Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 241

Chapter 240: Zhou Ming’S Thoughts

Although it was late at night, the weather was still scorching hot, making people feel as if they were stuffed with thatch and restless.

“It’s really weird, my dad isn’t talking nonsense to scare people, right?” It’s not that Xiong Dini doesn’t believe her dad’s words, she’s just used to using this tone to express her incredible view of Shen Huai’s family, “I see Shen Huai usually treats people very kindly, so how could he be the grandson of the former vice premier? Isn’t that the legendary grandfather, who can come to a place like Donghua where birds don’t shit, and even stay in towns and villages? Just a year?”

Xiong Dini just came out of the shower, her wet hair was sticking to her fair face, making her face even more delicate, and she was only covered with a loose nightdress. She was only two months pregnant, and Dini Xiong was still in good shape. It’s just that Zhou Ming didn’t have the heart to see his wife’s beauty at this time. His heart seemed to be tightly squeezed by a hand, and the invisible restraint made him unable to breathe until now.

“What’s the matter with you?” Xiong Dini asked worriedly when she saw her husband’s dejected appearance.

“Nothing?” Zhou Ming said in a dry voice, “Go to sleep first, pay attention to blowing the fan to the wall, and I’ll take a dip in the bathtub…” He took a pack of cigarettes and went into the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and sat by the bathtub. Light up a cigarette.

Xiong Dini knew that Shen Huai’s identity would be a blow to her husband, and she didn’t say anything when she saw him entering the bathroom with a cigarette.

The bathtub is small, and people can only bend their feet when lying in it.

When his father-in-law Xiong Wenbin just let this house out, Zhou Ming was quite satisfied that he could take a hot bath in his own house and not have to get up every morning to fight for the toilet with the whole package.

However, after the initial sense of satisfaction and freshness passed, especially when he saw those department-level and division-level people who were assigned to a house early and decorated like a hotel, Zhou Ming felt more and more that the bathtub was narrow. People are unbearable.

Zhou Ming’s mind was not on the bathtub today. He was smoking a cigarette in despair. Dini felt incredible about Shen Huai’s identity and couldn’t believe it, and he didn’t want to believe this fact.

Although he knew for a long time that Shen Huai’s identity was not simple, he still felt that he was dancing there like a clown.

Zhou Ming felt both ridiculous and deeply worried. He had targeted Shen Huai before. After he arrived in Meixi, will Shen Huai wait for an opportunity to take revenge on him?

Zhou Ming didn’t understand why others would let Shen Huai, why they were afraid of Shen Huai, he now knew why, but just knowing why, he couldn’t hold back his unwillingness.

Zhou Ming sat by the bathtub smoking one cigarette after another, and he didn’t know how much time had passed…

Dini Xiong couldn’t sleep soundly, she didn’t see Zhou Ming go back to the bedroom, she pushed open the bathroom door wearing slippers, coughed because of the lingering smoke, and saw that the water in the bathtub was overflowing, Zhou Ming sat there indifferently, walked over and closed the window He opened it and said, “Why don’t you take a shower, what time is it?”

“People are really strange. You said that if Shen Huai didn’t rely on his special status, what ability did he have to be arrogant and domineering, and what ability did he have to make thousands of people fear him and 10,000 people to coax him?” Now that he knows Shen Huai’s identity, some words can no longer be said. He said it in front of others, but Zhou Ming always had a thorn in his heart, and some words stuck in his throat, so he raised his head and asked his wife.

Seeing that her husband was in a nightmare, it wasn’t just that he was disturbed by this matter tonight, it seemed that Shen Huai had been his inner demon for a long time – Dini Xiong sometimes didn’t know what happened to her husband, and she treated him This is a little worried, so I can only say with relief:

“Shen Huai is good or not. After all, we can’t compare with others. This person is not as mad as others? We are not good enough, but we are more than enough. I am in the unit, full of units. People are still saying that you are young and promising. You are still not satisfied, you call those who are worse than you, who are similar in age and educational background to you, and are not alive?”

“…” Zhou Ming stopped talking, he had to admit that his wife’s words made some sense, and the unwillingness in his heart seemed to lighten.

“Some things will pass in the past, so don’t worry about anything. I think Shen Huai is a good person to get along with. Su Kaiwen said that Secretary Tan also wanted you to go to Meixi Town, and my dad didn’t object, I think After all, there is some truth in it. You don’t have to fight when you go to Meixi Town, and if you do your job well, Shen Huai will not bully you. “Although the window is open, there is no wind, Xiong Dini can’t stand it. When he reached the smell of smoke in the bathroom, he raised his hand to disperse the smoke in front of his nose, stepped back and said, “Don’t think too much, it’s not good to think too much, take a shower and go to sleep!”

Zhou Ming nodded and said nothing more…


Shen Huai naturally ignored Zhou Ming’s thoughts. There were still too many things for him to promote, and he didn’t even have time to accompany Song Hongjun to play Donghua.

Song Hongjun said it was leisurely, but in reality, he couldn’t keep wandering out of town. Including the time to celebrate his birthday in Yanjing, he also had a week to leave his nest in the south. On the pretext of having a good time in Donghua, he actually just wanted to have a chance to get in-depth contact with Shen Huai alone.

After the goal was achieved, Song Hongjun had to rush back to deal with the accumulated affairs. Shen Huai couldn’t get away, so Cizì entrusted Zhou Zhibai and Yang Haipeng to make a special trip to take Song Hongjun to the provincial capital and transfer to a plane to return to the south.

Zhou Zhibai, Yang Haipeng and Song Hongjun have similar tastes.

Although Song Hongjun now intends to transfer to the entity, he made his fortune by doing entrepot trade in the south in his early years, and he is also involved in the import and export of metal products and minerals. In many respects, although Yang Haipeng and Zhou Zhibai have not reached the level of Song Hongjun, they still have a common language with Song Hongjun.

Shen Huai’s current trust in Song Hongjun is not deep enough to allow him to directly participate in the core business of Meigang, but Yang Haipeng’s Penghai Trading and Zhou’s Pengyue Group have cooperated with Song Hongjun in scrap steel and steel trading. Still happy to help.

After Song Hongjun returned to his southern nest, two days later, he directly cancelled the previous plan to build a factory in Guangcheng, and sent the entire team to Donghua to prepare for the establishment of the factory.

There is a ready-made plant construction plan and a complete preparatory management team. The entry and exit of raw materials and products can also depend on the Meigang Wharf that will be built in the next year. Therefore, Hongji Lighting Co., Ltd. has a survey site selection, plant design and supporting planning for the hydropower industry. Waiting for the preparation to proceed very quickly.

The merger plan of Meixi Town and Hetang Town was soon discussed at the Municipal Standing Committee meeting.

Whether it’s a big trend or the requirements of the local government, the institutions have been repeatedly emphasizing the topic.

It is simple to say, but when it is really implemented, the organization’s reform means the reduction of seats, which means that more people who are waiting for the higher position will not only not be able to go up, but also some people must be put down. For the entire bureaucratic system with only inflationary power, it is a healing process that is difficult to promote spontaneously—the main source of institutional resistance is this.

Since Tangzha District can digest the personnel problems that may arise from the merger of the two towns, there is no reason for the municipal party committee to resist; on the contrary, the merger of the two towns can also help the city achieve some organizational goals this year.

After the meeting of the Municipal Standing Committee discussed and approved, it must be submitted to the provincial government for approval. This is not a procedure that can be completed in one or two days. The first to enter the actual operation is the Meixi Port Industrial Park, which was officially listed in late August. .

After 1992, there was a boom in the establishment of industrial parks and development zones across the country. Although many people expressed concerns about excessive land acquisition and waste of land resources, by the autumn of 1994, the temperature had not been cooled or cleaned up. the meaning of.

The adjustment and merging of township administrative areas needs to be reported to the provincial level for approval. However, the approval of various industrial parks and development zones by local governments is much more random and chaotic. The establishment of Meixi Port Industrial Park naturally did not encounter any resistance.

Prior to this, the Zhuxi Road and Bridge Project was officially approved. In mid-August, the bridge site was selected and the demolition work was completed. The subcontracted construction unit Huaijian Group laid the first bridge pile for the Zhuxi Bridge.

Since almost the widest water surface in the lower reaches of the Meixi River was chosen to build the bridge, the cost of building the bridge has skyrocketed, and it will take three or four months to complete the bridge pile foundation project at the fastest; Have to wait until next fall.

The electromechanical enterprises that SITC and Changqing Group plan to jointly invest have not seen any real action until However, we cannot blame Xie Haicheng and Sun Qiyi for the delay. Song Hongjun has a ready-made plan and team, just move it to a place to implement it, and the action is naturally fast.

For the electromechanical enterprise that SITC and Changqing Group jointly invest in, they have to complete a series of preliminary work such as market research and financial analysis. They also need to discuss with Donghua about the factory site, electric water drainage, sewage and other industrial facilities and tax concessions. After the contact, the planning and design are carried out. These tasks cannot be completed smoothly in one or two months.

Shen Huai also knew that Xie Haicheng and Sun Qiyi would not let the talk fall into his hands, and he was not particularly worried about the investment in electromechanical enterprises; even if the investment in electromechanical enterprises failed, the impact on Meixi Town would not be particularly large.

Throughout the summer, Shen Huai focused his efforts on the Meixi Power Plant project, which is crucial to the future development of Meishan Iron and Steel and Meixi Port Industrial Park.

Under the promotion of Song Wenhui, Southeast Electric Power Construction Group soon sent a team headed by the deputy chief engineer to Donghua to conduct a project site inspection and negotiate specific cooperation matters; Song Wenhui also helped Shen Huai to supervise the provincial electric power through the old relationship. The design institute is also working overtime to revise the power plant scheme design and re-investigate the site.

In addition to negotiating with the Southeast Electric Power Construction Group, because it is a thermal power project with an installed capacity of 100,000 kilowatts, it also needs approval from the Provincial Planning Commission and the Electric Power Bureau.

Within a month or so, Shen Huai was between the provincial capital, Jiangning and Donghua. On the day that the Meixi Port Industrial Park was officially listed, Shen Huai officially received the project approval from the Provincial Planning Commission and the Electric Power Bureau.

Shen Huai could not wait to get the approval an hour and a half earlier to promote the official start of the project. He rushed to the provincial capital one day ahead of schedule to live and waited for the provincial power bureau to go to work the next day. After getting the approval, he rushed back to participate in the industrial park. listing ceremony.

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