Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 74

Chapter 73: Staff Meeting (2)

After the workers’ meeting, the electric furnace steel production line officially started non-intermittent operation and implemented a shift system.

He Qingshe and other town cadres also entered the workshop to participate in the opening ceremony.

In the past, the clutter and stray things in the workshop were all gone. Electric furnaces were used to make steel, and the glass in the high places of the workshop would be covered with dark dust, and the windows were cleaned.

Although He Qingshe was not responsible for anything in the steel mill before, he also visited the workshop of the steel mill several times.

In the control room, through the glass, the scrap steel of the electric arc furnace can be seen reddening. He Qingshe asked Shen Huai with uncertainty: “So it seems that the loss should be turned around next year, right?”

“According to the October data, there should be no loss this month. If the output of rebar can reach 6,000 tons next month, the steel mill should have a surplus…” Shen Huai said.


Although He Qingshe is still amazed at the improvement of the steel mill in such a short period of time, he heard from Shen Huai that the steel mill will be able to balance its accounts in November and make a profit next month. I was still surprised, so I raised my voice subconsciously, and felt that the questioning tone was a little rude, so I hurriedly explained,

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just too surprising. You ask Guo Quan and the others, who would have thought that they would be able to turn losses into profits next month? Secretary Shen, you can really make money from a factory…”

“It’s a monthly profit, but the whole year’s loss is still very serious.” Shen Huai laughed.

Although the price of rebar has fallen sharply since the middle of the year, the ex-factory price can still be maintained at more than 3,000 yuan per ton. With such a high market price, steel mills can still make losses. In addition to the extreme confusion in production management, some people are too ugly.

Shen Huai said it lightly, He Qingshe shook his head and smiled, and said: “The loss in the past has nothing to do with you, Secretary Shen, who should bear this responsibility; it seems that the town can count on the steel by the end of the year. The factory supports a sum of money…”

Other cadres in the town thought that He Qingshe kicked Du Jian by the way and didn’t hear it, but they were very interested in He Qingshe’s proposal.

The monthly dead wages of township cadres are only in the early 300s. How much bonuses and benefits can ultimately be received each year depends on the town’s health and security fines, and the non-tax incomes such as profits and contracting fees turned over by town-owned enterprises.

Generally speaking, the town’s non-tax income is given priority to ensure the normal operation of township education, family planning, tax payment, agriculture and water, etc. However, if there are more surpluses, more year-end bonuses and more welfare programs will be issued. , is also the acquiescence of the upper and lower behavior.

In the past two years, Meixi Town’s finances have been tight. Apart from eating and drinking, the township cadres can pocket income, which is not even as good as that of ordinary workers in the factory.

There are still two months before the Spring Festival. I heard that steel mills can achieve profitability in the last two months of the year, and this interest has immediately increased. The steel mill is a town-owned enterprise, and if it makes a profit, it must be turned over to the town. If the town needs to have an additional non-tax income of one million yuan at the end of the year, everyone’s year-end bonus will be available.

“I was just going to talk to you about this, Lao He. The other mayors are here, so let’s talk while walking,” Shen Huai said, “The steel mill has been reorganized to this point, and it can only be said that it has achieved initial results. There are still many problems to face. For the development of the steel mill itself, the development funds must first be accumulated by itself; the town’s finances are tight, and the steel mill is a town-owned enterprise, so it cannot stand by and watch; in addition, the management and employees of the steel mill also need to pay normal wages. External material incentives – at present, these all need to come from profits, and it involves the issue of how to distribute the profits after the steel mills are profitable.”

“Secretary Shen, tell me, after all, the steel mill is still dominated by you, and the county will follow it.” He Qingshe is neither impatient nor impatient, even if the profits are received from the town, they can’t put them all into themselves. pocket, why bother to offend people?

“At the next party and government meeting, I will propose the distribution plan for the profit of the steel mill,” Shen Huai said. “The development of the steel mill is the most important, and 60% of the profit should be retained as development funds. The steel mill is a town-owned collective enterprise. When it grows and develops, Meixi Town will ultimately benefit from it. There is no doubt about this. The remaining 20% of the profit will be turned over to the town to ease the financial pressure of the town. Incentive, I also advocate tilting towards management…”

“I think this plan is feasible…”

He Qingshe thought that in the end, only 20% of the profits would be turned over to the town, which was a bit less, but to put it bluntly, if Shen Huai didn’t hand over a penny to the town, he would use a higher percentage of the profits to give himself bonuses, and then What can I do to him?

At least on the surface, this plan is fair. After all, the profits distributed by the cadres and workers of the steel mill are no more than those turned over to the town.

He Qingshe doesn’t express opinions, and the others don’t even want to express any opinions. They just turned over 20% of their profits because they couldn’t hide their disappointment. How much money can they have? Don’t get tens of thousands of dollars in the end, it’s not enough to send beggars.

“There is one more thing, I will catch up today, let’s talk about it together,” Shen Huai said, “Although the town has assigned me the work of the enterprise, I don’t have the energy to take care of it seriously. I just read some of the work yesterday. Data, there are serious problems!”

As soon as Shen Huai said the problem was serious, the hairs of He Qingshe and others stood up, stopped, surrounded Shen Huai in the middle, and listened to him.

“The enterprise office was originally a township-owned enterprise and institution that has business projects, but in recent years, the enterprises and institutions that have operated externally have been able to contract out, and almost nothing is left. The collection of contracting fees has always been a financial responsibility. As for the business, the business is relatively deserted…”

He Qingshe thought that Shen Huai thought that Shen Huai had too little power, and that the steel mill was on the right track, so he wanted to go back to town to seize power. But no matter what, He Qingshe still listened to him calmly – Shen Huai was backed by the secretary of the new city party committee, and He Qingshe would not be arguing with Shen Huai for something.

“The problem lies in the calculation of the contracting fee,” Shen Huai slowly entered the topic, “Take the town reception station as an example, the annual contracting fee is only 80,000 yuan, which is too low.”

When the town cadres heard this, their hearts shrank sharply: Shen Huai is about to start attacking Du Jian, who didn’t know that He Yuelian, who contracted the reception station, was Du Jian’s concubine?

“Oh, Lao Guo also reported this to me.” Seeing that Shen Huai was going to attack Du Jian, He Qingshe naturally wouldn’t stand by and say,

“In those days, it cost five million yuan to build the reception station and cultural station building in the town. In terms of area, the reception station occupies more area than the cultural station. The initial decoration and equipment of the town reception station are also from the town. The investment cost almost a million or so at that time. It was because it was a bit extravagant that I had to contract it out and let others run it. The town can make up for some losses by collecting contracting fees. Lao Guo told me that, generally speaking, hotel decoration , equipment, etc., it will be completely replaced after seven or eight years. I really want to continue to contract out at a price of 80,000 yuan per year, and the contracting fee is not enough to make up for the loss of decoration and equipment – this is what I am planning for the next party and government I brought it up at the meeting, but I didn’t expect Secretary Shen to think about it with me.”

“You can read Lao Guo’s report. The problem is that depreciation is not included, which is very unreasonable,” Shen Huai said. “Take a steel mill as an example. If depreciation is not calculated, it will be To be profitable, the profit scale is not small, probably about 800,000; but it cannot be calculated in this way. When calculating the production cost, building and equipment wear and tear and depreciation must be included. I don’t think there is anything to discuss. If the town reception station needs to be contracted out, the town cannot suffer. If the town is not to suffer, the contracting fee must be raised to 240,000 per year…”

He Qingshe secretly felt that Shen Huai was really ruthless. He only planned to double the contracting fee. He didn’t expect Shen Huai to double it. In addition to the food and drink of the town government and the steel mill, if Du Jian’s concubine He Yuelian would If she didn’t let go, she told her to spit out all the money she had earned in the past two or three years…

Although Du Jian was not there, two-thirds of the town party committee members who could speak at the party and government meeting came to the steel mill to attend the workers’ meeting. The two things that Shen Huai told He Qingshe didn’t need Du Jian to make any statement, and they were almost settled.

On the one hand, everyone realized that Shen Huai had endured for more than a month, and finally could not help but want to attack Du Jian. He Qingshe firmly stood in line with Shen Huai, and they tried to help Du Jian block the hole. On the other hand, the contracting fee of the town reception station will increase by 180,000, which means that the non-tax income of the town will increase by 180,000 after next year. No wonder He Yuelian and Du Jian looked so ugly before.


After sending off He Qingshe and the others, Shen Huai called Wang Kangsheng, Xu Xiting, Qian Wenhui, Zhao Dong, Xu Wendao, Pan Cheng and others to the council members and held a small meeting.

“The steel mill is gradually getting on the right track, and I will no longer be like a nail in the mill all day long,” Shen Huai said, “Director Qian is a lesbian, we need to take care of it, at night and on rest days. The factory leaders are on duty, and factory director Wang, Xugong, Zhao Dong, Xu Wendao, and Pan Chengdu are responsible.”

“So, in ten days, we have to eat and live in the factory for two days?” Pan Cheng asked.

“Yes, so my principle is to prevent lesbians from working overtime at night, just to prevent people like you from exploiting loopholes,” Shen Huai said with a smile.

Pan Cheng is not tall, it can even be said that he is a little short, but he has a face that is liked by women. He has had a lot of romantic affairs from entering the university to the city steel factory. After getting married and having children, it was a little more restrained. But aside from this, Pan Cheng has a high level of production management and was once the youngest workshop director of the city’s steel mill. It was also a loss for women. After two years, he failed to become a workshop director. He was not happy in the city steel factory, and he brought Zhao Dong to Meixi.

Shen Huai joked about Pan Cheng’s old story, and everyone laughed along.

Shen Huai looked at his watch and said, “Oh, it’s time to get off work. Let’s discuss what you have to do, and decide who will be on duty first today. Zhao Dong will give me the watch tomorrow; I’ll go off work first…”

Shen Huai pushed the table to his feet, and was about to leave the conference room. Seeing that Pan Cheng and the others were about to complain, he said, “Don’t complain, UU Reading’s profit and bonus distribution plan can, in principle, pass the party and government meeting. If you want to have a better life this year, in the next two months, you have to keep an eye on production…”

“Really? Then I’m fine.” Pan Lima kept his mouth shut.

Shen Huai shook his head and smiled, then asked Zhao Dong, “Is there anything else?”

“No more. Otherwise, I’ll be on duty at night first, and Mingxia will go back to her parents’ house anyway…” Zhao Dong said.

The town has no idea about the profit expectations of steel mills, but Shen Huai’s core work with everyone during this period of time is to thoroughly dismantle and calculate the various indicators in all processes of the steel mill, and the profit expectations are also relatively accurate calculation.

As long as the price of the screw thread at the end of the year does not fall, the steel output of the steel mill in December successfully reaches the target of 6,000 tons, and the profit of more than 2 million can be achieved that month. There are still two and a half months before the Spring Festival, and the profit scale is expected to reach between 5 million and 8 million.

If the profit and bonus distribution plan can be voted by the town party and government meeting, it means that 8% of the profit, almost 400,000 bonuses, will be distributed among the 20 people sitting in the conference room at this time.

A management like Pan Cheng worked hard for four months, and at least he could get a year-end bonus of 20,000 yuan. No matter how hard he worked, he would naturally not feel bitter. It is said that when Pan Cheng was the workshop director of the municipal steel factory, he earned 30,000 to 40,000 yuan in secret every year.

Qian Wenhui received Shen Huai’s amnesty. As a lesbian, she did not need to be on duty. In addition, the factory leaders should be able to take timely and decisive measures in case of any problems in the production line. Qian Wenhui was in charge of finance and procurement. She is on duty. As long as there is nothing special about the department in charge, she will be able to go to get off work on time like Shen Huai. At this time, she will not hide her schadenfreude laughing and say goodbye to everyone…

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