Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 204

Chapter 203: Indifference In The Scenery

Zheng Feng can’t wait to find a crack to get in, his face is flushed with shame, even Xin Qi and others feel pitiful when they look at him.

Shen Huai glanced at Zheng Feng, he didn’t care what the kid was thinking, he was noncommittal to the driver Wei Yue’s request, just spread his hands to Chen Bing and said, “I didn’t expect the family to send a car to the station entrance, it seems that I have to go back first. I’ll take care of it at home; I’m really sorry to let Director Chen go for nothing…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll take the cigarette that Shao Zheng asked you to bring back, even if it’s not a waste.” Chen Bing joked with a smile.

Chen Bing also looked at the tall and tall driver, pondering what he said in his heart.

It is said that Shen Huai’s background is very big, but how big is his background? People like Qian Wenhui and He Qingshe who are already Shen Huai’s direct line are not very clear. Everything seems to be cloudy and foggy. Naturally, it is even more unclear. From Shen Huai’s more than a year of working experience in Donghua, it is difficult to find any traces.

This simple scene in front of him made Chen Bing see many clues.

Chen Bing went to Yanjing to serve as the director of the Municipal Office in Beijing. The first task was to find out all the ways in Yanjing, so that the city could find a way to do business in Yanjing and get twice the result with half the effort.

Generally speaking, Yanjing city-level leaders, as long as they are not members of the Politburo, even if there are jǐng guards, are ordinary personnel who belong to the jǐng guards of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In peacetime, usually only senior party and government officials such as generals at the military level and members of the Politburo have full-time jǐng guards attached to the jǐng guards. Even after retirement, they will retain some political treatment.

Chen Bing knew from Shao Zheng that Shen Huai came back to celebrate the 80th birthday of his family.

Chen Bing thought to himself that there was an old man in the family who had retired from the position of the military or Politburo member or above. This background is really coveted, and it is indeed not the little reptiles in Donghua City that can compete of.

The big tall man did not go back to his hometown after transferring from the Jǐng Guard Corps, but worked as a driver in the Ministry of Agriculture. Today, he was assigned by the so-called “Director Song” to take Shen Huai home. This “Director Song” is also Shen Huai’s family. .

For a while, Chen Bing couldn’t figure out which of the bureau-level officials under the Ministry of Agriculture had the surname Song. After thinking about going back and inquiring, it would be clear. Naturally, he wouldn’t mind the car sent by Shen Huai to pick up the family.

Xiong Dailing, Xin Qi and others did not think as deeply as Chen Bing, and they could only see the surface. From the brief conversation between Wei Yue and Shen Huai, the tall and tall driver, they also knew that Zheng Feng’s father could only be in the Ministry of Agriculture. As an ordinary cadre, Shen Huai is the real prosperous one.

Xiong Dailing was surprised and felt that it should be so. Her father and Zhou Ming would occasionally chat in front of her about some official topics, involving Shen Huai. Even though Zhou Ming was full of complaints against Shen Huai, and her father was much more calm, they both thought that Shen Huai’s family background was more important than that of Shen Huai. Much more complicated than imagined.

Everything in front of her was just to verify the guesses of her father and Zhou Ming. She glanced at Shen Huai with a complicated expression, not knowing what to say, but felt lonely because they were farther away from each other.

Xiong Dailing didn’t even understand why Shen Huai’s relationship with her family suddenly became so bad.

Xin Qi’s mind is much simpler. She only met yesterday, and she is attracted by Shen Huai’s witty conversation and extraordinary and mature bearing. Especially after knowing that Shen Huai exchanged the soft sleeper ticket for the mother with the sick child, she is even more interested in him. I like it very much, and I’m also curious about Shen Huai’s identity: a young man with a household registration in Yanjing left his home for two years, but went to the remote Donghua City to be a township cadre, which makes people feel that there are many stories to dig.

At this time, Xin Qi would not sympathize with Zheng Feng, who was eager to find a crack to get in, but leaned over, looked at Shen Huai with a smile, and said, “Okay, both cars are for you to pick up the station, it’s really majestic. Very, but we are very pitiful, we can only squeeze the bus on this hot day…”

Shen Huai also liked Xiong Dailing, a generous and active classmate.

Since he went home directly, there was no need to avoid any suspicion, and asked Xiong Dailing, “You haven’t arranged any accommodation, why don’t you go back with Director Chen?” He asked Chen Bing, “Donghua Hotel these two days. Do you have a free room?”

The Beijing Municipal Office operates a hotel in Yanjing. In addition to making it convenient for officials from Donghua to work in Yanjing, it also allows the officials of the Beijing Municipal Office to run a side business. Chen Bing also serves as the general manager of Donghua Hotel. manager’s job.

“Dailing went to Yanjing to come to Yanjing with her classmates to play. If my uncle doesn’t arrange it well, next time I meet Xiong Wenbin, he will not have a good face to show me,” Chen Bing laughed, “You go first. Well, I’ll call for another car…”

“Then I will trouble you, Director Chen,” Shen Huai said, glanced at Zheng Feng again, and said with a smile, “Xiao Zheng, should we take you home first, or go to the Donghua Hotel with Dai Ling and the others? ”

Zheng Feng’s heart was turbulent. As a citizen of the root of the imperial city, he was concerned about current affairs. It was a major feature that people like the Eight Great Young Masters of the capital could usually be said to be ugly.

Zheng Feng didn’t know what was the relationship between Shen Huai and Song Bingsheng, director of the Personnel Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, but he could roughly guess that he was a son of the Song family, but why did he have the surname “Shen”?

Under the dazzling halo of the Song family, Zheng Feng felt like a clown who had been stripped and thrown into the spotlight, embarrassed and ashamed, wishing to run away from this world.

Shen Huai naturally doesn’t care too much about Zheng Feng’s little character, but he just doesn’t want to lose his demeanor in front of Xiong Dailing, so he asks this question. If Zheng Feng really has the mental quality to ride with him, maybe he will think highly of him. At a glance.

Shen Huai explained the relationship between Zheng Feng and Xiong Dailing to the tall Wei Yue, and then threw Xiong Dailing and her classmates to Chen Bing and the others. After accusing them, he and the tall Wei Yue left first.


Sitting in the C3 model imported from abroad in the mid-1980s, which was officially remodeled this year as a black Audi called “A6”, Shen Huai looked at the rapidly receding street scene on both sides with emotion.

The previous “Shen Huai” only lived in Yanjing for four years; and the real him, after working, because the Municipal Steel Plant and a research institute under the Metallurgical Department had to jointly study and overcome a technical problem of steelmaking, he acted for the plant on his behalf. Fang’s technical representative had the opportunity to stay in Yanjing for two months.

During those two months, I spent all my meals and lodging in the research institute. I only took one day to pay homage to places such as **, monuments, and memorial halls. I really did not leave a deeper impression on Yanjing.

Shen Huai and Wei Yue met for the first time, but they didn’t know each other well, and they had something in their hearts. When they got into the car, they didn’t talk to him much. They sat in the leather back seat and let the tall Wei Yue drive in front of him. Drive happily.

Wei Yue enthusiastically took the initiative to tell Shen Huai about his own situation:

His hometown is in the countryside of Liaoning in the northeast. He joined the army in 1986. Because of his large size, he had practiced boxing at a young age, and he had a strong roots. However, Shen Huai had already gone abroad at that time, so he didn’t know the several guards after the old man’s side.

Wei Yue, a tall and tall man, was demobilized from the Jǐng Guards last year. He could only be discharged from the army and returned to his place. He couldn’t even change his career. The old man has good feelings for the staff around him, so he is called the third son, Song Bingsheng, Shen Huai’s father. Arrange the big tall Wei Yue to the Ministry of Agriculture as a driver.

Audi is already spacious enough, but it was crowded for Wei Yue, who was over 1.9 meters tall, and it was like a mountain in the driver’s seat.

Shen Huai thought that he had been a guard by the old man’s side for many years, and he should know many secrets of the Song family. Seeing that he was only talking about his own business, he didn’t ask random questions or say anything else, so that he couldn’t get rid of him. It was interesting to infer other information from the words, and I thought I was born in a jǐng guard, and the strong sense of confidentiality is not just talk.

Shen Huai guessed that Tan Qiping knew that the old man was celebrating his birthday. Even if he couldn’t come in person, he would call to express his congratulations and apologies. Only then did Tan Qiping tell the Song family to know that he took this train back to Yanjing. As for how Tan Qiping knew about his itinerary, he probably knew it from Pan Shihua or someone else.

As the secretary of the town party committee, Shen Huai could not leave Donghua casually. He needed to ask the district for leave and report the Even if a driver was sent to pick up the station, there was no phone call before. It was also that Shen Huai felt a sense of indifference from his bones, thinking that sending a driver to pick him up might be a gesture of necessity for outsiders to see.

The car stopped in front of an old apartment building that looked half-new, Wei Yue turned around and said to Shen Huai, “Director Song said that you haven’t been home for all these years, and you didn’t say anything in advance when you came back suddenly. The room at home has not been tidied up, so I will let you stay here for a few days…”

He originally thought that his “father” sent a driver to pick up the station because he wanted to show some affection in front of outsiders, but he didn’t expect that his “father” just didn’t want him to suddenly go back to the “home”, so he arranged for the driver to pick up the station and took his temporary Accommodation is arranged…

Shen Huai was silent and didn’t say anything, what else could he say, he originally planned to find a hotel to stay first.

Wei Yue took the backpack that was stuffed with only a few changes of clothes and belongings, and accompanied Shen Huai to the elevator upstairs.

There are several households in an elevator unit. It was quiet at this time, and it didn’t look like someone was at home. Wei Yue took out the key to open the door at the innermost corner, put the key on the shoe cabinet on the inside of the door, and followed Shen Huai. He said, “Director Song wants me to go back to work in the department. Look, what’s missing, I’ll bring it to you when I get off work?”

Looking at the traces of the room, it seems that no one has stayed in the room for a long time, but the furniture is still new and the electrical appliances are complete, so there should be nothing missing, Shen Huai said to Wei Yue: “Don’t bother you again, I’m just looking for a place to sleep. “…” Since the “father and son” are disgusted with each other, what do you want a driver to run around in the middle? Shen Huai took the backpack and asked Wei Yue not to come again.

“Then I’ll go first.” Wei Yue said, and went downstairs. He, an outsider, can’t say anything about the Song family.

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