Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 290

Chapter 289: Back To Meixi

During Shen Huai’s stay in the UK, domestic affairs were like a surging river, moving forward according to the existing pace and would not change for anyone.

Tan Qiping begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother, and finally, under the impetus of Governor Zhao Qiuhua, the municipal steel mill managed to collect the 120,000 yuan credit line required by the provincial bank of China and the provincial construction bank for the investment of the joint venture, and the negotiation with Fuji Steel went smoothly. Enter the most crucial second round.

Yang Yuquan was co-opted as deputy mayor at the city’s executive meeting in late December and was officially transferred to the city; Zhou Yu was also transferred to the city’s publicity department earlier, and it has been half a month since he officially joined the office. Pan Shihua is the secretary of the district party committee and the mayor of the district. Although Shen Huai is not in the country, the appointment of the deputy head of the district has also been passed by the district adults, and the relationship between the organization and the department is also transferred to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.

When I came back from Xucheng, the sky was already dark. When I passed Suyu, the sky that had been hazy for a day began to snow.

At the Donghua toll gate on the foreign road, Shen Huai took out his mobile phone to call Chen Dan and asked, “Where are you?”

“It’s snowing heavily in Meixi now. Xiaoli and I are walking down the street with gold. Have you arrived in Donghua?” Chen Dan’s gentle voice on the phone was like a warm current, making Shen Huai really feel To Donghua is his home.

“As soon as you leave the toll station, you can reach Meixi in half an hour.” Shen Huai said.

“Then come back soon, we are all waiting for you…” Chen Dan said.

Shen Huai just hung up the phone when Pan Shihua sniffed his nose like a dog and called and asked, “Shen Huai, have you returned to Donghua?”

There is no other way, Shen Huai’s itinerary has to be reported to the district, and later to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. This is also a rare place in China where officials are not so free.

“Just got out of the toll booth.”

“Okay, come to the district; I’m going to the provincial capital for a meeting tomorrow. I’d like to take time to talk to you tonight about the work in charge,” Pan Shihua said.

Shen Huai could only call Chen Dan apologetically, and rushed to the district to see Pan Shihua first.

Although Pan Shihua got his wish to become the secretary of the district party committee, but when he saw Shen Huai, his heart felt like he was stuck in a pile of grass, and he couldn’t be happy.

Shen Huai knew that Pan Shihua wouldn’t like to see him either, so he knocked on the door and walked into Pan Shihua’s office.

Shen Huai sat on the sofa in the corner of the wall, picked up the cigarette and lighter, and asked Pan Shihua, “Secretary Pan, do you smoke?”

Across the distance, Pan Shihua was afraid that Shen Huai would throw a lighter and a cigarette and hit him in the face, so he hurriedly said, “I have here…” He took out a cigarette and a lighter from the drawer, and lit them with Shen Huai. He said, “You are busy with projects in the UK these days, and I have no chance to meet your people. Your appointment has been approved by the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department and the district people’s congress, and now, you will be the district leader. Although May You have to take care of the troubles in Xi Town, but you also need to share the work in the district. I convened the district government party group members to discuss the day before yesterday, and everyone agreed that in addition to attracting investment and industry in Meixi Town, education work is also very important. Excellent, I thought you would be in charge of these two things. If you don’t have an opinion, just settle it like this?”

“Okay,” Shen Huai nodded and said, “Secretary Pan, if you have no other orders, I will go back first.”

“You also have an office in the district; Mayor Zhou is transferred to the city, and her office is empty, so you should be wronged first,” Pan Shihua said, “The car, the driver and the secretary’s arrangements, I will let the old man tomorrow. Luo asked you to discuss…”

Ordinary deputy district mayors are not equipped with special cars, full-time drivers, and full-time secretaries as usual. However, Pan Shihua only hoped that Shen Huai would be a little more peaceful in the Tangzha area and that they could live in peace with each other. How Tan Qiping would toss Shen Huai in the future was Tan Qiping’s business. He didn’t want to mess with this jade-faced tiger at this time.

“What’s wrong with this?” Shen Huai smiled, “The car and the driver don’t matter; if the secretary wants to run in a few places, I need a contact person in the district, then I will discuss with Lao Luo tomorrow and let him He gave me a…”

Robi is the director of the district government office and a close associate of Pan Shihua who was transferred from the city organization department. Shen Huai was not yet qualified to go directly to the district government office, so he thought about picking a smart one from the district government office’s existing clerks to use it first.

“Okay.” Pan Shihua and Shen Huai felt uncomfortable when they were in the same office. Seeing that he stood up to leave, he quickly escorted him out.


There was no delay in Pan Shihua’s place. It was only seven o’clock when I arrived at the Zhuxi Hotel. I didn’t see Chen Dan and Xiaoli, but saw a large group of people such as Yang Haipeng, Zhou Zhibai, He Qingshe, Li Feng, Yuan Hongjun and so on. The front room was joking. They saw Shen Huai and Shao Zheng parked and came out together.

Seeing that Chu Yiliang, Zhu Li, and Zhao Dong accompanied Wu Haifeng, Zhou Yanbin, Yang Yuquan, Zhou Yu, and others out, Shen Huai patted his forehead, confused, and asked doubtfully, “You are not eating today, are you? What is the purpose of blocking people in the lobby of people who do not do errands?”

“Today is the completion of the first phase of the Meixi Port Wharf, will you not forget Secretary Shen?” Yuan Hongjun asked.

Shen Huai was stunned for a moment, scratching his forehead for a while before the date was calculated, and asked Wu Haifeng, “Today is the eighth?”

“You have not reversed the jet lag, making your life confused,” Zhou Yu said with a smile, “We all thought you were rushing back for today’s flight to attend the completion ceremony.”

“I came back to participate in the completion ceremony, I was still reciting the speech on the plane,” Shen Huai said, spreading his hands, “It will be ** hours later than this in the UK, and I have been sitting for more than ten hours before and after. The plane, I still slept in Hong Kong airport, I thought that tomorrow was the completion date. I knew this, why did I bother memorizing the speech on the plane, it didn’t come in handy.”

The first phase of the Meixi Port Wharf project was completed today, but before Shen Huai went to the UK, the infrastructure project was almost finished, just one step away from the completion acceptance process; the equipment installation is also in progress, and it will be officially completed in one or two months. It has been put into use and can be docked at a maximum of 10,000-ton freighters.

Donghua is facing the river and the sea, and there are hundreds of large and small wharfs, but there are only seven wharfs above the 10,000-ton level that can give full play to the advantages of river-sea intermodal transportation, all of which are under the jurisdiction of Donghua Port Group.

The completion of the first phase of Meixi Port Wharf, as well as the construction of higher berths to be invested in the second phase of the project and the construction of the special coal handling wharf for Meixi Power Plant, will form a new area along the river in Meixi Town where river ships can dock and sea ships can also dock. The docked river-sea combined transport port area.

This is of great significance to the development of Tangzha District and even the entire eastern part of Donghua City.

The infrastructure completion ceremony was planned for a long time in the town. Shen Huai also specially asked He Qingshe to invite Wu Haifeng and Yang Yuquan to attend, but he didn’t expect him to miss the completion day by accident. .

It was also a rare time when Shen Huai was confused, everyone laughed and walked in with Shen Huai, Wu Haifeng, and Yang Yuquan.


After the banquet, everyone was not in a hurry to pester Shen Huai about official affairs, so they left each other; Shen Huai used his drunkenness to pester Chen Dan to drive him back.

Sun Yalin still stayed in France and returned to Wenshanyuan’s house, not afraid that someone would come to harass her.

As soon as he entered the room, he pressed Shen Huai against the door and kissed him breathlessly. Chen Dan let Shen Huai’s cool hand come in and caressed the waist and abdomen without a trace of fat. , said: “I’ll run hot water for you, take a bath first!” Struggling to enter the bathroom.

Shen Huai followed, pulled a chair, let Chen Dan sit on him, hugged her soft body tightly from behind, and said, “I miss me…”

“I don’t believe it,” Chen Dan smiled slyly, turned his head again, and gently and emotionally pecked Shen Huai’s lips, and asked, “How much do you miss me?”

“When I was outside, I only thought about going back to Meixi, and I felt all kinds of hardships and difficulties outside. When I returned to Meixi Town, I felt that it didn’t matter, it didn’t matter, and I felt that I was swept away – you said I have How much do I miss you?” Shen Huai looked at Chen Dan under the light, with a seductive and lustrous face, and with his beautiful eyes that were so charming that he could absorb all his souls and souls, and told her about the experience and difficulties of this trip.

“Why did that Xie Zhi target you?” Chen Dan asked Because I have done too many wrong things and hurt too many people before,” Shen Huai rested his chin gently On Chen Dan’s soft shoulders, her face was pressed against her plump and snowy face with a faint fragrance, thinking that he must be responsible for the guilt that Shen Huai had shouldered before, he couldn’t help but sigh, and said softly, “Although I really want to change my mind. , but not everyone is willing to give me a chance to reform. Take Sun Yalin’s words, I also deserve it. ”

Chen Dan looked back at Shen Huai’s eyes and saw a helpless look in his eyes. He knew that he didn’t worry too much about the difficulties he encountered this time. He knew that he was stronger than her, but he was willing to talk to her about it. Annoyed, he reached out and gently rubbed his face.

Shen Huai looked at Chen Dan’s pure and affectionate, deep and quiet beautiful eyes, and the aunt couldn’t bear to tell her about arranging a blind date. She immediately took off her clothes one by one, and went into the bathtub to take a bath together. On her body, she felt so silky smooth, her mouth moved down from her lips, from her lustrous and slender neck, to her **** and touching bones, kissing the beautiful peaks of the snow-capped mountains all the way, with her hands under her belly. Gently rubbing, Chen Dan twisted like a snake, moaning emotionally. In the steaming bathtub, Shen Huai asked Chen Dan to hold on to the edge of the bathtub, with her hips and waist down, supporting her plump, round, snow-capped buttocks, and stabbed the bright and charming blushing with a gun… (83中文网)

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