Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 224

Chapter 223: Sister-In-Law

(Thanks to Jiba, Dancing de Goshawk and other brothers for their enthusiastic support, and thanks to more brothers for recharging and getting ready to subscribe)

Shen Huai didn’t have any deep feelings for Song, Xie, and the Sun family, and naturally he didn’t have any deep resentment. After all, he just occupied someone else’s body and lived as someone else.

He will not feel a strong sense of humiliation in his heart because his father came to “donate” two false achievements.

Maybe Xie Haicheng also has reasons to attack him; he lives as Shen Huai and needs to apologize to those who have been hurt by him before; but Shen Huai knows better that if he goes to Xie Haicheng at this time, his investment intention is really just investment intention.

Shen Huai knew Xie Haicheng’s resentment towards him, while Sun Qiyi and Xie Haicheng had long-term cooperation in Hong Kong and had a close relationship, advancing and retreating together on many things.

Shen Huai knew that in order to make the “investment intention” of Changqing Group and SITC in Donghua become an industrial investment that is actually beneficial to the local economic development, not only could he not come forward, but Chen Bing had to lead him to have a good relationship with him. Ge Yongqiu and others, who had deep grievances, lured Sun Qiyi and Xie Haicheng to take the bait.

Shen Huai didn’t plan to tell his father about this. He could see that his father was very unhappy with his rejection, but he also rejected it quietly.

Song Bingsheng stared at Shen Huai for a few seconds before he said, “If you don’t want to go, that’s fine. But working in a local area requires accumulation bit by bit, picking three and four is not a good habit. I think after I arrive in Huaihai, our father and son should have more opportunities to communicate. It’s getting late today, so you should sleep at your aunt’s house first…”

Shen Huai and his aunt and uncle took his father out of the yard, watched Hei Sè Audi turn out of the alley, and then closed the door and walked back to the living room.

“I don’t know what the fourth brother thinks,” Song Wenhui couldn’t help complaining in front of her husband, not avoiding Shen Huai’s presence, and said, “What does it mean to pick three and pick four? With Mei Gang’s achievements, Shen Huai is not enough. This vain achievement? The old man also said that Shen Huai should continue to work solidly at Meigang, but he can’t pay attention to the old man’s meaning.”

Shen Huai smiled lightly. In the end, it was his father who didn’t approve of his achievements in Meixi Town and Meigang. Just as the aunt said, he has real achievements that he can achieve, so there is no need to make false claims. Heading up his political achievements to increase the brightness of the halo, he thought that his father was annoyed at his “not knowing good and bad” in his heart, right?

Tang Jianmin always didn’t want the relationship to become deadlocked, especially today, the old man opened his mouth and recognized Shen Huai to a certain extent. This is a good start. There is really no need to argue about some trivial matters. If there is a strategy of retreat, the fourth brother also has good intentions for Shen Huai…”

“What kind of good intentions are you asking Shen Huai to ask Xie Haicheng, but he doesn’t consider Shen Huai’s feelings at all?” Song Wenhui was still indignant, she turned her head and said to Shen Huai, “If you want to be false, don’t you just sign a few investment letters of intent? Auntie won’t go back to Pingjiang tomorrow. I’ll find you a few ministries and companies to support the scene. Hongjun is more interested in the matter of Meigang, so call him now, and he will be counted as his share…”

“If it’s just investment intentions and no follow-up actions, there’s no need to be so frustrating,” Shen Huai said with a smile, “However, I really want to ask my aunt to help me…”

“You said.” Song Wenhui said.

“Donghua is now staying on the south bank of the Houzhu River and there are too many Pingjiang Rivers, which are mainly concentrated in three aspects. First, there is a lack of overall planning for the development of the industry. Second, the investment in road traffic construction is seriously insufficient. Third, the level of industrial facilities such as electric power is strictly backward.

Shen Huai sat down, looked at the tea cup his father left behind and half a cup of cold tea, he drank it without mind, and said,

“What I have worked hard to do in Meixi Town during this time is to try my best to break through these three difficulties. The freight terminal and Meihe Highway have already started construction. When I come back, I will promote the construction of Zhuxi Road and Bridge. This is to solve the problem. The bottleneck of transportation. However, Meixi Town and Hetang Town are on both sides of the Meihe Highway. They belong to one piece of land, but they are divided into two different administrative regions, which is not conducive to unified planning. Going back, I want to directly promote the merger of the two towns…”

“It should be merged,” Song Wenhui said, “but you have to ask Tan Qiping or your father directly for support in this matter. I’m afraid I can’t say anything. If you feel embarrassed, I and your father or I can call Tan Qiping directly. to make…”

“It doesn’t need to be so troublesome, I still have the courage to face Secretary Tan,” Shen Huai said with a smile, “In the next thing, I just want you to support me directly…”

“Electricity?” Song Wenhui asked.

“Yes,” Shen Huai said, “Donghua’s electricity supply has always been very tight. At present, in order to maintain production, the districts and counties below Donghua have to turn off electricity for two days a week. Supplying production. Now the city power grid is crowded, and the electricity supplied to Meigang can only guarantee 40% of our production needs; 100 million or 10 billion, it is useless. Donghua cannot even guarantee enough power supply with the existing scale of industrial and agricultural production. To build more factories, it is necessary to have electricity to start the machines.”

“Donghua has a plan to expand Tianshenggang Power Plant, and the project book seems to have been reported to the Ministry of Electric Power through the province in 1988,” Song Wenhui recalled with a frown, “The project book was revised once in 1993, and the scale of investment in the expansion was increased to 1.2 billion. However, the amount of money that the Ministry of Electricity can pull out every year is limited. To expand the power plant, the key is to raise funds and invest by the local government. If Donghua can spend 600 million yuan, I think the Tianshenggang Power Plant Expansion Project can be entered into. It’s in the implementation phase…”

“Last year, the local fiscal revenue of Donghua City was far less than 600 million yuan. If you want to raise funds in the city, Tianshenggang Power Plant does not know that it will be able to expand in the year of the monkey and the donkey month,” Shen Huai said with a wry smile. “In short, Meigang wants to develop. It’s because they didn’t expect the expansion of Tianshenggang Power Plant at all. In addition, Meishan Iron and Steel is a big consumer of electricity, and the electricity price charged by the Electricity Bureau to Meishan Iron and Steel is too high, even higher than the cost of using diesel generator sets to supply power. In the overall planning for Meishan Iron and Steel, after the freight terminal, we plan to use 20 to 40 million to build a power station…”

“Well, it is a trend for large industrial and mining enterprises to build their own power plants. At present, the country’s electricity supply is tight, and the investment in power construction that can be squeezed out is limited. The state also encourages capable large-scale enterprises to build their own power plants.” Song Wenhui said.

“I have already asked the Provincial Electric Power Design Institute to do the site selection planning and design,” Shen Huai said, “I was considering Meigang’s self-funded construction of the power plant, and the project will probably be launched this year, but today I have I have an idea, tell my little aunt…”

“You said.” Song Wenhui said.

“I was wondering if TEPCO could first advance the construction of a medium-sized power plant in Meixi Town, and then buy it back from Meigang or Meixi Town after completion, and return the construction funds in three to five years, which would guarantee TEPCO’s renewal. High engineering profit. TEPCO is a ministry and commission enterprise. As long as the shortage of funds in the early stage can be alleviated, it is not a problem to double the project profit. Another option is to directly operate the power plant after the power plant is completed. Industrial and mining enterprises buy and sell electricity from power plants at an agreed price,” Shen Huai said. “The current industrial electricity price is nearly 0.7 yuan per kilowatt-hour, while the power plant’s on-grid electricity price is less than 0.2 yuan. There is a problem of investment and construction of large-scale power grids. Even if Meigang and Meixi Town do not have enough financial resources to purchase the power plant, Dongdian will operate this power plant by itself. Even if it is half cheaper than industrial power, it will be large enough to supply power to Meigang. profit margins.”

Song Wenhui nodded and said: “The group has also tried to develop BT projects with local governments, but they are all pilot projects in cooperation with provincial and municipal electric power bureaus, and they are all delivered after completion, and there is no precedent for cooperation with enterprises or townships; they operate on their own. There will also be conflicts with the local power grid system. However, the production capacity of Meishan Iron and Steel in two to three years is sure to be able to digest the power supply of the new power plant. I think it can be done…”

“Is there something wrong with you personally promoting this matter?” Tang Jianmin was quite cautious. If this matter was dealt with within Dongdian, it would make his wife passive.

“What’s wrong?” Song Wenhui said, “Shen Huai doesn’t hold a penny of shares in Meigang. In the end, it’s a relationship between ministries, commissions, enterprises and local governments. They are all contributing to the cause of socialism, why is this Can’t bricks be added to Meixi Town first?”

Hearing what his wife said, Tang Jianmin could only be speechless, thinking that even if he would give it to others, it wouldn’t be a violation of principle at all. In recent years, ministries and commissions in various places have been pulling resources, but aren’t they all using their personal connections?

Song Wenhui added: “Now the municipal and county electric power bureaus in the southeastern provinces all require TEPCO to build power plants for them, but the profit from the project is too tight. It is said that they eat the national meal together, and the local funds are limited, so TEPCO is required to take care of them. I don’t think about it, the employees of the power bureaus and power plants in various places can get tens of thousands of bonuses a year. Although the employees of our electric power construction department belong to the power system, they work hard outside the construction all year round, and only two or three throughout the year. Thousands of yuan to support the family…”

The power system is divided into three parts: infrastructure, power plants and power grids. Power plants and power grids are usually under the jurisdiction of local power departments, while power construction companies are directly under the ministries. Because the domestic power grid is in an absolute monopoly position and the scale is large enough, the private benefits of cadres and workers are excellent; power construction companies are far worse.

Song Wenhui said this, not entirely in favor of Shen Huai, but rather different systems within the power system, which have deep contradictions with each other. Many large power construction companies have built power plants to share profits. impulse of interest.

Song Wenhui’s style is fiery, not to mention that she is helping her nephew in an open and upright manner, she immediately asked Shen Huai: “You have already made the planning and site selection of the power plant. Did you bring any information this time?”

“We called and asked them to send a fax directly tomorrow morning,” Shen Huai said, “but we took into account the pressure of capital, the design scale was small, and the investment was limited to less than 30 million. Sister, you really want Dongdian If you take over, the investment scale should not be less than 100 million yuan. If the scale increases, the cost of power generation can be further reduced, and only if the scale increases, the power plant must build a special coal transportation terminal, and the land can only be obtained from the territory of Hetang Town. Directly promote the merger of the two towns. Temporary excess power can be integrated into the grid in the Tangzha District nearby. I think Donghua City will also welcome it…”

The expansion project of Tianshenggang Power Plant requires an investment of 1.2 billion yuan, which takes into account the overall development needs of the three districts and seven counties of Donghua City within ten years. In fact, it is the economic development of Donghua City at this time. There is no hope for the Tianshenggang Power Expansion Project in a short period of time. However, adding a medium-sized power plant with an investment of hundreds of millions will also play a role in alleviating the current situation of power shortage in Donghua City. Crucial role.

“You bastard, you don’t have enough people’s hearts to swallow elephants,” Song Wenhui laughed, “I can directly decide on a small power plant of 20 to 30 million yuan, and local approval is also simple. If the scale of construction exceeds 100 million, and It is to cooperate with enterprises, I will ask Minister Dai tomorrow for instructions…”

“Would it be better to apply directly in the name of Tangzha District?” Shen Huai asked.

“It’s better to use the name of Tangzha District,” Song Wenhui said. “This will also prevent some people in the ministry from making irresponsible remarks, saying that I help my family.”

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