Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 – Kashadika

Yan Yu died, and the last novel he read before he died was an unfinished book on male harem.

The background of the book is a completely fictional world continent. Everyone has their own beast soul from birth. Those who pass the beast skill rating test are honored as beast masters. The beast masters are divided into four levels: Special, A, B, and C. , with a higher status than ordinary people.

Since the life expectancy of women in this world is almost three times longer than that of men, it is logical to create a social status distribution in which women are superior to men, and it is common for a woman to have multiple husbands.

The cool point of the original book is here. The male protagonist travels to a world where women are superior to men and opens up a harem. He is obviously a good-for-nothing who failed to pass the animal rating exam after ten years of examination, but all the way he upgrades and beats his face to gain wealth and power. popular support.

It’s very unfortunate that Yan Yu happened to travel to this book.

What’s more unlucky is that the male lead time-traveled with his own system cheat, and she also time-traveled, but picked up a script that was weak and cannon fodder.

At this time, in order to save the heroine, the cannon fodder female supporting role was standing in front of the heroine’s house, holding up her small and thin arms that she struggled to pinch a pen, and loudly notified the strong and tall guards in front that she wanted to save the heroine. Assassinate the heroine and take her head.

If the travel time was a few minutes earlier, Yan Yu could still control herself not to act like that, but it’s too late to say this now.

The guard who had turned a blind eye to her before heard this, came over, lifted her collar with one hand without saying a word, and weighed it with one hand. The gesture was easier than subduing a little troublemaker in a kindergarten.

“Kangdang—” A dagger with a rusty blade was shaken to the ground.

The female guard sneered and kicked it away with her foot.

“I said I was joking just now, do you believe me?” Yan Yu asked in a low voice.

The guard laughed again, tied her hands without talking nonsense, took out a round object around her waist, and drew a symbol on it with her fingers. Throw it in.

The light behind the stone gate was too dim, and Yan Yu couldn’t see clearly even though she opened her eyes wide open. She tentatively took a few steps forward, but suddenly a hand came up from behind her, clasped it around her neck, and pulled it hard. She lowered herself down.

The tip of her nose smelled a mixture of saponins and mint, and Yan Yu recalled that in the original book, all the maids were required to use bath ointment with this smell uniformly in Langdie Valley where the heroine lived.

So she is now a prisoner. She has just been handed over from the gate guard to the maid in charge. She doesn’t know how the maid walked, and there is no sound at all.

Yan Yu maintained this posture with her hands tied behind her back, and was pushed inward by the maid all the way. The twisted arms and the pain from the severely beaten abdomen made her unable to straighten up, and a thick sputum was stuffed in her throat. There was a strong smell of rust, and it seemed that as long as the teeth were loosened a little, he could tilt his head and spit out a mouthful of blood.

“Stop playing tricks.” The maid warned her.

The heroine Yin Beiqing doesn’t like her face to be seen, so all the maids in Langdie Valley wear a white silk scarf around their eyes no matter they sleep, eat or walk.

They collectively wore white skirts, barefoot, and walked without the slightest sound, just like ghosts haunting the night.

But the lowest-ranking maids in Landie Valley are also strongmen who have passed the test of a second-level beastman. In the army, they can at least be the captain of a ten-man team. Even if they are not all amazing, their strength must not be underestimated.

Therefore, Yuanshen’s way of rushing in to save people by herself was a little ill-considered. She might not even be able to fight a third-level beastman, and dared to come to the heavily guarded Langdie Valley to assassinate Yin Beiqing.

In just a few steps of thinking, Yan Yu was carried by the maid to a place with a wide view.

Different from the gravel road outside, the ground here is covered with a thick layer of snow-white velvet blanket, and there is a pleasant aroma in the room, and then go up the steps. The woman is leaning lazily on it.

The woman wore a black iron mask, which blocked half of her face, and only the tip of her nose and thin red lips could be seen. She knocked her eyes lightly, and fanned her with a bone fan in every possible way bored. .

There was a white python that was as thick as a person’s arms around her, standing on her right hand, with dark green vertical pupils that were cold, hissing and spitting, and there was an aura like its owner that made one’s heart tremble.

Yan Yu only glanced at it briefly, then moved her eyes away, her heartbeat began to stall, and her hands unconsciously clutched the hem of her clothes. It seemed that the air around this woman carried a **** smell that made one’s legs go limp.

“Presumptuous!” The maid behind grabbed Yan Yu’s neck and pressed her head down, “Who gave you the courage to spy on the owner of the valley!”

Although their eyes are blindfolded, it doesn’t mean they can’t “see” anything.

Mature beastmen are good at using their soul power to detect the shape, size and even temperature of surrounding objects, not to mention that the maids of Langde Valley have been trained early, and they are much more proficient in using them than ordinary people, and they can’t escape the slightest trouble.

When she slapped, the blood in Yan Yu’s mouth could not hold back, and he suppressed a few light coughs, and the snow-white blanket was immediately splashed with blood, which was really an eyesore.

Almost the moment he coughed up the blood, Yan Yu panicked.

Yin Beiqing has a weird personality, and she has many inexplicable habits. The most important one is that she can’t tolerate any dirt in her eyes, so all the maids in Langdie Valley have to take a bath for half an hour before serving her closely, and she herself too. Every time I kill someone, I can soak in the bathtub for a whole day to clean up.

Yan Yu is a doctor herself, and she pays great attention to physical hygiene every day. Although she is not as exaggerated as Yin Beiqing, she can understand her mood.

Such a person, when he sees other people spitting blood on his carpet, can imagine how crazy he can be with his toes.


Seeing this situation, more than a dozen maids present all drew their swords, pointed at Yan Yu and surrounded her.

Seeing the reflection of the long sword from the corner of the eye, Yan Yu’s breathing stopped.

Now she is just an ant that Yin Beiqing can crush to death by stomping her feet at will, and according to the character of the other party, even if she is the queen’s direct relative, she will definitely not hesitate to take her head Crisp and neat.

— After all, she is the woman known as the “Living Hades”.

Thinking of this, Yan Yu couldn’t help secretly complaining that the original body’s love brain, for the sake of a scum like the male lead, even sacrificed his life to go through this muddy water.

Yan Yu seldom gets angry, but when he mentions this book, he gets angry.

Asking the male protagonist to open cheats, scan the map, and collect the harem are almost 90% of the routines of similar novels, but what makes Yan Yu most disgusted by the original book is its objectification of female characters and its vulgar and straightforward obscenity .

The male protagonist regards the female supporting roles and even the female protagonist as stepping stones on the road to upgrade, and throws them away when they are used up. When holding Happy Ending, the heroine with the most “cost-effective” among them, you have to offer your blessings “sensibly”.

Undoubtedly, the hero and the author are happy, but as a reader, she is about to be nauseated.

His childhood sweetheart was ransacked because of him, and in order to save him, he was killed and fed to the wolves by the hostess; the princess of the Kingdom of Jin stole the national treasure as a gift for him, and was demoted to a commoner and died in a foreign land afterward; , and willingly made soup for him to wash his hands.

Even the heroine whose killing and decisive force value exploded, the heroine stole the beast soul orb, robbed the mind, and took away the master, and he had to take advantage of him with a shot of medicine and force them together.

The one Yan Yu wears is the childhood sweetheart who was murdered by everyone. According to the timeline, her family members have all become souls killed by the sword, but she estimates that she is far from “being killed by the heroine to feed the wolf”. Not far away.

The sword hadn’t been pierced yet, which meant that the maids were still waiting for Yin Beiqing’s order.

Yin Beiqing, who was reclining, did not lose her temper as Yan Yu had expected. She opened her eyes, and her beautiful eyes swept across Yan Yu’s beautiful face that was so frightened that her face was pale and pale. There was no disturbance in her heart.

Fear, trembling, despair, she has seen too much, not only finds it boring, but even has long been bored with it.

“Kill it, feed the wolves.” Her tone was casual, as if she was ordering a trivial matter, but Yan Yu’s hair stood on end in fright.

A drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead, once again polluting the milky white carpet, and the hands behind his back were trembling uncontrollably.

Yan Yu knew that she was afraid, but she still gritted her teeth and straightened her spine enduring the pain. She fixed her firm eyes on Yin Beiqing’s.

“Kill me, you will definitely regret it.”

After saying this, I felt that the surrounding air was much thinner, and even the wind that kept blowing the maid’s skirt just now stopped knowingly.

No one moved, and no one spoke, only Yin Beiqing’s eyes that were so sharp that they could pierce Yan Yu’s whole body told her that she had indeed heard those words and took it to heart.

Yin Beiqing was finally willing to sit up, her long hair swept over her shoulders and hung behind her, the soft luster was like a waterfall flowing down.

She raised her right hand to support her forehead, and when doing these actions, her eyes kept biting the figure below who was so weak that it would be blown away by a gust of wind, as if she wanted to tear her into pieces on the spot.

I thought this sick woman would cry and beg for mercy, but I didn’t expect her to have the guts to say such a thing.

“Are you threatening me?” Her voice was deep, but she could clearly hear that it was a nice female voice.

Question: In front of Yin Beiqing, what can I do to kill her faster than provoking her.

A: Threatened her.

Of course Yan Yu knew, so she only had one sentence to save herself.

“In the first year of Guangliu, a goddess came, who knew astronomy from above, and geography from below; told thousands of years of misfortunes and fortunes, and solved ten thousand years of mysteries; the goddess’ holy hand, who can cure all diseases, revives from the ashes, and returns the dead.”

This passage comes from a prophecy in an ancient book, which is recorded in the original language, and the version translated into vernacular is widely circulated among the people.

Guangliu year 6000 is exactly this year, there will be a goddess appearing, omniscient and omnipotent, who can predict disasters and fortunes after a thousand years, and solve puzzles ten thousand years ago. The most important thing is that “she” has a pair of The hand of God can cure all diseases and even turn the dead into living people.

Yin Beiqing was suffering from a serious illness, and had been looking for this woman for a long time, and had no clue, so when he heard Yan Yu read the original text of this ancient book that had not been handed down, he really hesitated, and the swords in the hands of the maids who sensed her emotions also Then put it down.

Yan Yu quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt like she was walking a tightrope right now, saying one wrong word and giving one more look, and she died in a matter of minutes.

The so-called Goddess in the original book has never been found, but the hero used her name in the early stage to cheat the heroine of the Beast Soul Orb. Afterwards, it seems that the author himself forgot that there is such a person, and never again. mentioned.

So Yan Yu felt that even if she pretended to be this “goddess” who had never shown her face before, she would not be exposed.

It’s true that the hero has the golden finger of the system, but she doesn’t have nothing.

Thanks to the inheritance of her parents with high IQ, Yan Yu has the ability of never forgetting since she was a child. No matter how complicated or thick the books she read, she can remember them only once.

That is to say, the plot of the original book is now firmly engraved in her mind, she knows every move of the hero, and can even recite the character’s name and measurements verbatim.

—She can always be one step ahead of the hero.

Since Yin Beiqing wants to find a goddess who can predict and tell fortunes, it doesn’t matter if she volunteers.

The author has something to say:

Happy writing, small red envelopes will be dropped in the comment area of the first three chapters, the update time is still 18:00 every day, and there will be another chapter in the afternoon

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