Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 85

Chapter 84: Do Things Have To Be?

He Yuelian pushed the door open and came in, panting a little. She looked into Shen Huai’s office and saw that He Qingshe and Guo Quan were also in Shen Huai’s office.

Meixi Town and Tangzha District are next to each other. He Yuelian is not only in Meixi Town, but also a famous social flower in Tangzha District. Although He Yuelian, who is thirty-nine years old and thirty-eight years old, is also on the verge of becoming a beauty, although Meixi is a big town with a population of more than 50,000, Chen Dan is not the only woman who is younger and more beautiful than He Yuelian, but also I have to admit that He Yuelian’s amorous feelings between her brows are something that many beautiful women can’t learn.

Some women are naturally charming, and there is a bit of seductive courage between their frowns and smiles.

Shen Huai hoped that He Qingshe and Guo Quan would not put this woman to bed easily, otherwise his work in Meixi Town would be passive.

“Mayor He just mentioned to me about the supply and marketing agency. Thinking that Mayor He also has time, let’s listen to what you have to say.” Shen Huai pointed to a few chairs at the corner of the wall and asked He Yuelian to drag her to sit over. Guo Quan also just turned out the materials of the supply and marketing cooperative and handed it over to him.

Shen Huai flipped through the materials of the supply and marketing cooperative on his knees.

As a central town, Meixi’s business cannot be compared with the urban area, but it is better than the surrounding towns. For a long time, the town supply and marketing cooperative has been the center of business in Meixi Town.

However, with the gradual opening of material distribution channels, the dual-track market price system has gradually disappeared, and some wholesale markets have been built one after another in surrounding counties and cities.

By 1991, the town’s supply and marketing cooperative had defaulted on loans to the credit union, accumulating up to 3 million yuan; the business was in trouble, and even wages could not be paid. At that time, the town decided to contract and restructure the supply and marketing cooperative.

The initial contracting plan was based on the counter as a unit, and the contract was carried out by internal employees. The town will link the 3 million credit union loan with the inventory goods of the supply and marketing cooperative, and the contractors at each counter will take over.

Shen Huai flipped through the list of contractors and saw that there was He Yuelian’s name on it. He contracted the clothing counter of the supply and marketing agency in partnership with He Wei. Shen Huai moved the list of materials to his knees, pointed to He Yuelian’s name, and looked at it for consultation. He Qingshe took a look.

He Qingshe clicked and confirmed that He Yuelian was one of the contractors.

The initial contracting plan said that it was mainly based on internal employee contracting, but some profitable counters, such as tobacco, alcohol, and clothing, still let some related households squeeze in.

Shen Huai glanced at He Yuelian, but she didn’t expect that her hand would be quite long. No wonder she thought of contracting the entire supply and marketing cooperative after throwing away the reception station.

It has been almost two years since the supply and marketing cooperative contracted out the original plan.

The town reduced the contracting fee for two years, but reduced the loan arrears of the supply and marketing cooperative to about one million – the situation did not deteriorate further. Throwing it out also shows that this plan is a certain success.

However, there are also serious problems.

The counters were subcontracted, and the contractors were responsible for the purchase and sale channels. Fake and shoddy goods began to be placed on the counters of the supply and marketing cooperatives, which caused public grievances, but also damaged the reputation of the supply and marketing cooperatives, and business gradually declined.

In recent years, clothing stores, hardware stores, tobacco hotels, food stores, and grocery stores in the township have also appeared one after another like bamboo shoots after rain.

These stores operate more flexibly, operate for longer periods of time, and begin to crowd out the business of supply and marketing cooperatives on a large scale.

It can be said that the operation of the supply and marketing cooperative has just improved, but it has fallen into the quagmire of decline again.

Furthermore, the types of commodities operated by different counters are different, and the benefits are good or bad. At the beginning of the contracting and restructuring, these factors were not fully considered, which made the contradiction between the contractors more serious. Offer to quit.

There are all kinds of problems in the supply and marketing cooperative, but the supply and marketing cooperative that was only renovated in the mid-1980s has an operating area of 1,000,000 square meters on two floors. It is located at the intersection of Xiamei Highway and Xuetang Street. The vegetable market is also diagonally opposite the supply and marketing cooperative , is currently the best commercial venue in Meixi Town.

Meixi Town has been struggling financially in recent years, but Meixi Town is close to Donghua City. Many people work or do business in the city, or set up small processing supplies to the urban area. The individual economy and per capita income have increased steadily.

Judging from the collection of industrial and commercial tax, the business scale of Meixi Town has maintained an increase of more than 10% every year.

Shen Huai also hopes to have a capable and powerful person to take over the entire supply and marketing cooperative, manage it well, and make full use of the location and business resource advantages of the supply and marketing cooperative, but He Yuelian is not the best object he expects.

There is no way to do it if it is not the best object. After all, no one else has the idea of subcontracting. Shen Huai was silent for three or four minutes and sat there looking through the materials, and then discussed a few issues with He Qingshe.

Before He Yuelian pushed the door and came in, she thought she had adjusted her mentality and could easily deal with Shen Huai.

He Yuelian did not expect that Shen Huai would let her sit down in front of her eyes and nose, but she could read the materials as if she did not exist, and then discussed the issue with He Qingshe. For five or six minutes, she did not focus on her at all. , also known as she who has dealt with communication calmly for many years, feels inexplicably awkward…

Shen Huai exchanged opinions with He Qing, and then asked He Yuelian, “You proposed to contract the supply and marketing cooperative as a whole. Have you brought the materials?”

“I’m from a woman’s family, where can I write what materials? I just ask you to report it orally to Secretary Shen first; if you think it’s inappropriate, Secretary Shen, please correct me in person with Mayor He…” He Yuelian felt the smile on her face. Almost froze.

“Two documents: The first is the certificate that the original contractor agreed to terminate the contract in advance. The counter is subcontracted, and at least 70% of the contractors agree to terminate the contract in advance, and the town will consider coming forward to coordinate the overall subcontracting. Second, you need to come up with your contracted management plan. Since you have clearly defined how to protect the interests of the original contractor, you must also explain how the subcontracting will benefit the town, and more importantly, make it clear that your subcontracting is It’s not exactly feasible,” Shen Huai said unquestionably, “In this way, you prepare these two materials in the past two days and hand them over to Guo Quan; if there is any problem, please communicate with Guo Quan first…”

After Shen Huai finished saying this, he raised his hand and showed Guo Quan his watch, motioning for Guo Quan to lead He Yuelian out first.

Before He Yuelian came over, she thought about some rhetoric, but she didn’t expect that Shen Huai would not give her a chance to speak at all, and just chased people away. Guo Quan stood up; even if He Yuelian was angry, she could no longer stay in Shen Huai’s office, so she could only go out with Guo Quan first.

First, it can be determined that Shen Yuelian and Du Jian and Du Gui have turned their faces and stopped contacting; second, there is almost no way for a man to show an ugly face to such a charming woman as He Yuelian.

Guo Quan returned to the office outside and helped Shen Huai to explain to He Yuelian:

“Secretary Shen is so efficient in his work. Whoever reports in front of him and fails to bring the issue to the point within five minutes, he just asks someone to go back and supplement the materials. In the past, meetings in towns were usually held for half a day, and they were all discussed. Nothing will come. After Secretary Shen comes over, as long as Secretary Shen attends the meeting, basically no one will speak out of bounds, and will criticize directly. The steel mills have stricter requirements and the meeting lasts longer than Half an hour, you have to call in advance to apply…”

He Yuelian whispered to herself, since this was Shen Huai’s consistent style, she felt better and less angry.

He Yuelian’s previous contact with Shen Huai was only superficial, and only after a shallow taste.

Meixi Town was the central town before it was withdrawn from the county.

He Yuelian has long been accustomed to seeing the style of zhèngfǔ organs, and seeing the virtues of those well-dressed officials. She also believed that Shen Huai was just a arrogant and arrogant person with a backstage, and she also believed that Shen Huai saw Chen Dan’s beauty and decided to take the reception station away from her.

Although He Yuelian has been dealing with the township and officialdom, she also despised and hated these well-dressed party members and cadres because she saw it better.

At first, He Yuelian felt resentment and contempt for Shen Huai, but she was pragmatic at the same time. She knew that her arms could not twist her thighs, and she had no intention of hitting the rocks. On, adopt a cooperative attitude of being a hero without suffering immediate losses to deal with it.

It’s not that He Yuelian never thought about leaving Meixi Town and wandering outside, but she also knew that she was a thirty-eight-year-old woman and couldn’t afford it.

The last time Ge Yongqiu, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, came to Meixi Town, and was very interested in her. He said that the county guest house lacked a person in charge of operations, and implied that she would be transferred to the county.

However, He Yuelian knew in her heart that even if she followed Ge Yongqiu, after three or five years, she might be a leftover to play with. never come back.

Even if the reception station is lost, He Yuelian still has several businesses in Meixi Town:

The clothing counter of the supply and marketing cooperative; these years have been talking about rebuilding the Meixi Bridge and rebuilding the Xiamei Highway. She bought a piece of land on the south side of the Xiamei Highway from the Meixi Bridge. come in handy.

He Yuelian has collected hundreds of thousands at the reception station over the past few years, and almost all of them have invested in these two places. If it can’t be discounted, it is impossible for her to fly far away.

If you want to stay in Meixi Town, you must consider the problem of facing Shen Huai.

Really determined to stay in Meixi Town, He Yuelian was able to calm down and think about some issues. UU reading

Although they extorted 100,000 yuan from Du Jian and Du Gui, as long as they stay in Meixi Town, the possibility of continuing to extort Du Jian and Du Gui is relatively low.

On the other hand, I have to admit that Shen Huai brought profound changes to Meixi Town in just seven or eighty days after arriving in Meixi Town.

Not only the messy and hygienic environment around the steel factory road, but also the thorough control of the steel factory during the rectification. The style of the town’s organs was also cleaned up under the invisible coercion of Shen Huai.

In the past, He Yuelian rushed to the town zhèngfǔ compound at three or four o’clock in the afternoon and was thankful to see that half of the leaders and clerks were still insisting on working.

Today, it’s almost time to get off work, and there are people in almost every office. The mayor and secretaries, except those who go out to do errands, haven’t seen anyone who said they left early. The civilians and the joint defense team were much more diligent when they went to the streets, and the little gangsters who roamed the streets of the school all day had also restrained a lot, and it seemed that the streets were much cleaner and smoother than before.

No matter how prejudiced He Yuelian is to Shen Huai, she has to admit that Meixi Town has been here for a while because of Shen Huai’s arrival, which has greatly improved in many aspects.

He Yuelian’s proposal to contract the supply and marketing agency was also to test Shen Huai’s attitude towards her. She felt that if Shen Huai had no prejudice against her, she would stay in Meixi Town. As long as the environment in Meixi Town gets better and better, even if she is a woman, she may not be able to do something.

In the same way, He Yuelian was just out of temptation, so she didn’t prepare seriously for the materials.

Thinking like this, even if she was kicked out, He Yuelian would not have any grievances in her heart.

He Yuelian just wanted to get some news from Guo Quan to confirm the town’s attitude towards the supply and marketing cooperative, when she saw Sun Wenli, the cousin of Chen Dan’s ex-husband, and led a girl in.

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