Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Heart To Heart

Although Zhang Lisheng and other members of the preparatory team only arrived in Donghua today, they had already negotiated to rent a small building on the north side of the Nanyuan Hotel as a temporary office space, and rented three cars from the Nanyuan Hotel. use.

After the banquet, Sun Yalin stayed at the Zhuxi Hotel, and Zhang Lisheng was sent back to the city by a driver; Yang Haipeng now has a lot of entertainment and drinking is difficult to control, so he also has a full-time driver to take Zhao Dong back to the city.

Shen Huai waited for Chen Dan to rest before driving to the hospital to pick up Xiao Li; Xiao Li took the bus after school to visit Kou Jing and stayed with him in the hospital the whole time. Yang Chengming and Kou Jing’s injuries have stabilized, and they are ready to be transferred to the town health center for further recuperation after two more days of observation.

Driving back to Meixi Town, I saw a car parked at the entrance of the alley, and only when I got closer did I see that it was Chu Yiliang’s Nissan.

Shen Huai turned the car into the alley, Chen Dan and Xiao Li got off the car and went back to their house first, and Chu Yiliang’s car followed from behind, as if it was intentional not to directly break the relationship between Shen Huai and Chen Dan…

Shen Huai pushed open the car door, watched Chu Yiliang get out of the car and walked over, and said with a smile, “Chu always hasn’t had a good drink, and hasn’t had a good chat, so he won’t go back to sleep in the middle of the night?”

“Leaving the Zhuxi Hotel, think that there is still work to report to Secretary Shen.” Chu Yiliang said with a smile.

“Come in and sit down, but I don’t have any tea in my room, so please don’t dislike it.” Shen Huai said, wondering if Chen Dan would be embarrassed to send hot water over, otherwise there is really no way to make tea.

Shen Huai took out the key to open the door, and saw that Chu Qiang then got out of the car, opened the trunk and came over with two boxes of Wuliangye. Shen Huai stopped and said to Chu Yiliang, “Little Chu is working under me, so I don’t talk nonsense with Mr. Chu. You come in empty-handed, I think Chu is always a friend who can talk to each other; I’m embarrassed to come into my room, then everyone should go back to sleep, it’s so late…”

Chu Yiliang smiled awkwardly and motioned his son Chu Qiang to put things back in the trunk of the car.

Shen Huai turned on the light, turned on the heater, and made the air in the room less unpleasantly cold. In addition to the two single sofas, he dragged another chair and asked Chu Qiang to sit next to him.

“I have only been working in Meixi Town for three months, but before I came here, I had a good understanding of the situation in Meixi Town,” Shen Huai pointed out to Chu Yiqiang and said, “Whether it is a contracted operation or a private factory. , Among the large and small private enterprises in Meixi Town, the operation of the blanket factory cannot be said to be the best, and you can’t say that it is the most profitable, Mr. Chu. As for the weaving and dyeing factory, I have considered taking back the contract right; Factory, I hope Mr. Chu can become bigger and stronger. I think Mr. Chu knows exactly why…”

Chu Yiliang nodded, but did not answer.

Shen Huai will be the new town party secretary. He is dissatisfied with the weaving and dyeing factory. Whether behind the scenes or in person, he should be taught a lesson.

Hu Yiliang couldn’t just say bad things about others behind their backs.

“Whether you are an enterprise or an official, you must have a bottom line in your work,” Shen Huai said. “I have asked Xiao Chu to inform people about the issue of the weaving and dyeing factory discharging sewage into the Tongtang River. After the chūn festival. If there is no rectification, I will ask to take back the contracting rights of the weaving and dyeing factory. The town cannot turn the entire Tongtang River into a black ditch for the annual contract fee of several hundred thousand. I spent 500,000 yuan to build a sewage treatment tank for the blanket factory. I think this makes Mr. Chu more foresight than others…”

Hu Yiliang didn’t expect that Shen Huai would see the advantages of running a blanket factory in his eyes before he gave the penny as a gift.

Chu Yiliang couldn’t see what Shen Huai was hiding under his authority, but he was very moved when he heard Shen Huai’s words late at night, and said, “There are some things to do, but I just don’t want to let them go. The folks in the village are poking in the back and scolding…”

“Apart from this, the employee’s welfare is paid according to the rules, and there is no comparison with Mr. Chu in Meixi Town,” Shen Huai said, “Before I came to Meixi Town, I heard that Mr. Chu was a little confused: instead of handing over the money to Mr. Chu For the country, it is not enough to take some money and share it with taxation, industry and commerce and officials, and make more friends. I also know that Mr. Chu is not so popular with other private bosses in Meixi Town, because Mr. Chu’s taxation If you are good enough, with President Chu as a comparison, it will be more difficult for others to leak. Before I came to Meixi Town, when I heard these things, I felt that you are the real visionary entrepreneur, Mr. Chu. To expand tax revenue, it is also necessary to vigorously support entrepreneurs like Mr. Chu to develop the local economy…”

In China, the boss of a private enterprise, no matter how much you are worth, always bows his head in front of the officials, and even a small staff member can give you a good look. Chu Yiliang has been in business for more than ten years, and he has suffered a lot in this business. This is also the main reason why he is very upright, always cautious in front of officials, and allows his son Chu Qiang to work in zhèngfǔ organs.

Hu Yiliang didn’t know what to say for a while. In the past, he felt that Shen Huai was young and powerful, and when he arrived in Meixi Town, he pressed Du Jian. He should be an arrogant and defiant young official. Moreover, Shen Huai’s backstage is tough and talented, and he is indeed qualified to be arrogant and defiant.

Chu Yiliang had spent a lot of brains trying to get closer to Shen Huai before, but at this time he suddenly thought that maybe he was too cautious and delayed listening to Shen Huai’s words.

Although Shen Huai was only two or three years older than his son Chu, and twenty years younger than himself, Chu Yiliang stood in front of Shen Huai and had no psychological advantage in age. in his heart.

“If Secretary Shen’s reputation is too high, it just makes me feel ashamed.” Chu Yiliang said.

“I think I’ve already said everything. Mr. Chu stayed at the entrance of the alley in the middle of the night. If he really has any work to do, he must be able to tell everything, right?” Shen Huai said with a smile. The owner of a private enterprise is generally the same, or even more tactful, but he has a bottom line in his work, and he is far more upright than others. He throws his son to the zhèngfǔ authority, and leaves the management of production and the market to experienced and capable people. , run a business with more vision and measure than anyone else.

Even if the gift hadn’t been delivered, with what Shen Huai said before, Hu Yiliang didn’t have too many concerns, and said, “The report to Secretary Shen is still the work of the blanket factory…”

“You said…” Shen Huai changed a cigarette, and he said this set of words from his heart, that is to say, he hoped that Hu Yiliang would pour out the words from his heart.

Shen Huai is confident that he is capable, and he also believes that Hu Yiliang is capable. Two capable people, beware of each other and beware of temptation, can only play a role of one plus one less than two, not more than two. This was not the situation Shen Huai hoped to see.

Therefore, Shen Huai has also been looking forward to the opportunity to have an in-depth conversation and heart-to-heart with Hu Yiliang. Before, he was only a deputy secretary, so he wouldn’t have a chance. Today, when Hu Yiliang bumped into him, Shen Huai didn’t want to delay the opportunity.

“The machinery and equipment of the blanket factory were replaced in 1984 or 1984 before I contracted it, but it was not the best at that time. By this year, the equipment can still operate, but compared with other factories, it is far behind. , which greatly affects the efficiency. In addition, the domestic wool price fluctuates greatly, the goat hair resources in Donghua City are not sufficient, and there are dozens of factories competing. Our factory wants to further develop the blanket weaving system. It is very limited. In some big cities and abroad, cotton textiles are very popular, and I thought that if the factory wants to expand production, I can try to start from this…” Hu Yiliang expressed his thoughts.

Shen Huai nodded and said, “Mr. Chu’s market vision is very keen, and I have the same view as Mr. Chu on the prospects of the blanket factory. I know that Mr. Chu wants to invest money in equipment upgrades and in the development of new products. , but the blanket factory only has two years of contract rights left, and even if the contract is re-signed, it will be signed every five years. Chu is always worried that when the contract rights are transferred, the funds invested in the facilities will be wasted?”

“Hey!” Only at this time did Hu Yiliang really feel that talking to Shen Huai had a clear and comfortable feeling, and only then did he really realize that Shen Huai really had extraordinary knowledge and ability, and it was not a fluke to be able to rectify the steel plant. I thought that the so-called meeting of confidants in ancient times is probably this feeling. Of course, Hu Yiliang also considered each other’s identities and status, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and said, “I really admire Secretary Shen, I do have this. worry.”

“This is a drawback of the current contract management system,” Shen Huai said. “It is precisely because of the concerns of the contractors that the production upgrade and expansion of contract factories are severely restricted, and local economic development is inhibited. On the other hand, the contractor is more willing to consume xìng of factory facilities during the contract period, and actually suffers from unnecessary wastage by the state and the collective… Since you are here, Mr. Chu, the problem of the blanket factory must have been fully addressed. Consider it. Speak and listen, the town will seriously consider it.”

“As for the blanket factory, I hoped to sign a longer-term contract, 10 or 15 years,” Chu Yiliang said, “I was inspired today by listening to Secretary Shen chatting with President Zhang of Yexin Bank. It is also possible to buy a blanket factory with personal investment, but I wonder if the town will consider my plan?”

“The Assets Office calculates that the total assets of the blanket factory are 4 million yuan,” Shen Huai asked, “Mr. Hu, you took out 4 million yuan to give to the town, how much money do you have for production?”

The threshold for private enterprise loans in 1993 is extremely It does not mean that funds can be loaned with assets as collateral. As far as the country’s general economic policy is concerned, it still insists on developing with the whole people and the collective economy as the core. The phrase “private economy as a supplement” will not be written into the general economic development policy in a few years.

In addition, banks have different interest rates for enterprises of different quality.

Not counting the gray cost behind it, the official lending rate in 1993 was 10%-16%. As a township enterprise supported by the city and county, Meixi Iron and Steel Plant can get a preferential interest rate lower than 10% from the bank, while the actual interest rate of the private enterprise’s loan from the bank is rarely lower than 16%, which is about 20-25 %between. Such a high financing cost is also a bottleneck restricting the development of the private economy in the early stage.

Chu Yiliang knew that Shen Huai was quite knowledgeable about the economy, so he didn’t hide it and said, “There’s less than one or two million left, or maybe one or two million can be borrowed from banks and other places…”

Shen Huai nodded, Hu Yiliang started his business in his early years, and then contracted a blanket factory for three or four years. He could save a fortune of six or seven million, which was quite impressive in 1993. After all, the domestic reform and opening up has only been around for ten years.

“I’ll tell you a plan, Mr. Chu, go back and think about it.” Shen Huai said.

“Secretary Shen, say it.”

“After New Year’s Day, the state officially promulgated the company law. I wonder if Mr. Chu has read it.” Shen Huai asked.

“I’ve seen a few.” Hu Yiliang said.

“I suggest Mr. Chu that you set up a limited company and take the assets of the blanket factory in the town as a stake. You don’t need to hold any controlling interest or interfere with the normal operation of the company, but Mr. Chu wants to gain the controlling right, and he needs a solid investment that is commensurate with the controlling interest. Funds. In addition, joint ventures with foreign capital have great advantages and convenience in the domestic market, and Mr. Chu can appropriately pull a small amount of foreign capital into shares…”

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