Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 46

Chapter 45 – Referees

Thinking with your toes, you can also know who left this thing.

Yan Yu narrowed her eyes and lifted it up, but after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn’t figure out what kind of pattern it was.

It can only be said that Yin Beiqing’s embroidery is more abstract than her little niece’s painting.

Although she didn’t know why the other party suddenly wanted to give her a sachet, Yan Yu didn’t think too much about it.

Who can understand Yin Beiqing’s whim.

It is not impossible to send sachets today and feed wild wolves tomorrow.

After figuring it out, Yan Yu rubbed his forehead, and continued to look at the physical art manual.

It wasn’t until the surrounding lights dimmed that she realized that it was already evening when there was a knock on the door, and it happened that the maid came to deliver dinner.

When the maid was about to leave, Yan Yu stopped her with a loud voice, whispered a few words to her, and smiled and said goodbye after getting a positive answer from the other party.

Afterwards, Yan Yu walked to the door and took the two muddy cubs home for dinner.

“Master, look, I made a little clay figurine for you.” Panpan picked up a clay cube with two paws and handed it over, “Is it very similar to you?”

“I made one too.” Lu Jia pushed his own one to Yan Yu’s hand with his head.

Yan Yu picked them up and looked at them one by one. She was in a good mood, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was forced into a forced smile, “It looks good.”

Two clay figurines add up to three legs, seven arms and five eyes. Apart from this slightly perfunctory “beautiful”, Yan Yu really has no other words to boast about.

It can only be said that the artistic talent of the two of them is comparable to that of Yin Beiqing, and they are not flattering.

“Hey hey, put them on the bedside if you like.” Panpan smiled, her cheeks puffed up, “In this way, I won’t be afraid if I sleep with them at night.”

Yan Yu silently pushed back the eyeball that fell from a certain clay figurine, and said with a wry smile, “Okay.”

With their company, she might have to have more frequent nightmares.

“You must be hungry after playing all afternoon.” She hugged the dirty two off the chair, “Go shake off the mud on your body first, wash your paws clean, and then come over to eat.”

“Oh, I see.”

After dinner, Yan Yu habitually picked up the book again, but he realized that he had already finished reading the physical book in the afternoon.

Her eyes fell on the sachet on the table again, she lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then got up and took out the needle and thread from the drawer and started to work.

She learned embroidery from her mother at the beginning, and then she felt that doing it could quickly calm her mind, so she persisted.

It’s just that the half-palm-sized pattern on the sachet can be completed in less than an hour for her. The fine needles quickly shuttle through the fabric, and the threads at the ends of the needles are wound into a neat and tight arrangement. whole.

After the pattern was finished, she got up and added the inner material of the sachet to the jar, sewed one layer, and then wrapped the outer layer with a layer of cotton before putting on the third layer, which not only made the shape of the sachet fuller, It can also absorb shock and prolong the service life of the inner bag, which is also a trick taught by her mother who learned crafts.

After finishing all this, she ordered the two cubs to stay in the room and not run around, and she took her things and walked to the cold storage.

The cold storage is not far away, and it can be reached within a ten-minute walk. Most of the expensive medicines that are difficult to store are stored here, and only Ruan Yuexie often goes in and out.

Yan Yu still asked for the key from her. She stood at the door and was about to take the key to open the door, but found that the door was ajar.

If it was a maid or Ruan Yuexuan, she would have remembered to close the door, why…

Yan Yu gently opened a gap, and when she got closer, she heard a less obvious humming sound coming from inside, listening carefully, there was also the sound of flapping wings.


But what kind of bird is so powerful that it can open the door with empty hands and come in to steal food.

After all, Langdie Valley is heavily guarded, the possibility of an assassin breaking into it is less than the possibility of being bombed in the royal palace, so Yan Yu bravely pushed the door open.

“You, who are you!” The thief who was caught looked at her in a panic, but still held the peach soup in his hand tightly.

Yan Yu didn’t speak, and analyzed its identity based on its appearance.

Brown feathers with sharp beaks and sharp claws are the characteristics of golden eagles, but looking at the huge size of this bird, it is at least a beast soul above Grade A.

Wings, Grade A and above.

Looking at Langdie Valley, apart from Ji Wu, only Lin Baizhu’s beast soul, Jisang, can meet these two conditions.

“Yan Yu.” She reported her name, “I’m new to the valley, you and your master don’t live in the valley very much, so you shouldn’t see me often.”

“Yan Yu…” It flapped its wings and dropped a few feathers, “I know, Goddess, my master said you are a counterfeit.”

“…” Your master is right.

Ignoring the answer to this question, Yan Yu walked towards it, stretched out his hand in a begging gesture, “Can you give it to me?”

“Is this yours?” It blinked, and its tone suddenly softened, “Wow! I didn’t expect that sister, you are so good-looking, and your craftsmanship is so good!”

Yan Yu smiled, but still took the jar of peach soup and poured it into the container she brought.

Yangsang twitched her shoulders, stepped on the ground with her paws and continued to chatter around her, “I’m sorry I was too thirsty just now, so I drank a little secretly, but I didn’t expect it to be so delicious, so… I couldn’t help it, I use my feathers to fight with you Change, so dear sister, can you give me some more?”

It was introduced in the beast soul book that birds and beast souls are generally addicted to sweets, and the more they fight, the harder they eat sugar. Yan Yu is very clear why Jisang is talking nicely to herself now.

However, this has something to do with its original character. It is different from Lin Baizhu who rejects people thousands of miles away. As mentioned in the original book, Jisang is a little rainbow fart genius.

“Wow sister, you are so strong, this tank is so heavy, you must be very tired holding it, and Jisang will help you carry it.”

Yan Yu didn’t refuse, “Thank you, put it back for me.”

Jisang stood up as a whole bird, half as tall as Yan Yu, but at this moment, he was holding the water jar containing peach soup in his hand, looking aggrieved as if he couldn’t walk.

“Sister Yan Yu, just a little bit, I’m willing to exchange anything with you, whatever you want!” Jisang suddenly pulled out a feather from the top of his head, “No, this is my most precious thing. “

The feathers of the first-class golden eagles are very useful in medicine and decoration, and ordinary people are hard to find.

Yan Yu looked at the thing handed in front of him, seemed to think for a while before reaching out to take it, “Well, I accept your apology.”

“Just accept the apology, then I…”

At this time, Yan Yu had already walked to the door with her share, she said without looking back, “Take it, it won’t be long anyway.”

Even if it is frozen in the freezer, it is difficult to store this kind of food with high sugar content for a long time. She will replace it with a new bucket every three days.

“Really! Wow! Love you love you!”

Yan Yu carried the peach soup and walked all the way to Yin Beiqing’s bedroom, stood still at the gate, and knocked on the door.

The people in the room reacted very slowly. They should have sensed Yan Yu’s soul power fluctuations and knew that it was her at the door, so they lazily responded, “Go in if you want.”

“Then I’m coming in.” Yan Yu was not polite, and pushed open the door directly.

Yin Beiqing seemed to have just taken a shower, and her hair was still steamy, but she didn’t use spiritual methods to dry it. She was sitting on a chair and was wiping the Demon Slayer with a cloth.

Yan Yu directly put the peach soup on the table, took out a bowl and poured out a portion.

“Hey.” At the same time as the voice sounded, Yin Beiqing looked at a pair of thin white hands holding the porcelain bowl containing peach soup in front of him.

But her attention was not on this, her eyes dropped a few inches and landed on Yan Yu’s waist.

The lotus embroidered sachet that was originally hanging there has been replaced with my own.

She hooked her lips, but quickly suppressed the smile, “Is the sun coming out from the west again today?”

Although Yan Yu was usually obedient to her, all her actions were passive. It was the first time that she took the initiative to do something similar to flatter her like today.

Ignoring her teasing, Yan Yu stretched his hand forward again, “I kept it specially, if you don’t drink it, I’ll give it to Panpan them.”

This “special purpose” obviously hit Yin Beiqing’s point, and the smile in her eyes could no longer be hidden, but she still didn’t reach out, raised her head, and looked at Yan Yu, “My hand hurts, hello.”

She knew that her behavior was sometimes a little too much, but whenever she met Yan Yu’s calm face, the evil in her bones always came up unconsciously.

I want to see her show more expressions, and what other interesting looks she has.

But today’s Yan Yu was somewhat beyond her expectations.

There was no questioning, no refusal, and no cold treatment. Instead, he moved the stool and sat down, raised his hand to scoop up a spoonful and brought it to her mouth.

Yin Beiqing thought, she was already like this, if this was a bowl of poison, she would have to take it herself.

Gently holding the spoon in his mouth, the sweetness tasted on the tip of his tongue was a bit stronger than usual.

The temperature is still very cold, and it hasn’t been long since it was taken out of the cold storage. It seems that there was no delay, and it was delivered to me first.

“What’s the matter with you today.” Yin Beiqing was in a good mood, but he didn’t forget to ask his doubts.

“Etiquette is reciprocal.” Yan Yu pointed to her sachet.

In fact, she could see Yin Beiqing’s little awkwardness clearly. Her strong appearance was like a shell to push everyone away, but she couldn’t help but do something to attract attention.

Very contradictory, but also very true.

Yan Yu can understand this level, so she can quickly adapt to Yin Beiqing’s always hot and cold attitude.

For someone as vigilant as Yin Beiqing, when he wanted to put someone into his circle, he would definitely try every means.

She has to make sure that she will not be hurt or betrayed, and that she can get an equivalent response, and then she will let go of her defenses and try to accept it.

Her standard is very high, but Yan Yu thinks she can give it a try.

It can be regarded as worthy of the words she said at the foot of Yaochi Mountain,

‘If you were born in my world, we should be able to become friends. ‘

After listening to Yan Yu’s words, Yin Beiqing suddenly leaned back to avoid her hand, “This ceremony is too casual.”

“You are also afraid of being taken advantage of.” Yan Yu said with a smile, and then took out the things he had prepared from his sleeve, “Is this enough?”

What she gave was the sachet embroidered just now.

In fact, it should have been done for Yin Beiqing a long time ago. At Li Jing’s house, she said she liked it very much, but at that time there were no tools at hand.

“I asked the maid to help me find the fabric according to the standard of this sachet, so it should…” Can catch your eyes.

Yin Beiqing reached out to take the sachet and pinched it in his hand. He lowered his head and said nothing, but kept rubbing against the butterfly pattern with his thumb on it.

Seeing the reaction, Yan Yu thought she should like it, but it didn’t take long for the other party to raise his head, and most of the smile on his face had already been put away, “Why is it a moth?”

Yan Yu was speechless.

When she was embroidering, she thought that it would be a meaningful gift to embroider something that fit Yin Beiqing, so she chose from the two beast souls, thinking that embroidering a white snake was not very auspicious, so she chose a butterfly, at least The color is more festive.

“That’s all.” Yin Beiqing didn’t seem to care much about her answer, and quickly tore off the priceless pendant on his waist, put on this sachet, and said while moving, “If I lose it, you will definitely cry out of grief, Keep it and keep it.”

Yan Yu: Who do you think will cry?

The author has something to say:

Understood, the crying scene arrangement

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-3017:51:52~2021-07-3117:26:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Zero, the gluttonous feast that no one knows, and 1 Tangling;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: fox spirit and her evil queen, Fuyi, 4704876220 bottles; 11 bottles of Changyu, 10 bottles of Changyu, Youshu U, Ningnan w, Yuzhi; Du, Dongmuxue, Chang 5 bottles of Gu; 4 bottles at intervals; 3 bottles of Golden Dragon King Tang Wulin; 1 bottle of Salted Fish, 36009878, and Grapefruit;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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