Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 229

Chapter 228: Question

The wharf has only just broken ground for two months, and it is still far from being completed.

Laymen watch the fun, and insiders watch the doorway.

As the third generation of the Sun family, Sun Qiyi, who entered the core management of Evergreen Group, has received strict professional training. He has also worked in the entity companies of the Evergreen Group for nearly ten years, and went to Hong Kong to take charge of the Evergreen Group’s business in Asia.

Sun Qiyi stood on the river embankment in the middle of the construction site and looked out. From the busy construction site, he could see more things than ordinary people.

Participating in the investment promotion meeting in Yanjing, and listening to Donghua’s investment promotion officials introducing the situation of the freight terminal, Sun Qiyi still discounted this, knowing that domestic officials are pragmatic and small, and they are much more pragmatic.

The current situation verifies what the investment promotion officials said before, “the first phase of the project has an investment of 50 million yuan, and the initial start-up capital is 20 million yuan. After the first phase is completed, it will be able to park bulk carriers of more than 3,000 tons, and the annual throughput will reach 200,000 tons. “The introduction is not false, and the actual situation is even more optimistic than the introduction.

The key point is that this freight terminal and the Meihe Highway were built by the Meigang family with money. What kind of courage is this for Meigang, which was still in serious losses last year?

After only half a year, Mei Steel has not only further expanded its own production capacity, but also has the ability to independently promote the launch of such a scale of subsidiary projects. It is also reflected from the side that within half a year, Shen Huai has truly been called Mei Steel’s rebirth.

When in Yanjing, Shen Huai wooed Southeast Power and said that he would build a 100,000-kilowatt thermal power plant for Meixi Town. Sun Qiyi was skeptical at the time, but when he saw the construction site of the wharf, Sun Qiyi had to Acknowledging that the construction of the Meixi Power Plant is probably not a lie.

The first phase of the project has a bulk cargo terminal with an annual throughput of 200,000 tons and a thermal power plant with an installed capacity of 100,000 kilowatts. The ambition exposed under such an industrial layout is really shocking…

Sun Qiyi raised his eyes and looked into the distance, but couldn’t help but glance at Shen Huai who was standing under the embankment joking with Sun Yalin, secretly startled: How big is his heart? What kind of scale does he want to develop this dilapidated Meixi Town and Meigang to be satisfied?

Xie Haicheng’s Haifeng Industry is mainly engaged in entrepot trade, prefers finance, and has limited understanding of industrial entities. He can’t see any clues from the messy construction site, but he is observant, and Sun Qiyi’s expression makes him understand that this mess is a mess. The construction site is not as simple as it seems.

Tan Qiping, Liang Xiaolin and Xiong Wenbin, accompanied by officials in Tangzha District, stood on the embankment in the distance, overlooking the open Zhujiang River. Xie Haicheng took two steps to Sun Qiyi and asked, “How is it?”

“It’s very likely that we have misunderstood before.” Sun Qiyi said.

“Really?” Xie Haicheng smiled lightly and said, “It turns out that dogs can really be changed to eat shit!”

“Mr. Xie, what are you feeling?”

Xie Haicheng turned his head and saw that it was a female host of Donghua City TV station, stepping on high heels and climbing the embankment with difficulty, and greeted him while walking and panting.

Liang Xiaolin led the team to Yanjing to attract investment, and Donghua was followed by an interview team. This beautiful hostess was in the team. Xie Haicheng met this beautiful Donghua woman in Yanjing.

She was quite sincere to Xie Haicheng, and she posted greetings when she had something to do.

Even if Xie Haicheng didn’t know that this woman had an affair with Liang Xiaolin, he was not interested in such a woman, but he politely stretched out his hand to pull her up and said, “The windbreak forests on both sides of the embankment have grown for decades. , the branches and leaves were flourishing, and a piece was dug out abruptly, both Mr. Sun and I felt a little pity…”

Sun Qiyi looked back at the woman, only to know that her stage name was Bai Xue, and her skin was indeed as white as snow. He turned to look at the river outside the embankment, and said nothing.

“Yeah,” Bai Xue said, looking at the broken windbreak due to the construction of the wharf, she was also quite heartbroken, “I also feel that it is a pity, I didn’t expect you to be very concerned about environmental protection, Mr. Xie…”

“Of course, I’m still the executive director of the Hong Kong Environmentalists Association,” Xie Haicheng said with a smile, “Did I give you my business card?” Seeing Bai Xue’s resentful little woman’s demeanor, she hurriedly took out the hot-gilt from her pocket. Jing sent the business card, pointing to a small line of words on the back of the card, “Nuo, the Hong Kong Environmentalists Association is an environmental organization established by celebrities in Hong Kong. Miss Bai is so enthusiastic about the environment, I can recommend you to join the association…”

“Really?” Bai Xue covered her red lips in disbelief and looked at Xie Haicheng with innocent eyes.

“Ask President Sun, am I a liar?” Xie Haicheng said.

Sun Qiyi turned around again, glanced at Bai Xue, smiled, and said, “Mr. Xie is someone who counts.”

“Of course, Mr. Xie, a big man like you, naturally didn’t tease a little girl like us,” Bai Xuejiao said angrily, “It’s just as unbelievable as others. I’ve never been to Hong Kong in my life.”

On the other hand, Liang Xiaolin stood in the distance and saw that his lover made Xie Haicheng and Sun Qiyi quiver. Avoid getting them too deep.

Sun Yalin stood under the embankment and listened to Shen Huai talking about his gains in returning to Beijing this time. She glanced at Xie Haicheng and the woman from the city TV station having a lively chat, and said with a frown, “Look, he is full of bad water and is thinking about something wrong. ?”

Shen Huai glanced at it and said nothing.

At this time, I saw that there was a car coming from Santana, Yuan Hongjun’s car.

The merger of the two towns can gain Yuan Hongjun’s understanding and make things easier. Besides, Yuan Hongjun is still a young and strong official who is quite capable and wants to make a career. Shen Huai hopes that he can stay and build a team together after the merger of the two towns.

Seeing Yuan Hongjun coming with Mayor Yang of Hetang Town, Shen Huai walked over and said, “Secretary Tan and Mayor Gao are all on the embankment. Let me introduce you…”

Yuan Hongjun knew that he was not a figure at all in front of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, but it was a rare opportunity to show his face in front of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. But at this time, Zhou Ming strode over from one side and greeted very warmly: “Hello Secretary Yuan, I didn’t expect that we will meet again so soon…”

Shen Huai didn’t know that Zhou Ming had met Yuan Hongjun before, but the face of Mayor Yang behind Yuan Hongjun suddenly darkened, thinking that Zhou Ming would be the mayor of Hetang Town, and it had already spread.

It’s no wonder that Hetang Town has finally caught up with Meixi Town’s soaring ride, and it will also develop rapidly. This fruit has not even taken a bite, so Zhou Ming suddenly inserted it from the horizontal and grabbed it. Who is it? Can you be in a good mood?

Yuan Hongjun also frowned slightly. Although Yuan Hongjun is the secretary of the town party committee, he has no background in the district. Yuan Hongjun is not worried. Even if Zhou Ming’s position as secretary of the town party committee would not be squeezed out quickly, he thought he was powerless to suppress Zhou Ming.

Shen Huaicai didn’t care about the path between Yuan Hongjun and Zhou Ming, and took Yuan Hongjun directly to the river embankment, walked in front of Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe, and introduced: “Secretary Tan, Mayor Gao, this is Yuan Hongjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hetang Town. Comrade, the cargo terminal and the Meihe Highway can start up so quickly and have such a model, Yuan Hongjun has vigorously promoted and done a lot of work.

Yuan Hongjun knew that he had done very little. Hearing Shen Huai advocating himself in front of Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe, he was secretly grateful.

“Young people have to do something,” Tan Qiping looked at Yuan Hongjun for more than 30 years, nodded approvingly, and said to Tangzha District officials such as Yang Yuquan, Pan Shihua, Zhou Yu and others who accompanied him, “Young officials like this, the district wants Focus on training.”

Tan Qiping’s words could not be taken seriously, but Yuan Hongjun was still furious when he heard it.

Zhou Ming was a little unhappy by the side, and his face was a little heavy. When Shen Huai took a post in Meixi Town as a deputy secretary, he pressured Du Jian and even drove Du Jian away quickly. He thought of following the example in Hetang Town.

Shen Huai deliberately raised Yuan Hongjun in front of Tan Qiping, and the words Tan Qiping said afterwards seemed to be polite words on the scene, but Yang Yuquan and Pan Shihua may not necessarily listen to them as ears, this is simply to directly consolidate With Yuan Hongjun’s status, how could he make Zhou Ming happy?

Xiong Wenbin just looked at Yuan Hongjun twice, and then glanced at his son-in-law Zhou Ming. He only breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and didn’t say anything.

Gao Tianhe has been in a bad mood since he picked up the plane. The warmth between Liang Xiaolin and Tan Qiping has cooled his heart to the end. If he hadn’t been dragged by Tan Qiping, he would have wanted to go back to rest. I can’t see it.

Liang Xiaolin and the others saw Shen Huai go up the embankment to talk to Tan Qiping. They thought they wanted to say something, so they walked over to meet, and said with a hearty smile, “Xiao Shen, what are you reporting to Secretary Tan?”

Bai Xue, the hostess of the city TV station, also came and said delicately: “Secretary Xiao Shen, our city TV station doesn’t know that you sneaked up such a big move in Meixi Town, I have a small request. , can you accept our live interview?”

Seeing Xie Haicheng, Sun Qiyi and the others surrounding him, Shen Huai pulled Yuan Hongjun over and said, “This is Secretary Yuan Hongjun of Hetang Town. He knows more about the project than I do, so let him accept Miss Bai on my behalf. Your interview…” He pushed Yuan Hongjun out.

“I just want to interview you, Secretary Xiao Shen.” Women always have a natural advantage, and they are entangled in a tender and angry way, making it impossible to refuse.

“Don’t pass the camera, it’s okay to answer a few questions from Miss Bai.” Shen Huai said lightly, this woman was quite cold to him in Yanjing and on the plane, and she didn’t know why she suddenly got entangled at this time.

“Secretary Tan won’t blame me for taking over the host, right?” Bai Xue had also seen big people, and she was not stage fright in front of the secretary of the municipal party committee, the mayor, and others, and asked Tan Qiping with a smile.

Beautiful women always have natural advantages, Tan Qiping just smiled and said he didn’t mind.

“Then I’ll interview Secretary Xiao Shen,” Bai Xue said without letting the cameraman come over, she took the tape recorder to her lips, and said, “Hetang Town, a town with simple folk customs and beautiful scenery, I have interviewed many times before, often for Zhu The scenery of the river is fascinating, and the windbreak forest along the river is also regarded as a scene by the people of Donghua. However, Secretary Shen, you have moved the riverside beach of Hetang Town to Meixi Town, built a wharf, built a factory, and destroyed such a large windbreak forest. , the construction site is spread out, the beautiful natural scenery of the grass growing and the warbler flying is no longer, the smoke from the chimneys of Meigang, the sky of the two towns called Meixi and Hetang is no longer blue as wash. Secretary Shen, what do you think about this? What do you think? Do you think that while developing the economy of Meixi Town, it has also done some harm to the people of Donghua?”

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