics or strategy. Batman could now fight Link on equal terms—or perhaps better.

Now, the fight was about showing just how lethal Batman truly was.

Link was strong. That was undeniable. His combat abilities had earned him a fearsome reputation. His movements were fluid, his strikes powerful, and his instincts sharp. In almost any other scenario, Link would have been the predator, the one dominating his opponents with brutal efficiency. His file in The Ninth Special Service Division was a testament to his prowess, filled with reports of him taking down enemies with ease, overpowering anyone who stood in his way.

But Batman wasn’t just anyone. Batman was a fighter who had pushed himself to the limits of human capability. His mastery of nearly every martial art known to man had made him one of the deadliest combatants in the DC universe. And now, with the neural augmentation system in his battle armor increasing his reaction time by six times, Batman’s already-impressive skills were enhanced to a monstrous level.

Link had never faced anyone like this.

With every block, parry, and counterattack, Batman was outmaneuvering him. The neural enhancements allowed Batman to read Link’s movements as though they were telegraphed in slow motion. The increased reaction time meant that Batman could anticipate and counter Link’s strikes with ease, turning what would have been devastating blows into opportunities for him to launch his own attacks.

And Batman’s punches, now enhanced by the armor, hit with the force of a sledgehammer. Every blow left Link reeling.

After several rounds of brutal combat, Link’s face was swollen, his body numb. His arms felt heavy, and his mind was starting to race with the dawning realization that he was losing. Each hit from Batman felt like a freight train slamming into him, and no matter how hard he tried to fight back, he was being overwhelmed.

Even the agents watching from the sidelines were stunned by what they were witnessing. This wasn’t just a fight between two combatants—it was a spectacle of superhuman abilities. Batman’s movements were so fluid and precise that they seemed almost unreal. He executed high-speed flips, spinning kicks, and aerial maneuvers that defied the laws of gravity. One moment, he was launching a powerful uppercut, and the next, he was flipping through the air, landing behind Link to deliver a crushing kick.

It was like watching a scene from an impossible fighting video game, where characters defy physics with ease.

Had Batman fallen off a cliff and picked up some ancient martial arts technique? Had some mystical fairy imbued him with superhuman reflexes and strength? The agents couldn’t wrap their heads around it.

In the heat of the battle, Link threw a desperate punch, hoping to buy himself a moment to breathe. But Batman countered it effortlessly, using a backhanded knife strike that hit with such force it nearly knocked Link off his feet. Link stumbled, barely able to keep his footing.

In a fight at this level, any misstep could be fatal. And Batman, ever the strategist, seized the opportunity. With blinding speed, he grabbed Link’s arm before he could recover and lifted him off the ground in a show of raw power. Batman swung him over his shoulder in a brutal over-the-chest throw and slammed him into the ground with bone-crushing force.

Before Link could even think about getting back up, Batman was already moving. His armor’s leg servos activated, adding extra power to his kick as he drove it into Link’s ribs, sending him flying through the air like a ragdoll.

Link’s body twisted as he flew, and though his mind was screaming at him to defend, his muscles struggled to respond. He tried to adjust mid-air, hoping to counterattack when he landed, but Batman was faster. Before Link could even touch the ground, Batman fired his grappling hook, the fiber wrapping around Link’s body and pulling him back toward Batman with ruthless efficiency.

The moment Link was within range, Batman’s fist came crashing down again. The blow shattered the armored skin covering Link’s face, and a burst of electric current lit up the room as Link spat blood, his body convulsing from the impact.

The agents watching had their jaws practically on the floor.

Is this even possible?

Batman’s combo was relentless, chaining one attack after another with perfect precision. His strikes were brutal, his counters flawless, and the speed with which he moved left no room for error. It was like watching a predator toying with its prey.

But what was even more impressive was the sheer fluidity of his movements. There was no wasted motion, no hesitation. Every punch, every kick, every block was perfectly timed. Batman wasn’t just out-fighting Link—he was outclassing him on every level.

If you tried to analyze Batman’s fighting style, it didn’t seem to follow any known martial art. His movements weren’t just human; they were something else. Something... beyond. It was as if he had fused multiple styles into a single, cohesive, and devastating fighting form.

To the agents, it was almost as if Batman was playing with cheat codes, like he had hacked reality itself to create a fighting style that was impossible for mere humans to comprehend.

For Charlie, who was controlling Batman, it felt like he was playing the greatest action game of his life. The upgraded armor made every punch feel like an unstoppable force, every combo silky smooth. The feedback from the armor’s power output, the electric shocks, and the raw force made the entire experience exhilarating.

And Link was the perfect opponent for this. His durability and resilience meant that Batman could keep the combo going for longer than any normal foe. If Link had been weaker, the fight would have ended long ago. But because of Link’s ability to withstand punishment, Batman was able to continue this relentless assault, testing the limits of the armor’s capabilities.

But as the minutes passed and Link’s body continued to take hit after hit, Link began to realize the truth: he couldn’t win this fight.

He was battered and bruised, his face swollen and bloodied. His mind was reeling from the endless punishment, and his body was starting to give out. Batman’s fists were stronger than his resolve, and his confidence had been shattered.

Finally, in a moment of desperation, Link decided that a head-on fight wasn’t going to work. He needed a different approach. Feigning weakness, he staggered backward, leaving himself open. Batman, ever the tactician, saw the opportunity and moved in to close the distance.

It was exactly what Link wanted.

As Batman approached, Link suddenly launched his counterattack. Two dark tentacles shot out from his back, their speed and precision lethal. They were aimed directly at Batman’s face, a strike timed to perfection.

For a brief moment, it seemed like Link had regained control. The tentacles were moving too fast, and they were too unpredictable. Even with Batman’s enhanced reflexes, it would be nearly impossible to dodge this attack at such close range.

But then something unexpected happened.

The tentacles hit Batman’s face—and passed straight through.

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