Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 51

Chapter 50: Homeopathy Inaugural Speech

(Thanks to Tuobaishi and other brothers for their enthusiastic support, bowing and thanking; there is something going on these days, college classmates are here, and I will add more on Monday, okay?)

Shen Huai didn’t want to dismiss the employees with just a few words. Today, the emotions of the employees have been mobilized. It is also the best time to mobilize for the complete reorganization of the steel plant.

“I see that almost all the employees in the factory are here. Although there is no preparation, and what happened today is not very pleasant, I might as well treat it as my initial meeting with you and my induction speech,” Shen Huai said. He pressed his hand down to signal everyone to be quiet. He tried to raise his voice as much as possible without a microphone, so that all the employees present could hear his speech.

“I’m new here, and I don’t know much about the situation of the steel plant. I believe that every employee and cadre present has a deeper understanding and affection for the steel plant than me. I believe that every employee and cadre present also Everyone understands that the steel mill has reached the point where it must be thoroughly rectified to save it. Mayor Gao, on behalf of the city, and Secretary Du, on behalf of the town, also clearly expressed his firm support for the steel mill to carry out activities to rectify production and operation…”

Du Jian shrank in the shadow of the front hall, thinking to himself: Nima, when did I say that I would support you in rectifying the steel mill? In his heart, Du Jian didn’t have the courage to jump out at this time. He didn’t even know how Shen Huai would deal with him after this incident.

Xiong Wenbin, Zhao Dong and Yang Haipeng stood behind. They had not seen Shen Huai’s ability to manage a large-scale steel factory, but they had to admit that Shen Huai’s speech was very contagious; Quality.

As the saying goes: the superior should be able to hold the ground.

Shen Huai kidnapped him and endorsed his induction speech. Gao Tianhe’s face was calm, and he couldn’t see what he was thinking.

However, Kan Xuetao looked at Shen Huai who seemed a little too young among the party members and cadres with admiration. Even if he couldn’t figure out what the backstage was behind him, it was true that he dared to use such a tough method against Gao Tianhe and his son. There’s something special about it.

Kan Xuetao thought to himself, he is so young, shouldn’t he be married?

Of course, before the situation in the city was clarified, Kan Xuetao just looked at Shen Huai with a calm expression, without showing special admiration.

“I don’t have any experience working in Iron and Steel, and I’m very young and inexperienced in many aspects,” Shen Huai had no time to take into account the feelings of the people behind him, “but I believe that as long as I listen to the opinions of the staff and cadres carefully, and do my job seriously We should do every job and every link that we should and need to do in detail and practically, and the steel mill can definitely be reborn in the hands of me and everyone. So I am here to ask you to ask everyone After returning home, the staff and cadres seriously thought about the future destiny of the steel plant: what faults and shortcomings of the steel plant must be corrected immediately, and what weak links must be strengthened immediately? All these opinions, please ask each team First discuss, then summarize and summarize in the workshop to the factory office, and finally vote at the staff meeting. We choose the most urgent and most urgent problems that need to be corrected, as the goal of the whole factory for the next year. One year later , let’s see what we can do…”

“Let me tell you here, the first comment I personally feel most dissatisfied with about the steel mill,” Shen Huai paused and pointed to a young employee with a familiar face in the audience, “I remember you, your name is Hu Zhigang, in the afternoon , you are going to rush to the factory door with everyone and stop Secretary Du. I want to ask you, what was your total salary last month…”

“Two hundred and thirty-six yuan,” Hu Zhigang stood up and responded loudly to Shen Huai’s question, “It’s not enough to buy a few clothes with a girlfriend. However, this income is still the highest in our team…”

Everyone roared with laughter, and when they were full of hope, they didn’t feel that such a salary was pitiful.

Shen Huai knew that Meixi Iron and Steel Plant had cut wages by half for three months. It seems that Hu Zhigang is not only a prestige master who can take the lead in making troubles, but also has some ability. General workers have high wages.

“My personal dissatisfaction with the steel mill is here. Most of the employees work so hard, their salary in one month is not enough to buy a few clothes for their girlfriends, and they can’t afford to eat several meals of meat a month; I also learned that , the children of some employees have to go to school, and they have to borrow hundreds of dollars for tuition from relatives. I promise you that I will ask my grandfather to tell my grandmother. Before holding a factory-wide staff meeting, I will first pay everyone in the factory arrears. Wages will be supplemented. In the future, if the factory has benefits, it will increase everyone’s income as soon as possible…”

After all, what the workers care most about is their own income, and hearing Shen Huai’s promise, they applauded loudly and like thunderstorms.

For someone else, the whole factory staff might think this is just some pretty words, but Shen Huai’s image of driving a heavy truck today and blocking the door has been deeply imprinted in the minds of the staff, and there is no doubt that he can do what he says. Arrived, just with warm applause.

“Of course, there are some ugly things, and I will say it before. I advocate that the income gap between employees should be widened, and that employees and cadres who have talents, skills, understand management, and can work hard and earn higher incomes.” Shen Huai waited for the applause to subside, and continued, “Many people will wonder, isn’t this an open support for raising wages for management cadres? There’s nothing to avoid, the big pot rice has long been calling for a break, why can’t excellent workers get higher wages? As long as it is helpful to increase the overall efficiency of the steel mill, we must dare to try. I also know that many employees have great opinions on some cadres in the steel mill, thinking that their management level is not enough, regardless of their technical level, but they steal If I am in a high position, if I give them a salary increase, there is still heaven? I promise everyone here, and the city and the town support me. At the upcoming staff meeting, the management and the heads of various departments , everyone must stand up and make statements related to their positions, and publicly accept the questions of the entire factory employees about their job abilities to show that they are competent for their jobs. Those who are unqualified will be laid off and become ordinary workers. I think that you have the management level and technical level, and you can do better than the existing management cadres, I support you to stand up and fight in the arena at the staff meeting…”

Shen Huai pointed to Hu Zhigang under the steps, and said, “I am very impressed with you. You also boast that your salary is the highest in the team. I think you are also a talent who has skills and understands management. At the next factory staff meeting I am looking forward to your performance. Of course, if you think you are more qualified to be the factory manager than me, I hope you can tell me two or three days in advance, so that I can make some preparations in advance…”

The staff burst into laughter again.

Hu Zhigang gave Shen Huai an order in public, his heart was boiling with enthusiasm, and his face was flushed with excitement.

Shen Huai continued: “My opinion is here, management cadres who are incompetent and irresponsible must be removed from management positions, and employees who are lazy and do not obey work discipline must also be severely educated and corrected. Here, everyone has been late, and the time for dinner has been delayed, so let’s disband now…”

After Shen Huai finished his speech, the employees applauded for a long time, and they gathered in front of the factory building, unwilling to leave.

Shen Huai turned around and said to Gao Tianhe, Kan Xuetao, Xiong Wenbin and the others behind him, “What you said just now, Mayor Gao, Director Kan, Director Xiong, you laughed…”

Xiong Wenbin saw that Shen Huai was very prepared for the mentality of the employees and the problems of the steel mill. Besides, after having such a good start today, the next major operation on the steel mill will be without any resistance. Only then did he deeply realize that Tan Qiping used Shen Huai Being a pioneer in Donghua is not without reason.

Xiong Wenbin guessed that maybe Shen Huai didn’t have a strong background, but he might have convinced Tan Qiping with his extraordinary talents, but it was very strange that he and Chen Mingde had not performed particularly dazzlingly in Donghua for more than half a year.

Gao Tianhe’s face was cloudy and uncertain, the better Shen Huai’s performance, it only meant that he would encounter more trouble in the future, and it was impossible to be in a good mood.

Gao Tianhe just nodded and expressed his approval, but he was too lazy to say another word to Shen Huai: Isn’t it just to take control of Meixi Iron and Steel Plant? It is for you.

Of course, what Shen Huai said just now made the steel management feel ashes. I didn’t expect that Shen Huai would directly put them on the charcoal fire at the next staff meeting, but they didn’t dare to. There is a little bit of struggle and opposition.

Shen Huai nodded to Zhao Dong and said, “Zhao Dong, you have to prepare well. Although at the meeting just now, I named you to be my special assistant, but I also have to be tested at the staff meeting. , my face will be lost…”

Zhao Dong knew that Shen Huai’s words were a warning to other managers of the steel mill, and said, “There is someone in the steel mill who is more suitable for the position of production technical assistant than I am willing to be a worker in the workshop.”

Shen Huai smiled, turned his head and said to Du Jian and He Qingshe: “Although I am also the deputy secretary of the town party committee, it seems that I have to focus on the steel mill for a while. Mayor He shared more for me…”

Du Jian scolded inwardly: Nima, you have no job in charge of the town at all, okay? I also know that Shen Huai said this to promote He Qingshe.

He Qingshe was completely relieved when he heard Shen Huai say these words.

Although he didn’t know who was behind Shen Huai, maybe it was because he was too young and had insufficient qualifications to directly serve as the head of the township, so he was placed in the position of deputy secretary at the senior level, right? Thinking that after coming to Du Jian, he would no longer dare to confront Shen Huai – looking at the stunned town cadres next to him, he was probably thinking hard about how to improve his relationship with Deputy Secretary Shen?

At this time, He Qingshe also had a feeling of exaltation and thought: Position is really important. If he is a little weaker today and leads Du Jian by the nose, he may not end up better than Du Jian in the future. How many.

Almost all of the employees have left the factory, and Ge Yongqiu arrived late on behalf of the county party committee and county government.

Gao Tianhe also scolded Ge Yongqiu, and finally ordered: “Although this mistake was caused by Wanhu Company and the Municipal Public Security Bureau, you must also reflect on the Xiapu County Party Committee and County Government…” He didn’t want to do any more. Feeling angry when he stayed, thinking of leaving the mess to Ge Yongqiu to deal with, which was also reassuring, he invited Kan Xuetao to go back to the city first.

After all, Meixi Town belongs to Xiapu. Since Ge Yongqiu has rushed over, it is natural to withdraw from the city. However, the incident involved the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee gave clear instructions, so Xiong Wenbin and Liu Chengguo stayed behind to assist in follow-up matters…

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