Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 256

Chapter 255: Chen Tong Who Grew Up

Returning to the factory from the industrial park, when encountering Chen Tong and going through the resignation formalities in the personnel department, Shen Huai called him to the office.

Compared with the young man who was bullied in the street a year ago, no matter how many people in the town defense team, he rushed to fight with his blood. Chen Tong suppressed Shen Huai in the workshop for a whole year. At this time, his temper was much calmer. Can also be considered carefully.

Although Chen Tong also used his own abilities to be the team leader in the workshop, Shen Huai had no intention of letting him continue to develop in Meigang.

Even if Chen Tong can grow up, he can still have his own career, but he may not be able to match up with Meigang. Compared with other potential grass-roots backbones at Meigang, his abilities and traits are not particularly outstanding, and he can’t be called by Shen Huai to promote him within Meigang to “do not shy away from relatives”.

Chen Dan is not a very powerful woman, she lives a quiet and peaceful life. Shen Huai knows that she hopes that her younger brother Chen Tong can have a career. Shen Huai simply asked Chen Tong to jump out of Meigang and carry the burden for Chen Dan. Being able to become the backbone of the Chen family in the future also just happened to make Chen Dan not too tired.

Chen Dan has now taken down the spinning mill warehouse at the west end of Meixi Old Town. With the construction of Zhuxi Road and Bridge, Zhuyuan Garden, and the renovation of the old street one after another, the transformation of the spinning mill warehouse for high-end catering should also be carried out at the same time. Chen Tong is really good. Go ahead and do it and start exercising from scratch.

Meixi is located in the lower reaches of the Meixi River. It is still a silted terrain in general, but it is a raised rocky land at the pier in the old town. Although Shipi Land, compared to the surrounding area, the terrain is only slightly uplifted, and it is far from being a small hill. However, in the early days, Meixi was prone to flooding in the rainy season, and because of its stable terrain, Shipi land was not as easy to collapse as the mud embankment in the early years, so it became a good place for building docks and ports in these four townships and Bali. It is to gradually take shape around this piece of stone.

After liberation, the government organized the digging of rivers and canals, and the flood control conditions were greatly improved. The development of Meixi Township was no longer restricted by the flooded terrain, deviating from the previous old town area. However, purely from the perspective of the role of looking at the scenery, it is still in the best position than the surrounding Shipi, which is only seven or eight meters high.

The spinning factory warehouse built in the best location in Shipidi, can see the old street on the left, the old wharf and the old wharf in the west, the Jucha River and the Zhutuan to be built in the south, and there is also an area of the Republic of China to the north. Plant the merlin that has been preserved.

The spinning mill warehouse was built in the early years of the Republic of China. It is not a valuable cultural relic building. After being abandoned for many years, it was divided into public housing for the employees of the early spinning mill along with the two adjacent yards. A total of 17 families were crowded in it.

Chen Dan took out all the money he had accumulated from the Zhuxi Hotel to subsidize the original house, and then replaced the property rights of the yarn factory warehouse and the two adjacent yards.

Replacing the property rights is only one aspect, and it takes 700,000 yuan of funds, but to transform the warehouse of the spinning mill and the two adjacent yards into high-end dining places, the investment in the transformation will be several times as much. .

Fortunately, Yexin Bank has now clearly established the management policy of supporting private enterprises, and the Zhuxi Hotel has been able to obtain a credit line of 2 million yuan, and the capital problem has been alleviated.

“You have to relearn many things when you leave Meigang, but like you in Meigang, lower your attitude and learn more, and many things will become easier,” Shen Huai couldn’t help but instruct Chen Tong to do something , to prevent him from taking detours. “The renovation of Meixi Old Town and the dredging project of the Pantschazi River are led by Guo Quan. After the transformation of the spinning mill warehouse, the high-end catering should be done, and the style should be consistent with the old town. This is a mutual benefit. Mutual help, so you often take the initiative to ask Guo Quan and the others to communicate more, and I won’t help you spread the word…”

The Kuchazi River between the shanty towns of the former steel mill workers and the old street was a dead-end river. In the early years, it was connected with the Hengtang Valley at the east end of the steel mill. When Xuetang Street was built in the early days, a cement bridge was erected on it. In the early 1980s, the cement bridge collapsed, and the town couldn’t get the money to build the bridge, so they directly hauled earth to fill the river, forming a truncation in the middle. head river. Although one end is connected to the Meixi River, the exchange of water bodies has become extremely poor. In addition, the residents on both sides keep dumping domestic garbage and sewage into it, which has become a stinking garbage river in Meixi Town.

To build Zhuyuan into a high-end residential area, the old street must be renovated internally and externally for commercial operation. The channel of the Kuchazi River will naturally be re-digged and a low-cost culvert bridge will be built; Plant flowers and trees to make the overall environment beautiful.

After the demolition of the shanty towns of the steel mill workers, a total of 70 mu of land was cleared from the narrow area between the south of the Kuchazi River and Zhuxi Road, which will be used to build the high-end residential area of Zhujiyuan. In addition to the resettlement costs, there are 6 million homestead funds left in the town; this seems a lot of money, and it is just enough to move out the residents on both sides of the old street for resettlement, and take most of the properties back to the town real estate company , the next transformation will have to be raised separately.

At this time, Meixi Town does not have enough courage and great commercial potential to attract domestic commercial real estate companies that have just grown up to take over the renovation and operation of the old street.

Zhu Li has already undertaken too many heavy burdens on his shoulders, and there is no unlimited potential to be squeezed; although Meigang has ample funds at this time, its operations must be maintained in one direction and cannot be diversified at will; the final task of rebuilding the old street, It has to be carried directly by the town in the name of the town real estate company.

In order to gather more funds, Shen Huai not only does not limit, but also greatly encourages more people to participate.

Although the state currently does not allow commercial streets to be pre-sold to private individuals before the development is completed, and the sale of off-plan properties in some areas has been stopped before, but as long as you are willing to do it, there is no compromise.

The town real estate company will move out the residents on both sides of the old street for resettlement, and take the property rights of the house into its hands. At this time, it is not impossible to directly split the house and sell it; as long as the owner buys the house, the signing will be the responsibility of the town real estate company. The power of attorney for the transformation and subsequent unified commercial operation is enough, and the town property company can also use this flexible method to gather a part of the transformation funds.

The reconstruction of Xiamei Highway had caused a lot of uproar before, forcing Shen Huai to suspend the reconstruction plan of Xiamei Highway. Pan Shigui committed suicide because of fear of crime. Profits from the demolition are actually deposited in Meixi Town, and in the hands of the owners who sold their private houses before.

Shen Huai is now also asking Guo Quan to actively guide these people to participate in the renovation of the old street, and at the same time communicate with Yexin Bank to let Yexin Bank relax the credit restrictions on private investment and renovation of shops in Meixi Town.

Now the local government has also begun to formally restrict the direct participation of officials and their families in business activities. After Meixi Town was included in the Tangzha District, the restrictions in this regard were stricter than those in Guixiapu County. However, the family’s investment in fixed assets is not within the scope of restrictions, and it is not impossible to enjoy rental returns.

He Qingshe and others, who are also full of confidence in the rapid economic growth of Meixi Town, and also know that Shen Huai has made up his mind to continue the delay of the Xiamei Highway reconstruction project, after Industry Credit Bank relaxed the credit restrictions on privately-invested shops, naturally Don’t miss this opportunity.

One after another, by mid-September, the town property company had raised an additional seven or eight million funds for the renovation of the old street.

The spinning mill warehouses that Peng Yue and Chen Dan will renovate in the future will be parked in high-end catering and entertainment. Shen Huai also considered taking back the cultural station building for another use at an appropriate time. The economy of Meixi Town will continue to grow rapidly. For a long time, the most insufficiency is food and lodging.

Therefore, in addition to the cleaning of the trousers and the refurbishment of the old street, the town property company has already negotiated with some merchants connected with Meixi Town, and three hostels and two mid-range restaurants will be renovated first. .

One of the restaurants and a hostel was invested by He Yuelian. After all, He Yuelian was still unwilling to give up running the restaurant and hostel, especially when she saw the reception station being taken over by Chen Dan, the guest rooms and restaurants were often full, and she was somewhat envious.

As long as He Yuelian knows her duty as a manager, Shen Huai doesn’t care about restricting her. After all, there are very few powerful merchants and entrepreneurs in Meixi Town. He Yuelian contributed millions of funds to participate in the renovation and commercial operation of the old street, which is also a contribution to the development of Meixi Town.

Because the selected locations are close to Xuetang Street, they can be put into use first without even having to renovate the entire old street, so as to alleviate the current situation of food and accommodation in Meixi Town, and of course it is possible to share them in Meixi Town as soon as possible. The benefits of rapid economic development.

Although Chen Tong is from Hetang Town, he is close to Meixi Town. He has a good understanding of Meixi Town since he was a child. Knowing how broken Meixi Town has always been, it is better than Hetang. Then a little.

A year ago, who could have imagined that Meixi Town could be like it is today?

Chen Tong felt that he had no such imagination, but at this time he could imagine that a year later, when the Zhuxi Bridge, Zhuxi Avenue, Zhuyuan, Xinmei New Village, Old Street, and Yanhe Park were completed, almost all of the city’s plum trees were built. What will be the situation in this corner of the quarter of Xi Township.

At the same time, although Shen Huai has not officially proposed, there has already been a discussion within Meishan Iron and Steel. In the next six months to a year, Meishan Iron and Steel will completely shut down the old iron-making plants with serious pollution. , The town office building will be relocated, and the extra land will be used to build a park and plant a large ecological forest between the Meishan Iron and Steel Plant and Xinmei New Village.

Chen Tong believes that in a year’s time, there will not be a few places in Donghua that look more beautiful from the southwest corner of Meixi Town.

In the past, in the workshop, I didn’t feel so deeply. Now I have to directly participate in the construction of this area and participate in this magnificent cause. I can see that this corner becomes as beautiful as a garden in my hands, and Chen Tong feels extra excitement.

Seeing the excitement in Chen Tong’s eyes, Shen Huai smiled and sent him away.

Speaking of which, Chen Tong is only 21 years old. It was because of his poverty and embarrassment that his family was struggling. He was stubborn and stubborn. He suffered a lot. It is necessary to grow faster and more mature than its peers.

Chen Dan is now busy taking care of her mother in addition to the hotel, and it is difficult for Shen Huai to have a chance to be alone with her. Shen Huai originally planned to eat in the canteen of the steel mill, and then go back to the city after handling a few things at hand. He didn’t expect Xiong Wenbin to call when Mei Steel was off work and ask him to come over with Zhao Dong. (83 Chinese Network)

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