Steal The Heroes’ Harems

77. The battlefield after

With the Demon Lord defeated, the rest of the demons were slaughtered.

A victory for the hero, and Errama naturally had to organize a feast. A party to celebrate the hero! The victory over the first Demon Lord. The army cleaned up their dead, and took whatever loot they could find. Karras wasn't the kind to keep much loot, though they did find some weapons and tools. 

It took about half a day for the army to leave the battlefield. The heroes, naturally, left first. They did what they need to do, and they would be celebrated back in the town. 


In the story, after Karras, the next Demon Lord they targeted was located to the north of Northengard, the Demon Lord Silber. Demon Lord Silber was a master of undead, skeletons and employed death knights in his service. He made a keep, just like Karras, deep in the haunted woods, and used strong demonic magic to hide the keep from detection. The keep was modified heavily with the Demon Lord's tremendous magic, and even approaching the keep itself took them through some puzzles. 

As he remembered it, Aman would really need to strengthen the magic users and holy magic users in the next round, since it's Wynn, Bianca and Nysta's powers that would be effective against the undead bosses. 

But Edmund wanted to see whether there was something left with the corpse of the defeated demon lord. It was a fairly common trope that demon lords always left things, and even in the game, some demon lords, although they seemed like they left nothing, after sufficient clicks and prods, they'd reveal there was something after all. 

The six pieces of the Demon Lord Karras was burning, smoking. Their presence foul, the light of the sun gradually burned them away. But this was one of Edmund's peers. As Asmodeus, he touched the flesh, and instantly, the charred flesh of the demon lord melted, and was absorbed into him. 

He instantly felt stronger. He repeated it with the five other chunks, and they were gone just as quickly. His magic was now more powerful. 

"Now I need to return to Natar and make my clone."

"Or find my other parts."

"If you'd tell me where they are."

"I can only sense if it's nearby."

"That's useless." Edmund countered.

He decided to first return to Errama, and observe what he could of the party. Parties were often a good place to cause trouble. 

Not just that, it was a good excuse to make himself present. As the Count Edmund Natar. 


Peter Errama gave a toast, flanked by the captains of all the respective contingents. Each of the city's soldiers had a captain to be present when the party was held, in the largest hall in Errama. Some of the other nobles from nearby cities rushed to Errama to join the party. 

After all, a new hero in the world!

It was never this packed, and Edmund. He wasn't sure whether the hero would detect his presence, but after stalking them for some time, he was fairly sure the hero couldn't detect him. He tested it by transforming into a rat and walking into his room while he slept, and noticed no reaction. 

But he wouldn't risk it. 

Aman was front and center. He was awkward, even if he was dressed like a prince. Hero! The crowd shouted, and I could see him blush. Some of the girls were up there with him. Wynn, Nysta and Hannah. 

Edmund stood at the side, and among the crowd of soldiers, socialites and nobles celebrating the party, and then caught the eye of one particular lady.

"Hello, Kiara." Edmund approached her. She looked quiet, and she was still in armor. Her dirty armor cleaned up, and she jumped when Edmund approached her. "I figured I'd see you here."

She looked at Edmund, her mind remembered what she did with the doppelganger and then blushed. "-ah. Greetings, Count Natar."

"Why are you not up there, with the hero?" 

She paused. "How did you get here?"

"Teleportation scrolls." Edmund countered. "I had to be here for the first celebration of the hero, isn't it?" 

"Oh. That- that makes sense. Is my mother-"

"She's fine. Adapting well to life, but I think she's a little lonely lately. I've been busy traveling for work."

"I see." Kiara stepped a little closer. "I'd- I'd like to talk to you in private, please?" 

"Oh? About?" 

"Your offer."

"Then let's talk."



Edmund and Kiara walked to one of the corner balconies commonly found in such hallways. It had a view of the Errama's walls, and the vast lands beyond. Edmund could still feel the presence of demons, and likely they were all in hiding. 

"-so, how have things been?" Edmund said. 

Kiara sighed. He had never seen her look so defeated. Despite their victory against the Demon Lord Karras, on a personal front, all Kiara had was defeat. "I'd like to-" She wasn't sure why the words struggled to come out. "-I'd like to accept your offer. I will do as you say."

Edmund didn't look happy. Though he was, inside. Instead, he looked serious, sombre, even. "I was thinking you'd take a bit longer to decide."

The knight walked towards the balcony and placed her arms on the railing. "There's no point staying longer. I've been a fool for the past, and a bigger fool if I stay longer." 

"I see. So, what's your plan? What do you plan to tell the hero?"

"I- I'll leave the party, and I'll return to Natar. With you."

"Your mother will have many questions if you return so suddenly. I promised her to keep you safe." Edmund answered. 

"She can't-"

"She'll be heartbroken if she finds out." Kiara didn't know what to say. She thought about her mother, and felt jealous. Was the Count turning her down? "But! I have an idea. A deal where you can have your cake and eat it too."

"-what." Kiara's eyes looked at Edmund suspiciously. 

"The hero will leave for Northerngard. Tell him and the party that you have a special assignment there for a week. During that week, you're mine." 

Kiara gulped. 

Edmund stepped closer, the thought of a corrupted woman who carried his juices willingly still a member of the hero party truly excited him. No, the thought of Kiara being somehow pregnant with demonic spawn while still a heroine made his dick stand. "We'll set meeting dates from now on. I'll waive your payment requirements as long as we meet frequently in every town after this."

"-won't- won't they be suspicious?"

"You'll have to keep a secret, won't you?"

Kiara gulped again. Yet, her heart pounded. The thought of secret rendezvous to mate with the Count excited her. She blushed. "-I-"

"What do you think? Your mom doesn't know, you're still a member of the hero party, and you get to help your mother all at the same time!"

Yet Kiara was most excited about doing it for real. She nodded. "-in Northengard?" 

Edmund handed her a small messaging crystal. "We'll speak through this." 

The knight accepted. 

"Come, let's return to the party before people become suspicious." 

She nodded. 


Thanks for reading. I'm gonna slow down the pace of my writing for a bit because I've got other writing stuff to do. :)

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