Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 246

Chapter 245: Patient Family Driver

No one wants to point fingers at others. Pan Shihua, who enjoys the benefits of power and has a higher desire for power, naturally does not want others to point fingers at him. He just hates this guy who suddenly came over to point fingers at him. Not someone else, but Shen Huai.

Shen Huai didn’t call directly, but told the district people’s hospital what happened through Zhou Yu, the deputy head of the district, and Pan Shihua was even more unhappy. Although Zhou Yu explained that Shen Huai didn’t have his phone number at hand, but Shen Huai really wanted to respect him a little bit, why couldn’t he be a little troublesome and get to his office through the switchboard?

Although he was extremely unhappy, Pan Shihua couldn’t ignore the matter. Shen Huai’s accusation against the District People’s Hospital was very severe, and who knew that this mess was slightly unsatisfactory, and he would make use of the question and stab this matter to the sky.

Pan Shihua picked up the phone and directly notified Jiang Lijun, director of the district health bureau, to come down from the seventh floor to see him.

Seeing Jiang Lijun’s hangover and still awake, Pan Shihua’s heart was pounding and the evil fire had nowhere to vent. The personnel delayed the rescue and extorted red envelopes, why didn’t your health bureau discipline inspection team send people to investigate and deal with it?”

Jiang Lijun hadn’t woken up from a hangover, his head was dizzy, and he scolded Pan Shihua. Although he was shocked, he didn’t fully wake up and said, “I don’t know what’s going on, I didn’t listen to the health bureau. When it comes to someone reporting the People’s Hospital for receiving and awarding red envelopes, is it a mistake?”

“Did you make a mistake, or did I make a mistake?” Pan Shihua just couldn’t find someone to express his anger, when he saw Jiang Lijun slapped him on the table with the document “papapa” and snapped, “This You should call me now and ask me what’s going on? If you can’t do the work of the health secretary, get out of here as soon as possible, don’t take up the ditch without shitting…”

Seeing the threat to jump from his seat, Jiang Lijun realized the seriousness of the situation. Pan Shihua was really angry. He hurriedly took the phone of Pan Shihua’s office and asked all the parties what happened last night. He was also scolded and frightened, and then he roughly figured out the matter, and complained to Pan Shihua:

“The People’s Hospital admitted a patient named Zhang Yu’e with a fracture in a car accident yesterday. The conflict between the two parties was also due to the hospital’s insistence that the family members have to pay the fee for the rescue. It was delayed for half an hour in the hall of the emergency room, which made the family members of the patient dissatisfied. Later, the red envelopes were also sent by the patient’s family before the operation, but the nurses reminded them from the side, and the hospital took the initiative to ask the medical staff to return them after knowing this. District Chief Pan, you can’t blame the hospital for this. District Chief Pan You also said at the conference of medical and health institutions in the whole district that all units must increase income and reduce expenditure. The funds allocated to the People’s Hospital this year have not increased, but have been shortened. Now there are so many patients who evade payment. There is a huge gap between income and expenditure, and it is really impossible to accept all patients. In the case of receiving red envelopes, medical staff work hard, intensive, and low income. If there are family members, they must express their gratitude. A public official who is not an administrative outlet, how can it be considered a bribe?”

“I said at the meeting of the health department that grassroots hospitals should increase income and reduce expenditure, and flexibly fill the gap between revenue and expenditure. However, there are many ways to reduce expenditure. It is also for hospital leaders to be less thirsty, and doctors and nurses to give less bonuses. , did I say let you die? Some money can’t be saved, can’t be saved? Do you understand? What are you thinking, your mother was in a car accident and left your mother in the hall for half an hour If you don’t rescue, you can understand why people’s hospitals have to see money to save them? Money, money, money, money is important, but medical institutions are public institutions with half-financial funding. That’s why you want people’s lives and health Liang must always be put first, how do you understand the work spirit of the district committee and district government?”

Regarding the reduction of the financial appropriation to the Health Bureau and the District People’s Hospital, Pan Shihua felt guilty and lacked confidence, but he did not expect Shen Huai to bow his head in this matter, so he had to press the heads of the Health Bureau and the District People’s Hospital. Going down, his voice became louder and louder, so loud that his reprimand could be heard outside the office.

“There are also red envelopes. Did the medical staff receive them? If they did, why can’t they be dealt with seriously? Doctors can receive red envelopes if their income is low. As a district chief, my monthly salary is only 580 yuan, and I don’t think it’s enough. Use, can I accept bribes? If I am not a public official, can I not be treated as commercial bribery?”

Seeing Pan Shihua speaking righteously, Jiang Lijun almost suspected that when he returned to his house to give the gift, another person accepted it.

At this time, Jiang Lijun also understood that Pan Shihua had to bow his head and give an explanation to the People’s Hospital, and asked, “I understand, I will rush to the hospital to deal with it seriously,” and asked, “District Chief Pan, what should I do? Suitable?”

“Involving personnel, investigate thoroughly. If your health bureau’s disciplinary inspection team can’t handle it seriously, and if you want to cover up, I will notify the district disciplinary inspection commissioner to intervene in the investigation…” Pan Shihua was still thinking about being embarrassed, so he couldn’t let Jiang Lijun know that he was forced to Huai’s yín prestige is just like this, he can only pretend to be righteous and awe-inspiring, and he will never let Jiang Lijun let go.

Pan Shihua doesn’t care whether Jiang Lijun has a particularly deep interest in the People’s Hospital, but if he can’t tell Jiang Lijun to abandon the car and protect the commander, his authority in the Tangzha District will not be established.

Jiang Lijun was also secretly unlucky. He didn’t know if he had offended and annoyed which Zun this time. He wanted to find out what happened to this patient named Zhang Yu’e, but looking at Pan Shihua’s face, it seemed that if he said more, he would provoke more sternness. After being reprimanded, he could only sneak out of the district government building and drive to the district people’s hospital by car.


Shen Huai made a phone call with his mobile phone in person, listening to the conversation meant to directly stab the matter to the district head Pan Shihua. Li Tiezhen felt that Shen Huai was probably bluffing and deliberately bluffing him. .

When the district health director Jiang Lijun called and asked the matter sternly, Li Tie stunned: what the **** is this grandson?

“You treat patients, do you have any brains? How dare anyone ask for a red envelope?” Li Tiezhen patted the table and pointed to the noses of all the medical staff who participated in the rescue last night, “You guys are so big, don’t you think so?” See the money!”

“This kind of person is difficult to deal with, who would you do if you don’t deal with him?” Li Chengping said unconvinced, “Besides, they have to return the red envelope, they dare not take it back, what else do they want?”

“What else do you want? What do you think?” Li Tie was so angry that he vomited blood. Usually, he blamed him for being too fond of his daughter, telling her to develop an arrogant, snarky and mean temper. He slapped the table and reprimanded, “The disciplinary inspection team of the Health Bureau reprimanded. People will rush to the hospital immediately, what do you say?”

“…” Everyone else’s legs and feet were weak, and they didn’t expect things to be so out of control. Although Li Chengping’s face changed a little, but the domineering son still refused to accept soft words, “We just bite to death, it’s a family fortress. Give us a red envelope and let Auntie Li go home and don’t show up. What can they do with us? The discipline inspection team must pay attention to evidence when investigating and handling it.”

“You’re still stubborn!” Li Tiezhen smashed the folder in his hand on his daughter’s face.

Li Chengping grew up so big, and it was the first time that she smashed something into her face when she was angry with her father, and her cheek was hit by the corner of the folder, which made her grimacing in pain. She was also frightened for a while, and she knew that the trouble this time was not small, she didn’t dare to sit on the ground and cry and make a fuss.

“You, and Lao Li, come with me to see the patient’s family now. No matter how humble you are, no matter what conditions the family asks, as long as the family agrees to withdraw the report, it’s as simple as losing your job! “Li Tiezhen saw that his daughter had calmed down a bit, so he took her to the hospital building with the chief surgeon.

However, when he saw the fourth floor of the inpatient department, and saw that Jiang Lijun, the director of health, and the dean had already stood at the door of the ward talking to the patient’s family, Li Tiezhen really realized that something was wrong.

When the matter came to the head of the district, Pan Shihua, Li Tiezhen knew that he would provoke someone he could not provoke, but he did not realize that the situation would be so serious.

He has always believed that China is nothing more than human feelings. Although he does not know the family members of the patients, how big a circle can Tangzha District have? As long as everyone is in this circle, as long as they can find someone to help them speak and plead for mercy, they will not open their eyes and offend people this time, then they will apologize, or privately pay one hundred and eighty thousand as tea money. Settle this thing down.

However, Jiang Lijun not only brought people from the discipline inspection team of the Health Bureau to the hospital in person, but also spared him and went directly to the director to see the patient’s family. Don’t panic?

“Director Jiang, Director Chen,” Li Tiezhen’s feet were weak, and he walked over with a forced smile, “Why did you come here?”

“How did we get here?”

Jiang Lijun’s face was I can’t wait to punch Li Tiezhen in the face, you can’t provoke anyone, but have the courage to provoke this **** of plague?

The Health Bureau and the district government share a building. Others do not recognize Shen Huai. Jiang Lijun once entered the building and met Shen Huai. Although he did not speak directly, someone pointed out to him that the person was Shen Huai, the secretary of the Meixi Town Party Committee. , there is nothing to do around the point.

Damn other people want to go around, Li Tiezhen, you are so daring, you slammed into the muzzle, Jiang Lijun was so angry, pressed his throat, and asked Li Tiezhen sharply,

“I’m asking you now, you said, how did we come here? As the vice president, how did you take charge of the emergency department and inpatient department of the hospital! How did you teach and manage the medical staff? Who gave you the right to see death? No help!”

Jiang Lijun’s accusations sounded like cannonballs, which made Li Tiezhen’s eyes go black for a while. He stretched out his hand to support the corner of the wall, and saw that only the beautiful woman and a younger man were talking to Jiang Lijun at the door of the ward, and he was calling on the phone in the morning. The young man who directly stabbed the matter to Pan Shihua sat in the ward as peaceful as a mountain at this time, and did not come out to speak to Jiang Lijun.

Li Tiezhen has been struggling in the society for all these years, of course he knows that he is sitting like a mountain in it, and this young man who even Jiang Lijun ignores is the righteous master, crying and begging for forgiveness inside: “What happened last night, I will find the relevant person again. Come and ask questions and ask them strictly, this is indeed a serious mistake made by the medical staff!”

“I’m not the patient’s family, I’m just the driver of the patient’s family,” Shen Huai looked up at Li Tiezhen and said, “It’s no use telling me about this.”

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