Starting With Real Madrid

Chapter 27: Do You Want to Win?

Although revenge brings great satisfaction, it also carries risks.

Gao Shen had no personal grudge against Murcia. While he believed in tit-for-tat, he chose to overlook assistant coach Maqueda's actions because Maqueda remained valuable to him.

Finding a capable and suitable assistant coach wasn't easy, especially since Gao Shen hadn't yet firmly established himself or built an impressive resume.

Maqueda, still on guard after witnessing Gao Shen's handling of Murcia, nervously made his way back to the locker room, stealing glances at Gao Shen, wary of any public reprimand.

To his surprise, Gao Shen appeared unconcerned, focusing instead on post-game preparations.

In the locker room, he had only one instruction for Maqueda.

"You'll be attending the post-match press conference in my place."

Maqueda looked up in surprise. "Aren't you going?"

After a 3-0 victory over Atletico Madrid, shouldn't Gao Shen capitalize on the moment to assert his presence?

Gao Shen smiled casually. "I'm not interested in that."

Maqueda pondered to himself.

Before the game, the media and fans had criticized Gao Shen. Many anticipated his dismissal after the match. Now, their hopes had been dashed.

Many would expect Gao Shen to bask in the glory of this victory, reasserting his authority. But what did the media truly crave?

Sensationalism and sales.

The departure of higher-ups and the return of a hero—these made headlines, but the media cared more for circulation than for truth.

The best way to retaliate against them was to keep his distance.


Gao Shen paid no mind to Maqueda's thoughts. With years of corporate experience, he knew how to handle subordinates like Maqueda. He believed this incident would make Maqueda more restrained and compliant, making him easier to manage in the future.

Children obsessed over right and wrong; adults focused on interests.

Of course, if Maqueda remained foolish and tried to undermine him further, Gao Shen wouldn't hesitate to cut him loose.

As for skipping the press conference, it was an expression of his displeasure.

In 2003, following the Beckham boot incident, Manchester Evening News persistently ridiculed Ferguson. In response, Ferguson barred the newspaper from interviews.

Was BBC any less significant?

After airing a documentary exposing Premier League corruption, including Ferguson's son's involvement as an agent, Ferguson refused BBC appearances.

Gao Shen didn't wield Ferguson's clout, but he could decline a press conference.


Gao Shen praised the players' performance, singling out Raul as the game's standout. He also commended Casillas, Beckham, and Zidane for their pivotal roles.

Gravesen, Elgra, and Woodgate received accolades for their mental fortitude and contribution to the team's victory.

Several debutant teenagers were especially lauded.

Their impressive 3-0 triumph over Atletico Madrid validated Gao Shen's tactics and style, earning the players' initial trust. No one understood this playing style better than the team.

The locker room buzzed with energy, but Gao Shen urged focus.

"Tonight, celebrate here as you wish. But once you leave, forget this victory. It's in the past."

Gao Shen surveyed his players, feeling the authority of a head coach.

"In three days, we face Arsenal at Highbury Stadium in London."

He paused, locking eyes with each player.

"I trust you all understand what this match means to us, especially after losing 0-1 at home."

Silence fell over the locker room.

Beating Atletico was routine for Real Madrid. Yet, facing Arsenal was different—they were a European powerhouse, having defeated Real Madrid at the Bernabeu.

"I'll say no more. Understand this: the Madrid derby was a warm-up. Our true test lies at Highbury."

"I ask you one thing: Do you want to win?"

The locker room fell silent.

Players fixed their gaze on Gao Shen.

Though young, he exuded maturity and wisdom beyond his years.

Raul felt it keenly.

Reflecting on Gao Shen's decisions since taking charge on February 28th, every move seemed justified.

Decisions that seemed illogical or risky at the time proved prescient: reactivating Gravesen and Woodgate, promoting youth.

Gao Shen navigated precarious waters, yet his decisions were consistently correct.

In that moment, when Raul scored his second goal, he dashed to embrace Gao Shen.

"I want to win. Tell us, what's the plan?"

Raul's declaration spurred Zidane and Beckham to nod in agreement. Others voiced their determination.

Gao Shen swelled with pride.

He knew he had earned respect in the locker room.

But this was just the beginning.

He had yet to secure his standing under Real Madrid's presidency.


Skipping the post-match press conference afforded Gao Shen more time with the players.

He sought out Del Reid first.

Gao Shen saw potential in the local midfielder, but was wary of his volatile temperament.

Del Reid impressed in the derby, prompting Gao Shen's praise tempered with a challenge.

"Reuben, I believe you've more to give. Work hard these next few days. I want you on the roster for London!"

Del Reid looked at Gao Shen, astonished.

Nonetheless, Gao Shen instructed him to join Woodgate for a heart examination.

Del Reid complied, trusting Gao Shen's judgment.

Next, Gao Shen spoke individually with Abeloa, Felipe Luis, Negredo, and others, affirming their performances.

He assured Abeloa of continued starts, emphasizing his pivotal role against Arsenal.

"Everyone knows Henry's left-side preference. Your performance will decide our fate." Gao Shen encouraged Abeloa.

Felipe Luis excelled in attack and defense. Gao Shen promised him a start in the upcoming Champions League match.

Teenagers felt motivated by Gao Shen's trust, pledging renewed dedication.

In Real Madrid, the Champions League surpassed La Liga in importance.

Starting against Arsenal affirmed Gao Shen's confidence in them.


As Gao Shen addressed players, several sidelined Real Madrid stars entered the locker room.

Ronaldo and Carlos ignored Gao Shen, clearly displeased at missing the derby squad.

Ramos approached Gao Shen, eager to contribute after his suspension.

They had previously discussed Ramos's role as a defensive cornerstone.

Gao Shen envisioned a high-press 4-2-3-1 formation, stressing the importance of mobile central defenders.

Woodgate's injuries and Elgra's age posed concerns, making Ramos a crucial option despite his inexperience.

"Prepare for targeted training. Show up ready; I believe you can contain Henry!" Gao Shen encouraged Ramos.

Managing back-to-back games posed challenges.

Real Madrid faced recovery and adjustment after the derby, leaving little time for preparation.

For a mature team, it would be manageable, but for a newly reorganized squad like Real Madrid, it was daunting.

Just as Gao Shen concluded with Ramos and prepared to leave, his phone rang.

Caller ID: Carol.

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