Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 300

Chapter 299: Clear Debt

Su Kaiwen went to Tan Qiping’s office first in the morning and reported that the city forging factory owed Zhu Youcai the project payment.

Tan Qiping was signing the document with a pen, stopped for a while, and said to Su Kaiwen, “This matter is still up to the Municipal Party Committee Inspection Office to coordinate and resolve it. You can take time to run specifically.”

Su Kaiwen nodded and said, “Okay, Zhu Youcai made an appointment to come to me in the morning; I’ll have someone notify the city forging factory right away…”

The whole thing is divided into two parts:

The first half happened in Meixi Town. Five workers climbed the tower crane to ask for wages. They told Shen Huai to solve it quickly, and there was no major trouble.

Logically speaking, since the inspection office of the municipal party committee has come to Meixi town to ask the migrant workers about their wages, it will then urge the municipal forging factory to repay the money, which is beyond the scope of the power of Meixi town, and can only be inspected by the municipal party committee. Shi came to take over, and Shen Huai couldn’t blame Shen Huai for kicking the ball over deliberately.

If this matter can’t be supervised well, who knows what kind of tongue Shen Huai will chew behind his back?

Of course, Su Kaiwen didn’t find it difficult to coordinate and solve the problem of 200,000 project funds owed to him by the city forging factory for Zhu Youcai.

Tan Qiping did not go out for official business activities in the morning, and there were several people around the secretary who served him; Su Kaiwen was waiting in the office for Zhu Youcai and others to come, and also called the city forging factory to send someone to negotiate.

The city’s forging factory was so tight that even the workers’ salaries were issued. Even if there was some liquidity in the account, they didn’t want to clean up the bad debts.

Zhao Yicheng, the director of the Municipal Forging and Pressing Factory, did not dare not to appear when the Municipal Party Committee Inspection Office called for an invitation, but when he arrived at the Municipal Party Committee Office, he kept pouring out bitterness:

The former factory manager was imprisoned because of corruption and squandering public funds, and he was reported to the prison, but he left a bad debt to the city forging factory.

Although the city forging factory owed several million in debts to other companies, it also owed other manufacturers several million in payment for goods, and they were unable to repay it.

The city forging factory can’t even pay wages now, and there is some money in the account, but it needs to be used to maintain production. With this money out, as soon as production stops, the 300 or so workers of the city forging factory can even make a living. It’s a big New Year’s Eve, if you do this, there will definitely be big problems.

Su Kaiwen was angry and annoyed when Zhao Yicheng pushed him aside, and slapped the table to teach Zhao Yicheng a lesson: “The city forging factory owes people the project money that they owe them, and they get migrant workers to climb tower cranes and jump off the building. If there is trouble at the end of the year. What is the big thing, you, the factory manager, don’t do it…”

“Now the suppliers and contractors are chasing me for debts, and the workers are chasing me for wages, and I dare not go back when I have home. Secretary Su, if you can make me not the director of this Gui Laozi, I would also like to thank you.” Zhao Yicheng had no choice but to play a rogue.

If there is no way to coordinate the settlement of the 200,000 project funds, then what else does he want to do in Donghua in the future, won’t he become Shen Huai’s laughing stock? Su Kaiwen called Zhao Yicheng’s rogue attitude so angry that he slapped the table and reprimanded: “Don’t use this to blackmail me, don’t think I can’t do anything about you. I’ll call the bank now and freeze the account of the city forging factory. , I don’t believe that I can’t even draw 200,000!”

“Bang bang bang”, there was a knock on the door of the office. Seeing Huang Xinliang coming in with Zhu Youcai, Su Kaiwen’s face was even more ugly: Zhao Yicheng of the city forging and pressing factory had not settled it yet. Stare at him to coordinate the solution.

Zhao Yicheng saw Su Kaiwen’s attitude very hard. Although he was acting as a rogue, he was afraid that he would really annoy him. Seeing Zhu Youcai coming over, he hurriedly pulled him to call him brother and brother, and told the sufferings of the city forging factory. Slow down, Su Kaiwen couldn’t force him any more.

Zhu Youcai knew that the City Forging Factory was in difficulty, and also knew that the project payment that the City Forging Factory owed him was not through Zhao Yicheng’s hands, but he sympathized with Zhao Yicheng at this time, and his heart softened. If the five workers really jumped from the tower crane yesterday, who would sympathize with him ?

If there is a chance to get the 200,000 yuan back from the city forging factory, Zhu Youcai will only let go if he is stupid. He only said that he had also embezzled other funds yesterday to send the troubled workers away. If the embezzled funds cannot be filled in time, he will also Can’t pass the year.

After a stalemate for half an hour, Zhao Yicheng excused himself to pee, turned his head and sneaked to Xiong Wenbin’s office to ask for help:

“The situation of the forging factory is unclear to others, but Secretary Xiong, you are clear. I will give you the truth. Now the factory accounts for 300,000 to 400,000 yuan in circulation. If you take half of the project money, don’t talk about other people. What will happen when I hear the wind, the production in the factory will stop running immediately. The food problem of the 300 people can’t be maintained! Secretary Su said that I will be dismissed now, but I think someone can dismiss me. my job.”

When Xiong Wenbin was still working in the Municipal Planning Commission in his early years, Zhao Yicheng was a college student who had just joined the Municipal Planning Commission and knew each other. Later, Zhao Yicheng was transferred to work in the city forging and pressing factory. In about ten years, he also went from an unknown college student to a deputy director-level cadre.

Of course, Xiong Wenbin knows the situation of the city forging factory better than Su Kaiwen. Not to mention the common problems in the entire city’s state-owned enterprises, the current situation of the city forging factory alone has little to do with Zhao Yicheng. At the beginning, Zhao Yicheng was not used to the behavior of the former factory manager, so he jointly reported the former factory manager and sent him to prison.

At that time, when Tan Qiping had just been transferred to Donghua, Zhao Yicheng and others jointly reported the former factory director, and they handed over the evidence. No one from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection dared to suppress it easily, so they severely dealt with the embezzlement and squandering of public funds by the former factory director. The city forging factory was asked to elect Zhao Yicheng and others as factory leaders, which became democratic.

However, the joint report by Zhao Yicheng and others still stabbed the hornet’s nest, making the entire city forging factory marginalized to the city planning commission system.

If Zhao Yicheng can bring the city forging factory out of the current predicament, that’s all, others can’t say anything, but the city forging factory has a lot of problems, not only the problems of aging equipment, backward technology, lack of technical transformation funds, but also production funds. insufficient. The triangular debt accumulated over the years has dragged down the production of the city forging factory to be unsustainable.

When Zhao Yi Factory appointed the director of the City Forging and Pressing Factory, Xiong Wenbin met him once. I haven’t seen him for almost a year, and then he looks like he is ten years older, and I know that the production and operation difficulties of the city forging factory have not been fundamentally improved.

Xiong Wenbin also knew that the problem of the city forging and pressing factory was that the freezing three feet was not a day’s cold. He also knew that Shen Huai would not have any good intentions by kicking the ball into Su Kaiwen’s arms, so he didn’t want to get involved in this matter. , but he had no way to drive Zhao Yicheng out of his office at this time.

“For the 200,000 yuan, do you want to ask the bank to help you solve it?” Xiong Wenbin can only help Zhao Yicheng to find a cure for the headache.

“I sent Fatty Geng’s report to the jail, and I stabbed a hornet’s nest. Which bank in the city wants to see us now?” Zhao Yicheng smiled wryly, “If we can borrow money from the bank to get production funds, how can the situation of our factory be improved? Why is this so?”

“I’ll help you come up with this idea. You can talk to Su Kaiwen about it again. The Shi Forging Factory can’t find a bank. See if he can do anything…” Xiong Wenbin said.

The City Forging Factory couldn’t squeeze the money out, but Xiong Wenbin believed that if Su Kaiwen was willing to come forward to find the bank to coordinate, he could still help the City Forging Factory to borrow 200,000 yuan to meet the temporary needs.

Zhao Yicheng went back to Su Kaiwen’s office again, and asked Su Kaiwen to contact the bank for help. As long as the bank borrowed money from the forging factory, the forging factory would immediately repay the project payment owed to Zhu Youcai.

Su Kaiwen couldn’t really make a fuss. He wanted to alert the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee to remove Zhao Yicheng’s position as factory director and then solve the matter. Even if he told the bank to withdraw money from the account of the Frozen City Forging Factory, it would not benefit him. See Zhao Yicheng Like the stone in the kennel, it is stinky and hard. Without his plan, it would be a good idea to find a bank to borrow it.

The city’s major banks, including the City Credit Cooperative, are hiding in the city’s forging factory like shit. However, as the secretary of the municipal party committee secretary, Su Kaiwen is also the son of Su Weijun, a member of the provincial standing committee and secretary general of the provincial party committee. Donghua knows Su Kaiwen’s background and wants to flatter him. There are still many people.

Su Kaiwen made two phone calls, and the City Credit Cooperative decisively agreed to borrow 200,000 yuan to the City Forging Factory to solve the urgent need in the form of a working capital loan.

Although Su Kaiwen was full of anger in the morning, he resolved the problem with just two phone calls. He also told him that he had a good feeling that everything was still under control, and said to Zhao Yicheng and Zhu Youcai, “Let’s go directly to the city forging factory. , Chengxin Society will report to us there, and we will solve this mess on the spot,” he said to Huang Xinliang, “There is nothing about your Meixi Town here.”

After Huang Xinliang was driven away, Su Kaiwen reported to Tan Qiping in the past, so he took Zhao Yicheng and Zhu Youcai directly to the city forging factory, and joined the people from the city letter society who rushed to the scene, and ate casually in the canteen of the city forging factory at noon. In the afternoon, in Zhao Yicheng’s factory director’s office, he stared at the Chengxin Cooperative to go through the loan procedures for the city forging factory, and stared at the accounting personnel of the city forging factory, and wrote the transfer check to Zhu Youcai.

When Zhu Youcai got the check, he naturally slipped away, brought two workers, and rushed to the bank to withdraw the cash.

Zhao Yicheng saw that Su Kaiwen was capable, and he could say that Tongcheng Credit Cooperative would lend them money with just one phone call. First, he wanted to ease the conflict that bumped into him in the morning. Second, he thought that Su Kaiwen could continue to help loan some working capital from the City Credit Cooperative for production. When I came out, I changed my attitude, and I was very pleased. I asked Su Kaiwen to check the work of the city forging factory.

Su Kaiwen didn’t have anything special to go back to the Municipal Party Committee in the afternoon, so he thought about going down to the workshop to learn about the actual operation of the state-owned factory.

He is now taking over from Xiong Wenbin and is in charge of the Municipal Party Committee Inspection Office. He has received more and more practical problems that need to be coordinated and dealt with, and he also needs to have a deeper understanding of the actual situation of Donghua in person.

The workshop of the City Forging Factory is still quite good. After doing all the calculations, the City Forging Factory has made some profits in the past two years, but they are all entangled in the triangular debt.

The triangular debt is what others owe to the city forging factory, and the city forging factory owes it to others. It looks like there is a surplus on the book, but it can’t get the money. The city forging factory has no money to renew the equipment, and has no money to transform the process. Even the basic production and transportation funds are The production situation cannot be fundamentally improved, and the wages of the workers are also insufficient. .

This is also the common situation of municipal state-owned enterprises.

At that time, Meigang also defaulted on the loan of tens of millions of yuan to Wanhu Company, and the delay was so immortal that it was only after Shen Huai presided over Meigang that he resolutely took the money out of Wanhu Company’s mouth. With the strong loan support from Yexin Bank, Meishan Steel’s situation improved rapidly.

Su Kaiwen didn’t care about this understanding. He didn’t expect the problems here to be so entangled and complicated. Fortunately, today’s matter was solved smoothly, and the next problems of the City Forging Factory didn’t need him to have any more headaches.

Seeing that there is no oil and water to squeeze from the Shi Forging Factory, Su Kaiwen wanted to get out as soon as possible, and did not want to smear all the bad debts of the Shi Forging Factory on himself.

It’s just that Su Kaiwen was too late to get out at this time. Accompanied by Zhao Yicheng, just as he was about to leave the workshop, a staff member from the city forging factory rushed over to report:

“Mr. Luo from Dongfang Company broke in with dozens of workers and asked us to pay them the 500,000 yuan we owe them. Otherwise, the workers of his company would not be able to get paid for the New Year, and would have jumped off the building in a commotion…” ( 83 Chinese Network)

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