Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: There Are Always Weeping People

At this moment, Huang Xinliang came upstairs, watching Fatty Zhu and his wife crying, not knowing what happened, standing at the door not knowing whether to come in or go down.

“Is there anything downstairs?” Shen Huai asked.

Shen Huai went upstairs to change the wet clothes, and Huang Xinliang and Chu Qiang dealt with the creditors at the landlord, lest they demolish Zhu Li’s house.

“The creditors in Meixi Town have all left, but the creditors in other towns are clamoring for Zhu Li to go down.” Huang Xinliang said, he didn’t know what Shen Huai was thinking at this time, he just told the truth.

The people of Meixi Town wanted to give Shen Huai and Li Feng some face. Seeing that this incident had become such a mess today, they were embarrassed to continue sitting at Zhu Li’s house, so they went back one after another. However, the secretary of the town party committee is the official of the 9th grade sesame. The creditors outside Meixi Town only care about their own money, and they don’t care about the face of the party secretary of a small town.

It is also a matter of nature to pay off debts, and Shen Huai also knew that if there is no money to take out, even if these creditors are persuaded to leave today, they will come back tomorrow.

Shen Huai thought about it for a while, and said to Chu Yiliang, “I still want you to help Manager Zhu get through this difficult time. It’s the end of the year, and there is a catastrophe, and the town can’t squeeze out any money, but I promise to be in town next year. I will repay all the construction funds owed to Lao Zhu. In this way, you will borrow a sum of money from Manager Zhu this time, and I will make a personal guarantee. If Manager Zhu will not pay the money in the future, it will be counted as what I owe you…”

Chu Yiliang was also moved when he heard it:

The matter of the cultural station building, after all, it was Du Jian’s **** that he didn’t wipe clean, and it was Du Jian who couldn’t resist Fatty Zhu. Shen Huai has only been the secretary of the party committee for seven or eight days. If he can actively help Fatty Zhu settle the arrears, he has already done his best.

Now Shen Huai not only patted his chest and promised to return the debt to Zhu Li next year, but also guaranteed in his personal name, and then turned around a sum of money for Zhu Fatty to cope with the difficulties a year ago, not to mention Zhu Li, Chu Yiliang was very moved .

“Secretary Shen, what are you talking about? I don’t believe others, so how can I not believe you?” Chu Yiliang patted Zhu Li on the shoulder and said, “I asked Chu Qiang to go back and get 200,000 yuan, is it enough? ”

“Thank you Big Brother Chu, thank you Secretary Shen…” Zhu Li had tears in his eyes, looked at Shen Huai’s wet hair, and felt ashamed, clasped Shen Huai’s right hand with both hands, and said, “Or, Secretary Shen, you hit me. Two slaps, I can feel better in my heart.”

“Manager Zhu, what are you talking about? In the end, the town owes you. I just hope that everyone can work together to overcome this difficulty. Manager Zhu, you can still work hard for the construction of Meixi Town, and don’t say anything angry in the future.” Shen Huai said.

“Don’t say it, I will never say it again. If Secretary Shen has something to do, give an order, I, Fatty Zhu, hesitate for a moment, then I’m not a person.” Zhu Li swore.

“Let President Chu give you 200,000 yuan first, is it enough?” Shen Huai asked.

“Enough, Brother Chu’s kindness to me, I have to forget, pigs and dogs are not as good.” Zhu Li replied, and gratefully shook Chu Yiliang’s hand.

Zhu Li knew that Chu Yiliang was a businessman. Even if he had a good relationship with him, he would be worthy of the conscience of the world without urging him to borrow 300,000 yuan. Purely looking at Shen Huai’s face.

Chu Yiliang’s factory needs to expand production, and funds are tight. It is impossible to lend him as much money as he can to repay other people’s debts. However, Chu Yiliang can still lend him money at this time, which in itself can strengthen Zhu Li’s credit, indicating that he has not fallen down. If you can get 200,000 to recover some of the debts for these creditors, you can also tell them to go for nothing.

“What are you talking about?” Chu Yiliang patted Zhu Li’s shoulder carelessly, then went downstairs and called his son Chu Qiang to drive back with the driver to get the money.

By the end of the year, Chu Yiliang’s family will keep some cash at home, and the money will be withdrawn soon.

Shen Huai’s current image was not very good, so he asked Li Feng and Chu Yiliang to accompany Zhu Li downstairs to deal with the creditors.

Li Feng reiterated that the town still owes Zhu Li 1.8 million yuan, and the newly appointed party secretary of Meixi Town, Shen Huai, also promised that the town would do everything possible to return the money to Zhu Li next year, while Chu Yiliang would borrow it again. 200,000 yuan was given to Zhu Li, and some money was given to everyone to go back. These creditors felt at ease, and they all left after receiving the interest. After receiving the money, these creditors were also a little embarrassed. When they left, they comforted Zhu Li: “You have met a good secretary this time…”

It was almost eleven o’clock that the talents dispersed.

When he arrived, Shen Huai sneezed, shook hands with Zhu Li, who had calmed down, and said, “I hope you can follow Secretary Li tomorrow to see the construction of temporary transitional housing in the town. With you in the town, There are some difficulties right now. However, as long as you don’t give up, I believe the difficulties will pass quickly…”

“…” Zhu Li was so grateful that he didn’t know what to say, he just held Shen Huai’s hand with his fat hand.

From the beginning to the end, Zhu Yi did not leave her door to show her face. When Shen Huai got into the car, he looked up and the lights were dark on the west floor of the second floor. Although he could not see Zhu Yi’s slender figure, Shen Huai knew her It’s impossible to fall asleep, I don’t know if she is hiding in the dark and looking at herself, I don’t know if she still hates herself in her heart…

Chu Qiang also stared at the town for two days and one night. Shen Huai asked him to go back with his father. Knowing that Chu Yiliang might have something else to tell Zhu Li, he drove by himself and took Huang Xinliang and Li Feng back to the town. , but also to the town to see the resettlement of the affected people.

Seeing Shen Huaikai’s passa thing disappearing into the dark night, Chu Yiliang patted Zhu Li on the shoulder and said, “I don’t have much contact with Secretary Shen, but I believe that Secretary Shen is a person who walks the talk and does what he says. Secretary Shen is also a person who is extremely capable and hardworking. Since Secretary Shen promises to make up all the money owed to you by the town next year, you don’t need to worry anymore…”

Zhu Li nodded. He knew that some officials had the ability to talk empty words and clichés. Shen Huai was so young and could not be trusted, but he still believed in Chu Yiliang’s vision.

In addition to borrowing 300,000 yuan from him and not returning it, Chu Yiliang also used another 200,000 yuan to help him with the difficulties, which is the best explanation for Shen Huai.

Zhu Li had no reason to distrust someone who could convince Hu Yiliang.

After seeing off Chu Yiliang and his son, Zhu Licai went back to the house. Seeing that his son, who was only in elementary school, dared to come down from the third floor at this time, Zhu Li was overwhelmed with emotion, and a lot of sadness floated through his heart, and asked his wife, “Where’s Zhu Yi?”

“She didn’t go downstairs for a long time, and she knew she was wrong; don’t scold her…”

Zhu Li went upstairs and opened the door of his daughter’s room. Seeing that it was dark inside, the lights were not on. He said, “I thought I wouldn’t scold you when the lights were turned off.” Ignoring the scolding, he said with a heartache, “I don’t scold you, I don’t scold you, why are you crying? No one came to beat you.”


After rushing back to the town, Shen Huai just changed Zhu Li’s fat and ugly clothes, and then rushed to the town to listen to He Qingshe and Guo Quan reporting on the disaster relief, resettlement and transfer of the affected people, and the closure of the weaving and dyeing factory.

When it was over, he went to the township where the affected people were resettled and went to the township health center. It was not until two o’clock in the morning that Shen Huai dragged his exhausted body and went directly to the hotel to open a room to take a shower and sleep.

Chen Dan and Xiao Li slept in the next room, and Shen Huai didn’t wake them up. He was lying on the bed, thinking about Zhu Yi, as if there was a hand that made the world so small.

Shen Huai turned over on the bed and covered it until it was dawn before falling asleep.

There is a disaster patrol team in the city who will come to Meixi Town in the morning, and the party and government officials need to be present. Shen Huai struggled to get up from the bed, his head was drowsy as if he had been filled with lead, his body was sore and painful, as if someone had been beaten at night, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something. It is difficult to speak, standing on the floor, like stepping on cotton balls.

Shen Huai knew that the splash on Zhu Yi last night made him sick.

Chen Dan’s relationship with her parents has always been tense because of so many things that happened before and after her marriage with Sun Yong. Shen Huai didn’t want her to worry about her body being unable to go home for the chūn festival, so she washed her face, cheered up her spirits, and left the hotel without calling to ask where Chen Dan was, but blocked Sun Yalin when she went out~www Why is your face so red, are you being caught by a thief? Seeing Shen Huai’s blushing abnormally, Sun Yalin stared into his eyes for a long time, wanting to see Shen Huai’s guilty conscience.

Shen Huai knew that Sun Yalin couldn’t spit ivory out of her mouth. If she told her that she had caught a cold by throwing a basin of water on someone to wash her feet last night, she would roll on the floor with laughter.

“I have a cold.” Shen Huai perfunctory Sun Yalin with a hoarse voice and walked away.

The cold is not a big disease, so Sun Yalin left without thinking too much. The day after tomorrow is the chūn festival, and the Zhuxi Hotel will be closed today. The employees will not come back to work until the fourth day of the new year, and will not reopen until the fifth day of the new year. Sun Yalin will also temporarily live in the urban area.

Shen Huai asked Chu Qiang to find him two cold medicines in the morning, and after eating it, he drank a lot of warm water, his spirit recovered a little, and his throat was not so swollen when he spoke.

Shen Huai accompanied the city patrol team to the two worst-affected villages in the morning, but was unable to meet Chen Dan, who had made donations to the town’s civil affairs department. In the afternoon, Li Feng brought Zhu Li and two other construction contractors over. Shen Huai thought about Zhu Yi, and also went to the weaving and dyeing factory to see how the shutdown was arranged with the workers. He spent most of the afternoon in the weaving and dyeing factory. We discussed how to clear out the facilities as quickly as possible and transform the workshop into a temporary transitional room.

Since the 30 or so households affected by the disaster have to live for a long period of time, the transitional housing should not be too simple.

Chen Dan was going to drive her and Xiaoli back to Hetang before it got dark, and Chen Tong would drive her and Xiaoli back to Hetang for Chinese New Year. She couldn’t see Shen Huai before she left, but she heard Shen Huai’s hoarse voice on the phone. Terrible, a little worried.

Shen Huai didn’t say anything about his illness, only said that he had done disaster relief in the past few days. He shouted too much to the masses, and his voice became hoarse.

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