Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 9

Chapter 8 – You Can Hear It

Yin Beiqing soon discovered that the soul power in her body was rapidly recovering. In the past, she had to spend at least a day and night adding pills to reach this level.

All of this seems to be due to the beast soul.

The places on Yan Yu’s body that matched the prophecy one after another made Yin Beiqing, who had been suspicious of her in the beginning, start to waver.

Maybe she is really the goddess who will bring new life to this continent in the prophecy.

Yin Beiqing remembered the second half of the prophecy that tormented her for most of her life.

[Twin beast souls are a disaster for the world, and they are inexhaustible. Only the goddess can save the people from the fire and water]

This is another reason why Yin Beiqing is so obsessed with finding the “goddess”.

As that scourge, she seeks redemption more than ever.

She grabbed the cute animal soul with one hand, looked forward, Yan Yu, who was sleeping peacefully, was floating on the water, she walked over step by step, stretched out her arms to hug him by the waist.

Yan Yu’s clothes had long been soaked in water, and they were thinly attached to her body. Her waist was as thin as a willow, and her skin was as thick as fat. Even in this posture, she could vaguely see the shape of her ribs.

Yin Beiqing glanced at it, then frowned and put it away.

Being so thin, it’s no wonder that he always looks sick and may die at any time.

Yin Beiqing lifted her feet out of the pool impatiently, but her hands were no longer in the rude posture of carrying a sack. She supported Yan Yu’s knees and shoulders with both hands, resting her head on her chest, and walked steadily all the way. Hug back to your room.

The maid waiting at the door was startled when she saw the drenched two, and hurried forward to take Yan Yu, but Yin Beiqing dodged away.

“I will do it myself.”

So the maid saw the owner of the valley who would get angry and reprimand others even if there was an extra strand of hair on the bed sheet, so without blinking, she put Yan Yu, who was soaked all over, on the spotless soft mattress , and didn’t look disgusted at all.

She rubbed her eyes desperately, suspecting that she might have been under an illusion and had hallucinations.

Yin Beiqing raised his hand and touched Yan Yu’s forehead, “Go and call Ruan Yuexi.”


It is already past three o’clock in the morning, and the night wind is still a bit chilly, and the maid’s dress is blown straight. After cultivating her soul power to a certain level, her body will also improve, so she doesn’t feel cold at all, just remembering the so-called The Goddess looked like she was easily caught cold and sick. She thought that when she went back, she would go to the kitchen to boil some hot water.

When she came to Ruan Yue’s room, she carefully knocked on the door, “Miss Ruan, Master Gu asked you to get up and go to her residence.”

Ruan Yuexuan must have fallen asleep at this point, but at her level of cultivation, she can already control her thoughts at will, even when she is sleeping, she will leave a portion of her soul power probing outside, and she will immediately be alert if there is any disturbance.

There was no sound in the room for a long time, but the maid knew she must have heard it, and worried that Yin Beiqing would get angry if it took too long, so she had the courage to knock again.

“Master Gu has just returned from the Cobalt Rhodium Spring and is still hugging the unconscious Goddess. The two of them don’t look very well. She is anxiously waiting for you to pass.”

There was finally a sound in the room, the door slammed open, and the neatly dressed Ruan Yuexi came out with a medicine box in his cold face, “Is Yin Beiqing sick and calling me up in the middle of the night just to serve her little goddess?”

The first time she saw Yan Yu, she knew that this must be a disaster, no, it took only two days for her to do a whole lot of work.

The maid bowed her head, not daring to say anything.

In Langdie Valley, there are probably only two lawless guardians who dare to complain about the valley owner behind their backs like this, but they said it’s okay, they echoed a few words and passed them to the owner’s ears, but they would lose their heads.

“What are you still doing, lead the way.”

“Okay, okay.” The maid knew that this was just a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, and this was not the first time that she got up at night to treat people. She complained every time, but she still went to treat people with a dark face.

The maid walked in two steps with Ruan Yuexuan in the kitchen, and the latter went straight to Yin Beiqing’s bed, and pushed in without knocking on the door.

But it seems that she came at the wrong time.

“Get out!” Behind the white bed curtain, Yin Beiqing first pulled the blanket to cover Yan Yu’s body, and then yelled at him in a cold voice.

The temperature on Yan Yu’s forehead was getting hotter and hotter, and it was accompanied by whispers in sleep. Although Yin Beiqing didn’t know medicine, she still knew the symptoms of wind and cold. After much deliberation, she planned to change her soaked clothes by herself. Who knew that Ruan Yuexuan, who didn’t understand etiquette, rushed in without knocking.

Ruan Yuexuan, who had been yelled at by her, didn’t respond. She clicked her tongue, stepped back and closed the door, “Is this your first time serving someone? Don’t take off someone’s arm too hard, and I have to sew it up.”

Of course Yin Beiqing would not answer her, but after seeing the red marks on Yan Yu’s shoulders that he pinched out, he still did not reconcile and lighten his strength.

This sick young man can’t help tossing too much.

After changing her clothes, Ruan Yuexi was able to enter the room, and looked around the person from the beginning to the end, “Where is the injury?”

“No injuries.”

“You didn’t get hurt and you called me?”

“She looks in pain.” Yin Beiqing pinched Yan Yu’s pale face and turned her head straight, pointing at her to show Ruan Yuexuan, “Look, she looks like she’s about to choke.”

Ruan Yuexie smiled angrily, “It will be fine if you give me two Soul Gathering Pills.”

“I’ve fed it, but it doesn’t work.” Yin Beiqing’s voice was emotionless, “You don’t know some folk questioning skills, show her.”

Ruan Yuexi let out a long breath, even though she was full of anger to get up in her heart, she still couldn’t resist the persistent eyes of the living Hades, and reached out to clasp Yan Yu’s wrist.

This pulse is very weak, and its beating is extremely irregular, but this seems to be an old disease, and it will not be resolved for a while.

“What disease.”

“She’s not sick.” Ruan Yuexuan stood up and straightened her clothes, “It’s just a little cold.”

“Isn’t wind and cold a disease?”

“Of course not in my opinion, just sleep for two days.” Ruan Yuexie glanced at her sideways, “You and I may have nothing to do with soaking in cold water in the cold weather, but this person’s physique is worse than ordinary civilians, so please come down.” If you don’t torment her the next time, you’ll forgive me, okay?”

Yin Beiqing didn’t feel any guilt at all, “Who knew she would be like this.”

Ruan Yuexi: Then who knew you could be like this?

“I’ve seen it for you. I’ll go back to sleep. Don’t bother me again before lunch tomorrow.” Ruan Yuexi left after leaving a word.

“Hey, Chubby.”


“come out.”

It was obvious that Yin Beiqing was not his master, but upon hearing her order, Panpan couldn’t help but get out from the beast mark on Yan Yu’s forehead.

“Panpan is not fat…”

“Okay Fatty.” Yin Beiqing pointed at Yan Yu, “Your master, you came to save me, don’t you know imperial skills?”

“This, I can’t do it either.” Panpan moved her fleshy **** and sat aside deflatedly, scratching her ears with her two paws, looking very distressed.

Its imperial technique is only effective for spiritual methods, it is equivalent to a shield, which can block the damage for the owner when she is in danger, but it has no effect on this disease.

“Ah, but there is a way!” It suddenly lit up its eyes.

The consciousness of the beast soul is connected with its owner. In other words, it can perceive everything Yan Yu reads and hears simultaneously, so it also knows the contents of the pharmacopoeia that Yan Yu read during the day.

It’s just that its brain is not so good, and it takes a while to recall useful content.

“any solution.”

“I’ll draw it for you.” Panpan pouted her buttocks and jumped off the bed.

Yin Beiqing followed her and saw it dipped its paws into the water in the teacup and began to scribble on the table.

“It’s the grass of this shape. You have to eat its roots. It’s light yellow.” He can’t remember the cumbersome names of those herbs, but he can still recall the shape and color.

Yin Beiqing ordered the maid to go to the pharmacy to get the herbs, and asked Panpan to identify them one by one, then nodded and sent him away.

She held the pale yellow plant rhizome and walked to the bed.

“Sick child, open your mouth to take medicine.”

Of course, Yan Yu on the bed didn’t respond, her eyelids were closed tightly, her eyelashes were as light and brittle as butterfly wings, her lips were almost as white as her face, and she was as thin as a piece of paper that would float up when the wind blows gently. people.

Yin Beiqing simply pinched her chin open and stuffed the root of the herb in his hand.

But Yan Yu, who fell into a coma, couldn’t chew on his own, the herb was half in his lips, and the skin of his chin that had been pinched vigorously left red and purple finger marks, looking pitifully bullied.

Yin Beiqing frowned, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

Bully? She didn’t bully this sick man.

“Eat it yourself, don’t expect me to serve you.”


There was still no answer in the room.

Half a minute later, with a snap of fingers, light blue spiritual power gushed out from someone’s fingertips, wrapped the medicinal herb and quickly crushed it into powder, and then wrapped it around it and melted into Yan Yu’s body .

After finishing all this, Yin Beiqing withdrew his hand, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the little chubby man next to him, staring at him with blinking round eyes, and turned his eyes coldly, “What are you looking at?”

She raised her hand and squeezed Panpan’s cheek, “If you dare to tell her, you will die.”

The author has something to say:

Duplicity is not my sister Yin

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-2218:00:22~2021-06-2318:00:22~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 1 for an old dog;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 2 for Zhuoyu; 1 for Xufeng, Huji, and Eat Tangma;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution:. 11 bottles; 4880302510 bottles;. . . 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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