Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: At The Emperor Again

The construction of Zhuxi is still very weak, and they do not have the ability to build large and medium-sized bridges. Shen Huai cannot help them. The Meixi Bridge, the Xiamei Highway expansion project and the Jianggang Wharf project will let them participate in some projects, but they will not be handed over to them. EPC.

Although Sun Yalin was very dissatisfied with the municipal construction company, in addition to the municipal construction company, Shen Huai could not imagine that Donghua had a more suitable road and bridge construction company.

To use the BT (investment-transfer) model to rebuild the Meixi Bridge and widen the Xiamei Highway, the participation of local interest groups is required to implement this project.

Shen Huai thought about it and said to Sun Yalin, “In terms of technical strength, besides the municipal construction company, which road and bridge company can I find in Donghua City to take over this project? I will find time to communicate with the district to see if it can be done. To facilitate this matter in the name of the district. Even if Meixi Town has a large financial commitment during the three-year transition period, the actual financial autonomy is still limited. If Tangzha District can take over this matter, even if it is a loan from a bank, At least there won’t be any policy risks, and Yexin Bank can rest assured…”

“Meixi Town takes care of its own finances, will Tangzha District take over this matter?” Sun Yalin asked.

“No matter how big the finance is, the town’s land tax revenue must be turned over to the district finance first, and then returned by the district finance in a certain proportion. The so-called big agreement is just a full return, and the procedure for turning it over and then returning it is not yet clear. There will be less money, so the financial initiative is still in the hands of the superior. As long as the district is willing to take over this matter, the district will directly deduct it from the repayment of taxes and fees, whether it is to repay the project funds or the construction loan in the future. Don’t worry that Meixi Town will default…” Shen Huai explained.

“Is Pan Shihua reliable?” Sun Yalin asked, “Will he secretly block you?”

Sun Yalin also intends to invest all her wealth in Meixi Town through an overseas private company. She pays more attention to Meixi Town than ordinary people.

Sun Yalin knew very well the relationship between the new mayor of Tangzha District and Pan Shigui, the contractor of the weaving and dyeing factory who had been forcibly shut down before; Shen Huai often communicated with her in time if anything happened.

Shen Huai thought of what Yang Lili said. He couldn’t trust the officials who frequented Emperor International. However, according to the news from other channels, Pan Shihua was not an official who could stick to principles when he was the deputy director of the Organization Department. Shaking his head, he said: “He is a frequent visitor of Emperor International, do you think he is reliable? But he was transferred to Tangzha District and was nominated by Tan Qiping. Before he consolidates his relationship with Tan Qiping, as long as it is not an embarrassment for him, He shouldn’t be too **** me.”

“It’s hard to say, it’s been almost a year since I arrived in China. I may not see any less disgusting officials than you…” Sun Yalin was obviously less confident than Shen Huai in domestic officials.

“The Jianggang Wharf project has to build momentum again, and then it is time for Zhonghe Investment to stand up and perform,” Shen Huai said, “Although Zhonghe Investment only offered 900,000 US dollars this time, it has to put on an investment of 90 million US dollars. The momentum comes out. You can rest assured that domestic officials will eat this way…”

“My God, I raised a million dollars for you before and after, and I’m almost exhausted. You want me to continue to help you act and deceive people!” Sun Yalin rubbed her waist painfully, rarely taking the tone of a little woman Jiao said angrily, “Aren’t you afraid that Tan Qiping will be furious when he finds out the truth?”

“Then don’t let him know the truth,” Shen Huai said with a smile, “You also know how the domestic industry is developing. In the next ten years, steel mills may have an asset appreciation rate of 4, 50% or even higher every year. Where can I find such a good investment channel? We started talking about half a million dollars. If you are not willing, can I force you to raise another half a million dollars?”

“The extra 500,000 is also a loan shark that I gambled for the rest of my life and borrowed from George and the others; if I get into trouble in Meixi Town, I will be with you for the rest of my life!” Sun Yalin said fiercely.

Shen Huai ignored Sun Yalin. If he hadn’t persuaded her with the facts, she wouldn’t have even invested a penny.

It was still early before the meal time. Shen Huai had to walk around the steel mill and drive to Xuetang Street, so he planned to leave Sun Yalin behind.

The continuation of the Tianheng Building will take half a year to complete.

However, the business office of Yexin Bank in Meixi Town has been renovated last month. This week, it officially opened to the public and started its storage business.

Just as Shen Huai was about to leave Sun Yalin in front of the business outlet, Chen Dan happened to come out of the office to work, and came over and asked, “Did we have dinner in the hotel at night?”

Shen Huai thought that Zhao Dong had already called everyone, and just about to say “yes”, Sun Yalin grabbed the conversation and said, “It’s rare to ask Shen Huai to vomit blood once, will he pay for it at the Zhuxi Hotel? If you eat there, you have to change the place.”

Shen Huaitou retracted into the car, threw the wallet out, and said, “I haven’t had a chance to spend my salary this month. It’s all in the wallet, you can figure it out.”

Sun Yalin took the wallet, took out the banknotes and ordered some, and said, “Well, there are more than 1,000, and it’s enough to eat…” She threw the empty wallet back.

“You have to leave me a hundred yuan!” Shen Huai cried bitterly.

“When you are an official, don’t you claim that ‘you never spend your salary, and your wife never uses it’? Why do you keep money in your wallet?” Sun Yalin asked.

Shen Huai wanted to find something to smash Sun Yalin’s alluring face, but Sun Yalin had completely ignored him and discussed with Chen Dan about where to eat at night.

Shen Huai only received the basic salary in the steel factory, but in the town, he also received job wages, allowances, and various benefits, and he also received 2,000 yuan every month. As long as it is not extravagant, two thousand yuan in 1994 is enough to enter any high-end restaurant.

Chen Dan didn’t mean to help Shen Huai save money, and he knew that Shen Huai had no place to spend money at all, so he suggested, “Why don’t you go to Nanyuan?”

“I’m tired of eating,” Sun Yalin was not interested in Nanyuan. She turned her head and said to Shen Huai, “How about we go to Emperor International for dinner tonight?”

“Isn’t it appropriate?” Shen Huai said. Today, he invited guests to celebrate Zhao Dong and Xiao Mingxia’s receipt of their certificates. How could he go to a place like Emperor International that provides one-stop service for men to eat?

“What’s wrong? Isn’t Emperor International a paradise for Donghua men? You should take Xiao Mingxia to gain knowledge, lest Zhao Dong have money in the future, Xiao Mingxia doesn’t know how to prevent him from learning badly,” Sun Yalin said.

Seeing Yang Haipeng stick his head out of his car, Sun Yalin asked, “Do you have an opinion?”

Yang Haipeng raised his hand and said, “I express my support for your wise decision.”

Sun Yalin waved Shen Huai to go first: “Go ahead, I have decided on this matter. If Zhao Dong has any opinions, ask him to call me!”

Shen Huai didn’t expect Sun Yalin to take into account other people’s feelings at all, and felt that Zhao Dong had the courage to fight against Sun Yalin. He glanced at Chen Dan and wanted her to persuade Sun Yalin.

Chen Dan turned his face away, ignoring him; Shen Huai’s head was numb, knowing that she was still thinking about the earring.

Sun Yalin made a decision, which could not be denied. Shen Huai had no choice but to turn around with Yang Haipeng and drive to the steel mill to inform Zhao Dong of the “bad news”.


Zhou Yu was looking at materials in the office. At four o’clock in the afternoon, the sun shines through the glass window on the ground in front of the desk, and countless fine dust flutters in the beam of light. After Zhou Yu walked for a while, there was a knock on the door of the office, and then Yang Yuquan, the secretary of the district party committee, walked in.

“Secretary Yang, do you have anything to do with me?” Zhou Yu stood up and asked.

“There’s nothing special,” Yang Yuquan sat down on the sofa in the room casually. After sitting down for two seconds, he patted the armrest again, stood up, and said, “Just now, Yuan Hongjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hetang Town, came to report, Hetang Town intends to transfer the two villages under its jurisdiction, Lishe and Caijiaqiao, to Meixi Town, so that Meixi Iron and Steel Factory can build a freight wharf on the river bank of Lishe Village… Have you heard of this?”

“Ah!” Zhou Yu was taken aback and couldn’t believe it, and asked subconsciously, “Secretary Yang, is this true?”

“Yuan Hongjun probably won’t make fun of me about this,” Yang Yuquan said. “He just came over to give a preliminary report. I thought you had heard of it before. Since you don’t know, then forget it. I Call Meixi Town later and ask what’s going on.”

Yang Yuquan didn’t sit any longer and walked out of the office.

After Zhou Yu sat back at his desk, he stared at the phone on the desk and wanted to call Shen Huai to ask what was going on, but he didn’t feel that he had no position to make the call. Yang Yuquan deliberately ran over to tell her about it, and also asked her to tell her brother Zhou Zhibai.

Zhou Yu picked up the phone, dialed his brother’s cell phone, and told him about it.

“This is too abominable,” Zhou Zhibai scolded through gritted teeth on the other end of the phone, “Meixi Iron and Steel Factory made it clear that it wanted to prevent Pengyue from building a wharf, so it deliberately suppressed Pengyue’s complaints. Furnace purchase…”

Zhou Yu could imagine his younger brother’s face turning blue with anger on the other end of the phone.

Pengyue is mainly engaged in the material trade of scrap iron and steel, with an annual throughput of 200,000 to 300,000 tons of goods, which is already considerable in Donghua City.

In the past, Pengyue mainly entrusted the port transportation group to transport the charge, which was expensive and unsatisfactory in efficiency.

In the past two years, Pengyue has accumulated some capital, and wanted to expand, so he came up with the idea of building a wharf and forming a transport fleet: First, it could reduce Pengyue’s own transportation costs to a limited extent, and then Pengyue could take the opportunity to start from a single business, to develop into the port transportation industry.

Although Wu Haifeng retired to become the director of the National People’s Congress, it has become difficult to obtain approval for Pengyue’s construction of the wharf, but it is not hopeless. When the Jianggang Wharf project of Meixi Iron and Steel Works surfaced, it almost directly pronounced the death penalty for the Pengyue Wharf project.

Donghua City has more than 100 kilometers of riverside resources, and would not mind building two more wharves.

However, the main purpose of Pengyue’s construction of docks and storage yards was to provide a cheap cost advantage for the transfer of furnace materials in the initial stage. And Meixi Iron and Steel Plant built its own wharf, to put it bluntly, in order to reduce the cost of raw materials and steel transportation – there is a direct competitive relationship between them.

Of course, Peng Yue can build a wharf to compete with Meixi Iron and Steel Plant, but the price to pay is to completely lose the business of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant.

Zhou Zhibai had planned to increase Pengyue’s trade volume to 200 million this year.

However, due to the simultaneous attack of the Municipal Steel Plant and the Meixi Steel Plant, not to mention the completion of this year’s goal, the business volume in the next two months of the year has shrunk by 30% compared with last year, which is very hurtful.

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