Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 285

Chapter 284: Liaison Office

The Zhujiang River flows in a zigzag pattern from the downstream, and the three places of Suyu, Donghua and Xucheng on the north bank form a zigzag layout of one south and two north.

It is said that Donghua and Xucheng also have a small section next to each other, but between the two places, the Huanghuai hills are abruptly set up at the southern edge, forming the highest peak in the central and eastern part of Huaihai Province with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters and a depth of about 10,000 meters. More than 2,000 square kilometers of Huaiyuling Mountains.

The straight-line distance between Donghua City and the main urban area of Xucheng is only 112 to 20 kilometers, but there is no main road connected to the mountain except for the county highway and the winding mountain trail.

The 310 National Highway that runs through the southern part of Huaihai Province is built along the north bank of the Zhujiang River. If you want to rush to Xucheng from Donghua, it is the fastest way to take the 310 National Highway from Suyu.

Although it is a national road, the road is not as open as the newly built Meihe Highway and Zhuxi Avenue in Meixi Town.

After passing through the urban area of Suyu, in the direction of the northeastern suburbs of Suyu, there are many building materials stores on both sides of the road, and the illegal buildings are about to be built on the road. The speed of the section should be between 60 and 80 kilometers of secondary highways. Shao Zheng only dared to drive slowly at a speed of about 30 kilometers.

When crossing Yinan, I encountered another car accident on the road. The road was blocked. The traffic department was slow to dispatch the police. It took an hour to pass. It took less than 200 kilometers to reach Xu. city.

The car arrived at the Xucheng office and drove directly into the yard. Sun Yalin couldn’t wait to get out of the car, complaining of back pain, complaining:

“The development of Huaihai is slow, but it’s not without reason. Let’s talk about it. In 1991, the plan to build the Xudong Expressway began. It’s been three years. Have you seen any shadows? The plane only leaves once a week. They are still far away from the city, except for my aunt, I am not afraid of hard work, and other ghosts are willing to invest and work in Donghua…”

Shen Huai took off his shoes in the car to avoid swollen feet after sitting in the car for too long, and now squat down to tie his shoelaces first.

Many cities in Huaihai Province have already made many development plans. As far as Donghua is concerned, not only the Xudong Expressway has been planned for a long time, but also the east extension of Xudong Railway, Dongpu Avenue connecting Xiapu County in Donghua City, and Xinpuwan Seaport, etc., are all planned one after another. Continue to draw blueprints, ? plans, but ultimately to turn blueprints into reality, or need money.

Shen Huai has seen the construction plan of the Xudong Expressway made by the provincial transportation department. The four-lane design cannot be said to be the best plan for Donghua, because the distance from Suyu is too long, but after completion , it is still possible to shorten the drive from Donghua to Xucheng to less than three hours, and to connect the three cities of Donghua, Suyu and Xucheng more closely, develop the urban agglomeration on the north bank of the Zhujiang River, and promote the industry on the north bank of the Zhujiang River. Belt development is very important.

The project has also been approved by the Ministry of Communications and other ministries and commissions, and the preliminary work is almost done. However, in addition to the funding from the Ministry of Communications, the Xudong Expressway also needs a special construction fund of 2 billion from the local government. The problem is here: The province can squeeze a part, and Xucheng can squeeze a part, but Su Yu and Donghua can’t get their share, so the whole project has not been completed until now.

Thinking of this, Shen Huai just sighed softly, tied his shoelaces, stood up straight, comforted Sun Yalin and said, “Tian Jiageng went to Huaihai Province and has been promoting this work, asking the provincial government to come forward to raise all the money. The construction funds, so that there is no need to shirk the blame between the city and the city, I think the construction should be officially started after the year.”

“I hope Tian Jiageng can do some practical things.” Sun Yalin has been working in China for less than two years, and her temperament is almost worn out. She does not have high expectations for the office efficiency of domestic officials, and she knows some things, not the provincial party secretary. If the promotion can be implemented quickly, there are always all kinds of excuses to shirk the blame, and the provincial party secretary can’t do anything.

Like the Beijing Office, the Donghua Hotel on Dongjing Street, Dongcheng District, Xucheng, is actually the location of the Donghua Office in Xucheng.

Donghua Hotel, located in Xucheng, is a mansion building left over from the Republic of China.

In addition to the four-storey main building, which is also officially open to the public, on the inside of the hotel yard, along the Yudai River, several smaller annexes were built in the 1980s, which are circled together to form the whole Donghua Hotel.

The Donghua Hotel is hidden among the lush trees. The building is quite old, gray and unremarkable. The main building is nothing but the annex buildings along the river, mainly for city leaders from Donghua. They are all furnished according to the standard of star-rated hotels. The environment, living conditions and catering are quite good.

The districts and counties below Donghua, including large city-owned enterprises like the City Steel Plant, also have offices in Xucheng, some of which are concurrently operated, and some are purely liaison offices, but most of them are not integrated with the city office. .

After all, district and county leaders and people like Gu Tong are also big bosses who cover the sky with one hand. No one wants to go to the provincial capital, but is always under the eyes of city leaders.

Only the Tangzha District Office in Xucheng occupies a three-storey annex directly in the courtyard of the Donghua Hotel. There are also restaurants and guest rooms inside, but they are not open to the public.

Shen Huai likes the quiet environment surrounded by tall trees and facing the Yudai River. He must spend the night in the provincial capital. He likes to live here. It’s a single-family building anyway, and you don’t need to register in the main building to get in, and it won’t disturb anyone in the city.

Shao Zheng accompanied Shen Huai several times, and parked the car directly in the parking lot in front of the small building. Zhang Tuo, the person in charge of the district, saw it, pushed the door and walked over to greet him: “It’s so late, I thought Mayor Shen, you guys. I’ve been delayed for something, and I can’t reach the provincial capital today…”

“There was a traffic jam on the road, and it was delayed for two hours.” Shen Huai said.

It was freezing cold outside, Zhang Tuo pushed open the door and welcomed Shen Huai and the others in.

Yang Yuquan was promoted to be the deputy mayor of the city and Shen Huai to serve as the deputy head of the district. There is still a lack of procedures for the urban people’s congress, and it has not been officially announced to the public. However, just like the news that Pan Shihua will be the secretary of the Tangzha District Party Committee, these things are naturally not secrets to Zhang Tuo, who was Yang Yuquan’s secretary and just transferred to Xucheng.

Of course, Zhang Tuo can choose to go to the city with Yang Yuquan, but for Zhang Tuo, who is already thirty-five years old this year and has just been promoted to the deputy department, it is quite embarrassing to go to the city with Yang Yuquan at this time.

After weighing it, Yang Yuquan made a small move before leaving Tangzha District, and put up an additional sign for the district office in Xucheng. Yang Yuquan bundled the office in Xucheng with the investment promotion work, and sent Zhang Tuo to Xucheng to take charge of the office and liaison office, and concurrently served as the deputy director of the Investment Promotion Bureau. , which will be managed by the district government, but it is actually to be included in the site managed by Shen Huai in the Tangzha District. This is what Pan Shihua would be concerned about Shen Huai even if he wanted to intervene in the future, and would not dare to kick Zhang Tuo away to replace his own people.

Pan Shihua was also very depressed. Yang Yuquan hadn’t left the Tangzha District, so he could only watch Yang Yuquan engage in these small actions that were detrimental to him.

In the half month after Zhang Tuo was transferred to Xucheng, Pan Shihua went to Xucheng twice for meetings, and both lived outside. Only if there was any official business, he would ask Zhang Tuo to act on his behalf.

This building was built in the style of a clubhouse in the early 1980s. It is three stories high. On the third floor are five high-end guest rooms. Office area and kitchen – antique style, seven staff including chefs and logistics waiters are all recruited by Tangzha District, and the waiters are also young and beautiful. From these details, we can also see the appearance of domestic officials. The salary is very low, but the advantages are really not comparable to ordinary people.

This is also the fundamental reason why most people would rather be the head of the chicken than the tail of the phoenix – the head of the district and county seems to be only a seventh-grade sesame official, but except for a few days when he has to pretend to be a grandson in front of the provincial and municipal leaders, most of the time he is a grandson. It is the uncle who makes people serve him comfortably from head to toe, while those high-level officials in the provincial department and even the ministries have less time as uncles and more time to pretend to be grandsons – so there are many people who say that the office No matter whether it is the chief, the chief, or the mayor, there is essentially no difference.

Sun Yalin was so tired that she refused to come out when she got to the room. She was also responsible for contacting Yao Ronghua and others. After Shen Huai went to the room and washed his face, he went downstairs with Shao Zheng to meet Zhang Tuo and the other six staff members to see the preparations for the dinner.

Except for Meixigang Industrial Park, there is no development zone in Tangzha District that can be used for investment promotion. After Shen Huai served as the deputy head of the district, even if the investment attraction work was not assigned to him, it would be difficult for others to do well; even if they could do well, they would mainly serve the Meixi Port Industrial Park——

Shen Huai considered that to do a good job in attracting investment, the district government’s foreign offices, especially those in important cities, are very important resources. It can play a great role in project declaration, supervision, and liaison and organization of official and business activities.

Shen Huai talked to Zhang Tuo about the work of the liaison office in the office. The time passed quickly, and the staff came to inform Li Gu and Yao Ronghua that they had arrived by car.

Shen Huai stood up, called Sun Yalin, and went downstairs to meet Yao Ronghua and Li Gu’s car came in, but Li Gu drove over by himself.

After Li Gu had parked the car, Shen Huai and Yao Ronghua walked over to shake hands and said, “I’m really sorry, I have an appointment with President Yao, and it’s a rare opportunity to invite President Yao and President Zhang out. I don’t want to miss the opportunity, so I can only call Li. Director, please follow the grievances and come to this poor place to eat together. I am inviting two guests at one table, and if there is any negligence, I will ask Director Li to take care of it…”

“…You say that, you’re born,” Li Gu said with a smile, “After I arrived in Huaihai, I met President Yao and President Zhang twice, but I haven’t had a chance to eat with them, so you’ve fulfilled the two of us. ”

Yao Ronghua also laughed; Shen Huai asked Yao Ronghua to invite Zhang Jianhua, the provincial bank president of Bank of China, who also laughed and shook hands with Li Gu enthusiastically.

At this time, two more cars drove in, and the rear window of the car in front was open. Shen Huai saw his “father” Song Bingsheng’s gloomy face, smiled and said to Yao Ronghua, Zhang Jianhua, and Li Gu: ” My dad is here too, you guys made an appointment…” Just seeing Xie Zhi’s icy, cold face in the back of the car, Shen Huai couldn’t help but tighten the chrysanthemum, and secretly asked, “Why is this woman here?” ? (83 Chinese Network)

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