Steel and Mana

Chapter 29 – Hounds

The old campsite where Sasha and the rest lived got cleaned up, but not overly so, as I didn't want to waste too much time with them. With a few hastily built cabins, I deemed it 'good enough,' especially because their floorboards were all decorated by Sasha, drawing up a fire formation on their underside. If they ever rebel or reinforce their little camp... it would mean nothing.

"You are inviting... no, you are hugging danger, you know that?" She asked me, sounding worried.

"I am completely aware of it. But do you know why I'm not worried?"

"Because you are stupid?" She countered quickly, pouting.

"Maybe. But mostly because even if they go rogue, I am not really afraid of them. My father and the army that defends the opening within the mountains are way more potent than their little bandit group. If all comes to worse, we will wipe them out and ask the Empire for resources to rebuild our forces so it won't affect our job in defending the region."

"I don't know how the Empire works... I just hope you are right..."

"Me neither." I shrugged with a grin, "But I know how powers like this operate. Throughout history, many empires like this had different people delegated to lead the regions while their main forces concentrated on expanding their territories or pleasing their Emperors' immediate needs. They didn't bother with anything else as long as a region remained stable and worked efficiently. Of course, later on, this led to the rise of strong warlords and sovereigns who no longer obeyed their Emperor as they became stronger than them..." I trailed off with a smile, not really explaining further.

I don't know if this place had anything happen that was similar, but if not? Then, soon, they will have a precedent of it.

"I hope you are right..."

"Let's focus on our immediate plans, okay?" I chuckled, looking at the future camp for the bandits.


Their move was more peaceful than I anticipated. When Oleg's message arrived a week later, I went for a visit, bringing Sasha along. I was surprised that their camp was filled with about 50 bandit warriors, all women, while they brought around another 50 males... Were those... enslaved people...? It was hard to tell, but they were acting weird and subservient to the women present, groveling before them from what I could see.

"What's this?" I asked while Yuribisaida walked forward, grinning at me savagely.

"Jealous, pretty boy?"

"Hmph..." Sasha snorted, momentarily drawing Yuri's eyes onto herself before I interrupted the bandit leader's thoughts.

"Nope. I'm just not going to feed your pets."

"Don't worry, we feed them well, and we will rob enough food for us, bwahaha! So? When do we start?"

"Tomorrow," I answered firmly and gave her a letter. "Read it, memorize it, then burn it."

"What if I don't?" She smirked, and without me having to say anything, Sasha flared up in a way that I never saw before... but it was hot. Literally.

"Then I will burn your people!" Her breath was searing the air, surprising Yuri, and I was a bit afraid that the formations may combust right now and right there.

"Wait a minute..." Yuri whispered, furrowing her brows, looking into Sasha's eyes, who maintained eye contact, not wanting to back down.

I was looking at them with great interest because how Sasha acted confirmed my suspicion. It seemed that the nature of their elements influenced the wizards and witches more than I first assumed. While Sasha could quickly get angry, changing her mood just as fire changes direction depending on the wind, she could also be mellow and warm, beautiful like a fireplace on a cold winter night.

"You are a witch!" Yuri exclaimed, making Oleg and the other soldiers draw their blades, ready to jump on them and protect us.

"So?" I laughed, raising a hand to stop them, "Is that a problem?"

"No..." She murmured, biting her lips, drilling her eyes into Sasha's, who withstood it with such pride that I wanted to make her mine right there.

"I am more than a witch!" She sneered at Yuri, grabbing my hand and pulling me close, and I could feel her body's heat that made me think she had a dangerously high fever. "I am his wife!"

"Now all things are clear..." Yuri whispered, turning towards me, "I want to change our deal!"

"Fuck you." That was my immediate and straightforward answer. One she should understand.

"You can fuck me if you want." She nodded, "Or I fuck you if you are into it; we do have some things that can be put on, pretty boy!"

"I will...burn... you..." Sasha said through gritted teeth, holding my hand even more firmly.

"Whatever!" Yuri waved her hand, ignoring her and watching me solely. "You are planning a fucking rebellion! Now I am 100% sure! You are not just power hungry; you will stick it to the Empire!"

"Are you want me to-"

"Fuck if I care about the conquered lands! Don't bring that up!" She interrupted me immediately. "I asked you to make me into a noble because I want power! Fuck that! Make me your bitch!"


It was not just me who said that; Sasha and even Oleg joined in our little exclamation of surprise.

"Being a noble is nice, but if you are planning to create your own Empire... I want to be on the top! Make me into your concubine, then! I can ride you like no other girl! Fuck, if you want, you can stick it into me anytime, anywhere; I don't care if others are watching! Fuck me in the public square, who cares! But I want in on the big ones! Sit on those massive balls!" She said, heaving heavily, wanting to grab me by the crotch, but I drew my sword, holding it against her neck. "This is fine too... you can be rough with me... my Prince~!"

"You are out of your mind..." I whispered, "What about your followers?"

"Every Queen can have their own little guarding force, no?"

"As if!" Sasha shouted at her, but Yuribisada didn't even flinch and just kept looking at me.

"Think, baby... I will be your rabid little bitch, and I will go and kill anyone you want! No questions asked! In turn, you make me into one of yours, and I can enjoy a life of utter luxury and power! Sweet deal if you ask me!"

"You are not running ahead of yourself, Yuri..." I whispered but slowly drew back my blade, "You are flying. I won't promise it! Not when I am not even ready for a breakaway!"

"I am willing to risk it!" She grinned even wilder when I acknowledged her guess. "You brought us here because you need a dirty little whore for your dirty little plays! Every Emperor has a hand that is covered in shit!" She heaved as she grabbed my arm and started licking and sucking on my fingers, shocking Sasha. I could tell that she was fuming like a chimney but held her tongue, unlike Yuri. "I don't mind... I will lick it off!"

"Listen closely..." I shrugged, grabbing her tongue and pulling on it. "Keep to the original deal and plans. If everything works out fine, we will sit down and talk about the future. I won't promise anything now. I am not someone who builds on a foundation held up by empty pledges! Prove yourself that I need you so bad that I risk putting anything of mine into your holes. Capisce?"

I knew she didn't know what that last word meant, but she still nodded, moaning before I let go of her tongue.

"Perfectly!" With a moan, she read the orders I gave her and then tore it up and ate it before blowing a kiss towards me and hurrying back to her people.

"She is like you," I mumbled, seeing her eating it, but Oleg was not getting my reference.

"No way I would tolerate her in our home!" Sasha cried out after we were leaving, pulling on my clothes, "That is a complete maniac! You can't trust her! Her head needs to be on a pike and not between your lap!"

"Woah, woah!" I laughed, trying to calm Sasha down, "Easy there, my love! I haven't promised anything to her yet! We don't even know if she survives it! On one part, that crazy bitch does make sense. I will need a group that could be used for black-ops, I mean, murky, nasty operations."

"We are loyal, My Lord, we can also-!" Oleg started, but I shot him down.

"I don't want to use you for things that would trouble your consciousness... You are a good man! You are my First General!"

"My Lord..."

"Enough! I dislike heavy topics, so don't bother with it! For now, I will take it as if everything is going on as planned, and I will deal with the crazies when all is settled and we are seeing the results!" What I didn't mention to them was that an old saying popped up in my head while leaving... Never put it in crazy. But... ah, oh well! I will let fate play itself out and stop worrying!


Only two days later, it was Oleg who came up to me with hurried steps while I was directing my people to install the first fountain with the winner's work. It was something genuinely artistic, a collection of statues that made me question whether he was indeed an amateur. Where the primary pipes were, stone trees were being erected, three in total. The water would push through at their tops, while different figures would enjoy the water under their shade. There were sculptures of beautiful women, a group of half-naked warriors, and a handful of children at the last one. It reminded me of something out of a Roman-era fountain, straight out of a history book... I was already thinking about appointing the man as my chief architect!

"My Lord!" Oleg interrupted me, and seeing his eyes, I knew it was important.

"What is it?" I asked, walking away with him, and when nobody was near to earshot, he laid it out plainly.

"The crazy bitches completed the first raid. They left no survivors; it was a complete massacre..."

"I expected as much."

"Refugees are coming down from the northern villages, afraid of the news of the slaughter."

"Divert them here! I need their workforce anyway. What else?"

"We are already collecting them. The thing is, the woman sent a messenger directly to me. She says they looted something... Well... Unique."

"Did she say what?"

"No, the message only stated that Lady Sasha would love it."

"That daughter of a bitch!" I cursed, surprising Oleg, who waited for me to explain, "She either got her hands on some magic books... or the crystals I was looking for all this time! Gather the men! I am going to see them... NOW!"

"Yes, My Lord!"

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