Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 211

Chapter 210: Identify

Shen Huai couldn’t figure out why his aunt Song Wenhui’s mood suddenly became bad, he moved a stack of books into the bedroom, and then came out to see his aunt Song Wenhui and his uncle Tang Jianmin coming out of the study, and said, “I still I want to go to the Beijing Office of our city, I’m afraid I won’t be able to accompany my aunt and uncle to have dinner with you two…”

Seeing that Shen Huai didn’t want them to be embarrassed and made excuses to leave, Song Wenhui felt sad, shook her head, and said, “Today, the fifth asked me to have dinner with your uncle, but I’m a little uncomfortable. I just called and told them, But don’t go out to eat. You don’t want to go out, just stay at home for dinner with us…”

Shen Huai glanced at the little uncle suspiciously. He knew that some people in the Song family didn’t want to see him and didn’t want him to appear, but thinking that the little aunt and the little uncle rarely came back to Beijing, he really didn’t want to hinder them from losing their sisters and brothers because of him. opportunity to meet.

Seeing Shen Huai’s hesitation, Tang Jianmin said, “There are still a lot of vegetables left in the refrigerator that I bought yesterday, so I can’t eat them today, and there is basically no chance to cook at home tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I’m going back to Jiangning, I’m afraid these dishes will end up in the trash…”

Shen Huai was a little unsure of why his aunt and uncle suddenly gave up the rare chance to reunite with the rest of the Song family. Since aunt and uncle decided to stay at home to make dinner, he could only stay, otherwise he really wouldn’t have a good place. can go. As for the Beijing Office of Donghua City, Shen Huai will at least wait until the 80th birthday of the old man tomorrow before showing his face, so as not to let others see any doubts; Zhou Yu will not take the plane until tomorrow afternoon. come over.

Song Wenhui and Tang Jianmin were both used to calling nanny and they were negligent in cooking. They could only help Shen Huai when they were cooking. Ask about Meigang and Meixi Town.

Shen Huai also chatted with them about Meigang and Meixi Town. At first, he thought it was strange. Yesterday, my aunt and my uncle said they knew that he had made some achievements in Meixi Town, but they never asked for details. , I have asked in detail at this time, and I wish I could find out about all aspects of Mei Steel.

Song Wenhui returned to the city in the late 1970s. Although her daughter Song Tong was already born at that time, she still went to university to study and then worked in the Ministry of Electric Power. In the Ministry of Electric Power, Song Wenhui also started as an engineer at the grassroots level, and then gradually moved to leadership positions at the department and bureau level. However, when she was in charge of the thermal power construction business of the Southeast Electric Power Construction Group, her academic foundation was much more solid than that of ordinary people. .

In the transformation of the electric furnace steel production line carried out by Meishan Iron and Steel at this time, increasing the power supply of high-frequency current is a key step; this is again a field Song Wenhui is familiar with, and gradually he will talk about it in depth.

Tang Jianmin was born in medicine and has very little knowledge about the industry, but after listening to his wife and Shen Huai’s tireless discussion about more possible solutions for power expansion, as well as the technical implementation methods and advantages and disadvantages of various solutions, he can also affirm Shen Huai’s interest in steel. The understanding of other industries is far above the standard.

Where is this ignorance?

Tang Jianmin had seen the engineer under the Ministry of Electric Power and Southeast Power Construction, and he was speechless and flushed when questioned in front of his wife.

But seeing Shen Huai discussing the industrial transformation plan with his wife, and constantly adding oil and vinegar to the pot to test the saltiness, at this moment, he couldn’t help but wonder: Shen Huai rushed back to China three years ago, is there something else hidden?

Song Wenhui couldn’t contain her shock, and looked at her husband.

Tang Jianmin could only admit at this time that his wife’s suspicions were not aimless.

Tang Jianmin and Song Wenhui had long known that Shen Huai had made a lot of achievements in Meixi Town in the past year, and they also knew that he had published several highly academic papers in some journals.

However, because the previous impression of Shen Huai’s ignorance and incompetence was too deep in their minds, they subconsciously believed that Shen Huai happened to use the right people in Meixi Iron and Steel Plant, which was the key factor for the development. Huaihe’s own ability or professional level and knowledge structure are really high enough to manage a medium-sized steel plant.

They even think that some academic papers that Shen Huai has published in journals in the past six months should be just a small way for him to ask people to write and decorate the facade; this kind of thing is not uncommon in China, and it is usually not considered that leaders are in the Articles published in journals really have such a level.

Even if Song Wenhui dotes on Shen Huai again, no matter how eccentric she is, she does not think that Shen Huai, who is only 25 years old this year, has enough business ability and professional management level to truly manage a steel plant.

She and her husband were also afraid that Shen Huai would be embarrassed after being exposed, so yesterday Song Wenhui and her husband avoided talking to Shen Huai about too specific topics of industrial development and township governance.

Today is also a chance. When I saw Shen Huai bought a large foreign language book, and realized that Shen Huai might not be as “inexperienced” as Xie Jiahui said, Song Wenhui consciously tried to test Shen Huai’s professional field. How high is the level of Shen Huai’s knowledge, to consider how deep and broad Shen Huai’s knowledge structure is.

Talking about later, Song Wenhui felt that the topic was unsustainable on her side, and her heart was already shaken by the “truth” she saw.

That’s why she was particularly angry when Xie Jiahui called the Song family three years ago to accuse Shen Huai of being ignorant and ignorant in France:

If this is the case, it can be said that they are ignorant, but among so many people in the Song family, who else has the face to live?

Shen Huai didn’t know that the little aunt had such a deep prejudice against Xie Tang’s mother that she thought he had suffered a lot of “wrongedness”, but the little aunt was willing to discuss industry topics with him, and he was also willing to talk more deeply.

Although this period of time has created a situation in Meixi, Shen Huai clearly realized that his ability to do these things in Meixi has a direct relationship with his identity as a son of the Song family.

At the same time, Shen Huai also realized that there are still various bumps and obstacles in the road of future development: how to deal with the relationship with Tan Qiping, how deep is Su Kaiwen’s prejudice against him, will the Dai Lesheng father and son hate him to the bone? How long will Tianhe and his son continue to dormant before they can make new moves?

Even if returning to Beijing to wish the old man his birthday this time will not be welcomed by all the Song family, Shen Huai must bite the bullet and come back to participate in the “grand reunion” of the Song family this time, to weaken Tan Qiping’s impression of his abandonment of the Song family.

To say that there is a further purpose, that is to gain the approval of the Song family, even a small number of people.

For Shen Huai, emotional identification is only a small factor. After all, he lives on the body of others. Even though he was deeply influenced by Shen Huai before, he really shut out the Song family. It won’t hurt too badly.

In his heart, Xiao Li and Chen Dan are his real relatives.

Shen Huai still hopes that someone in the Song family will recognize his abilities, so that he can not only continue to work with the tiger skin of the Song family in Donghua, but also may obtain the direct support of the Song family.

My aunt is willing to discuss with him more deeply about the industrial development of Meigang and Meixi Town. Shen Huai is very happy.

Even if the rest of the Song family are not welcome, as long as he can gain the approval of his sister-in-law, his return to Beijing this time will be very rewarding.

Shen Huai finished the last dish and handed it to his little uncle. He washed his hands, wiped a couple of wipes on his apron, and said to his aunt Song Wenhui, “I have brought a copy of the industrial development plan of Meixi Town, little aunt. Help me find out…”

Song Wenhui took the plan that Shen Huai found in her bedroom. It was not an official blueprint from the Design Institute, but a hand-drawn drawing, but it was marked with accurate geographic data, the legend was quite formal, and there were densely packed pens in the blanks. Write a note asking, “You drew this yourself?”

“Well,” Shen Huai nodded and smiled, “the current planning and design institutes are not willing to make industrial planning for the township. In their opinion, the township can obey the district and county, and there is no need to do any planning on its own. nǎinǎi, I might as well try to figure this out by myself first…”

The dining table was already full of dishes, so Song Wenhui spread the artwork on the sideboard to read it. Tang Jianmin’s curiosity was aroused long ago, and she leaned over to look at it.

Although Tang Jianmin has only worked in the medical system for a long time, he has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running. He has run in many places. He still has an insight into the development of township industries that ordinary people cannot match. He looked over at the picture and said in surprise. : “What a large scale! Donghua City’s economy is a bit backward. I think if the economy of the districts and counties below is planned, it will be like this…”

The area of the industrial zone planned by Shen Huai for Meixi Town on the west side of Meihe Highway is only 4,000 However, in this draft, the east of Meihe Highway belongs to Hetang Town. The area is also marked, plus the reserved plots on the north and south sides of the Xiamei Highway. In this draft alone, the planned area of the industrial zone displayed is as high as eight square kilometers, even far exceeding the current size of the general county industrial park. .

Shen Huai explained: “Donghua’s economic development is quite lagging behind in the eastern seaboard, so it is necessary to have a higher overall vision in industrial economic planning, so that it is possible to narrow rather than widen the gap with Pingjiang and other places. …”

Jiangdong and Huaihai are separated by the Zhujiang River. Although Song Wenhui has been working in Jiangning City for a long time, she is in charge of the power construction investment in Huaihai Province. She is very clear about the economic development of Huaihai Province and even Donghua City below.

At present, some cities in Jiangdong Province, such as Pingjiang and Jiangning, have entered the stage of good development, while the regional economic development of Huaihai Province is lagging behind. Song Wenhui also believes that it is necessary for prefecture-level party and government officials in Huaihai Province to have a higher vision for industrial development and to carry out overall industrial planning in order to narrow the gap with the southern bank of the Zhujiang River.

Obviously, there are no such party and government officials in the thirteen prefecture-level cities in Huaihai Province. Song Wenhui did not expect that Shen Huai could look so far away even though he was in a township.

Just when Tang Jianmin was shocked by Shen Huai’s knowledge and ability, Song Wenhui, who regarded Shen Huai as her own child, took it for granted that the children of the Song family should be so outstanding. , nonsense.

Song Wenhui said, “Did you know that your father will go to Huaihai Province to serve as vice governor in two days?”

Shen Huai remembered that his “father” had only been promoted to the director-general level a few years ago, but he didn’t expect to be appointed as the vice-governor in half a year. It is no wonder that Cui Xiangdong mentioned this matter and said that his father “got” a seat.

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