Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 270

Chapter 269: Tiger Has No Power

From the late 1980s, Japan’s domestic economy began to weaken, and the traditional industrial market shrank.

Although Fuji Steel is the fifth largest steel company in Japan, due to the lag in overseas industrial layout, it is facing greater pressure to survive in Japan. The scale can enter the top three super large steel groups in Japan.

It is precisely because Fuji Steel’s overseas industrial layout is lagging behind that, although its production capacity is much larger than that of Yamaha Steel, in the joint intentional negotiation, Fuji Steel suppresses Yamaha Steel and falls into a passive position. Achilles heel.

Fuji Steel executives had to suspend the merger negotiations, but they knew that the combination was the general trend, so they could only decide to promote the speed of industrial investment in China, and strive to quickly form the scale of overseas production capacity in two or three years. leading position.

Chinese iron and steel enterprises, with Yanjing Iron and Steel and Zhongyuan Iron and Steel as the leaders, have considerable standards in terms of scale and management. It’s just that China’s major steel companies have long-term cooperative relations with Japan’s top-ranked UFJ and Sumitomo Metallurgical, and it is difficult for Fuji Steel to squeeze in.

Fuji Steel, which has only been determined to expand on a large scale in the Chinese market in recent years, has limited options.

Among Fuji Steel’s successive inspections for nearly a year, Meigang is very inconspicuous in terms of scale. In China, it can only be regarded as a third- and fourth-tier steel company, but it is precisely the third- and fourth-tier steel companies in terms of scale. Meishan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., in the industrial layout along the Zhujiang Port Line, is called the high-level management of Fuji Iron and Steel.

The wharf with the largest capacity for berthing 10,000-ton bulk seagoing ships will be completed and put into use by the end of the year, and the central channel resources of Zhujiangkou have the potential to build a 30,000-ton to 50,000-ton freight wharf; at the same time, the first phase of a thermal power plant with an installed capacity of 100,000 kilowatts It is also under construction; Meixi Town has reserved more than 5,000 mu of contiguous land for Meigang’s southern expansion to the Zhujiang River, and the demolition work has already begun – these three points alone, as long as Fuji Steel can take the initiative Right, it doesn’t even take two years to build an electric furnace steel production base with a maximum annual output of 3 million tons on the north bank of the Zhujiang Estuary.

For Fuji Steel, which had an annual production capacity of 7 million tons at the time, as long as it captured Meishan Iron and Steel and formed an overseas production capacity of 3 to 3 million tons in two years, and then started the domestic merger negotiations in Japan, it would undoubtedly be able to secure the firm. Firmly seize the initiative.

If Meigang cannot be captured, Fuji Steel will cooperate with other steel companies in China to build a large-scale steelmaking base in the Jiangkou and coastal port areas. It also takes a year or more to report for review and other work; then, land demolition, leveling, and construction of road infrastructure, etc., will take almost another year or more. For Fuji Steel now, The only thing missing is time.

When Fuji Steel re-evaluated its partners in China a few months ago, Meigang stood out for these dazzling advantages. After further data collection, it was confirmed that the management and technical team of Meigang was much higher than expected. Nobuo Yamazaki came here this time, almost with a mission to capture Meigang.

Nobuo Yamazaki has a deep research on China, and he knows how much Chinese local governments are eager for foreign exchange funds and how much control they have over enterprises.

In the collected materials, it is mentioned that the current leader of Meishan Iron and Steel, Shen Huai, is a young man of only twenty-five years old, and he also serves as the secretary of the party committee of Meixi Town. Everything is in line with Chinese characteristics.

Even after reading the introduction and seeing Shen Huai standing in front of him, Nobuo Yamazaki was still amazed at the youth of the man in front of him, and couldn’t help but talk to the people around him in Japanese: “Chinese local governments are really powerful in controlling enterprises, so It’s no wonder that Chinese companies can’t develop…”

Shen Huai could understand Japanese, and he just listened calmly to the disdain and even contempt that Yamazaki Nobuo expressed towards himself during his remarks.

Fuji Steel has also raised the negotiation specifications at once.

In the previous few contacts, there were only three or five of Fuji Steel’s negotiators and translators. It was not so much a negotiation or intelligence gathering. Every time Donghua’s side returned a large number of labor and teachers, it was treated as a high-level reception— —The negotiators dispatched by Fuji Steel this time, in addition to a heavyweight like Nobuo Yamazaki, there are as many as twelve people in the entourage, including translators. The female secretary, Ms. Matsushima, who follows Nobuo Yamazaki, is a good looking person. Zhou Yu is not much different from a beautiful Japanese girl, but looking at her appearance, she seems to have the gentle characteristics of Japanese women. She is also the interpreter of Nobuo Yamazaki on this trip. She is fluent in Chinese, which is quite eye-catching.

Probably hearing the words of Nobuo Yamazaki, Miss Matsushima glanced over here, Shen Huai pretended to be foolish and asked: “Mr. Yamazaki, what do you want to tell me?”

“Yamazaki-kun said that Mr. Shen is very young, but he can manage a first-class steel enterprise in China. It is very powerful.” Miss Matsushima said, leaning over her body, seeing Shen Huai’s intention to come over, showing an embarrassed and embarrassed look.

Shen Huai said to Nobuo Yamazaki with a naive face: “Thanks to Mr. Yamazaki’s praise!”

Miss Matsushima didn’t say anything, but Yuichi Oda, who was the deputy director of Fuji Steel’s Overseas Production and Research Office with a few slashes on his face, smiled contemptuously at Nobuo Yamazaki in Japanese: “This idiot thinks Yamazaki You praise him; dealing with such an idiot, there shouldn’t be much of a problem this time.”

Nobuo Yamazaki nodded and smiled at Shen Huai without showing any trace.

Tan Qiping and others did not understand Japanese, and they only thought that Yamazaki Nobuo and Shen Huai were having a cordial conversation, and did not call the Japanese translator from the city steel mill to come.

Among the group of people who received Nobuo Yamazaki today, Shen Huai and Zhou Yu had the lowest level.

Although Tan Qiping had already emphasized that Shen Huai would play the leading role tonight, Shen Huai couldn’t have any great interest in front of the arrogant little Japan, so he honestly followed behind everyone according to his level.

Walking into the VIP room, Shen Huai also wanted to accompany the last seat, took off the windbreaker outside, and folded it and hung it on the back of the chair.

However, Nobuo Yamazaki’s attention was still on Shen Huai’s body. Seeing him take off his trench coat, revealing the suit inside, he was quite surprised and said to Oda Yuichi, who was following him in the shadow: “This Shen Huai really doesn’t seem to be an innocent person. It seems that the negotiation is easier than imagined. This time I really want to take down Meigang and build an electric furnace steel base for Fuji Steel overseas. Even if you and I have an explanation for the Yamazaki family …”

Shen Huai narrowed his eyes slightly. He is usually used to wearing jackets or overalls. Today, he mainly wants to accompany Song Hongjun. In the afternoon, he will send Song Hongjun away from Donghua. He has no plans to go to the factory. The suit was also administered by “he” before returning to China. A suit was worth several thousand dollars, and it was indeed not something an honest official should wear.

The reception dinner was led by Tan Qiping; however, in the specific negotiation, Tan Qiping should no longer participate, and the negotiation process should be led by Meigang and the municipal steel mill. However, Nobuo Yamazaki, who is quite familiar with the characteristics of Chinese local governments, couldn’t wait to talk about the specific cooperation content in the discussion after the dinner, and Mayor Gao Tianhe also came over to participate in the discussion.

Shen Huai knew Nobuo Yamazaki’s intention, but he still wanted to use the temptation of investment to lure the city to directly interfere or even lead the specific negotiation process.

I have to say that Nobuo Yamazaki’s strategy is very effective.

When Nobuo Yamazaki mentioned that Fuji Steel hopes that the final scale of the joint venture project can exceed the production capacity of one million tons, Tan Qiping let go of his restraint of not interfering in specific technical negotiations. At present, the combined production capacity of the two municipal steel mills plus Meigang is only 800,000 tons. If the joint venture project adds another municipal steel mill plus Meigang to Donghua, such a temptation is indeed not something ordinary officials can resist.

Therefore, when Nobuo Yamazaki single-handedly proposed that he wanted to control the freight terminal and Meixi Power Plant, Tan Qiping did not ask Shen Huai’s opinion, but directly gave Yamazaki the details of the cooperation between Meigang and Dongdian to build a power plant, and Meigang and Pengyue to build a wharf. Nobuo made an introduction.

Taking the initiative to explain the details of Meigang, Tan Qiping looked at Shen Huai again, expecting Shen Huai to make a firm commitment to Nobuo Yamazaki on the spot, and wanted to set the tone of the joint venture project tonight.

Seeing that Tan Qiping handed over the initiative of the negotiation to the Japanese side without realizing it, Shen Huai was so angry that he wanted to throw the cup and leave, but he couldn’t really save Tan Qiping’s face, he just picked up the cup and turned around to ask the waiter to help him. hot water.

The waiter standing at the door was distracted for a while and didn’t notice that Shen Huai turned around. Seeing Shen Huai’s tensed face and knowing that he was very unhappy at this time, Zhou Yu stood up and went to the hot water bottle in the corner to refill him – probably seeing that the water in the glasses of Yamazaki Nobuo and others on the opposite side was also shallow, Tan Qiping told Zhou Yu directly: “Xiao Zhou, you can add some water to Mr. Yamazaki and the others.”

The people who accompanied him were really Zhou Yu’s lowest status. When Nobuo Yamazaki and the others got off the bus in front of Cuihua Building, Deputy Mayor Liang Xiaolin missed Zhou Yu and didn’t introduce him; now Tan Qiping uses her as a waiter, and she has nowhere to go. cry out.

Zhou Yu could only obediently walk to the opposite side and add water to Yamazaki Nobuo, Oda Yuichi and others. I don’t know if Oda Yuichi was intentional or not. When Zhou Yu came to him to add water, his elbow turned out, just rubbing against the outside of Zhou Yu’s chest.

Zhou Yu was sullen in his heart, but thought that Oda Yuichi might be unintentional, so he could only hold back and say nothing. On the other hand, Oda Yuichi took advantage of it and sold it well. He couldn’t help but turned his head proudly and whispered to Nobuo Yamazaki next to him, “This Chinese woman has a beautiful face and big breasts…”

Shen Huai’s nest had nowhere to vent the fire all night, so he took the hot water from the cup and poured it on Oda Yuichi’s face.

The water in Shen Huai’s cup was just filled by Zhou Yu with the kettle, and the scalding water made Oda Yuyi scream, and even his chair fell to the ground——

The sudden change also shocked everyone in the conference room. Shen Huai just slammed the cup on the conference table, and directly reprimanded the shocked Yamazaki Nobuo in Japanese: “If you have always negotiated with this attitude , please get out of China as soon as possible. Although China is poor, its people are not short-lived. You are welcome to invest, but you are not welcome to insult—”

Not everyone saw Oda Yuichi rubbing his elbow against Zhou Yu’s is the representative of the Japanese side, and only the two attachés beside Oda Yuichi and Yamazaki Nobuo’s secretary, Miss Matsushima, heard Oda Yuichi. Flirty words. What was even more shocking to them at this time was that Shen Huai even scolded them in Japanese. They never imagined that Shen Huai had been pretending to be deaf and dumb all night, nesting beside them, and had actually heard all the conversations they thought they were private. went in the ear.

Shen Huai frowned and said to Tan Qiping: “The Japanese representatives openly harassed and insulted District Mayor Zhou at the meeting table. With such a negotiating attitude, their sincerity can be imagined. The Japanese representatives did not have a correct attitude and did not respond to District Mayor Zhou apologized for not kicking a guy like Oda Yuichi back to China, Mei Steel will not participate in such a joint venture negotiation!” He stood up, picked up the windbreaker on the back of the chair and put it on, then pushed open the door and walked out.

Nobuo Yamazaki sat there for a while, not knowing what to say. Oda should have rubbed against each other’s chest unintentionally, but what he said to him was too frivolous, and he asked Shen Huai to listen to it. Shen Huai now insisted that his small actions were intentional, and they had no way to refute it.

Tan Qiping didn’t know what was going on for a while, and he didn’t know what Shen Huai reprimanded the Japanese side for in Japanese, but when he saw Shen Huai’s words for the Japanese side that he had an attack, he directly poured a cup of hot water on the Japanese side’s representative. On his face, he told the Japanese representative to fall to the ground and scream, and he was also stupid for a while. He didn’t know if he should reprimand Shen Huai and tell him to stop… (83中文网)

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