Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 156

Chapter 155 – Yedifosike

The master tried his best to defend himself, trying to make the people around him believe him through anxious eyes, but in fact, the moment he opened his mouth, it was as if he had thrown himself into the trap, because Yin Beiqing hadn’t even said what she saw inside.

“It’s not over yet.” Lin Luo’s eyes made people pull the master’s house down, and then asked Yin Beiqing, “Is there more than one evil spirit inside?”

“Evil spirits?” Yin Beiqing sneered, “Evil spirits can’t compare to the dirty things inside.”

“What’s the matter?” Some villagers who were watching the excitement couldn’t bear it anymore, they stepped out and pointed to the back, “Hey! How did the sacrifice get out!”

“Whoever loves this sacrifice will be whoever it is, so I won’t send it to death!” The man covered his body with a look of shock on his face, “Your uncle is lying about serving the gods and the supreme glory! It’s a **** inside!”

“What the **** are you talking about? This is…”

“That’s right, there’s no reason to run out when half of the sacrifice is taken. This is disrespectful and will be punished by God! Take him back quickly!”

As soon as the slogan was shouted, some people were gearing up and preparing to do it.

“If you don’t believe me, listen to this lord! She has seen it all!” The man hurriedly hid behind Yin Beiqing.

The villagers who were holding the **** chased after them, and they immediately faltered when Shang Yin Beiqing glanced over, “Then… then what do you say.”

Yin Beiqing turned to face Lin Luo, “You take the people from the Red Pavilion to search, and follow the mark I left to the center. According to statistics, there will be no less than 300 bones.”

“Bones! What bones?” A woman looked over anxiously, “You mean everyone inside is dead? What about our child, he was just sent in last year, so young, no… no Will do…”

“You should pray that he is dead, otherwise the end will be worse than death.”

Soon, the people sent by Lin Luo came back after searching.

“My lord, what’s the matter, is my child still alive?” The woman looked at the leader with tears in her eyes.

But the spiritual master of the Red Pavilion had no obligation to report to her, so he turned his head and saluted Lin Luo, “Colonel, Miss Yin is right, there are indeed a lot of bones in the maze, and we haven’t found them yet after a simple search.” living.”

“and also…”

“What else, just say it.”

“Hmm.” The man hesitated for a moment, and continued, “In addition to those adult male bones, there are also a large number of baby corpses inside. Based on the characteristics that can be observed, I can confirm that they are all deformed children, that is… polymorphic bodies. .”

Polypods are children born after multiple objects are conceived at one time. Most of these children die prematurely, and a very small part can survive. There is a possibility of awakening double beast souls or multiple beast souls.

This is the reason why Yin Beiqing was hunted down as a scourge.

The simplest and straightforward way to distinguish polycythia is to look at their hearts. Depending on the number of polycythia, their hearts will be distorted to varying degrees.

The person Lin Luo sent out had gone on many missions, and he was used to the so-called unethical customs in remote villages.

She felt something was wrong the first time she heard about the sacrificial ceremony, and the people here worshiped the fertility **** too much, so when she saw the baby’s body, a thought popped into her head—did these villagers use sacrifices? Nominal creation of polytopes?

Excluding the high death rate, the ability of the multicellular body is indeed powerful. If you are lucky enough to successfully awaken the multi-beast soul, it means that you will win at the starting line from the beginning of your life.

Although according to the law, giving birth to multiple cells is a capital offense, but in such a world where only the strong are respected, who would not want to go up and have more power, besides, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, no one can control it, even if the queen really checks it out Well, just push a few casually and find a way to fool the dead ghost.

So thinking of this, they opened up several undecomposed corpses on the spot for inspection.

After dissecting more than a dozen bodies in a row and getting the same answer, they knew they had guessed right.

“Dead… dead? How did you die?” The bereaved woman was so angry that she went up and grabbed the collar of the master, her eyes were scarlet, “What have you done! Give me back my child! Otherwise, I will demand your life!”

“I really don’t know! It has nothing to do with me!” The master retreated again and again, but was surrounded by the villagers.

“I see, you are also a lowly polymorph! You are still a failure! You deliberately said that you hurt your eyes in order to deceive us!”

“I said from the beginning that it would be bad for a man to be the head of the house. Look at what this **** has done!”

“I, I don’t.” The master looked around and stretched out his hand to Lin Luo, “Master, help me, help me to uphold justice!”

Lin Luo pulled out the sword with a whimper, and the metal reflection flashed everyone’s eyes. They backed away in fear, only to see her pointing the sword at the master.

“Say! Tell me exactly! You can get a lighter punishment if you turn yourself in now, or you won’t have a chance to beg for mercy when I go back and report to the Queen.”


“My lord!” In the firing squad, the gray-eyed woman suddenly stood up, “I have evidence.”

“What do you want? I warn—”

The mouth of the screaming master was covered, Lin Luo’s eyes signaled the gray-eyed woman to continue.

“The culprit of everything is him. His slutty father had **** with someone during pregnancy and gave birth to him. Unfortunately, he was unlucky and didn’t awaken anything. He was also half disabled and couldn’t practice spiritual methods, so he gouged out one of his eyes Pretending to be normal.”

“Because of this, he was worried about it, coupled with his blind worship of those with multiple beast souls, and began to use sacrifices to create multiple cells. Even when the former master was still there, he himself found outsiders to conceive many times without telling her. A stillborn baby was born.”

“You don’t know, the former Patriarch didn’t commit suicide because he was crazy at all, she was killed by this man! He was not clean and gave birth to an unclean seed! He also wanted to kill us all!”

“That stillborn baby is the evidence, and it’s hidden in the closet in his room!” The gray-eyed woman became angrier as she talked, and she kept inciting everyone’s emotions, “As long as you follow me to search, everything will be revealed!”

The villagers obviously listened to her words, and this was the result they wanted, so that they could vent all their anger on the old man logically.

Yin Beiqing stared at the speaker the whole time, seemingly unmoved.

Obviously, the villagers said before that the master’s family was missing an eye when he arrived in this village. He himself should not be so stupid that he would take the initiative to tell others about his life experience, so where did the gray-eyed woman hear these words? Even down to so many details.

Or is it a lie she intentionally made up in order to push the crime onto the Lord’s family? After all, the best way to discredit a man is to destroy his innocence, so they will accuse him of everything next, no matter whether it is true or not. The first reaction is to choose to believe.

Justice will not stand on the side of an unruly man.

In addition, there is another suspicious point is the wardrobe. Even she can’t untie the enchantment on it, so how does the gray-eyed woman know.

etc? Yin Beiqing suddenly frowned.

Did this woman just say that the master’s family is disabled and unable to use spiritual methods, and who set up the barrier in the closet?

She couldn’t feel the existence of soul power in the master’s body at all, and there were only two possibilities, either he was a super-special beastman whose strength was much higher than hers, or he was a good-for-nothing who didn’t know anything about spiritual methods.

Maybe the master is hiding his strength, but seeing how he usually coughs for a long time after climbing two flights of stairs, it is obvious that the grey-eyed woman’s statement is more credible.

Yin Beiqing couldn’t believe that a super super veterinarian would show such a useless expression on the old man’s face now.

“You betrayed me! Are you—uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”

He began to struggle violently, as if something bad was about to happen.

“Get out of the way!” As soon as Lin Luo heard the strange noise, everyone’s eyes were covered with blood.

The master’s neck was neatly cut open by a hidden weapon, and blood gushed out instantly. Before he could say a complete sentence, his eyes lost focus.

He took down the hidden weapon for inspection, but found that it was a leaf picked up by the side of the road, and the source could not be found at all.

To be able to kill without fear in front of so many masters, with the use of leaves, shows that the assailant has a strong background.

Now Lin Luo also sensed that something was wrong, the matter seemed to be far from as simple as the gray-eyed woman said.

If the dead man was really the mastermind, then he is a disrespected family, where does he have connections to allow the Youqi clan to build a maze for them, and who sent the assailant to kill him.


“Where’s Yu Fusang?” Yin Beiqing asked suddenly.

“Her?” Lin Luo shook her head, “Not here.”

It is strange to say that Yu Fusang, who was supposed to be present as a referee, has not appeared since just now.

Yin Beiqing’s complexion changed drastically, and he rushed out like an arrow flying off the string, leaving a crowd of people looking at each other in blank dismay.

“what happened?”

Lin Luo said to the gray-eyed woman with a not-so-optimistic expression, “Go back and look at your so-called evidence first, this matter will not stop here, and I will immediately send a message to the Queen asking her to send someone to investigate.”

Yin Beiqing didn’t care about evidence at all, she didn’t even look at the master’s room, and ran straight to her and Yan Yu’s room.

Behind the door, there was nothing.

ten minutes ago

“time to go.”

Yu Fusang, who was untying the rope from her hands, raised her head, and there was a little girl who hadn’t reached her crotch standing at the door.

Obviously her face is obedient and tender, but she has a fart expression. The hatband that others only reach to the waist, hangs on her body almost reaching to the ankle.

“I said, it’s time to go.” Seeing that Yu Fusang didn’t respond, she repeated it again.

The butterfly poison in the body has not yet been metabolized, Yu Fusang’s voice sounded weak, but he couldn’t hide the contempt in his bones, “Where are you going?”

The girl pursed her lips and pointed to the top of her head, “Your number has changed, if you don’t leave, you will die here in five minutes.”

“Five minutes?” The person who could kill her within five minutes must be nearby.

nearby? Does anyone have this ability.

After thinking about it, the smile on Yu Fusang’s face stopped.

“It’s really cruel.” She sighed in a low voice.

“Let’s go.” The girl came up to pull her, “There has been such a mistake, if you die too, the president will definitely blame me.”

Yu Fusang put the rope away but didn’t throw it away, and put it into the cuff without saying a word.

Not long after they left, Yan Yu, who confirmed that Yin Beiqing was safe and sound, walked in.

“Sure enough, I still underestimated her.”

In fact, she wasn’t surprised that Yu Fusang could escape in this situation, but how far she could escape was uncertain.

For this reason, she had already left Kurosawa petals for tracking on the other party in advance.

Yan Yu took out the prepared petals and was about to chant the mantra when suddenly a familiar voice sounded behind her.

“Don’t waste your energy.”

Looking back to confirm the face of the visitor, Yan Yu showed doubts.


But in such a short time, Ashley had already used spiritual techniques to spread the soul domain as an enchantment in the room.

In the face of absolute strength crushing, Yan Yu had no time to react.

Being in this enchantment is equivalent to breaking into Ashley’s soul domain, and all her actions are controlled by the opponent’s thoughts.

As mentioned earlier, there are not many super beast masters who can do this, and this is almost an unsolvable move.

But Ashley really thinks highly of her, can he still use this trick to catch her?

“It’s you, isn’t it?” Yan Yu suddenly realized, “You also set up the barrier of the wardrobe.”

Ashley smiled without saying a word, just waved his hand in front of Yan Yu’s eyes, who immediately closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

“Report to the Colonel! There really are dead bodies in the closet!”

“Save it and take it back.”

“Report to the colonel! There is also a notebook here!”

“Keep it as evidence.”

“Report to the Colonel! Check for residual blood here.”

Lin Luo glanced over, “Do you still need to report this kind of thing? You don’t have a brain, do you?”

“Okay, okay.”

Everyone’s attention was on searching for evidence, only Yin Beiqing was standing in the corridor with a sachet in his hand.

She has searched all the places she could find, except for this sachet left in Yu Fusang’s room, there is nothing.

Even with the blood deed on her body, she couldn’t feel Yan Yu’s aura anymore.

Everything was peaceful, as if her Yan Yu had quietly disappeared from this world.

Seeing Lin Luo in front of him who bowed his head to sort out the evidence, Yin Beiqing rushed up and asked with red eyes, “Are you and the guy surnamed Yu in the same group?”

“What are you talking about? Calm down please.”

“The one surnamed Yu is gone, and so is Yan Yu!”

“You mean that Yu Fusang kidnapped Yan Yu?”

No, Yin Beiqing immediately denied Lin Luo’s conjecture in her heart.

She knew Yu Fusang’s strength, even if the butterfly poison couldn’t kill her for a while, it wouldn’t make her feel better. In this state, it was impossible for her to hurt Yan Yu.

But after all the possibilities were ruled out, all that remained in Yin Beiqing’s heart was panic.

Her goddess disappeared, but she didn’t even know her identity.

“Give her back to me…”

This was the first time Lin Luo saw such a fragile expression on the face of the mighty Yin Beiqing, as if all the strength supporting her had been drained from her body, and a low cry was torn from her throat.

“Give her back to me, give her back to me!”

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