Steal The Heroes’ Harems

72. The Knight’s Shifting Loyalties (I)

Kiara spent the day training soldiers. There was an attack coming, and the soldiers were noticeably nervous. The fact that Kiara was unnaturally edgy and prickly meant all the soldiers were afraid of her. Even in practice spars, she was less tolerant of mistakes, less tolerant of weakness. "Try it again!" She barked harshly. "How the hell are you guys going to live through the attack if you can't defend from that. Come!" 

Her aura was volatile. 

The soldiers stayed far away. None of them dared speak up to her. 

The day soon ended, and she was first to return to her room-

But then she stopped at the Wooden Sculpture. She stood in front of it, and Edmund, in the form of a rat nearby, watched quietly. He followed her for the day, because he sensed an unusually strong energy from her. Lust. Desire. Frustration. Edmund, unaware of what transpired in her dream, thought Kiara would ask for the hero, like Hannah and Nysta.

She stood in front of it, made sure no one was listening, and she walked closer. 

"-I want to do it with Count Edmund." Kiara said. "Do you know what he looks like?"

Edmund was stunned. He had to impersonate himself? After catching a moment, he then understood why Kiara emitted such an energy. She was already at the edge of corruption. 

He answered. "Yes. Unusual tastes, but we cater for all types of clients."

Kiara nodded, relieved. "How much will that be?"

"Normally, acts of intimacy costs at least 10 gold. But we'll do it for 2, if you promise to come back for a second round."

Without skipping a beat, she answered. She paid two coins, and those same two coins vanished. "Yes."


Edmund appeared as himself. "Kiara."

Kiara wilted in his gaze. He looked exactly like him. Something about being in the presence of the man that conquered her mother made her feel as if she should submit as well. He reminded himself not to speak of their own agreements. Nothing that could expose that he was more than an illusionist. 

In a way, acting as himself, without being totally himself, was harder than he expected. "-what do you desire."

"I want it-" In Kiara's mind, it was that same unfulfilled dream. The rough sex that her mother had. She wanted that. She wanted to feel what her mother felt. To understand why her mother gave in so willingly. "-rough. I want to be on top, but- I want to be-" 

Edmund understood what her unspoken word was.

Dominated. She wanted to be ordered around like her mother. 

Her mind was close to snapping, and Edmund could feel it. 


"Take off your clothes." Edmund ordered, as the room was surrounded by magic. Edmund quickly deployed his magical pheromones and aphrodisiacs, thought it wasn't effective on Kiara anymore. She was already coked up with so much lust energy within her thanks to the [Stone Phallus]. "If you want something, show some sincerity."

Kiara couldn't believe how real this Edmund looked like. How did this illusionist know exactly what she wanted? Was he some kind of mind reader? But she didn't care. Her body itched. It itched every night, and some nights was harder for her than the others. Her armor came off. Then her shirt- 

Edmund stopped her after she took off her shirt. She wore a simple lingerie just to hold her breasts in place. Just like her mother, she was blessed in this department. Most females in this world were blessed in this aspect. Ugly men or women were rare, and that was why they stood out. 

Kiara looked regal and oppressive in armor, at least, when she looked confident. Lately, she seemed disturbed, lost, and that made her aura lose its shine. Now, in nothing more than her panties and a simple lingerie, she looked just like a vulnerable girl, and Edmund placed his arms on her waist. 

Magic. The goddess's blessings flow through her body, and with it, magic. He touched her skin. He snapped a finger, and his own clothes vanished, revealing the same massive shaft she craved. 

She stared at the erect pole, her brain overwhelmed by the energies within her. She had been fighting it for so long. Resisting. Hoping that the dirty thoughts she had would eventually go away. She thought distance, away from home, would free her from the memories. It didn't.

She thought being with the hero would drown out the needs.  It didn't.

She thought she was helping her family by being here. Now, all she felt was that she was being a hypocrite. She wasn't helping at all. Her mother was doing it all on her own. No. Her mother was having fun while doing it too, while all she faced was more fighting, and tense personal relationships. 

Edmund pinched her. "Oooww." She yelped in pain.

"Focus on me, Kiara." Edmund commanded with authority, and Kiara felt her nether regions turn moist. "The only thing that should be in your mind right now, is to satisfy me." 

She gulped, and took off her panties and lingerie. Naked. Edmund touched her sand-colored hair, and then touched her fair skin. Her body had parts that were more tanned. The parts not under her armor. Edmund grabbed her, and pulled her close. He kissed her roughly, and her bodily senses exploded. 

Kiara felt her lips roughly sucked and kissed by the Count's lips. His tongue was bigger, everything about the Count was big. Yet-

Her mind suddenly felt as if it experienced an epiphany. A clarity she didn't have before, and all that clarity focused on the moment. Sex. She thought of keeping herself for the hero, but she didn't care anymore. Edmund was right. She had no chance. Not just that, if the hero wasn't going to keep his first for her, why should she do the same for him? 

It didn't matter, as their lips locked together, both sucking and licking as if it was the tastiest ice cream they ever had. Edmund's hand fondled her incredible moist hole. The [Stone Phallus] had prepared her vagina for this moment. She would receive it easily. 

They rolled on the bed, and now Kiara was at the bottom. Her legs were spread. He leaned to her ears. "You're mine, Kiara."

And her body convulsed at those words, as if acknowledging her body's new master. His penis pierced the hole, as Kiara squealed. "-uuuuuuuh!" 

It was gigantic. "You don't get to start on top." Edmund said. "I'll tell you how it goes."

Kiara couldn't reply to that, because her vagina exploded with pleasure. Edmund's lust magic activated all the lust energies that Kiara had collected, and each of those lust energies hammered her brain with sensations of pleasure. Magic was incredibly powerful, and in Kiara's case, she wasn't fighting it anymore. 

She had given in, and her body arched backwards as Edmund thrusted his penis in and out, in increasingly rapid strokes. 

Kiara's body twitched, her arms wrapped around Edmund's large body. "Oh- my-"

He continued so for another fifteen minutes, pounding her repeatedly in an erratic pattern that made her mind feel like she was about to black out from all the pleasure. Her vagina twitched as it orgasmed repeatedly, he could feel her vaginal muscles moving, twitching and pulsing as he pushed deeper. 

Edmund pounded- and pounded, and then, just when she was about to lose it, he pulled out. Kiara stared at him bewildered, and he spoke to her ears. "Beg me for it."

Kiara didn't fight. Instead, she begged. She immediately knelt on the bed, her head between his things. "Please, give it to me."

"What do you want me to give, woman? Be specific."

Kiara nodded. "I want your penis, Count. Please fuck me and let me feel good."

Edmund felt his grasp over her mind strengthen. It was close. He leaned, and whispered. "Good girl." 

She twitched and had a minor orgasm from those words. He spread her legs, and thrust his dick in again. She moaned loudly. "ooooooooh!"

This time, he went all the way, as he thrust his manhood into the knight. Like a piston, he pounded repeatedly, and just as she was about to orgasm, he shot a large load of his sperm into her. Kiara twitched, and twitched, as she felt her vagina and womb flood with Edmund's magical sperm. 

It felt so good, that Kiara forgot that the person in front of her was a hired man. To her, at this moment, she felt like it was the real Edmund. He felt his powers flow into the knight, and the knight's power link to his. A slightly different version of the demon's mark appeared right above Kiara's crotch. 

[You’ve corrupted one of the goddesses’ chosen and gained a fragment of divine power. You've gained the following ability:]

[Kiara's Corruption 1/3]

[True Body Clone - You are now able to create and control a clone that appears human and will not be identified as demonic. You may gain powers that enhance your clone's skills. Note that the clone's appearance cannot be altered once created, unless the clone is killed. Each new clone requires a human sacrifice.]

Kiara smiled at Edmund- 

"Are you the real Count Edmund?" She asked, curious. She looked at him with eyes filled with desire. 

Edmund laughed. "Did I do such a good job?"

"It felt like you are."

Edmund then kissed her roughly. "Don't ask questions when you know the answer."

"Mmhhmm." Kiara's lips were locked. 

"Now you can ride me." Edmund lied on the bed, and now Kiara could reenact the scene in her dream. The part where she missed. 




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