Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 32: The Shark Caught in the Net 1

TL: Etude

Snow-white waves gently caressed the beach, while seagulls occasionally cried out in the sky. Under the sunlight, the sea was like a blue mirror reflecting the azure sky and white clouds.

It should have been a perfect day for sailing, but the wharf area of Port Fran was unusually quiet. The fishermen usually busy with their catch and the merchants engaged in transportation were nowhere to be seen, as everyone preferred to avoid trouble.

“Row harder!”

Not far from the shore, a group of pirates, including their leader Shark, were rowing vigorously. They had abandoned their brothers defending the city gates and secretly returned to the church to gather the gold, silver, and jewels they had collected over time. They quietly transported these to the wharf and boarded a sailboat, ready to slip away quietly. However, just as they were untying the ropes, Schroeder led his soldiers in a surprise attack on the wharf.

The pirates were terrified and, disregarding their brothers yet to arrive, cut the ropes and raised the sails to flee. Schroeder ordered a pursuit and led his soldiers onto two boats still docked at the wharf, chasing after the pirates.

Even though the sea was calm, Shark felt like he was in the midst of a storm, cursing everyone from Grayman to his lazy rowers. However, the soldiers’ boats were drawing closer. The pirates, understaffed with only about twenty men and weighed down by the heavy treasure, couldn’t possibly consider abandoning their loot, an unthinkable option for Shark.

“I suggest you surrender honestly. I can plead with the local lord to spare you from the death penalty,” a weak voice suggested. The speaker was a young man with his hands tied behind his back.

“Shut up!” Shark slapped the young man: “Keep quiet, or I’ll chop off one of your hands to feed the fish.”

The young man, after being slapped, fell silent.

This young southerner, Queller Foster, had arrived three months earlier, boldly proclaiming his challenge against the great pirate Edward. How could he not know that those who had done so before were thrown to the sharks? The wealthy regions of the south were never short of such fools, especially pampered young men, who were bored with wine and women, seeking new thrills.

Luckily for him, Edward isn’t here to feed him to real sharks, but Shark was determined to entertain him in his stead. Given Foster’s appearance, he must come from a wealthy family. It didn’t take long to learn that he belonged to the Foster family of the Horn Bay Alliance, a prominent family in the region.

So, Shark had Foster write a letter home for ransom. It was unlikely that the Horn Bay Alliance’s navy would send a fleet over two thousand miles to rescue a spoiled brat. With the prospect of a hefty ransom and control of Port Fran, creating a fait accompli, he could bribe the surrounding lords and perhaps even gain nobility.

But all these beautiful plans were ruined by that young Grayman.

“Humph! Once I get the Foster family’s money, I’ll raise an army and come back to make that boy meet his father.”

Two Aldanese (Alda is Grayman’s territory) boats, rowed by soldiers, followed the pirate ship from both sides. From above, it was clear that the distance between them was closing rapidly; it was only a matter of time before the pirates were caught.

“Prepare for hand-to-hand combat!”

Shark drew his sword, commanding his men.

“I’ve braved the seas for over twenty years, facing all sorts of storms. I refuse to believe I’ll meet my end here.”

The other pirates followed, drawing their weapons.

“Are we about to ram the pirates’ ship? Are the muskets ready?” Makarov shouted.

His comrades confirmed they were prepared.

“Rest assured, we’ll give them a tough fight.”

“Alright, I’ll count to three, and then we all put in our full effort.”

“Sure, after this attack, there probably won’t be many of them left.”

“Just make sure to aim properly and don’t hit our own men on the other boat. Lord Schroeder is on board too.”

“At this close range, there’s absolutely no problem!”

With two massive jolts, the boats rammed the pirates’ ship from both sides. The impact left everyone swaying unsteadily. Once they steadied themselves, the Aldanese soldiers opened fire with their muskets. Three pirates were hit and killed instantly. The sea battle was rough, and despite the close range, not all shots hit their mark. However, the initial volley significantly subdued the pirates’ morale.

“Attack!” Schroeder led the charge onto the pirate ship. Shark, wielding a heavy broadsword, met the old knight’s sword. His weapon seemed cumbersome compared to Schroeder’s more slender knight’s sword.

Shark, with bloodshot eyes and bulging veins on his neck, roared, “Old man, come on! This blade has drunk the blood of many, and today it will taste a new flavor.”

“Humph! Bluster and bravado,” Schroeder, seasoned in battle, could tell the man was just trying to embolden himself.

The two stopped talking and began fighting on the deck, exchanging blows. Schroeder, not used to fighting on a swaying ship, initially was on the defensive, but his defense was impeccable, and Shark gained no advantage.

Others also found their opponents, and the sounds of weapons clashing and people fighting echoed over the sea.

“You bandits! Don’t think you can take my money!”

Shark swung his weapon wildly, his large movements betraying his agitation, almost forgetting which side he was on.

However, the Aldanese soldiers outnumbered the pirates significantly, and this overwhelming advantage eventually crushed the pirates’ desperate resistance.

Schroeder gradually adapted to the battle conditions, shifting from defense to offense. Eventually, Shark was stabbed in the thigh and collapsed on the deck, unable to stand again.

“I surrender! I surrender!” he desperately threw away his weapon, resigning to his fate.

Seeing their leader surrender, the remaining pirates also threw down their weapons and surrendered.

“Bind them and set sail back!”

Schroeder coldly glanced at Shark, lying on the deck, and ordered a return to the wharf.

Then a voice came from a corner of the deck: “You are soldiers of the Aldan lord, aren’t you? Sir, please save me!”

The voice was filled with the joy of surviving a catastrophe. Schroeder turned and saw a young man with his hands tied behind his back, sitting in a corner of the deck with teary eyes. The intensity of the battle had distracted them from noticing him.

Being cautious, Schroeder first wanted to ascertain his identity. “Who are you? Why were you tied up on the pirate ship?”

“I am from the Foster family of the Southern Horn Bay Alliance. I was kidnapped by these pirates a few months ago. You’ve saved me, and my family will surely reward you handsomely!”

The young man hurriedly revealed his identity.

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