Starting With Batman

Chapter 74 – Sandbag

Moon Knight, a Marvel superhero, stands out not just for his abilities but for his striking visual presence. Draped in a flowing, ethereal white cloak that billows like mist in the moon, he is instantly recognizable, especially by the crescent moon darts that he wields with deadly precision. These darts, polished to a silver gleam, are as much a symbol of his vigilante justice as they are a representation of his connection to the moon.

His reputation precedes him in New York City, where he often steps into the role of an investigator, much like the police. It's a role he relishes—scouring crime scenes, piecing together clues, and bringing justice to those who might otherwise escape it. Because of his methods and the way he operates in the shadows of the night, fans have affectionately dubbed him the "Marvel Batman." Yet, despite the similarities in their vigilantism, there is one striking difference: while Batman cloaks himself in darkness, Moon Knight is a beacon of white—a glowing figure in the night, standing out boldly against the dark backdrop of the city.

This choice of attire, entirely white from head to toe, is not just a statement; it's a challenge. Under the shroud of night, where shadows are allies, and stealth is key, his appearance is an open declaration to his enemies: "Here I am. Come and face me." His presence is almost paradoxical; one would expect an assassin or a vigilante to blend into the darkness, but Moon Knight does the opposite. He thrives in being seen, in drawing the attention of criminals before striking them down. This fearless approach is part of what makes him so feared—and respected—among both his enemies and his allies.

When he first learned about this hero, Charlie couldn't help but admire the audacity of such a figure. There was something both awe-inspiring and terrifying about a man who wears white in the dead of night, who hunts the wicked while daring them to come at him.

But Moon Knight is more than just a street-level hero; he is an avatar of the moon god, Kongsu, from Egyptian mythology. In his original comic book origins and the later TV series adaptations, he is portrayed not as a mere mortal but as the chosen incarnation of Kongsu on Earth. This divine connection grants him powers far beyond those of an ordinary human.

His abilities, bestowed by the moon god, are impressive. They include superhuman strength that allows him to lift weights far beyond what a human could manage, extraordinary endurance that lets him fight tirelessly for hours, and a healing factor that mends wounds at an astonishing speed. Perhaps most intriguing is his ability to perceive spirits and beings invisible to the naked eye—a gift from the moon god that allows him to see what others cannot, making him a formidable opponent against supernatural threats.

Traditionally, it is said that Moon Knight's powers wax and wane with the phases of the moon. When the moon is full, his strength is at its peak; when it is new, his powers diminish. However, the reality is far more complex—his abilities are directly tied to the whims of Kongsu. If the moon god is pleased, Moon Knight can exhibit his full powers even during the day or in the vacuum of space. But if Kongsu is displeased, Moon Knight might find himself stripped of his powers entirely, vulnerable, and exposed.

At his most powerful, Moon Knight's healing factor can evolve into full-blown immortality, making him nearly invincible. Yet, his relationship with Kongsu is fraught with tension. The moon god is often depicted as a demanding master, constantly pushing Moon Knight to the brink, seeking to extract every ounce of potential from his "employee." In many ways, Kongsu is the epitome of a ruthless capitalist, always looking to maximize the value of his investment.

As Charlie, the player, delved deeper into the character, he began to recognize a pattern common among American comic heroes: their power levels fluctuate wildly depending on the storyline. Batman, for instance, can range from struggling against low-level thugs to battling cosmic threats alongside the Justice League. The same goes for Moon Knight, whose strength has varied dramatically throughout his history. There have been times when, with Kongsu's power behind him, he could take on an entire team of Avengers single-handedly. Yet, when that divine support is withdrawn, he's been defeated by common street criminals.

Charlie noticed that the characters he draws from the hero pool in his game have their abilities capped within a certain range. They aren't at their lowest point, but neither are they at their peak. Moon Knight is no exception.

However, Charlie looked forward to the day when he could unlock a more advanced hero pool, perhaps drawing stronger, more powerful versions of these characters. But for now, what intrigued him most about Moon Knight was not just the divine powers but his unique condition—a dissociative identity disorder that made him both a hero and a complex character study.

In the MCU TV series, Moon Knight is portrayed with three distinct personalities. The first is a seasoned mercenary, a battle-hardened veteran who has seen the worst of humanity and has the skills to survive any encounter. The second is a timid, unassuming worker at a museum gift shop—a man who seems out of place in the violent world of superheroes. The third is a brutal, no-nonsense driver who doesn't hesitate to kill if it gets the job done. Each personality is fully developed, with its own memories, emotions, and motivations, leading to intense internal conflict as they vie for control within the same body.

This internal battle adds a layer of psychological complexity to Moon Knight's story, turning his struggles into a metaphor for the broader themes of identity and morality. How do you define yourself when you're literally torn between different lives? Can you trust yourself when your mind is divided? These questions make Moon Knight a fascinating character, both on and off the battlefield.

Yet, for Charlie, the real test was in the gameplay. It was time to put Moon Knight to the test and see how he fared against the challenges in the game. Which unfortunate criminals would become his next targets?

Not long after entering the game, an exclamation mark appeared on the screen, signaling a new target. It turned out to be a pickpocket, running through the crowded streets after stealing someone's bag.

Charlie felt a slight twinge of disappointment. The pickpocket was hardly worthy of being a punching bag, let alone a target for a hero like Moon Knight. However, considering the pickpocket's agility and speed, Charlie decided to use him as target practice instead.

Positioning Green Arrow on the high ground, Charlie manipulated the hero to take a vantage point on the balcony of an unoccupied building. From this elevated position, he could see the pickpocket's shadow moving quickly along the sidewalk below. 

With practiced precision, Charlie aimed the bow and released an arrow. It sliced through the air with a whistle, heading straight for the target.

The arrow hit with pinpoint accuracy.

"Ahhh~!!" The pickpocket screamed as the arrow struck, sending him sprawling to the ground. The pain was immediate and intense, and his cries echoed through the street.

Passersby who witnessed the scene were horrified. They froze, staring at the pickpocket writhing on the ground, blood pooling around the arrow. A chill swept through the crowd as they realized how easily a similar fate could befall them.

Among the onlookers, someone with keen eyesight spotted the archer. Although it was dark, and the archer's face was obscured, the distinct green hat was unmistakable. They whispered among themselves, spreading the word about the green-hooded hero who had taken justice into his own hands.

For his part, Charlie hadn't intended for Green Arrow to deliver such a severe blow. Though Charlie had experience with bows and arrows in other games, this was his first time using one in this game, and he needed time to adjust to the mechanics. He had originally aimed for the legs, hoping to incapacitate the pickpocket without causing too much harm. 

But mistakes happen, and Charlie was quick to move on. After all, this was just a game, and minor errors like this were part of the learning curve. It wasn't as if he had any dark intentions; he was just playing a role, experimenting with the character's abilities.

Charlie considered that Green Arrow might be useful for future missions that required special arrows or sniping tasks, but otherwise, his role in the team seemed limited. With that in mind, Charlie switched out Green Arrow for Daredevil, the team's designated "police dog" substitute.

Daredevil's heightened senses made him an invaluable asset for detecting events faster and more efficiently than Green Arrow could. Once Charlie had Daredevil in place, the city seemed to come alive with activity. The quiet streets were suddenly teeming with hidden dangers and secret plots.

As Daredevil moved through the city, Charlie focused on using his enhanced hearing to detect any suspicious activity. It wasn't long before an exclamation mark popped up, signaling that something was amiss.

Charlie brought Daredevil to a halt near a rooftop on 32nd Street in the Z area. There, deep underground in a shadowy alley, Daredevil picked up on a hushed conversation—a conversation that would have been impossible to hear without his superhuman abilities.

The voices belonged to two men, their tones low and menacing.

"That grocery store again? How long has the stall owner been behind on protection fees?"

"It's been more than a month. He believed we got spooked after seeing the Bat-Signal one night and suddenly stopped cooperating. I think he believes Batman's going to protect him."

"Ha, that fool needs a reminder of how things work on this street. Send the boys down there to teach him a lesson. It's fine if he loses an arm or a leg—just make sure he gets the message."

"Got it. I'll handle it."

Charlie narrowed his eyes, understanding that this was more than just a routine shakedown. 

It looks like he found a suitable sandbag.


Green Arrow Vs. Hawk-Eye, who is the better archer

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