Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 203

Chapter 202 – Nalutora

Yan Yu prepared a gift for Yang Qian and asked her to pass it on to Yang Jing, “Congratulations to your sister for winning the group arena.”

The heir of the Carona family is not weak, and defeating her is of great significance to Yang Jing who has been ill for many years.

“Sister Yan Yu, you are so kind.” Yang Qian took it with both hands, “Sister will be happy, she was talking to me about wanting to see you a few days ago.”

“Let her recover well.” Yan Yu shook her head.

Yang Jing won, but he was seriously injured. I heard that few bones in his body were still strong. He was lying on the bed wrapped up like a mummy, and had to rely on medicine for three meals a day. It has been so uncomfortable that I can’t eat for several days.

“It’s okay, my sister is not sad at all, she is happy.” Yang Qian was optimistic.

“I know.” Yan Yu patted her on the head, “Go to class.”

“Obey! Teacher Yan Yu.” She saluted playfully, and ran away holding the gift.

Yan Yu actually had no class today, the reason why she came was because the college would arrange for a new teacher to sit in on the class of the seniors, she was assigned a few classes, and today happened to be Lin Baizhu’s class.

After leaving Langdie Valley, Lin Baizhu never lived with them, and I heard that he didn’t live in the classroom dormitory either.

But it’s not hard to guess, she doesn’t like noisy and crowded places, and she is used to sleeping in high places. She probably just hangs up a tree in the back mountain and sleeps there. The dormitory is at best a place to store things.

This group of students probably didn’t know their favorite teacher Xianqi Lin, and his actual living habits were no different from those of a savage.

Instrumental techniques classes are mostly outdoor classes. When Yan Yu arrived, there were still five minutes before the class started. Lin Baizhu hadn’t come yet, but the students gathered together in large numbers to chat.

“I heard that Mr. Yan is here to listen today!”

“That’s great! I beg the academy to continue to carry forward this auditing system. This is the only way for our Artifact Department to see the Goddess of Imperial Art.”

“Hey hey, this year’s most popular teacher vote, who are you going to vote for?”

“If I had definitely chosen Mr. Lin before, this year…”

“Teacher Yan!” Several people shouted in unison.

Yan Yu just so happened to appear behind them, and responded softly, “Call me?”

The girls turned their heads, and when they saw her, their cheeks flushed with shame. Although what they said just now was not a gossip, it would still be embarrassing to be caught on the spot!

Yan Yu didn’t intend to argue with them, and smiled without airs, “Your teacher Lin is coming soon, let’s line up the team first.”

She has also attended Lin Baizhu’s class before, and knows that the process she is used to is to explain first, then demonstrate, and finally practice freely. During the explanation, the queue is usually arranged according to height. She likes the students to line up before the class, so that it will not be difficult. would be a waste of time.

“Okay.” The girl stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, “We won’t talk anymore.”

Lin Baizhu almost came with the class bell stuck, and Yan Yu found a tree stump not blocking the position to sit on the side, occasionally jotting down some things on paper, in fact, they were all casually written to pass the inspection in the courtyard, She has already memorized everything Lin Baizhu said in class.

However, she noticed that Lin Baizhu seemed not in high spirits today, his brows were wrinkled and he looked worried.

After she sat down for free practice, Yan Yu asked, “Are you feeling unwell?”


It’s not a physical problem, but a psychological problem, Yan Yu thought.

Lin Baizhu obviously didn’t treat her as an outsider, so he took out a letter and handed it over, “It’s from my mother.”

The quality of the envelope is very good. Not only does it leave a light fragrance, but the dark pattern on it is also a work of art. It is indeed Tianlai’s style to use such a luxurious paper to make an envelope.

Yan Yu knew that Lin Baizhu had conflicts with her family very early on, otherwise she would not have run away from home to seek employment in Langdie Valley if she had been a nobleman in Tianlai who had no worries about food and clothing.

She opened the letter, read it quickly at a glance, and probably understood why Lin Baizhu, a mother who hadn’t contacted her once in eight hundred years, came to her suddenly.

“Karina is your sister?” Yan Yu heard it for the first time.

Lin Baizhu changed his name and surname after leaving Lai, and he seldom interacted with people on weekdays, let alone mentioned his personal affairs. Yin Beiqing might not know about this matter, after all, the two sisters have very different personalities.

“Yes.” Lin Baizhu nodded, “But when I left, she didn’t call her by that name.”

Karina’s name was chosen for her by Venica after she entered the Mage meeting. She specially chose the same “ka” character as herself, and their whole family is proud of it.

Yan Yu sighed, she didn’t expect that Lin Baizhu would be involved in this matter.

This letter is about Karina, because when she was looking for evidence for the multi-beast soul experiment, the waist card that Yan Yu showed happened to be hers. Now the people of Tianlai are furious, forcing the Queen and Ma Ge to explain, so they planned to push her out.

In other words, Karina has become Mage’s abandoned son.

But her mother was reluctant, she couldn’t bear to see Karina being cruelly punished, and she couldn’t accept the treatment of a family falling from the sky to the ground. If she wasn’t helpless, she probably wouldn’t be able to bow her head and write this letter to Lin Baizhu .

But Yan Yu thought of more than that. Now that Marge has found Karina, the one who is responsible, when she is forced to admit her mistake, she will soon face the next problem. Such a huge project is really her alone. Can it be done? There must be forces behind it.

“The burial object may not be just Karina.” Yan Yu said directly, it is a waste of time to be euphemistic on this matter, “Your whole family will be implicated.”

Lin Baizhu’s face was even worse, it was her home after all, she could never go back, but she hoped that it could stay there forever, at least as a sustenance.

She also wants to be more cruel, but some things cannot be changed by subjective consciousness.

“Then what to do.”

Yan Yu patted her on the shoulder, “You can’t have it both ways, the knife is already hanging above their heads, they have to make a choice as soon as possible.”

Ma Ge wholeheartedly wanted to find someone to be a scapegoat, if they blindly escaped, they would only make their charges more solid.

It would be better to choose to fight back.

“But they are Tianlai people after all.”

The pride in her bones prevents her family from actively seeking cooperation from the people of the Jin Kingdom who they looked down on in the past, let alone abandoning their dignity and becoming a traitor to Tianlai.

For nobles, honor is even more important than life.

Yan Yu looked at her, “When the new emperor ascends the throne, all acts of overthrowing the old emperor will become an honor.”

“I’ll tell them what you said.”

After returning from Lin Baizhu, Yan Yu stopped by to pick up Ying Fan.

Although she has not been a student of Yuling for a long time, because she likes the class here, she will often come back to listen with the cheek. The dean himself has acquiesced in her behavior, and even got her a hearing certificate.

Tang Man’s class atmosphere has always been very good. The only problem may be that the students are too active and enthusiastic, which will slow down her class rhythm, which leads to the end of Lin Baizhu’s class, and she is still talking about the last section.

Ying Fan waved wildly to greet her outside the window, Yan Yu nodded, and simply stood by the window waiting for her to finish class.

“Evil spirits are easier to tame than beast spirits, and low-level evil spirits are easier to tame than high-level evil spirits. This is not because of the former’s lower attack power, but because of spiritual knowledge.”

“Creatures with higher spiritual knowledge are more difficult to tame. It’s like if you tell a lie, children will easily believe it, but it’s hard to fool adults. It’s the same in the field of beast control.”

“Teacher, you mean they are stupid, right? Hahahahahahaha!”

“It’s not stupid, it’s simple.” Tang Man continued, “There are no complicated thoughts, primitive desires, and all emotions are expressed very straightforwardly. This is one of the important reasons why I like getting along with beast spirits.”

“Eh? Does that mean that as long as I learn the art of controlling beasts well, I can even tame less intelligent humans?”

As soon as the student said what he said, he was immediately rebuked by others, “You are sick, compare people with animals, if I tie you with a chain and ask you to call me master, are you happy?”

“Just talking, why are you so angry.”

Tang Man didn’t want people to quarrel, so he hastily finished and announced the dismissal of get out of class.

She walked towards Yan Yu with a smile, “Mr. Yan, is it a little late to come to listen now? When you were a student, you were never late.”

Yan Yu casually continued her joke, “Then punish me to attend two of your classes tomorrow.”

“It’s just right, you two little things can come on stage and give me a case.”

“So that’s what you came up with.”

“Little Goddess, you are robbing my Teacher Tang again!” Ying Fan jumped over and hugged Tang Man from behind carelessly, “I can do the case, why don’t you use me.”

Tang Man patted her hand, “How many cases have you done, the whole college has seen your fish tail, right?”

“Ah? Yes.” Ying Fan frowned.

Yan Yu pulled her off Tang Man’s back, “Yes, I will testify.”

They bid farewell to Tang Man and went to Yin’s house together.

“How’s your mother doing in Bossey?”

“I’m going to tell you this!” Ying Fan looked excited, “My mother is so cool, and after only a few days of going back, all the big and small families were subdued, and there was no one from top to bottom. One person is dissatisfied with her as the queen! Those Bosai citizens even sent her flowers and gifts.”

“That’s good.”

Although Shi Fan was deprived of her status by her mother because of her marriage to Chen Mo, her ability is obvious to all. If there were no such accidents, she should have been the queen long ago. Fortunately, she has enough courage to suppress those gossip , the lost and regained throne was firmly in his hands.

Moreover, when Shi Fan became the Queen of Posei, the orphans of Zhou Village on that deserted island would no longer be disturbed, and the Tianlai people’s win-win plan could only fail.

“Let’s buy some food for Yan Zhi Yin Miao to take home. My mother just sent me pocket money to buy sweet cakes for the babies!” As soon as she finished speaking, she flew to the store. Shaking his head behind.

“You just get used to them.”

Ying Fan bought a cart full of things, and when they brought them home, Yin Anruo thought it was a holiday.

“What do you buy so much, and you don’t want to treat guests during the holidays.”

“Hey, I’m in a good mood, don’t worry about me.” Ying Fan smiled with all eight teeth exposed, “I’ll call Yan Zhi Yin Miao to eat!”

“I’ll go as well.”

Yan Yu followed Ying Fan to find the child who was playing around in the courtyard accompanied by servants. Yan Zhi seemed to have just finished practicing with Yin Anruo, covered in sweat, and Yin Miao was still tinkering with her pile of small parts.

“Pretty mom!” Seeing Yan Yu, she stretched out her hand for a hug, “I made an electric shock puppy today, do you want to play with it?”

“Don’t play, the electricity makes my hair explode.” Yan Zhi next to him complained with a dark face.

Yan Yu wiped her sweat for her, “You and Sister Ying Fan went to wash your face, she bought you some snacks, eat after washing.”

As soon as he talked about eating Yanzhi’s little black face disappeared, his eyes sparkled ineffectively, “Then I’ll go wash it now!”

Yin Miao was watching, and waited for Yan Zhi and Ying Fan to leave before she said cautiously, “Someone asked me to give you this, pretty mother.”

“Who.” Yan Yu took the paper and opened it, and was quickly shocked by the content on it.

This is a blueprint of a labyrinth, and the route is exactly the same as the one that Yan Yu remembered for experimenting with multiple beast souls.

It not only has a detailed maze route, but also marks all the mechanisms and design principles. It is estimated that only the designer himself can draw it.

“Grandma gave it to me.” Seeing her serious expression, Yin Miao was a little scared, “Grandma said that if I show you this, you won’t care about the fact that I sneaked out, mom, please don’t scold me, please. “

Yan Yu really didn’t care about the two sisters sneaking out, so she hurriedly asked, “Which mother-in-law?”

“It’s the mother-in-law who taught me how to be a fire-breathing bird.” Yin Miao was good at gesturing to her.

“So it was her?”

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