Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 202

Chapter 201: In The Car (4)

Suddenly a conductor ran over and asked Shen Huai to squeeze the restroom with them. Xiong Dailing, Xin Qi, Zheng Feng and others were all dumbfounded.

Nothing else, this conductor was wearing a short-sleeved uniform, revealing two snow-white and pink arms, a dignified and petite face, neat facial features, dark eyes, and beautiful hair in a bun. Xiong Dailing and the others are only a year or two older, they are young and beautiful, even if they are not more charming than Xiong Dailing, they are not slightly worse than her…

Although they didn’t understand what was going on, seeing such a beautiful female conductor come to ask Shen Huai to squeeze the rest room with them for the night, Zheng Feng and the others almost stared at them.

Naturally, Shen Huai would not reject the kindness of the conductor girl, thanked him, picked up the backpack and pocket under the table, and said to Zheng Feng and the others, “I’m so sorry, I can’t stay up all night with you guys… “…” said sorry, but with a smug smile on his face.

Zheng Feng’s face was burning hot, Shen Huai slung the backpack on his shoulders, and said to the four girls Xiong Dailing and Xin Qi, “Aren’t you going back to the sleeper car to sleep? Let’s go over together.”

Xiong Dailing knew that Shen Huai had great powers, so she would not be surprised if she was taken care of by an acquaintance in the railway system, so she picked up her travel backpack and prepared to go with Shen Huai.

Zheng Feng looked at the small smile on Shen Huai’s mouth, and his heart was not filled with anger, his face twisted and twitched. He could not keep his polite demeanor in front of Xiong Dailing, and couldn’t help questioning the conductor angrily: “Why? We can’t go to the conductor’s lounge, but he can?”

Zheng Feng suddenly lost his demeanor and jumped out to demolish Shen Huai’s stage, because Xiong Dailing was very disgusted, but she couldn’t help Shen Huai to speak.

There were no less than two or three hundred people crowded in one carriage, and they were all tormented in the hot, noisy, and sour-smelling carriage. Suddenly, a little white face invited a beautiful conductor to the lounge for the night. Who wouldn’t be jealous?

Zheng Feng stood up and questioned, and other people naturally swarmed up, unrelentingly demanding fair treatment.

The young female conductor was calm in the face of such a scene, glanced at the passengers in the carriage, then stared at Zheng Feng’s face with disdain, and said, “Mr. Shen was originally a passenger in the soft sleeper car in front, but after Mr. Shen got on the train, When I saw a woman with a child who was about to suffer from heat stroke in a normal car, she took the initiative to change the ticket with her. I reported this to our conductor, and our conductor said that we can’t let Mr. Shen, who has done good deeds, be really wronged. . This gentleman, if you give your soft sleeper seat to a mother with a sick child, you are also welcome to our conductor’s lounge…”

As if he had been slapped, Zheng Feng’s face instantly flushed red, and he was speechless.

“The young man is not only handsome, but also has a good heart. Go, go, we won’t have any objections.” When the original reason was said, the dissent in the carriage subsided immediately, and some people praised Shen Huai.

Shen Huai didn’t like to be the focus of others’ attention, so he slung his backpack on his back, took the carrying bag forward and entered the dining car, and then waited for Xiong Dailing and the others to come over.

Xiong Dailing looked at Shen Huai’s background with strange eyes. She had no idea that Shen Huai was able to meet her on the train under such circumstances.

Young girls believe in fate, Xiong Dailing doesn’t really believe in this, but at this time she can’t help but think, otherwise fate, how could it be such a coincidence?

Xiong Dailing can also see the relationship between Shen Huai and Chen Dan. Even if she has a good impression of Shen Huai in her heart, she will not have any special thoughts. She hasn’t seen Shen Huai for a long time, which is also due to the sudden coldness of everyone’s relationship at the end of last year.

Years later, Xiong Dailing went back to Donghua several times to have dinner with her family, but no one kept saying good things about Shen Huai as before. And her brother-in-law seemed to have a deep resentment towards Shen Huai. She couldn’t help but criticize Shen Huai’s heartlessness and forgetfulness several times during the banquet, and even exposed Shen Huai’s previous misdeeds.

Including Shen Huai playing with female students as a teacher at the Provincial Academy of Economics, and often taking unsolicited girls home to have **** after arriving in Donghua, Xiong Dailing only heard about it after that. Xiong Dailing didn’t think that Shen Huai would be that kind of person, but after she went to school, she inquired about Shen Huai’s deeds during his tenure in the Provincial School of Economics, and knew that some things were not groundless.

Maybe it was because she felt that the relationship between her family and Shen Huai had become deadlocked for reasons she could not understand, maybe it was the relationship of time, maybe it was because she really understood Shen Huai’s true face, and Xiong Dailing couldn’t feel what she had for Shen Huai at first. that good feeling.

Who would have thought that at this moment, they would meet unexpectedly on the train, and the uncontrollable joy in her heart was so clear when they met. Even so, even if she likes Shen Huai’s witty conversation and mature and charming bearing, Xiong Dailing can still keep her sanity, thinking that Shen Huai is not a person who is disciplined in life.

But at this moment, Xiong Dailing’s sanity didn’t last long before shaking again, and she couldn’t help defending Shen Huai deep in her heart: how could he be the wicked villain in the legend? bone?

Only then did Xin Qi know that the Shen Huai in front of her was not as shabby as she looked, and she vaguely guessed that Shen Huai might not be a simple town clerk. She also has contact with many people in her family, either rich or expensive, and people’s temperament and tolerance know that they have a great relationship with their status.

With the most simple truth, a town clerk in a poor place, whether it is going home or on a business trip, how many people will sit on a soft bed? Compared with plane tickets, soft sleeper tickets are not something you can buy with money these days. Zheng Feng said a lot, even if you book in advance, you can only buy two hard sleeper tickets.

What kind of person is he? Xin Qi glanced at Xiong Dailing, who had a bewildered expression, and knew that she should be hiding a lot of things, thinking that she would be “interrogated” properly later.

“Where are you going?” The conductor took Xiong Dailing and Xin Qi’s sleeper tickets for inspection. Although there were only two hard sleeper tickets and the four girls wanted to go there together, she didn’t say anything, and asked them to follow her into the dining car.

“By the way, what’s your name?” Shen Huai watched the female conductor come over. He was also very grateful to this girl. It was really uncomfortable for him to sit with Zheng Feng and other students who hated him all night. very.

“My name is Chen Meihong. You can take this car in the future. If you don’t buy a sleeper ticket, you can come to me.” Chen Meihong smiled sweetly and said, “A good person deserves a good reward…”

“I think I got a good reward when I met you.” Shen Huai said with a smile, thinking that it should be her who helped to speak, so she had the opportunity to spend the night in the conductor’s lounge, otherwise the train would be full of tens of thousands of people, and the train would be lost. Changcai doesn’t care who exchanges tickets with whom.

Chen Meihong smiled sweetly, then looked at Xiong Dailing and others who were following behind, and asked Shen Huai, “Do you know them?”

“Well, that girl happens to be my colleague’s daughter, and the others are her classmates,” Shen Huai said, looking at Xiong Dailing and female conductor Chen Meihong, “It’s a coincidence, she went to Yanjing with her classmates to play, if not for the change Tickets, it is impossible to meet them on the train…”

“Oh,” Chen Meihong turned her head and said to Xiong Dailing and the others, “there are already four men in your compartment, they seem to be a group, they don’t look like good people, you guys should be careful in the past, if something is wrong , just shout!”

Listening to Chen Meihong’s words, Xiong Dailing and the others were a little embarrassed. They didn’t know if the four girls would go for a break, or let the two girls go back to the ordinary carriage and replace them with a strong boy to protect them?

Seeing their worries, Chen Meihong said, “Otherwise, you should sit in the lounge first, and when the train arrives at the Shandong boundary, you will start talking one after another. I can help adjust the two beds…”

“Thank you.” Xin Qi’s small mouth was very flattering and thanked.

The conductors always have privileges that ordinary passengers cannot see. The trains leave the provincial capital, and the carriages are full. Gradually some will be vacated, and some sleepers will be vacated. There were very few passengers who made up the sleeper in the middle of the night, so Chen Meihong could naturally arrange for Xiong Dailing and the others to sleep in the empty bed.

The conductor’s rest room is not very spacious, about the size of a deck, but sharing the on-board air conditioner with the soft sleeper car is much better than the sultry, meat-packed ordinary car. In addition to going out to take a look occasionally, or opening the door to check in the end, Chen Meihong spends more time with Shen Huai and the others sitting in the lounge and chatting.

Chen Meihong is also a very talkative person, and within half an hour, she got to know Xiong Dailing and Xin Qi very well. At Jinan Station, there were four empty beds in one carriage. Shen Huai followed Xiong Dailing and the others to sleep. The four girls had already left Zheng Feng and the others behind. What made Xin Qi depressed was that she never got the chance to ask Xiong Dailing what Shen Huai’s identity was, and she didn’t look like a little clerk in the township.

It was not until dawn when the train passed through Jinmen that Zheng Feng and the others touched them and asked them if they were sleeping well, but seeing Shen Huai lying on the top bunk, his face became extremely ugly.

It was ten o’clock in the morning when they arrived in Yanjing. Shen Huai, Xiong Dailing, and Xin Qi all exchanged correspondence with Chen Meihong, and they joined Zheng Feng and the others to get off the In the crowded crowd, a black car appeared. sè Audi drove directly into the platform, and honked the horn with a “pop” to drive away the crowd of people pouring out of the doors. In Yanjing, there are many such privileged cars. Seeing Xiong Dailing dazzled by the crowd, Shen Huai reacted a little late, grabbed her arm and pulled it to the side, letting the bullish Audi car pass first.

The black Audi stopped beside the old man who entered the car last yesterday, and a young man stuck his head out to talk to the old man. There was a lot of noise in the station, and Shen Huai couldn’t hear what they said, but it seemed that Audi should have come to pick up the old man, and the old man was quite dissatisfied with their abuse of privileges. Get into the crowd and go.

Shen Huai couldn’t help but smile, Xiong Dailing looked at him, then at the old man who got into the crowd, and asked, “Do you know him?”

“I don’t know.” Shen Huai shook his head and walked out of the station with Xiong Dailing and the others.

At the exit, Zheng Feng seemed to see acquaintances, and said excitedly to Xiong Dailing and the others: “My dad asked the driver of his unit to pick us up, presumably the accommodation should also be arranged…”

Zheng Feng was still determined to earn the last bit of face in front of Shen Huai.

“Secretary Shen, Secretary Shen!” At this time, someone shouted loudly towards this side holding a sign.

Shen Huai didn’t know who else would come to greet him in Yanjing, but when he looked at it, it was a familiar face that Donghua knew, and he couldn’t remember who it was.

“It’s me, Xiao Wu from the city, Director Chen knows that you are taking the train to Yanjing today, and specifically asked me to come with you to meet you,” the young man holding the sign eagerly greeted him, carrying Shen Huai’s backpack and pockets After taking it, he noticed that Xiong Dailing, Xin Qi, Zheng Feng and others were all looking at him, and asked Shen Huai with a silly face, “Secretary Shen, are they all your friends?”

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