Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Looking At Hetang Town

“This little bitch, I really think that Secretary Shen is going to offend someone by going to work in the township.” Seeing that Yang Lili didn’t pay attention to their people’s thoughts, Yuan Hongjun couldn’t help but fight for Shen Huai.

Shen Huai smiled slightly. Even if he marginalized Tan Qiping, he was still in the circle of the municipal party secretary. It is unlikely that Shen Huai would be so angry.

However, Shen Huai knew that the guy before was quite hated and hated, so Yang Lili didn’t feel too strong when he ran on him. In addition, he didn’t need to let Yuan Hongjun, who just sat down to eat for the first time, replace him. He was upset.

Shen Huai smiled and said to Yuan Hongjun: “People are also eating hard meals, and they come to cope with smiles all over their faces, just hoping to get more box commissions. We just want the minimum consumption, she can’t get any commissions, so naturally she doesn’t bother Deal with it. If it wasn’t for Secretary Yuan, you brought me here, I wouldn’t be able to come in once in half a year, there’s nothing to be angry about.” He talked to Yuan Hongjun and the others without changing his face, waiting for the food and drinks to come.

Yuan Hongjun was still a little unhappy in his heart, and said: “That’s Secretary Shen, you have a big measure, don’t think about her, if this little **** dares to treat others…” But thinking about it, he is not a township cadre in Emperor International. place, and no longer say harsh words.

Shen Huai didn’t want to talk about this topic, and chatted with Yuan Hongjun about the development of Meixi and Hetang.

Yuan Hongjun also expected that after the two towns of Meixi and Hetang were merged into Tangzha District, there would be a long transition period. During this transition period, the two towns were raised by their stepmothers and would be discriminated against financially. .

He asked Shen Huai to build a relationship. One was that the two towns were in the same situation and were next to each other. They needed to unite their voices, stand on the same position, and try to get financial support from the district as much as possible. One was to know that Shen Huai was in the city. I hope that Meixi Town can bring Hetang Town with it when it wants to develop resources directly with the city.

Another is personal consideration.

Yuan Hongjun was less than forty years old, and before he could serve as Hetang, he had some upper-level relationships. However, Yuan Hongjun’s upper-level relationship was in Xiapu County, and after it was merged into Tangzha District, he had to re-manage the upper-level relationship, so that he could secure his seat as the town party secretary and not be squeezed out by others.

The upper-level relationship is not so easy to manage. It is said that it is a salesman and an official vassal. However, there is only one seat of the party secretary of Hetang Town. can be delivered.

It was said that Shen Huai belonged to Tan Qiping, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, but seeing that Shen Huai was in Meixi Town and trampled Du Jian like a dog, even if the rumors were untrue, Yuan Hongjun believed that Shen Huai’s background was better than that of ordinary townships. The secretary is much deeper.

In Yuan Hongjun’s opinion, as long as we can get closer to Shen Huai, feel the vine of Shen Huai, and connect with the leaders of the city and district, it is possible to take the seat of the party committee secretary of Hetang Town and seek further development. .

Of course, some things don’t need to be said too thoroughly, and the wine table also has to talk about the development and economy of the two towns.

Speaking of this, Yuan Hongjun is also full of resentment and bitterness: “Now a transition period of three years is set, if the district really does not subsidize our two towns, Meixi Town is supported by a steel mill, and it will be better for you , we in Hetang Town, the next three years will be difficult for your son…”

Seeing Yuan Hongjun pulling a private boss into Emperor International to make a fortune, the embarrassment of Hetang Town has little to do with him personally, but it will indeed be difficult for Hetang Town to be financially self-sufficient during the three-year transition period after the merger of Hetang Town.

The development of Meixi Town is lagging behind, after all, it is also the central town of the southwest part of Xiapu County.

After this merger, even if the economy maintains its original scale and does not develop forward, as long as the value-added tax refund base previously withheld from the county is recovered, Meixi Town will have more than 8 million at its disposal a year.

This is also the most direct benefit after Meixi Town was merged into Tangzha District.

Before the 1990s, when the urban area was adjusted, only Meixi Town was considered to be merged into Tangzha District, and Hetang Town was not taken into account. Therefore, the county has always been the capital of Kame River Town, and Hetang Town has all the funds. Financial tilt.

During the three-year transition period, Xiapu County could no longer have a financial inclination towards Hetang Town, and cut off a piece at once, and Hetang Town could not get financial support from Tangzha District, and it might only be four or five hundred a year. Wan’s appearance will be very embarrassing.

The population of Hetang Town is only slightly smaller than that of Meixi, and the financial support is almost the same. It tightened so much at once, just like the predicament Meixi Town encountered three or four years ago.

Even if Yuan Hongjun has a way to make money, the party members and cadres under his command are all living a miserable life. As the secretary of the town party committee, he will not be comfortable.

On the other hand, there is a serious lack of local investment in education, water conservancy, transportation, urban construction, public security, and civil affairs, and there may be serious problems.

Hetang Town suffered heavy casualties in the snowstorm. In the final analysis, the local houses were in disrepair and the structure was weak, and the local government did not invest enough in the renovation of dilapidated and old houses in rural areas.

In the snow disaster, more than 100 houses collapsed in Meixi Town, and the disaster relief funds allocated by the city and county spread to less than 1,000 yuan per collapsed house, which is far from enough for the victims of the collapsed houses to rebuild their homes. With some additional subsidies, some disaster-stricken families will be reduced to extreme poverty…

Shen Huai thought that the reason why Kou Xuan became a “princess” at Emperor International after her injury was directly related to the collapse of her house and the lack of money to rebuild it, but there was no way to go to the club on the fifth floor to find her in one box at a time.

Of course, Shen Huai could do nothing about the situation in Hetang Town. After all, he couldn’t take care of everything in the world, and the flood of sympathy was useless.

However, if they can promote each other and achieve a win-win situation, Shen Huai is still willing to do it.

In fact, Shen Huai had already taken a fancy to the riverside resources in Hetang Town, and he did not care about Yuan Hongjun, but said directly: “Meixi Iron and Steel Plant plans to take a piece of land to build a freight terminal in Hetang, and will also build a freight terminal in Meixi Iron and Steel. On the east side of the factory, build an access road to connect the freight terminal, and this access road will also be mainly built on your site…”

Jiang An is a resource, but no one wants it, and no money can be made there.

Hearing Shen Huai saying that he was going to build a pier in Hetang Town, Yuan Hongjun asked suspiciously, “The raw materials and steel materials of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant need to be transported by river. Wouldn’t it be enough to build the pier on the Meixi River?”

The Meixi River is one of the main tributaries of the lower reaches of the Zhujiang River. Especially after reaching Meixi Town, the waterway is deep and wide, and a thousand-ton or even 3,000- to 5,000-ton freighter will not have too much pressure coming in from the river mouth.

If the development goal of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant is to limit the annual output of steel to less than one million tons, the freight terminal should naturally be built on the east bank of the Meixi River. And the derived taxes and fees can be owned by Meixi Town as much as possible.

However, in Shen Huai’s mind, a freighter with a load of 3,000 to 5,000 tons is far from meeting the future development needs of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant.

Of course, Shen Huai would not tell Yuan Hongjun what he expected of the Meixi Iron and Steel Plant. Not to mention Yuan Hongjun, even He Qingshe and Chu Qiang, probably cannot imagine that he has the determination to make Meixi Iron and Steel Plant a multi-million-ton or even ten-million-ton steel enterprise.

Facing Yuan Hongjun’s question, Shen Huai just smiled and said, “Building a freight wharf on the east bank of the Meixi River and connecting it to a steel mill will restrict the southward development of Meixi Township, and there is a conflict in planning. , Meixi Iron and Steel Plant still has some funds, and now it is used to directly build a wharf on the north bank of the Zhujiang River, build a road to connect with the Xiamei Highway, and then widen the Xiamei Highway. The wharf is the area between Donghua City and the south bank of the Zhujiang River. Important ferry crossings; there are many benefits here…”

Yuan Hongjun nodded, Meixi Town and Hetang Town developed slowly because they were nestled in the corners and could not enjoy any benefits. If a wharf and a river crossing are really to be built, then Meixi Town and Hetang Town may become the communication gateways between the eastern part of Donghua City and the cities on the southern bank of the Zhujiang River, and industry and commerce will naturally prosper.

“This is a good thing. We will not only welcome, but also strongly support,” Yuan Hongjun said. “From Meixi Iron and Steel Plant directly south to the riverside, if the distance is the shortest, should the wharf be built in Lishe Village?” Yuan Hongjun Unconfirmed, he glanced at Li Xueqi, the mayor opposite.

“Yes, the sixth group of Lishe Village.” Li Xueqi, the mayor of Hetang Town, is very familiar with the situation in the two towns.

“How many acres of land does Meixi Iron and Steel Plant plan to take from Hetang this time?” Yuan Hongjun asked Shen Huai.

“Six hundred acres!” Shen Huai said.

The approval authority for land approval for the 600-acre industrial project rests with the city, and any more has to be reported to the province.

“So many!” Yuan Hongjun was taken aback by the numbers reported by Shen Huai, and said, “You moved the entire Meixi Iron and Steel Plant here, and you wouldn’t need so much land, would you?”

At present, the total land area of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant is only 600 mu, but there is still considerable room for development. It even took the nearly 100 mu of land on the west side to start the fund-raising housing Construction workers Residential.

According to the conventional layout of steel enterprises, 600 acres of land is enough to accommodate the production capacity of 500,000 to 800,000 tons of rebar; the designed production capacity of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant is only 100,000 tons.

He Qingshe was also shocked when he heard that Shen Huai wanted to take 600 acres from Hetang Town, but he did not interfere with the business of the steel mill, so he patiently did not ask anything.

“It’s not just about building docks and yards,” said Shen Huai, “Meixi Steel Plant will mainly develop electric furnace steel for a long time in the future. Electric furnace steel is a big tiger that eats electricity. In the past, the county had a production capacity of 100,000 tons. The power supply to the steel mills can only meet the production demand of 80,000 tons, and the supply cannot be stable. We will buy generator sets to make up for other power gaps. The electricity consumption in Tangzha District is also very tight, and it is estimated that we cannot supply electricity. How much can we squeeze out. The current cost of the generator set is too high. If the Meixi Iron and Steel Plant is to develop, it can only raise funds to build a power station without relying on the county and district; Electricity……”

“How big is the Meixi Iron and Steel Plant going to have to build a wharf and a power station?” At this time, Yuan Hongjun realized that Shen Huai had great ambitions.

“Meixi Iron and Steel Plant will be able to achieve a capacity of 100,000 tons this year, but when we consider the long-term goal of the development of the steel plant, we must see the situation of one million tons…” Shen Huai intentionally narrowed down the long-term goal. a bit.

“You are amazing, you should be the party secretary of Meixi Town. In the future, you should also be the secretary of the district party committee and the municipal party committee, and then the entire Donghua region will be able to turn over. I really should call that little **** just now. Listen, don’t you think she’s arrogant?” Yuan Hongjun raised his thumb towards Shen Huai convincingly, and then said to He Qingshe, “I said so, He Heizi, aren’t you angry?”

“Why am I angry? I wish Secretary Shen would take Meixi Town to the sky.” He Qingshe laughed.

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