Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 7

Chapter 6: Pit Father’S Past And Present Life

Shen Huai parked the car in the shade of a tree on Taowu Road.

He knew that he was a ‘stranger” who had nothing to do with him. He was too concerned and affectionate with Xiao Li and Chen Dan, which would only backfire and cause unnecessary resentment and rejection.

However, at this time, he couldn’t let go of his concern for his sister: it was hard to imagine how Xiao Li could withstand the blow of his “unexpected death”?

The bus returning to Meixi Town will pass through Taowu Road. In the past, he would take this road when he went to the city steel factory. He was familiar with it. At this time, for him, even if he could look at Xiaoli more, he would feel at ease. Some.

I don’t know if Ge Yongqiu has stabbed this matter to Chen Mingde.

Shen Huai knew that this matter really hit Chen Mingde. Even if Chen Mingde protected him again, he would at least scolded him in public to show that he would not tolerate this matter; Zhou Dazui apologized and eliminated the influence.

Shen Huai thought to himself, instead of rushing to the city and passively waiting for the training, he might as well wait for Chen Mingde to call and scold him…

After all, Shen Huai was not mentally ready to enter other people’s lives and the world.

The previous Shen Huai, although his consciousness disappeared at the moment of the crash accident, but most of the memory fragments remained.

These memory fragments, like stored video data, can be brought into the mind at any time and presented, but after all, they are the memories of the previous Shen Huai.

Shen Huai seemed to be watching a movie. No matter how clear the image was, he could clearly know in his heart that it was recording other people’s lives and other people’s worlds.

Although you can use a new identity to enter other people’s lives and the world, this sense of strangeness and alienation cannot be eliminated in three or four days.

For more than half a year in Donghua, Shen Huai did not have much contact with Ge Yongqiu, so he would not be too jerky in front of Ge Yongqiu.

Even so, his performance today still made Ge Yongqiu startled and suspicious, and finally wanted to go elsewhere, but how would he face Chen Mingde who knew him better?

Others only know that before Donghua, Shen Huai worked in the Provincial School of Economics for more than a year, and his reputation in the Provincial School of Economics was not so good. Later, Chen Mingde was transferred to Donghua to work as an administrative secretary in the municipal government.

However, after occupying this body, the previous Shen Huai’s complicated life and past experiences shocked him.

It is extremely difficult for others to connect Shen Huai with the Song family, one of the few political giants in the country.

Although Song Hua, the old man of the Song family, no longer holds the position of national leader, he is still alive and his influence is still there. The old man married two wives before and after, and gave birth to seven children in total, four boys and three girls. All of them held important positions in central ministries or super-large state-owned enterprises.

A disciple of the Song family, a former official, is even more widely distributed in the central and local areas.

There are not even 20 political giants in the country like the Song family.

Shen Huai is the only son of Song Bingsheng, the third son of the Song family, and his mother’s surname is Shen.

When he was a child, his parents were separated due to emotional division. Because he lived with his mother all the time, there was very little contact with the Song family in his files.

Although most of the second-generation children of the Song family are still fairly self-contained, but in the third generation, influenced by the reform and opening-up atmosphere, they can’t stand loneliness, and many are degenerate and corrupt, and the good and the bad are mixed. Among them, Shen Huai Most prominent.

From Shen Huai’s point of view, the previous Shen Huai was nothing but a moth parasitic on the political giants; the indulgence and vileness of his character was unimaginable from his strict family education since he was a child.

Although Shen Huai’s previous behavior of playing with female students at the Provincial Economics College was shameful for others to hear, but compared with the things he did in Yanjing and after studying abroad, his behavior in the Provincial School of Economics should be regarded as good character. good…

When Shen Huai was studying abroad, he even had bad intentions towards his stepmother’s daughter after drinking.

It was this incident that made his father Song Bingsheng extremely angry and completely despaired of him. After recalling him to China, he exiled him to Huaihai Province to let him fend for himself.

She is still his aunt, afraid that he will cause trouble outside, secretly entrusting Chen Mingde, an old classmate who works in Huaihai Province, to take care of one or two…

Chen Mingde was the secretary of the Song family when he presided over the work of the State Planning Commission. Although the Song family retired early, he has always taken good care of Chen Mingde, and Chen Mingde’s career has been smooth.

Chen Mingde went from an ordinary cadre of the State Planning Commission, to the deputy director of the Huaihai Provincial Planning Commission, and then to the deputy mayor of the Donghua City Standing Committee, step by step, which is directly related to the influence of the Song family behind it.

Shen Huai said that he was an abandoned son of the Song family, but no matter how abandoned he was, he was still a son of the Song family.

Although Shen Huai’s behavior was a headache, Chen Mingde still took good care of him. Even if he took up a post in Donghua City, he would take Shen Huai, who was like a rat crossing the street in the provincial scholastic academy, by his side, so that he would not have the chance to cause serious trouble.

Speaking of which, Shen Huai and Donghua City are not without connections.

His mother, Shen Guixiu, who died when he was twelve years old, was the granddaughter of Shen Yaoting, a national capitalist in Donghua City before liberation.

On the eve of liberation, Sun Yaoting and his family fled to settle abroad, only the second daughter and son-in-law and daughter Shen Guixiu stayed abroad.

Shen Guixiu and her parents, who stayed in China, were inevitably affected in the 1960s and 1970s. After meeting with Song Bingsheng, who was under the impact at the time, they met and gave birth to Shen Huai.

It’s just that this unnamed marriage did not last long. By the mid-1970s, the old man of the Song family was rehabilitated and returned to work in the central government. For the future, Song Bingsheng left Shen Huai and his mother and returned to Yanjing.

Shen Huai has been living with his mother on the devolved farm. When he was twelve years old, his mother contracted a serious disease and died early.

Shen Huai believed that his mother’s early death had something to do with his father’s abandonment of his wife and children. Although he was brought back to the Song family after his mother’s death, he has since become strangely rebellious, and he has never been willing to take the name of his guardian. Fill in one word of Song family…

Perhaps Shen Huai had a self-destructive factor in his character when he was a child—from the age of twelve, it seemed that Shen Huai’s only purpose in life was to call his father, and his stepmother, who later married into the Song family, became unhappy since then. .

Of course, Shen Huai was also very unpopular in the entire Song family. No family would like a child who is ignorant, ill-behaved, and rebellious.

His father Song Bingsheng’s own abilities are relatively mediocre, and he has such an ignorant and rebellious son who may cause trouble for the Song family at any time, and even his status in the Song family has been marginalized.

When Song Bingsheng was middle-aged, he only got the position of deputy director of the Personnel Bureau of the Ministry of Agricultural Machinery.

Shen Huai’s childhood experience of losing his mother made him feel particularly distressed by his grandfather and grandmother who moved overseas after the loss of his daughter in the early 1980s. Even if he knew that this grandson had a naughty temperament, he was taken overseas when the policy allowed him.

After Shen Huai went overseas, his perverse temperament was more thoroughly exposed, and he hardly did not stick to all kinds of evil behaviors that a **** should have, such as gambling and fighting.

Although the Shen family had a solid background overseas for more than 30 years and did not ask him to leave any criminal records, his bad behavior also made his elderly grandfather and grandmother heartbroken.

After the drunken invasion, Shen Huai’s grandparents finally gave up hope of saving this grandson, drove him back to China, and even rewritten his will to deprive him of his inheritance…

Shen Huai leaned his forehead against the steering wheel weakly, scolding inwardly: Nima, this kid came from a wealthy family, but he can destroy himself like this at a young age, and he is so **** capable!

This accident made Shen Huai unable to adapt for a while, and at first he was secretly delighted that he could be a son of a wealthy family.

After sorting out the memory of the original owner of this body, I will regret it a lot. It’s really a godsend, but he was asked to put on such a betrayal and divorced master.

The key point is that he can’t separate from Shen Huai’s previous life:

Since at that moment, he became Shen Huai, and the secrets in it could not be shared with outsiders, then Shen Huai’s rotten life before was the mess he had to bear…

“Fuck you, fuck, **** you, fuck, fuck, you…!”

Shen Huai smashed the steering wheel twice in resentment, venting his depression:

Well, since Shen Huai’s life was completely rotten before, and he still left a lot of mess, but he was able to survive with his body anyway, there is really no reason to complain…

Even if you take 10,000 steps back, is there any commoner child who has been hanging around for three years and can get into the serious and eight-class department?

Even the abandoned son thrown out by the Song family is a hundred times better than ordinary people.

At that moment, Shen Huai also figured it out: no matter what, from now on, he must live as Shen Huai, as a son of the Song family, and as secretary Chen Mingde.

Even if the past life is rotten and degenerate, it is not that there is no chance to get back on the right track: at least Chen Mingde recites the cultivation love of the Song family, and UUkanshu has not given up hope for him…

Thinking through all this, Shen Huai cheered up and secretly warned himself: It’s time to say goodbye to the past life, from this moment on, just be your Shen Huai!


Just as Shen Huai was sorting out the memory fragments belonging to others, a bus turned into Taowu Road.

“Hey, Sister Chen Dan, look over there!”

Chen Dan was still distracted by what happened at the steel mill today, when she heard Xiao Li remind her aloud, she looked up.

At noon, there were not many people on the bus back to Meixi Town. Chen Dan and Xiao Li sat on the side and rear seats one after the other. Xiao Li put his forehead against the window glass and looked out.

Chen Dan followed and looked over, and suddenly found the car that Shen Huai sent them to the station, parked beside the car. Looking through the car window, Shen Huai put his forehead on the steering wheel, not knowing what he was looking at or what he was waiting for.

Just as the bus passed by, Shen Huai turned his head, and their eyes met.

The eyes were caught off guard, and Chen Dan had an indescribable panic. She wanted to smile back, but she was inexplicably flustered and told her to subconsciously avoid Shen Huai’s eyes – but when Chen Dan turned her head, she saw a beauty salon on the side of the road where Shen Huai was parked.

Across a transparent glass door, there are three or five scantily clad amorous girls in the small shop, facing the door and posing.

Chen Dan instantly thought of why Shen Huai parked the car here, his face was slightly red, and he scolded lightly: Men really don’t have a good thing!

Chen Dan brushed his hair, which was ruffled by the wind, and stopped looking back at that Shen Huai.

“Ah?” Xiaoli’s mind was simple, and she didn’t know what the beauty salons did. Seeing Chen Dan suddenly say such a sentence, she looked back at her in surprise…

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