Starting With Batman

Chapter – 43 Apartment

Felix's reasoning was straightforward: "I've already paid for this, so there's no need for me to waste time on it, right?"

It's like how boys buy games. Ninety-nine percent of the games on a game geek's shelf are untouched, still sealed in their original packaging, yet that doesn't stop them from passionately adding more to their collection.

Why should I spend time playing a game I've already paid for?

If Felix were to explain this theory to Charlie, a seasoned gaming enthusiast with a penchant for expanding his collection, he might actually understand the logic. In truth, Felix wasn't particularly concerned about whether or not the host who invited him to dinner was present. As long as the meal was paid for and the necessary appearances were kept up, that was all that mattered.

TL Note - I wanna know what the author is smoking because that's some strong sh*t]

Of course, the maid couldn't grasp this line of thinking, but as a dutiful servant, she didn't dare question it. She simply worried in silence, fearing Felix might face yet another reprimand from his uncle for his nonchalant attitude.

In reality, Felix wasn't entirely careless. When he received the task list, he glanced over the profiles of his assigned teammates.

Name: Charlie. Age: 20. Gender: Male… And that was it.

Absolutely Extraordinary, with no apparent impact from the infection on his body or mind. In other words, Charlie was entirely immune to the infection, had zero experience with any incapacitating effects, and was otherwise unremarkable—except, perhaps, for being rather good-looking.

Though the mission was only a preliminary investigation to gather information and assess the situation, Felix was somewhat taken aback to see a newcomer with no prior training assigned to the team. It gave him the impression that the task was deemed too trivial for the more experienced agents, so why not include a novice as a learning experience?

With that in mind, Felix decided it would be best to treat Charlie to a meal, use the opportunity to complete the work himself and avoid delaying the mission or offending his colleague.

[TL Note - Although I think the author is still smoking Weed, freshly picked from the HXH Dark Continent, I like Felix; he doesn't seem to be a young master. OK, fine, No more TL notes for the next 3 Chaps]

Felix's family owned a sprawling pharmaceutical empire. Under normal circumstances, he should have followed the path laid out for him and taken the reins of the family business, living the life of a typical wealthy heir. However, fate had different plans for Felix. He had been discovered to possess an extraordinary physical resilience, which caught the attention of the Ninth Special Service Division, a shadowy and powerful organization.

When his family first heard about the offer, they were adamantly opposed. They knew that joining such an organization meant a life fraught with danger, battling threats that could easily end his life. For people of their stature, the notion of risking life and limb was utterly incomprehensible. They were accustomed to a life of luxury, where bodyguards and advanced security were the norm.

But Felix had shown an unwavering desire to join the organization, a decision that left those around him baffled.

There's an old saying: "All roads lead to Rome," but Felix was the type who was born in Rome. He could have had anything he wanted simply by staying put. No one understood why he was so determined to take on such a perilous job.

However, considering his firm resolve and the formidable influence of the Service Division, the family began to see some potential advantages. After all, aligning with such a powerful organization could yield benefits, even if it involved some risk. And so, they reluctantly agreed to let him pursue this path.

Despite joining the Ninth Special Service Division earlier than Charlie, Felix had spent most of his time assisting other agents on minor cases. His assignments were largely limited to low-risk operations, such as investigating individuals affected by the infection who suffered from severe insomnia or uncontrollable energy surges. It was only now, with this new assignment, that Felix found himself truly leading a mission.

Although he was technically more experienced than Charlie, Felix was still a novice in many respects.

To be honest, Felix wasn't as composed as he appeared when briefing the team on the mission. But he took solace in the fact that he was, after all, a professional now, and professionals had a reputation to uphold.

As Felix made his way to Ethan's apartment, the informant for this case, his earpiece suddenly cracked to life with a connection request from headquarters.

It was the results of the background checks on key individuals related to the case, which Felix had requested earlier.

"The subjects you applied to investigate, Ethan and Emma, both died in a blizzard in the Regulance Mountains ten days ago. Their deaths have been confirmed," reported the correspondent on the other end.

Felix's stride faltered.

"They're dead?"


"Both of them?"

"That's correct. I can send you their death certificates if needed."

Felix received the results, confirming that both individuals were indeed deceased.

"There's another strange detail," the operator continued. "We reviewed some additional information related to them and discovered that the day after their deaths were confirmed, one of the bodies was stolen from the burial site. Its whereabouts are still unknown."

"A body?" Felix asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Emma's?"

"No, the stolen body was Ethan's," the operator clarified. "Emma was cremated a few days ago, and her ashes were taken by relatives for burial."

Felix felt a cold shiver run down his spine.

Suddenly, he wasn't so sure about what he was walking into.

For a moment, uncertainty clouded his thoughts, but the pride of being a "professional" soon overpowered his unease. He decided to press on and check the apartment first.

"Ding dong~"

Felix rang the doorbell, the chime echoing through the quiet hallway like the distant call of a bell in a secluded valley. He waited for a response, but the silence persisted, heavy and oppressive.

After a moment's consideration, Felix retrieved a lock pick and torque wrench from his pocket.

The apartment door was secured with an old-fashioned tumbler lock, a structure he had been trained to bypass with relative ease. Fortunately, during his last mission, the senior agent had taken the time to teach him the art of lock picking—a skill that was about to come in handy.


The door creaked open.

Felix nudged the door wider, only to be greeted by a nauseating stench—a pungent blend of blood and decay that assaulted his senses.

The smell hit him like a physical force, making his stomach churn. He gagged, instinctively covering his nose and mouth with his sleeve. It took several seconds of shallow breathing before he could steady himself enough to continue.

The apartment was dark, the only light spilling in from the hallway behind him. Felix pulled out a flashlight, its beam cutting through the gloom like a knife through thick fog. The air was heavy with the smell of death, the silence so absolute that it pressed down on him like a weight.

Felix felt like a lone ship adrift on a black sea, the darkness around him an endless, oppressive tide. The only sounds were the creaking of the wooden floor beneath his feet and the rapid thudding of his heart in his chest.

The stench grew stronger as he approached the kitchen.

Felix tried the light switch, but there was no response—the suite had been disconnected from power, leaving him alone in the dark with only the weak beam of his flashlight for comfort.

He moved towards the refrigerator, every step echoing through the silent apartment. Holding his breath, he hesitated, his hand hovering over the door handle. After a moment that felt like an eternity, he gathered the courage to open it.

The light from his flashlight fell upon the interior, and Felix's blood ran cold.

The refrigerator was crammed with dismembered human body parts, packed tightly among the cold metal shelves.

The sight triggered a visceral reaction. His knees buckled, and he collapsed to the floor, a scream tearing from his throat as the full horror of what he was seeing hit him like a tidal wave.

The source of the stench was now undeniable.

At that exact moment, an overwhelming sense of danger washed over Felix. His instincts kicked in, and without a second thought, he rolled to the side just as a kitchen knife came slashing down, missing him by mere inches and striking the floor with a dull thud.

Felix scrambled to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest, and looked up to see his attacker.

A woman stood before him, her long, disheveled hair obscuring her face. She was dressed in bloodstained white pajamas, and in her hand, she clutched a kitchen knife, the blade dripping with fresh blood.

The air was thick with the smell of decay, fear, and something far more sinister.

Felix's mind raced, trying to process the situation, but one thing was clear—this mission was far from the routine investigation he had anticipated.


Technically, the Chap is over, so this isn't really a TL Note.


[Editor's Note - Fck, this chapter gived me a goddamn fright.

Who else got scared?

Comment "Weak" If you were Shocked.]

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