Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 138

Chapter 137 – Sakunlin

Before Hongge found Qi, Yin Beiqing still had some time to recuperate from her injuries, but she was dragged by Yan Yu to Lin Hegui for most of the time.

“You have to study this Heart Sutra hard. See how miserable you were when you were lazy and didn’t practice seriously last time.” Lin Hegui said to Yin Beiqing holding a book with an old cover.

Yin Beiqing reluctantly took it, and turned to the side to practice. This time, not only Lin Hegui, but also Yan Yu was watching from behind. It was obvious to the naked eye that her efficiency was much higher. She has been unsuccessful in using ecstasy.

“Qi’s realm technique should be much more powerful than my fascination technique, but you don’t need to be fully awake, it’s enough to have some rationality to be able to identify which one is its body.”

“I have to enter its boundary technique?” The feeling in the illusion is really uncomfortable. If possible, Yin Beiqing definitely doesn’t want to have a second experience. “Isn’t it feasible to directly destroy the main body outside?”

“The method is feasible, but it is not very executable.” Lin Hegui held the bamboo to feed Panpan, and took the time to intervene in their topic, “The biggest advantage of the evil spirit of the world art is to use the world art to trap the enemy. The biggest disadvantage is that The fragility of the main body, they are very aware of this, so unless necessary, they will not easily expose their main body.”

“Besides, the higher-level world art evil spirits can set the larger the world art range, the stronger the deceptiveness, and you may have stepped into their trap without you even noticing it. If they intend to confuse you, The trapped person can’t even tell the difference between the environment and reality.”

When Lin Heguiyi said this, Yin Beiqing remembered that it was because he had neglected Qi’s boundary device carelessly that he slammed into the barrier, and then let the game that should have been smooth develop into the complicated situation it is now.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t tell the difference.” Yan Yu said, “The most important thing is that you are now able to face your own inner demons. Even if you accidentally enter the boundary technique, I believe you can come out with your own strength.”


Yin Beiqing nodded subconsciously, but after she finished, she always felt that something was wrong.

Yan Yu had already bent her eyes and smiled to touch her head, “So, dear, hurry up and finish learning this Heart Sutra. I’ll take you to meet someone and let her test you.”

“Who?” Yin Beiqing was dragged away by her words.

“You’ll know when you’re done practicing.” Yan Yu put her hand on her chin and said in a tone that she couldn’t refuse, “I’ll stay here with you all the time, practice seriously, okay?”

Yin Beiqing stared at her smiling face, vaguely having a bad feeling. After a long stalemate, she was still defeated and stood back without saying a word to read the Heart Sutra, which was thicker than a standing palm.

At the beginning, it was because she didn’t like to memorize these messy spells that she worked hard to train to the point where she could perform spiritual skills without handprints and spells, but now she was forced to be like a freshman learning spiritual skills, wishing she could just tear the book into pieces Swallow into the stomach for digestion.

“Hehehe, the big villain still has today.” Panpan enjoyed Lin Hegui’s proficient rua beast skills while gnawing on his favorite crispy bamboo. The lawless “big bully” looked so aggrieved that he was so happy that he wanted to roll on the ground.

“Master, I still want apples.” Lu Jia put his head on Lin Hegui’s left hand, staring longingly at the food in the basket.

“Almost forgot about you, I didn’t say a word.” Because there was already a fur ball sitting on his knee, Lin Hegui could only fish Lu Jia up to Panpan’s head and lay on his stomach, and then took two big and round hair balls. Put one of the fruits on its head, and let it eat the other, “Eat more small things, you don’t seem to grow up very much.”

“Lu Jia is tall!” Panpan exclaimed, gesticulating with both arms, “When it grows bigger, it will be as strong as a mountain.”

“Really, next time I will show it to Master too?” Lin Hegui scratched Lu Jia’s back with his fingers.

The little thing arched his back, shrunk his head a little shyly, “Well, good.”

With his own wife staring at him, and beside him with a chubby slobbery provocative from time to time, Yin Beiqing’s potential was really brought out.

Before the sun set, she snapped the pages of the book shut, “It’s over, let’s smoke.”

“It’s not just about memorizing the spell. You need to practice it a few times to increase your proficiency and success rate.” Lin Hegui said.

Yin Beiqing glanced at her sideways, “That’s something only a scumbag with no talent needs to do. To me, it’s just a waste of time.”

She is indeed proud, and it is unnecessary not to learn new spiritual methods. After all, whose spiritual method can kill enemies faster, more ruthlessly and more efficiently than hers?

But as long as he has the heart, Yin Beiqing’s comprehension of spiritual law can be as fast as Teng Jingjie’s copying efficiency.

“If you are so confident, don’t smoke.” Yan Yu smoothed the Heart Sutra and returned it to Lin Hegui, “Master, I will take her out.”

“Okay, what about these two little things.” Lin Hegui pointed to the fur **** and **** on top of the snacks.

“What about you, do you want to stay or go to see her for the exam?” Yan Yu knelt down and pinched Panpan’s stomach, “Eat less snacks, did you miss the soup I made you drink?”

“Drink it, it’s so bitter!” Panpan opened his mouth to breathe out for her, “Master, smell it!”

“Okay, great, go back and make peach soup for you.”

“Okay, then master, go and come back quickly.” Panpan stood up, put his arms around Lin Hegui’s neck, and rubbed his big head against her cheek, “Lu Jia and I are here at Master’s place.” Obediently wait for you to come back.”

“Okay.” Giving these two to Lin Hegui Yan Yu felt relieved.

Yan Yu led Yin Beiqing to walk on the main city avenue. Apart from being in the academy, they usually went out to get rid of spirits. They seldom went out for a stroll. When they came here occasionally, they felt that the lively street was quite good.

“where to.”

Yan Yu pointed to the conspicuous house number, “Here we are.”

Yin Beiqing stared at the sign, frowning, it turned out to be the flower building from last time.

I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or because the Yuanjia road is narrow, but the lady named Shi Jiu greeted the guests at the door again.

She recognized Yan Yulai from a long distance, and waved excitedly to greet her, “Sister! Sister!”

Yan Yu dragged Yin Beiqing, who refused to leave, and hurried over, “Hi, I’m here to find your boss.”

“Sister is so indifferent. We haven’t seen each other for a long time. As soon as I came up, I told me to take you to the boss.” Shi Jiu took her arm affectionately, and pressed her body against it like a boneless, “Sister, I miss you so much.”


“Pa—” Yin Beiqing slapped Shi Jiu’s shoulder with a palm, making her scream.

“It hurts!” Shi Jiu was in so much pain that she couldn’t care less about managing her expressions. The place where she was hit was burning hot, and half of her body was almost no longer her own. It’s really big, she wouldn’t treat our sister Yan Yu like this on weekdays, would she?”

Yin Beiqing put pressure on her with lowered eyes by virtue of her height, “If you try again, I—”

Before she could finish her threatening words, Yan Yu’s light look over her immediately silenced her.

Yin Beiqing gritted her teeth, and swallowed back the cruel words with the **** taste on the tip of her tongue, but she still did not forget to stab Shi Jiu deeply with her eyes.

Shi Jiu is not afraid of her now, and hooked Yan Yu softly with his arms, flirting at her with red eyes, “Sister Yan Yu, you have to protect her well.”

Yan Yu knew that she was deliberately provoking Yin Beiqing, so she was both helpless and funny, “Lead the way, it’s urgent.”

After finishing speaking, she broke away from Shi Jiu’s hand without a trace, and stuffed a few coins into her hand.

Shi Jiu was overjoyed, and held up the few pieces of money and mua vigorously, “Sister Yan Yu is still generous! I love you so much!”

As soon as he said what he liked or didn’t like, Yin Beiqing’s face immediately looked like a barrel of oil had been poured on coals, and any sparks would ignite.

Yan Yu approached her and lowered her voice, “If I want to hear this, I can tell you, and I won’t charge you.”

Yin Beiqing’s lips were tightly drawn into a straight line, and his eyes were fixed on the front. He clearly heard the sound, but he refused to look back at Yan Yu.

“Do you want to listen? I’m only talking to you.” Yan Yu immediately said again.

This time a certain person couldn’t help it, and couldn’t help turning red from the neck to the tips of the ears, and took two steps, almost walking with the same hands and feet.

Yan Yu knew that she was almost coaxed, so she speeded up her pace to keep up with Shi Jiu who was in front of her.

At this time, Yin Beiqing, who was walking behind, suddenly realized, “Why did you leave without saying anything?”

“If it’s not convenient here, then go back and talk.”

“Hey, when are you going to say it?”

“Are you lying to me, Yan Yu?”

Seeing that the person in front didn’t stop to talk to him at all, Yin Beiqing mulled over and choked out the most ruthless words she could say to Yan Yu.

“You can’t lie…it’s wrong to lie.”

Shen Qiuge’s room

Shi Jiu tactfully withdrew after sending the people there, Yan Yu knocked on the door by himself, and when he entered, Shen Qiuge was still sitting behind the table drinking tea just like last time.

There were dozens of pots in front of her, and the maid beside her was busy boiling water for her one pot after another.

“What kind of wind is blowing today, it has brought you here, my lord goddess.” Shen Qiuge shook the fan in his hand, pointed to the chair for Yan Yu to sit down.

“Please do me a favor.”

Shen Qiuge sneered, “You must think too well of me.”

“I don’t know about the others, but I know that you must be a very committed person.” Yan Yu seemed to be implying something in his words.

After meeting Hualou for the first time last time, she made a suggestion to Shen Qiuge—a win-win approach, but the other party said that he had to think again and didn’t agree directly. Yan Yu originally thought that this matter might not be negotiated, but she didn’t expect that a few days later, Someone came to invite her.

Shen Qiuge yawned lazily, and pointed to the table to ask people to remove all the bottles and cans, “Tell me, I won’t do things that are too troublesome, and there is a bottom line for keeping promises.”

“Your world art and obsession art are extremely accomplished, so I would like to ask you to use it on my friend.”

“Her?” Shen Qiuge looked at Yin Beiqing, whose expression had never been better since he came in, “I don’t dare to provoke this friend of yours. Last time she knocked down a door for me, this time she might destroy my whole building.”

“She won’t.” Yan Yu patted Yin Beiqing’s quilt with his hand, looked at her with a gentle smile, “Right, Qing’er.”

Yin Beiqing squeezed out a few words between his teeth, “Is this the test you were talking about?”

Yan Yu nodded with a flawless smile, “This method is very good. You need someone who is good at world art and enchantment to simulate actual combat. It just so happens that Boss Shen is the most suitable candidate for this and she is willing to help others.”

Shen Qiuge, who was drinking water at the side, spat out a mouthful of water from his throat, which happened to be in Yin Beiqing’s direction.

Fortunately, Yin Beiqing reacted quickly, slapped the table with his hand, and stood it up to block the spittle attack this time.

“Helpful? She herself seems to be unfamiliar with that word.”

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