Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 924

Chapter 910: Peaceful

Although Shen Huai took out the agreement and forced Hu Lin to sign it, the dagger was bloody, but Xu Pei would not sympathize with Hu Lin, but Shen Yi looked at Hu Lin, and together with Shen Huai, forced them to sign the agreement on the spot. .

Xu Pei’s current logic is very simple. He wants to allow the development of the Binjiang business district to continue. If Shen Huai becomes a resistance, he will stand on Hu Lin’s side to force Shen Huai to compromise; if Hu Lin becomes a resistance, he will stand. Forcing Hu Lin to compromise on Shen Huai’s side.

Hu Lin asked Shen Huai to stab the knife on the spot. In the end, Hu Lin asked for it himself—he didn’t say anything rude, but he was already quite polite.

Zhou Renjun’s face was also rather ugly. He had no idea that Shen Huai would use the method of retreating to advance to take the lead. Ordinarily, they could not be considered a defeat, but he was extremely aggrieved in his heart. Shen Huai’s is not:

Rongxin jumped out to stir up Meigang’s murky waters, cut off Meigang’s Hu, Meigang didn’t tear his face and fight to the face, but chose to compromise and quit, and now ask Meigang to get back some scenes, this is in officialdom and shopping malls Simple way to balance – just not that taste, no matter how you think about it.

Zhou Renjun saw that Hu Lin’s face was extremely tense and ugly, but he and Hu Lin were sitting quite far away, and there was no way to say anything to Hu Lin alone, so he could only be silent.

Luo Xiaotian turned his head and said to Hu Lin, “This kind of price is very suitable for Rongxin. Mei Steel has shown sincerity and has been prepared. We can really study the contract first…”

Xu Pei’s pressure is only one reason. Luo Xiaotian is more aware that if this matter is rendered as Hu Lin’s purely to fight with Shen Huai and finally put up with Shen Huai, the blow to Hu Lin’s prestige and prestige will be incalculable.

Now the Hu family has arranged for him to enter Rongxin, the purpose is to let him take over the central enterprise with assets of hundreds of billions. Hu Lin is very difficult to gain a firm foothold in Rongxin simply because he is a child of the Hu family without any prestige and prestige.

Luo Xiaotian knew in his heart that Hu Lin could not successfully grasp the power of Rongxin. He was an outsider with no foundation, and it was undoubtedly a fool’s dream to truly secure the position of general manager of Rongxin Real Estate.

Hu Lin is not a person without forbearance. He also knows that if he does not choose to be forbearance at this time, he will probably lose everything. Luo Xiaotian’s voice is slightly higher, so obviously he can hear it, so he follows Luo Xiaotian’s words. Stubbornly said:

“To be honest, Rongxin is very optimistic about the development potential of the Binjiang business district, but it is also very worried that it will hurt each other’s harmony – since Meigang came prepared, I really want to quit when I want to come to Meigang, then I really feel relieved. already.”

Hu Lin spoke boldly, but looking at the undisguised mockery at the corner of Shen Huai’s mouth, his heart twitched in pain.

Seeing that Hu Lin did not object to the on-site signing, Zhu Li immediately got up and looked at Luo Xiaotian: “Mr. Luo, should we study the contract in another place?”

Hu Lin’s heart was bleeding, and he scolded the three generations of Shen Huai and Zhu Li’s ancestors again, and he had to pretend to be generous and said to Luo Xiaotian: “Look at the numbers to see if there is any problem, other things, I believe that Zhujiang Construction is not What traps will be set for us.”

Luo Xiaotian also knew that at the level of Rongxin and Meigang, even the large-scale construction land auctions that entered the program could be cancelled at will by Xu Pei and Zhou Renjun in a few words. There was really no need for everyone to play such low-level games as contract traps.

Luo Xiaotian took the thick stack of paper and flipped through a few numbers without any problem, so he took out the pen and signed his name directly.

Seeing that the matter was over, Xu Pei stood up and asked the waiter standing beside him to give him the wine bottle in his hand, and said, “Rongxin and Mei Gang can sit down and negotiate this matter without hurting, and reach an agreement. To jointly promote the urban and economic development of Xucheng in the right direction, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Axe, I would like to thank everyone, and I will pour wine for everyone to express my respect…”

Hearing that Xu Pei picked up and took the bottle to pour and toast everyone, everyone stood up in a hurry.

Although Hu Lin was stabbed again, he could only bite the bullet and stand up, but seeing Xu Pei walking towards him first, he could only pretend to be frightened and say, “I should pour and toast Uncle Xu.”

“No,” Xu Pei firmly pressed Hu Lin’s shoulders and smiled half-truths, “You will be a man of merit in the construction of Xucheng and Huaihai in the future, and I will give you the axe on behalf of the Xucheng Municipal Committee. Wine, toast; we can drink as much as we want later. However, if Rongxin doesn’t do its best to develop the riverside land, I won’t forgive you easily.”

Ronshine intervened in the development of the Binjiang plot, and competed with Meigang for the dominance of the construction of the Binjiang business district. Hu Lin targeted Shen Huai on one hand, but Hu Lin also supported Zhao Qiuhua, Zhou Renjun, and targeted himself—Xu Pei this time He also had to hand over the dominance of the construction of the Binjiang business district to Rongxin, but if Hu Lin or Rongxin really had any leverage for him to seize, he would never be soft-hearted, and there was no need to be too polite when he spoke half-truths.

Seeing that Xu Pei almost put the warning on his face, Hu Lin said in his heart that he would not block, but he could only keep nodding in agreement and said, “If Rongxin fails to build the Binjiang business district, then Uncle Xu, you will not scold you. I, I will never have the face to see you Uncle Xu again.”

Xu Pei added wine to Hu Lin and Luo Xiaotian’s wine glasses, and poured wine for Gu Zexiong, who accompanied Hu Lin to the banquet today.

Before entering the Xiju Pavilion, Gu Zexiong gave Shen Huai a sarcastic “like” and said “courageous” and almost vomited out blood. He also hoped that Hu Lin and Luo Xiaotian would be able to find the scene for him and give Shen Huai one. It’s ugly, why would you think that Hu Lin’s face called Shen Huai is even more ugly?

This is how people are. When they see that the situation of others is even more desolate than their own, the humiliation they suffered before is no longer so strong. Seeing that Xu Pei had already poured wine for Hu Lin and Luo Xiaotian, he also held the cup with both hands and respectfully picked up the mouth of the wine bottle that Xu Pei had tilted over.

Although Gu Zexiong was looking for Hu Lin to make Shen Huai look ugly, and it was also because of the support of Gu Zexiong and the real estate company behind Gu’s family, Hu Lin was more confident to jump out and cut Hu, but Gu Zexiong’s appearance did not have too complicated political intentions, so Xu Pei waited for him. His attitude was also much more polite, and he kindly asked about the condition of the old man of the Gu family in the hospital:

“Is Mr. Gu in good health? I haven’t seen Mr. Gu for a while. I still remember when I visited Mr. Gu with Prime Minister Wang Yuan. Twenty years of reform and opening up in the Mainland, Mr. Gu not only devoted himself to the industry in the Mainland. He is a person who has made great contributions to our country.”

Hearing Xu Pei so highly praised the old father who hanged himself in the hospital, Gu Zexiong was naturally relieved, but he thought that if the old father could not hang himself in the hospital, how much influence would the Gu family retain in the mainland?

Seeing that Xu Pei was about to come over again and pour wine for the people on their side, Shen Huai hurriedly walked out of his seat, took the wine bottle from Xu Pei’s hand, and said, “We are deserters, and we dare not let Secretary Xu give you We pour wine.”

Xu Pei was extremely taboo at the fact that the Mei Gang Department would gain power again, but he was indeed even more annoyed by the fact that Hu Lin jumped in to disrupt the situation. At this time, it was unexpectedly interesting to hear Shen Huai say these well-behaved and sarcastic words: I wonder how Hu Lin felt when he had to sit here after hearing Shen Huai’s words with a gun and a stick?

Xu Pei naturally handed the bottle to Shen Huai with a smile, and Shen Huai completed the next pouring.

Shen Huai started with Xu Pei, and then poured wine for Zhou Renjun, Xiong Wenbin, Li Qingfu and others in turn—although only Hu Lin, Luo Xiaotian, and Gu Zexiong enjoyed the high-standard treatment of Xu Pei, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, pouring wine by himself. But at this time, it was more like a great irony, **** stabbing in Hu Lin and the others’ hearts, so much so that even if they looked at Shen Huai’s face, their hearts twitched in pain.

In the next banquet, Hu Lin and the others naturally supported them hard; and in front of Xu Pei, Zhou Renjun and others, Shen Huai couldn’t get distracted and slap Hu Lin in the face again and again. Xu Pei, as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, did not say that Li Qingfu, as the secretary-general of the Xucheng Municipal Committee, was also a senior official who enjoyed the bureau-level treatment. Naturally, he would not say anything to deliberately mobilize the atmosphere of the wine table. Naturally, the next banquet will be Extremely bored, Xu Pei only persisted for less than an hour. He used the excuse of someone to report to the work and left the meeting with Li Qingfu, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

Hu Lin no longer supported the already collapsed smiling face, and got up with Luo Xiaotian and Gu Zexiong to say goodbye to Zhou Renjun, who was still sitting at the wine table.

Shen Huai pulled Zhu Li to stand up and chased after him. As he walked, he said, “Let’s see Mr. Hu, Mr. Luo and Mr. Gu.” But after chasing outside, Shen Huai changed his tone, thinking that he might walk more steadily. Gu Zexiong, who was left behind, sneered, “Mr. Gu now knows why I praised you for your courage at the beginning, right?”

“Secretary Shen, don’t be too deceiving.” Gu Zexiong couldn’t help but stop and retorted.

Shen Huai held back the sneer at the corner of his mouth, stared at Gu Zexiong’s face with a sullen expression for a moment, and then taught a disdainful lesson: “If you want people not to be deceived, you must first not deceive others – I hope that in the future, there will be someone who can really fight against Mr. Gu. Chance.”

“Although I’m not talented, I won’t disappoint you, Secretary Shen.” Gu Zexiong said ruthlessly, gritted his teeth word by word, but Shen Huai’s eyes were dismissive, calling him completely It didn’t feel like saying harsh words, it just made him angry.

Watching Hu Lin, Luo Xiaotian, and Gu Zexiong get into the car in embarrassment, and chased out with Shen Huai, Zhu Li asked, “Do you want to drag the Gu family into the game?”

Shen Huai shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s not the Gu family, but the young master of the Gu family – this enemy is let go, how many allies do we have to lose?”

Zhu Li laughed, knowing that Shen Huai was talking about the fierce conflicts that existed within the Gu family for property rights – not to mention the Gu family’s first and second rooms, it was Yu Wei, who had just taken the seat of the chairman of the board of directors of Baohe Shipbuilding Industry. , and would never hope to see Gu Zexiong, who is the most hostile to her, gain power.

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