Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 49

Chapter 48 – Referees

The intense suppression caused Yan Yu’s body to tremble uncontrollably. She opened her mouth, but found that she could no longer accurately express her current mood in words.

But the breath kept stuck in her throat, and she made a move that surprised herself.

“Slap!” The palms collided with the cheeks, making a crisp applause.

Yin Beiqing covered her left face in astonishment. This situation was reasonable but unexpected. She knew that Yan Yu was bold, but she didn’t expect her to be so bold.

“You’re right, my right hand is stronger.” So this slap was also slapped with the right hand.

The strength in her body was withdrawn, and when Yin Beiqing raised her eyes again, she could only see Yan Yu’s back running away quickly. She blinked extremely slowly, stroking the warmth that dripped on her cheeks just now.

With the teardrops in her mouth with her fingers, she soon frowned.

So astringent.

The bad factors in her body faded away, but there was only a void left in her heart, something was taken from her body, but she didn’t know it.

Yin Beiqing lay back down, clenched his hands into fists, lightly hammered the hammer on the heart, and murmured, “It shouldn’t be like this.”

She will feel more excited and more joyful.

But why, there is a sense of loss.

— She seems to have screwed up something.

In the next few days, except for the necessary answers during the class, Yan Yu did not say a word to Yin Beiqing. The latter proposed to take the actual combat class, but she refused with various reasons. why.

No matter day or night, the door of Yan Yu’s room was closed tightly, and the four words “rejecting others” were short of writing a couplet and pasting it on the wall.

The two cubs must belong to their own masters. They often guard the door and act as door gods. They have specially drawn a dividing line. Whenever Yin Beiqing takes a step, they will all bark their teeth and yell at her.

“You made the master cry, villain!”

Bad guy, bad guy.

Yin Beiqing heard this word countless times in the past few days, and his ears were almost callused.

She was very irritable and had nowhere to vent. She hoped that Yan Yu could continue to smile at herself and speak softly to herself as before, but she had never been able to get along with others, and she didn’t know that this would only be possible after an apology Returning to the scene.

During the day, Yan Yu still got up early in the morning, she picked up the money bag that Jisang left at the door, and walked towards the back mountain.

Lin Baizhu recently went back to Langdie Valley to live temporarily. She doesn’t like to sleep in the bed and sleep in the house. She usually just finds a tree in the back mountain and hangs it up.

Yan Yu followed the scent to find her, stood under the shade and looked up.

“Mr. Lin…” After thinking about it, it is more appropriate to use this title.

After all, if she enters Yuling College in the future, she will call Lin Baizhu a teacher sooner or later. Maybe she will teach her own class if she starts to lead new students from this class.

Lin Baizhu, who was feigning sleep, opened his eyes, his tone was still not very enthusiastic, but he did not have the resistance to push Yan Yu away, “I have something to say.”

“Your money bag.” Yan Yu held out the money bag in his hand, “I asked Jisang to give you a message before, making peach soup is just a matter of effort, you don’t need to give me this.”

“I give you money because I want to make myself feel better, and whether you want to accept it or not is two different things.” Lin Baizhu doesn’t like to take advantage of others because he doesn’t like others to trouble himself.

Yan Yu knew that she was telling the truth, so she simply suggested, “Then why don’t you return it to me with something else.”

Lin Baizhu pondered for a while with a sullen face, and landed lightly from the tree, “What do you want?”

“It’s not a thing.” Yan Yu replied with a smile, “I think you can practice with me.”


“I have learned some gymnastics moves, but I can’t make much progress by practicing myself. I need to find someone to practice the moves. If you don’t mind, I will send you a pot of peach soup every day from now on. Just find time to practice with me for a few hours.” As she spoke, she handed out the peach soup she had prepared.

Different from the cold appearance, Lin Baizhu’s taste is the same as her beast soul Jisang, she is terribly addicted to sweets, and she also despises common people’s food, but if she doesn’t eat two bites of sweets a day, she will feel uncomfortable all over.

Obviously she hesitated.

Yan Yu thought about it and said, “An hour…no, half an hour is fine, it won’t take you too long.”

It’s okay to be supervised for physical training, but if she is asked to fight Yin Beiqing again, Yan Yu can’t stand it, so she has the courage to suggest this to Lin Baizhu.

Although Lin Baizhu is not specialized in gymnastics, she has the status of a teacher, so teaching and educating people should be very easy.

“One hour.” Lin Baizhu chose a compromise option, “Also, add more white fungus and sugar to the peach soup next time.”

Yan Yu smiled immediately, “Okay, you can add as much as you want.”

After lunch, in order to pay for Lin Baizhu’s “class time”, Yan Yu went to the warehouse to pick out a pack of high-quality white fungus, put it into the pot and added it to the peach soup, simmered for an hour, and then sprinkled it with rock sugar , take to refrigerate.

After three o’clock, when the sun was slightly lower, Lin Baizhu arrived late with his hands behind his back.

“Before you start, warm up yourself.” She lazily combed the silver hair on her shoulders with her fingers, and she seemed to have just woken up not long ago. “Too stiff body will affect the speed of moves.”

Yan Yu nodded, cherishing the hard-earned serious teaching very much.

She raised her hands and twisted her wrists. When she turned her neck, she found Yin Beiqing standing behind them at some point.

Lin Baizhu knew most of the little Jiujiu between them, but he didn’t care about it. Yin Beiqing didn’t take the initiative to say hello, so she simply pretended not to see her. She leaned against the tree, fanned gently with a paper fan in her hand, and looked A calm look.

On the other hand, Yin Beiqing stood there for a long time without saying a word, let alone crossing the ridiculous dividing line drawn by Panpan.

She stood there watching for a while, then walked away quietly.

Yan Yu didn’t dare to look back after that glance, but only smelled the cold fragrance drifting farther and farther away, and then slowly stopped the same warm-up action that she had been foolishly repeating all along.

Yes, she does have some emotions, but more to herself.

Yin Beiqing’s speech has never been very pleasant. Those words sound harsh but they are all true. If she has always been at this level, she will lose the fight before it even starts.

The most important thing is the state of mind, no matter how bad the physical skills are, Yan Yu can bear it, but she can’t stand her losing control of her emotions at all, maybe those words would not make her feel so uncomfortable personally, but she just broke out that day.

Such an ugly gaffe made Yan Yu want to travel back in time and erase himself from that time period from the world.

It was taken for granted that Yin Beiqing, who saw her like that, also became her escape target at this time.

“Have you warmed up yet?” Lin Baizhu said while rolling up his sleeves, “Then let’s start counting down an hour.”

Yan Yu nodded, but when she was about to make a move against a living person again, she hesitated again, but Lin Baizhu continued to guide her as if she didn’t notice these strange things.

“It’s best not to hesitate to make a move. You have to play the whole set quickly to score.”

Although Yu Ling’s entrance exam is a battle between candidates, it doesn’t mean that winning or losing is a foregone conclusion.

Considering that the lottery may put two candidates who are both very good or not so good together, a scoring item is added to the test as a means of balancing the test results.

“Let’s stop for a moment.” Lin Baizhu called for a pause, “Bring your physical book.”

Yan Yu nodded, and handed over the book that had been turned yellow by herself.

Lin Baizhu didn’t even glance at the catalogue, skillfully flipped through a few pages, and checked out a few moves for her with a pen.

“Three-six-seven moves, popular points in previous years, must be mastered.” She twirled the pen between her fingers, changed another mark, and ticked off other moves, “These are the ones you must learn in a row. With more points, one high-score set is easier and more cost-effective than two low-score sets with the same score.”

Yan Yu nodded. For some reason, facing Lin Baizhu made her feel as if she had returned to her school days. Now they seemed like classmates who got together to discuss the test site before the exam.

“Your flexibility and agility are slightly better, but your strength and speed are lacking. These moves of Huaxing are high-scoring moves that you can easily get. Learn it today, and I will see it tomorrow.” Lin Bai Zhu is a person who is always afraid of trouble and doesn’t like to be nosy, but as long as he promises, he will do his best to do it well.

So before coming here, she specially studied the gymnastics entrance examination of previous years. Although it seemed that she just checked a few questions randomly, she spent a lot of time carefully selecting them from thousands of moves.

“So, if you can’t beat a stronger opponent, you should try your best to hit the combo and strive for extra points. But when you encounter a weak opponent, don’t end it too quickly. Just like before, strive for extra points.”

The feeling of communicating with Xueba is really easy. The key is that Lin Baizhu’s way of thinking is completely compatible with Yan Yu’s, and she understands it very quickly.

“Well, I understand what you mean.” Yan Yu expressed his gratitude sincerely.

If it wasn’t for Lin Baizhu, she might not have known that there were so many twists and turns in an entrance exam.

“You want to apply for the Royal Arts Department, right?” Lin Baizhu took a sip of water, then turned to look at her, “The physical arts admission score of the Royal Arts Department has been reduced by 20, you should work hard…you can give it a try.”

Yan Yu nodded, “But I will use the average score line to demand myself.”

“Oh, whatever.” Lin Baizhu didn’t care about this kind of thing, “Since you understand it, continue to practice.”


Yan Yu got up and continued to practice against her. Lin Baizhu’s physical skills are also speed-oriented, which is very in tune with her.

This feeling is equivalent to looking in a mirror. She can quickly find out her own shortcomings based on the differences between the two, absorb the other’s advantages, and quickly adjust herself.

An hour later, the sang on the tree was punctual like an alarm clock telling the time, and stopped the two of them.

Lin Baizhu stopped his movements and wiped his sweat.

One thing surprised her, although Yan Yu looked very weak, but the moves she occasionally burst out had a very ferocious aura, which even made her feel familiar.

—The same way as Yin Beiqing.

If she had to adapt to Yan Yu’s ever-changing moves, she would not be so exhausted.

“It’s okay to play, but too few high-scoring combos.”

“I will study tonight, and you will come to check and accept tomorrow.” Yan Yu answered quickly.

I don’t know if she finally met a reliable teacher. Now she feels that she is full of interest in gymnastics.

It’s like doing a math problem. Only when you figure out the score points can you continue to solve it patiently.

“Follow you.” Lin Baizhu raised his hand and called out to Jisang.

The fluttering big golden eagle swooped down and landed firmly on her arm, and said to Yan Yu in a sweet voice: “Beautiful sister, peach soup~ peach soup~”

How could Yan Yu not understand such a clear statement, she smiled, “Of course I’m ready.”

The two went to the cold storage with one bird, and Yan Yu offered his specially made peach soup with extra ingredients with both hands, “Tremella polysaccharide, do you still like it if you try it?”

Lin Baizhu picked it up and took a sip without saying a word, but soon he raised his head and drank most of the glass.

It seems that I like it.

“I made some candies and sweet cakes for the remaining peaches. If you like them, you can take them with you.” Yan Yu took the small box on the other side.

“Seldom do such bribery in the future.” Lin Baizhu said with a reproachful tone, but quickly squeezed his fists to his lips to cover up a cough twice, and stretched out his hand to take the things silently.

Perhaps she was really “bribed”, and today she is extraordinarily talkative.

“Pray that you will be assigned to Group A. The invigilator that day prefers gymnastics students like you.”

Yan Yu nodded again and again, “From tonight, I will pray devoutly every night.”

The two walked back while talking, and when they were about to pass the corridor leading to Yan Yu’s room, Lin Baizhu suddenly changed direction, “Go back, I have something else to do.”

“Ah…Okay, teacher, go slowly.”

Yan Yu hugged Panpan and carried Lu Jia to the room, and the two cubs immediately started acting like a baby when they saw the outsider leave.

“Master, we also want to eat sweet cakes and peach candies…” Xiao Pangdun twisted his buttocks and hugged her arms, and his voice seemed a little awkward and aggrieved.

Yan Yu smiled and nodded its nose, “Of course I left an extra copy, how could I forget you all?”

“Yeah yeah! I knew—” Halfway through speaking, Panpan’s throat seemed to be choked with phlegm, and he stopped talking for a moment.

Yan Yu seemed to have sensed something, looked forward, and when she met the red figure, the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

She didn’t speak, but tightly hugged Panpan’s hand, intending to lower her head and pass by as if she didn’t see her.

When passing by the man, he was stopped by a hand.

“Why didn’t you speak to me?”

“Nothing to say.”

After the words were spoken, Yan Yu saw the arms in front of her quickly clenched her fists, and she raised her eyes again to look at the other party.

“What, are you going to rough me up?”

Yin Beiqing was stabbed coldly by her expressionless eyes, and retracted her hands reflexively.

“No.” She looked a little annoyed.

She felt that she was too emotionally involved by Yan Yu, but because she didn’t treat her as kindly as before, she began to feel lonely.

“Then you won’t be able to stop me.” Yan Yu took a step aside, stepped over her and closed the door.

Yin Beiqing raised his head, but only saw the grimace of the little chubby sticking out his tongue.

“Big villain, slightly slightly!”

The author has something to say:

This bad guy Yin Beiqing will be educated, although it is hard to see now, in fact, this person will be a loyal dog in the future (only for Yan Mei, outsiders will still act like crazy) quq

Ps: The lottery is open, and there should be a short notice for those who get drawn. I said before that I will give small gifts to African little angels who haven’t been drawn. If you get big eyes in the video, you can go and see the finished product. I don’t mind the flaws in the handmade products. You can leave a message, I will grab a few to send (free shipping)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-02 18:00:22~2021-08-03 17:18:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 gluttonous vegetarian;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 47096301, 1 fan Renna;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: it’s a cub! 70 bottles; 50 bottles of Xiao Li; 15 bottles of Song Xinyue; 10 bottles of Wuliu Buddha, Diao Gezi Xiejie, Yinxi, Xingxi, and Xunyan; 5 bottles of Xiao Zhanshi, pzxxxxxc; 4 bottles of CP people passing by bottle; Dake 3 bottles; Civil Affairs Bureau, Sssteppen 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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