Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 153

Chapter 152 – Angkeee

Yan Yu, who was asleep, no longer had an expression of resistance and hostility, and looked much more pleasing to the eye. Yu Fusang stretched out his hand and pinched her chin sideways. Originally, he wanted to check where she was bitten by the snake, but his eyes touched her. When he saw the intact skin on the side of his neck, his expression froze for a moment.

The snake teeth marks on it are gone.

It is true that the little black snake itself is not poisonous, but she clearly remembered that there was Qi’s breath attached to Yan Yu’s wound before, which means that the snake that bit her was assimilated.

Was bitten, but the curse carried by the snake didn’t take effect?

Yu Fusang stared at the beast mark on Yan Yu’s forehead, not knowing what she was thinking, for further confirmation, she put her palm on it, closed her eyes and felt the fluctuation of the soul power in the opponent’s body.

The soul power is very stable, which is too strange.

However, in the next second, something that surprised her even more happened—Yan Yu, who had been sleeping, opened her eyes again.

“I advise you to stop, before anything happens to her.”

Yu Fusang didn’t pay attention to Yan Yu’s warning, so he repeated the trick and prepared to perform the enchantment technique.

“Are you sure?” Yan Yu grabbed her wrist and subdued her under him with undeniable agility. His calm and sharp eyes firmly grasped her, “Using spiritual methods now will only make you Die faster.”

The stagnant soul power in her heart and the continuous pain told Yu Fusang that what Yan Yu said was right, otherwise, as a teacher, she would not be restrained by Yan Yu, who was only half-learned.

Yu Fusang frowned slightly, as if she had already guessed where the pain in her body came from, she touched the back of her head with her backhand, and she saw a little blood red in her fingertips.

There was a needle-sized wound there, but she couldn’t remember when it was left there.

“When did you guys get in touch with each other?” Except for Yan Yu, the only one who had come into contact with her so closely was Yin Beiqing, whom she hugged just now.

And according to the characteristic of the needle speeding up every time he uses his soul power, it is very likely that it is the spongy bone needle that Yin Beiqing is good at using.

The spongy bone needles contain butterfly poison, bloodthirsty and joyous, but the small and thin needles carry fierce destructive power that even super evil spirits with rough skin and thick flesh can’t bear. Take it out, it is estimated that it will soon become a puddle of meat.

Yu Fusang’s first concern is not whether she will die, but she is more curious about how the two who have been in a coma can communicate.

Yan Yu tied her hands and feet with ropes with a cold face, and did not intend to answer.

Yu Fusang was tied to the chair by her, her upper body could only hang in the air, but she didn’t look embarrassed at all. Facing Yan Yu who was seriously **** for herself, she laughed and said, “You don’t really think that you can trap me like this, do you?” .”

“Really.” Yan Yu tied the last knot, and suddenly stretched out his hands to hold her face.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Yu Fusang’s eyes because of this unexpected movement, but soon, she was lost in those clear eyes. Since she couldn’t use her soul power to resist, she lost the ability to backhand, and she collapsed crookedly with her eyes closed. On one side, he almost brought the chair down.

“You are the only one who knows the ecstasy technique, right?” Yan Yu stood up and clapped her hands, took two steps outside, then backed up, grabbed her body, “give me the sachet.”

Yan Yu quickly ran to the next door to the master’s room, took a pen and paper, and began to draw lines on the paper.

She was very determined in every stroke, because during the period of coma, the spirit body kept leading her along the maze route.

When the picture was finally completed, Yan Yu took out the palm grass from the soul domain, mixed it with a packet of medicinal powder and swallowed it directly.

There was no time to boil medicine, and she prayed that such a simple and crude method would have some effect.

As if feeling that the amount of grass in one palm was not enough, Yan Yu directly tore off several leaves and stuffed them into his mouth, chewing quickly with puffed cheeks.

The bitter taste diffused in her mouth, and she didn’t stop eating until the voice in her ears gradually weakened and her vision began to blur.

She closed her eyes, ignored everything around her, and purposefully entered a flow state.

In time, in time… still in time.

“It’s…so cold.” The naked man shivered in the corner.

He was the sacrifice chosen to be sent in this time. For fear of polluting the statue, his clothes were stripped off by the firing squad at the entrance.

As for Yin Beiqing, not to mention that her purpose of coming here was to get rid of spirits, even if she was forced to conform to the customs, no one would dare to pick her up.

“My lord, where is the evil spirit you want to kill? Wouldn’t it be better for me to go in after you kill the evil spirit?” The man covered his body with his hands, but in the end nothing was blocked.

Yin Beiqing’s right hand holding the Demon Slaying Blade trembled uncontrollably. He seemed out of shape, and of course he didn’t have the heart to pay attention to his words.

In fact, after entering the door, she had already felt Qi’s aura, that disgusting smell that she wanted to forget and could never forget, constantly stimulating her brain.

She shook her head, and walked into the entrance directly ahead with unsteady steps.

The man thought that Yin Beiqing must be going in the direction of evil spirits, so he can avoid danger as long as he doesn’t go with her, so he thought he was smart, randomly chose one of the two roads on the left and right, and groped slowly.

Who knew that as soon as he turned to the left, he bumped into a strange dog with seven heads. Its hair was all black. The middle one of the seven heads had the most fierce expression and green eyes. There was an eerie glow in the dim light.

“Ah! Help! Help! There are monsters here.” He was so frightened that he sat down on the ground directly, but the seven-headed dog did not rush directly, but just stood there and roared loudly at him.

“My lord! My lord! Is this the evil spirit you are looking for!” he cried.

Yin Beiqing didn’t want to talk to him at first, mainly because his harsh voice made his head hurt even more, but when he heard him mention the word “evil spirit”, he hesitated for a moment, and turned his head impatiently with a “tsk”.

The first time she saw the seven-headed dog, she knew it wasn’t an evil spirit. It didn’t smell of marsh gas at all, and it looked fierce, but it was only out of the instinct of beasts to prey, not madness out of order.

“It’s not an evil spirit.” She said irritably, and turned to leave.

The man didn’t dare to run around by himself now, he felt an inexplicable sense of security staying next to this woman – although she looked fierce, as if she was going to stab him at any time.

“My lord, let me follow you, so that you have a companion on the road.”

How could Yin Beiqing fail to see his careful thinking, and walked forward without looking back, “Be quiet.”

“Dang—” After only one word, the man realized that he had made a mistake, quickly covered his mouth, and nodded quickly.

Yin Beiqing never hesitated when choosing a direction. At first, the man thought she was a prophet or took a map from the master’s house in advance, until they kept encountering beast spirits that were even more exaggerated than the seven-headed dog at the door. It was only then that I made a bold guess.

Is there a possibility that this lord actually doesn’t know the way?

But one thing is good, that is, as long as they don’t take the initiative to get close to those beast spirits, they won’t do harm unless… they insist on crossing the road behind them.

Like now.

“My lord! Wait for me! My lord, I’m afraid!”

“It’s biting me, it’s going to bite me! Help!”

“Mommy, I don’t want to make sacrifices anymore, I don’t want to serve God anymore, I want to go home…”

Finally they arrived at a room where there was no beast spirit. Yin Beiqing grabbed him by the neck and pressed him to the ground, staring fiercely at him, “Can you shut up?”

“I…I…scared…” The man was sobbing, with snot and tears streaming down his face.

“Are you dead now?”

“No, no.”

“Are you hurt?”

“No… right?” There seemed to be no pain.

“Then just keep your mouth shut.” Yin Beiqing pointed at him and warned, “Let me hear your ugly voice one more time, and I’ll make your end the same as those things just now.”

“Those things just now” refers to the beast spirit that fell to the ground dying after being cleaned by her.

“…” The man was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, his face was wrinkled, and he nodded his head, but when he nodded, his eyes suddenly widened, and he pointed at Yan Yu’s back in horror.

Yin Beiqing also felt a change in the direction of the air behind him at this time, kicked his feet on the wall, and jumped away from his original position.

Unexpectedly, the other party’s reaction was much faster than hers, and after an unsuccessful attempt, he immediately rushed towards her again.

Facing it, Yin Beiqing could clearly see the whole picture of the object attacking him.

Its body is very large, it looks like a human-shaped iron armor made of metal, but it doesn’t look bulky at all. On the contrary, its movements are very light and agile, and it is even more terrifying than Yu Fusang, who is known as the ceiling of physical skills.

This is not a speed that a physical body can match, let alone the soul power in Yin Beiqing’s body is now scattered, and he forced himself to hide a few times, but his body was still inevitably injured.

“This road is blocked—this road is blocked—” the armored man made a mechanical voice, pushing Yin Beiqing to one side of the wall, “Eliminate the foreign object—Eliminate the foreign object—”

Yin Beiqing took the time to spit out the blood clots in his mouth, and released both Gui Po and Ji Wu. The latter reacted faster and kicked the armored man’s head off with one kick.

“Isn’t it old woman, when did you become so vain?” She gloated, “You can’t beat such a pile of scrap iron, and you have to call us to come out and help.”

Just when Ji Wu was complacent, a few blue-purple thin lines suddenly appeared from the broken neck of the armored man behind her, and sucked back the head that fell on the ground with a whimper, and stabbed at the man with the sharp knife in his right hand backhand. her vest.

The whole process was so fast that Ji Wu didn’t even have time to react, and it was GUI Ji who pulled her from the side, and the knife only scraped off a few strands of her hair.

“Really.” The blood in Yin Beiqing’s mouth was so much that it was almost painful, and he still didn’t forget to respond to Ji Wu’s ridicule, “I think you have suffered a lot.”

“I’ll **** it! Wait until I blow it up!” Ji Wu spread his wings, and dozens of fireballs smashed towards the Iron Man.

The man who was the sacrificial man was stunned for a while, unable to speak.

Where did these two people come from? How did this fireball become?

However, the moment such a menacing spiritual method touched the shell of the iron armor, it was like a match thrown into the lake, and the fire was turned off, and there was not even any ripple on the water surface.

“What the hell.” Ji Wu didn’t believe it, and backhanded another set of more lethal spiritual techniques, but the result was still the same as before.

It was unscathed except that the force of the impact pushed Iron Man back a little.

“Don’t waste your energy, this is Youqi’s special milling iron, which can completely absorb the spiritual attacks received.”

“What’s the iron and the North Railway? I can’t deal with a piece of rotten iron!”

Ji Wu made a gesture to rush forward again, but Yin Beiqing snapped her fingers and grabbed her.


“What kind of spell is this?” Ji Wu showed a puzzled expression upon hearing the unfamiliar spell.

Soon she found herself rushing to Gui Yao’s position uncontrollably, and clinging to her tightly.

Dazzling light bloomed from the position where the two of them were touching, and they began to spin at high speed until the speed reached the limit.

When the light faded, a huge python-like creature was revealed at the position of the two of them just now. It was said to be “similar”, but in fact it was too different from the original animal state of Gui Yao.

It has a pair of horns growing from the top of its head, and the silver scales around its cheeks are turned outwards. With its scarlet eyes, it looks more wild and rough. The snow and frost on the surface will fall like a feather, and if you look closely, the end of its tail is also connected to a sharp object like an ice pick, which looks very sharp.

“When did you learn the combination of multi-beast forms?” Ji Wu, who had already merged with the concubine, asked a question.

“Do you still need to learn this kind of thing?” Yin Beiqing said arrogantly, but what she said was inexplicably credible.

After the beads faded, not only she herself, but also Gui Ji and Ji Wu, who are beast souls, have also been promoted beyond the class. The combination of multi-beast forms is one of the special moves of super super beast souls.

A super special beast soul can be combined with any level of beast soul at will. After the fusion, the ability will be improved in all aspects, and the attack power can reach twice the original, let alone two super special beast souls at this time.

Now Yin Beiqing’s own condition is not very good, so he can only let the two of them work hard.

“Wuhu! It feels so good, let me try it!” The militant Ji Wu controlled his main consciousness and launched an attack.

I saw the huge snake tail flicking, and the hammer-like hard tail hit the Iron Man, freezing it in place instantly.

In order to prevent it from escaping, she immediately flapped her wings again, countless snow and frost fell and soon covered the Iron Man’s surface with a thick coating.

“Sure enough, three pairs of wings are more powerful than one pair.”

When she was done, she hit the unresponsive “ice sculpture” again, and the man in iron armor shattered to the ground like fragile glass after being hit hard.

But Ji Wu didn’t intend to stop, opened his mouth, and sprayed out a blast of fire, the super high temperature directly burned those frozen pieces into a ball of ashes.

“It’s all ashes, I’ll see how you recover.”

“Open the door.” Yin Beiqing said to them while holding his chest.

Compared to when she just woke up, her condition is even worse. Now let alone walking, she can’t even stand still.

She probably knew the reason in her heart, but she just felt lucky that these things didn’t happen to Yan Yu.

“Hey, old woman.” Ji Wu, who had transformed back into a human form, frowned, “There’s really something wrong with you, why do you look like you’re about to burp.”

“So why don’t you open the door quickly, or you won’t be able to get out when I die here.”

“Damn.” Ji Wu seemed to suddenly think of something, after all, she is Yin Beiqing’s beast soul, and the empathy with her is no less than that of Yan Yu, who formed a blood contract with her.

“I remembered, did you deliberately change the medicine soup with the little goddess that day?” She rushed over, her eyes widened, “I said two bowls of the same thing, why do you have to pretend to be secretly exchanged under the pretext of being afraid of hardship? .”

At that time, she thought that this stinky and shameless man was looking for a chance to show his affection to them, but now the more she thinks about it, the more wrong she is.

“Did you already know that the two bowls are different! What kind of medicine are you drinking!”

“If you want to die alone, don’t drag the two of us!” As Yin Beiqing’s beast soul, if something happened to her, neither of them would survive.

“Why didn’t I know you were so afraid of death.” Yin Beiqing said lightly, she seemed to have no strength, and the light in her eyes was going out little by little, “But you don’t have to worry, even if you really do die, before you die, I will advance Dig out the Beast Orb and set you free.”

“At that time, if you two want to find someone else to recognize the Lord, you will find it. If you don’t want to find it, you can go away and be quiet. No one can control you.”

Just like when Guo Lu snatched Lin Zhuxun’s beast soul back then, if the beast orb is taken away before the owner is officially dead, the beast soul can survive in the new owner’s body again.

But Ji Wu is different from Guixuan, they are now super beast souls, even if they are not attached to their masters, they can act as independent beast spirits, but they probably can’t forget their former masters, because everything about that person is everything. Fusion in that little bead, forever in their bodies.

“The beast soul is not important to you at all, is it?” Ji Wu gritted his back molars unwillingly, and squeezed out each word, “When you still need it, use us as a tool to kill people. If you want to die, just leave us behind.”

“Yin Beiqing, you are such a good master. It took eight lifetimes of blood mold for Guixu and I to be your beast soul in the lottery!”

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