Starting With Batman

Chapter 64 – Stealth

Through Batman's on-site reconstruction, Charlie was able to piece together the grim events that had unfolded.

It was clear that Ivan had been ambushed while operating in the field. The scene told a story of desperation and struggle—evidence of a fierce battle lay everywhere. Scattered shell casings hinted at a gunfight, while deep gouges and disturbed earth suggested that the fight had descended into brutal hand-to-hand combat. Batman's reconstruction brought these moments to life with startling clarity, replaying the scene as if it were happening right before Charlie's eyes. He could almost feel the tension in the air as one of the combatants executed a powerful over-the-shoulder throw, sending the other crashing to the ground with a sickening thud.

The victor, having subdued his opponent, then dragged the loser's limp body away, leaving a trail of drag marks across the dirt, evidence of the struggle that had just taken place. Each mark in the earth, each scuff on the pavement, was a silent witness to the violence that had occurred, revealing the brutal efficiency of the assailant.

The land itself seemed like a silent observer, absorbing the violence and keeping the secrets of what had transpired. It was as if the ground, scarred and marked by the battle, held onto the memory of the event, waiting to be uncovered by those who knew how to listen.

The battle had ended abruptly, leaving only eerie silence in its wake. Ivan's off-road vehicle, along with the vehicle used by the attacker, had vanished from the scene. Despite being turned into wreckage by the impact of an RPG, Ivans' off-road vehicle had miraculously remained functional. Perhaps Its reinforced frame, though twisted and scarred, allowed it to limp away from the battlefield. The tire marks that had once converged now diverged, splitting into two distinct directions—one set of tracks heading east, the other west, each leading toward an unknown destination.

Charlie decided to control the Batmobile to continue pursuing the trail of the off-road vehicle, hoping to uncover more clues. The powerful vehicle hummed with latent energy as it followed the faint tire tracks left in the dirt.

As the Batmobile advanced, it became evident that after the confrontation, someone had righted the overturned off-road vehicle and driven it away from the scene. The signs were subtle but unmistakable—the skid marks and disturbed gravel told a story of someone in a hurry, attempting to erase their presence.

There's an old saying that darkness and dampness are the cradles of life. As Charlie delved deeper into the wilderness, he felt the atmosphere change. The air grew thick with the smell of wet earth and decaying leaves, the scent of life teeming in the undergrowth. The further he went, the more it felt as though he was moving through a place forgotten by time, where the line between life and death was blurred.

After some time, the tire tracks abruptly ended, the trail leading to the edge of a large, still lake. The surface of the water was like a dark mirror, reflecting the cloudy sky above. The Batmobile came to a stop, its tires crunching to a halt on the gravelly shore.

"The trail ends here," Batman's voice, calm and authoritative, echoed in Charlie's ear. "There must be something beneath the surface."

Charlie knew the Batmobile wasn't equipped for underwater exploration. The top hatch slid open with a soft hiss, and Batman swiftly exited the vehicle, his cape billowing slightly as it caught the cool breeze coming off the lake.

Without hesitation, Batman retrieved a portable respirator from his utility belt and secured it over his face. The respirator, a small but essential tool, would allow him to breathe underwater for an extended period. He then activated the Batmobile's standby mode, which would keep it alert but stationary, ready for any surprises.

But before diving in, Charlie couldn't resist a small habit—he locked the Batmobile. It was almost second nature at this point. After all, leaving your vehicle unsecured, even one as formidable as the Batmobile, just wasn't smart. There was an old story that circulated among Gotham's elite about the time Batman had parked the original Batmobile in a dark alley while on an urgent mission. By the time he returned, the tires had been stolen, and the embarrassment of the event had driven Batman to ensure that such a thing would never happen again. Now, the Batmobile was as secure as a military bunker, its wheels locked with titanium alloy covers and a host of other defensive measures activated.

With the Batmobile secured, Batman approached the water's edge, his boots sinking slightly into the soft, wet earth. He activated the small thrusters on the bottoms of his boots, which released a controlled burst of flame, propelling him forward as he dove into the cold, murky water.

The lake, though not very deep, was dark and uninviting, its waters heavy with silt and sediment. Batman's thrusters allowed him to cut through the water with ease, his form a shadowy blur beneath the surface. The world above was quickly left behind, replaced by the cold, oppressive quiet of the underwater environment. The only sounds were the muted rush of water around him and the steady hum of his thrusters.

As he descended, the eerie stillness of the lake became more pronounced. The bottom was a desolate place, covered in a layer of fine silt that rose in ghostly clouds with each movement. It wasn't long before Batman's detective mode scanned the area and highlighted something in the gloom—a vehicle, half-buried in the muck and weeds.

It was Ivan's off-road vehicle, now nothing more than a forgotten relic on the lake bed. The vehicle's door had been torn off, and there was no sign of its driver. It was clear that after the battle, the victor had taken deliberate steps to sink the car, trying to ensure that no one would find it. It was a crude but effective way to cover their tracks.

But despite the best efforts of the assailant, the truth was revealed. Batman's reconstruction had shown that Ivan had not won the battle. He had been defeated, overpowered, and taken hostage by his mysterious attacker. The sinking of his vehicle was likely intended to mislead anyone from the agency who might come looking.

Charlie took a sip of the drink he had nearby, his mind racing with possibilities as he guided Batman back to the surface. Batman broke through the water with a fluid motion, his respirator hissing as he removed it and tucked it back into his belt. His cape, now heavy with water, clung to his back, shimmering in the dim light as he made his way to the shore.

The next step was clear: Charlie needed to track the other vehicle. The enemy had likely captured Ivan for a specific purpose—if they hadn't killed him outright—and then made their escape in the second vehicle.

Returning to the scene of the battle was the only option. There, Charlie would re-track the remaining tire marks, hoping they would lead him to some answers...

But then, completely out of nowhere, a ghostly figure appeared on the screen.

At that precise moment, Batman had just emerged from the lake and was putting away his respirator. He looked up toward the shore when the figure materialized, seemingly from thin air. The figure was barely visible, its body almost transparent, blending seamlessly with the surrounding bushes and plants. It was like some kind of spectral presence, its form wavering as if it were a mirage.

If it weren't for the sharp, eye-catching counterattack alert flashing on the screen, Charlie might have missed it entirely.

The shadowy figure was holding an ax, the weapon poised to strike down on Batman's exposed position.

Charlie's instincts kicked in, and without thinking, he clicked the right mouse button. Batman immediately adopted a defensive stance, crossing his arms above his head in a protective gesture.

The ax came down hard on Batman's crossed forearms. The reinforced alloy in his gloves absorbed the brunt of the blow, but the sheer force of the strike sent Batman staggering backward, the impact reverberating through his entire body.

Batman rolled through the shallow water at the lake's edge, quickly recovering and springing to his feet. He assumed a fighting stance, scanning the area for his attacker. But when he looked up, the figure was gone.

Charlie's heart skipped a beat. It was rare for Batman to be on the receiving end of this trick, especially one so effective. The whole situation felt surreal.

Charlie hadn't gotten a good look at the figure, but the vague, bulky outline and the shape of the ax immediately conjured images of a classic horror movie butcher—an unstoppable force with a deadly weapon.

Charlie kept his cool, manipulating Batman to scan the area. The wind off the lake picked up, sending ripples across the water's surface. Batman's wet cape fluttered slightly, but there was no sign of the mysterious figure.

He was alone by the vast, silent lake.

Was it some kind of advanced stealth and camouflage ability?

Charlie recalled what he had been briefed on earlier: when someone's com-infection level exceeded 100%, they could develop superhuman abilities. Perhaps this was one of those infected—a person who had gained abilities beyond the ordinary.

Charlie hit the X button, activating Detective mode.

Detective mode was one of Batman's most powerful tools. Combining various advanced technologies housed in his helmet, it offered functions like target recognition, visual enhancement, and infrared imaging. In theory, it should be able to penetrate any form of stealth or camouflage.

But as Batman scanned the area, his Detective mode revealed nothing. No heat signatures, no movement, just the stillness of the night.

Charlie frowned.

Could the figure have already retreated?

Stealth and then retreat? Could an infected person with such advanced abilities really be so cautious?

Just as Charlie was contemplating this, a warning flashed on the side of the screen. Without any sound or movement, the translucent figure had reappeared beside Batman, ax in hand, aiming for his head.

This time, Charlie was ready. He quickly had Batman dodge with a swift roll,

 narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. As Batman got back on his feet, Charlie commanded him to throw a batarang in the direction of the figure. The batarang flew through the air with a sharp whirr, but instead of hitting its target, it embedded itself into a nearby tree trunk.

The figure had vanished once again, leaving no trace of its presence.

Now Charlie understood. The figure hadn't left; it was still there, but its stealth ability was far more advanced than he had anticipated. It was somehow able to fool even Batman's state-of-the-art visual sensors in Detective Mode.

Although the counterattack prompts had appeared just in time, they were so quick that it would have been too late for anyone else to react. But for Charlie, this was just the challenge he needed.

He knew exactly how to deal with this kind of ability.

Without hesitation, Batman raised his hand and dropped a small metal sphere at his feet. The sphere detonated with a soft pop, and within seconds, a thick cloud of smoke erupted from it, engulfing Batman in a dense, swirling mist...

[Check out my recently published work, Relentless Combat; It's a Collection of one-shot fight scenes between characters from different verses, i.e., Spiderman V.S. Tsunade or comic book Thanos V.S. Kaguya Otsosiki - I'm actually Alright if you guys bash me in this one. The more interaction in that type of work, the better.]

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