Starting With Batman

Chapter – 59 Escape?

After equipping the strength enhancement, Charlie felt a surge of power course through his muscles. This was not just any ordinary boost—it was the kind of strength that could rival the most formidable fighters in the world. Along with the strength enhancement, Charlie also equipped the fighting techniques he had previously unlocked from Captain America. He headed to an open area, eager to put his new abilities to the test.

This time, Charlie was careful. During his last attempt, he had underestimated the coordination required between his brain and body, which resulted in an awkward mishap where he nearly injured himself attempting a high kick. Determined not to repeat the same mistake, Charlie began with smaller, more controlled movements. He tested his reflexes, throwing a few quick jabs and shadowboxing to get a feel for his enhanced strength and technique.

As he moved, Charlie quickly noticed a difference. His punches were faster, his kicks more powerful, and his overall agility had increased. He felt the energy coursing through his veins, every muscle primed and ready. With each movement, his confidence grew. He was no longer just a gamer sitting behind a screen—he felt like a true warrior, capable of holding his own in a fight.

Initially, Charlie had been concerned that his newfound strength might outpace his physical conditioning. After all, it wouldn't be ideal to have powerful punches if his stamina couldn't keep up. But to his relief, the strength enhancement came with a corresponding increase in overall physical resilience. His muscles felt more solid, his endurance had improved, and he could sense that his body was now better equipped to handle the demands of his enhanced strength.

However, Charlie also realized that this increase in physical fitness was not all-encompassing. While his strength had been significantly boosted, his body did not gain the full range of enhancements that the original Captain America possessed. For example, Captain America's serum granted him not only super strength but also a heightened resistance to injury, an enhanced healing factor, and exceptional endurance. Charlie's enhancements were limited to strength and fighting techniques without the added benefits of superhuman durability or rapid healing.

Despite this, Charlie was more than satisfied. Even without the full range of Captain America's abilities, his current setup made him feel like a true super soldier. He knew that if trouble ever came his way, he was more than prepared to face it head-on.

In addition to the strength enhancement, leveling up to level 3 unlocked two new features that added even more depth to his gameplay.

The first new feature was the expansion of his team roster. At level 2, Charlie had been able to bring two heroes into battle simultaneously, including substitutes. This setup had its limitations, especially when dealing with complex missions that required more diverse skill sets. However, with the level 3 upgrade, Charlie could now bring three heroes into battle. This meant that he could switch between three different heroes during combat, allowing for greater flexibility and strategic options. Whether he needed brute strength, stealth, or technical prowess, he now had the ability to adapt to any situation.

This expansion transformed his team dynamics. Including Charlie himself, the team now functioned as a true three-person squad. Of course, in the world of gaming, it was common knowledge that a three-person team could sometimes feel like it had the strength of four.

The second new feature unlocked was the voice function.

Previously, the heroes Charlie controlled would occasionally speak iconic lines during key moments, adding to the immersive experience. For instance, Batman might declare, "I am vengeance, I am the night," in a deep, gravelly voice, sending chills down the spine of anyone listening. However, this new voice function took things a step further. It allowed Charlie to open the microphone and speak directly through the hero he was controlling, with the hero's voice being projected in-game. It was as if Charlie's voice had been perfectly modulated to match the hero's, adding a layer of authenticity to the character's interactions.

While Charlie didn't plan on using the microphone feature often—preferring to focus on gameplay rather than chatter—it added an exciting new dimension to the experience. Now, he could have his heroes issue commands, taunt enemies, or engage in dialogue with other characters, all in their own voices. This feature made the heroes feel more alive, more like real personalities rather than mere avatars controlled from a distance.

This voice function also had practical applications. In situations where communication or interrogation was needed, Charlie could now use his hero's voice to extract information or intimidate opponents, much like Batman's famous bungee interrogation scenes. It was a powerful tool, adding yet another layer of depth to Charlie's ever-expanding skill set.

After a long night of gaming that had stretched into the early hours of the morning, Charlie finally logged off. His body, which had been running on adrenaline and excitement, now demanded some relaxation. His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything substantial in hours. He decided to take a break and head downstairs for a late breakfast, which was closer to lunch at this point.

For a gamer like Charlie, weekend mornings were a mythical concept—something that existed only in the minds of those who didn't spend their nights battling virtual foes. To Charlie, the weekends were sacred, a time when he could indulge in his gaming passion without the constraints of a weekday schedule. The idea of a "morning" on the weekend was laughable; it was simply the time he spent sleeping off the previous night's gaming marathon.

Charlie headed to his favorite local noodle shop and ordered a bowl of beef noodles. Feeling a bit indulgent, he added two extra eggs to his order. When Megan, the friendly shop owner, saw Charlie, she gave him a warm smile and threw in a few extra slices of beef, knowing he was a regular customer.

As Charlie sat down with his steaming bowl of noodles, he pulled out his phone and opened the app for the Service Division, also known as the "lunatic asylum." Given the number of infected individuals he had taken down last night, he half-expected to see his achievements plastered across the homepage. However, what greeted him was far from what he anticipated.

An emergency notification flashed across the screen.

Charlie blinked, momentarily unsure if he was reading it correctly.

It was a wanted notice sent out to all agents of the Service Division.

The wanted individual was... Ivan?

Curious, Charlie clicked on the details, and the familiar face of the bald, muscular agent filled the screen. With his imposing physique and distinctive appearance, there was no mistaking it—this was Ivan.

The wanted notice was sparse on details, stating only that Ivan was suspected of being at risk of mutating into an infection source. It mentioned that he might be in a certain area, urging all agents to be on high alert. However, the notice didn't go into specifics, leaving Charlie with a sense of unease.

Charlie wasn't one to blindly trust anyone, especially not someone he had only worked with a couple of times. His encounters with Ivan had been brief, and while they had shared a few missions, Charlie couldn't say he knew the man well. However, the idea of Ivan being infected didn't sit right with him. In the few interactions they had, Ivan had come across as a tough, no-nonsense type, someone who was as solid as a rock.

Unable to shake his curiosity, Charlie decided to call Tara, who handled communications and logistics. She had previously told him to reach out if he ever had questions, and given that she was in the same group as Ivan, she might have some inside information.

Tara didn't hesitate to fill Charlie in on the situation. Apparently, the previous night had been a whirlwind of chaos, with multiple incidents involving infected individuals. Surveillance footage from the Fourth Branch of the FBI had captured Ivan on camera shortly before the place was attacked. The higher-ups quickly convened an emergency meeting and determined that Ivan might be infected. They sent agents to bring him in for questioning at one of the Secret Service's sub-bases.

However, things took a turn when the agents approached Ivan that morning. Instead of cooperating, Ivan had reportedly bolted, breaking through the security perimeter and escaping the sub-base on his own. His current whereabouts were unknown.

Charlie was stunned.

One man, alone, had managed to escape from a building filled with trained agents, and now no one could find him.

This revelation raised serious questions about the security measures in place and made Charlie wonder about the overall reliability of the Service Division.

But as Charlie thought more about it, he realized it might not be entirely the fault of the Service Division.

In theory, security agents and bodyguards were supposed to be vigilant, with a tight network of surveillance and protection. But history was full of instances where seemingly foolproof systems had been breached by a single determined individual. Sometimes, reality defied logic, and even the most secure facilities could be compromised under the right circumstances.

The more Charlie pondered the situation, the more suspicious it seemed. The surveillance footage alone might not have been enough to raise alarm, but Ivan's sudden and dramatic escape certainly did.

Could it be that Ivan was really infected?

The thought lingered in Charlie's mind as he finished his meal, the weight of the situation settling in. This was no ordinary mission—something far more dangerous was unfolding, and Charlie knew he had to be prepared for whatever came next.

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