Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 94

Chapter 93: Distant Cousin

No one dares to be sloppy when it comes to foreign-related public security disputes.

Hearing that the black-clothed girl identified a harassing hooligan who was going to slip away, a jǐng quickly stepped over, grabbed Shen Huai’s arm, and shouted, “Stop, don’t explain the problem clearly, no one will Don’t go!”

Shen Huai smiled wryly, knowing that Sun Yalin might see his face, but he wouldn’t confirm it was him, but Zhou Ming squeezed over and shouted, he couldn’t dodge if he wanted to. Shen Huai could only stand when he saw Jǐng Cha grabbed his arm.

Unexpectedly throwing a pot of dirty water on someone’s head for no reason, Xiong Dailing was closest to the girl in black, turned around and angrily accused: “How come your eyes are long, we didn’t provoke you, why did you spit? We spent most of the day. They were all standing upstairs and didn’t move, who sāo disturbed you?”

“Shen… Director Shen,” an inspector who was listening to the black-clothed girl’s story, turned his head and saw Shen Huai’s face, stunned for a moment, “Director Shen, what the **** is going on? ”

Shen Huai saw the inspector’s face clearly, and he was also happy. It turned out to be Liu Chengguo, the public security officer of the Municipal Bureau who contradicted his boss Song Sanhe in the car rolling incident. I’m really wronged, this lady is really bloody, I have been drinking with a few friends on the second floor, and they huddled downstairs…”

“Why did I spit? You saw that we attacked the hooligans and watched a good show. How can you prove that you are not with them?” The black-clothed girl stared at Shen Huai with fierce eyes, and Shen Huai saw that they gave the hooligans to the hooligans. The bully didn’t say a word, just annoyed her…

Xiong Dailing is not the master who swallows her voice. She is very happy when she hears that this foreign girl is so unreasonable: There are so many people watching the show, so they are in the same group as the hooligans?

The girl in black didn’t want to let Shen Huai go, and continued to question aggressively: “Do you believe it or not, I’m calling my aunt nǎinǎi now, and ask my aunt nǎinǎi to judge the judge, and say you are with them?”

“Hey, do you know each other?” Xiong Dailing didn’t think of it at all, she turned her head to look at Shen Huai in surprise, and then at the beautiful black-clothed girl, her mind was short-circuited.

“Sun Yalin? It’s really you?” Shen Huai’s expression was exaggerated, as if he had just recognized this black-clothed girl, and he never admitted that he just stood by, “I said why you look familiar, why are you in China? Why didn’t you tell me when you came to Donghua? You’re wrong, I really didn’t recognize you. Who would have thought you were in Donghua? You didn’t think I would be in Donghua, right?”

Shen Huai said this, but Yang Haipeng and the others turned their heads away. First, they didn’t expect Shen Huai to know these two foreign girls, and they didn’t expect Shen Huai to recognize these two foreign girls, and they could still pretend to be pure. ignorance.

“Why are you still asking me? Why don’t you continue to lie to the female students at Huaihai Economic College, and why would you go to Donghua to be the director of some steel factory?” The girl in black looked at Shen Huai provocatively, her eyes fixed on Shen Huai’s. His face was licked and licked, as if he had thoroughly investigated his situation.

Shen Huai almost bit his tongue. Unexpectedly, Sun Yalin not only suddenly appeared in Donghua, but also investigated his situation in Donghua. He hadn’t felt sleepy before.

At this time, Shen Huai remembered hearing He Yuelian talk about two French-speaking girls passing through Meixi Town, and thought that it might be Sun Yalin and her female companion.

Xiong Dailing looked at the black-clothed girl. She had oriental features, and seemed to have European and American blood. She was almost as tall and short as Shen Huai. She was wearing a tight black shirt and trousers, and her long hair was simply pulled up in a bun. He pinned it diagonally, his hair was a little loose, and his handsome face showed an indescribable wild beauty. Seeing her looking at Shen Huai provocatively, Xiong Dailing looked at her and her sister’s faces impolitely, making her hard to like.

The black-clothed girl’s companion is a pure foreigner, but with brown hair and brown eyes, coupled with a small face with delicate facial features, it is normal for her to be mistaken for a local girl in the dimly lit dance hall.

Those few young people were jīng’s brains for a while, and when they saw that they were dancing hotly, they impulsively went up to take advantage.

The black-clothed girl’s companion looked at Shen Huai, and then asked the black-clothed lady in French with doubtful eyes. The black-clothed girl talked to her for a few words, and her face showed her original look, and her brown eyes stared at Shen Huai, a little bit hostile.

Xiong Dailing had never heard that Shen Huai had worked in the provincial academy where she was studying at the time. When she saw the two girls talking in French, she had a strange look on her face and asked Shen Huai:

“What did they say?”

Shen Huai smiled bitterly in his heart, knowing that living in the world by someone else’s identity, other people’s past life is also a burden he must bear.

The Sun Yalin in front of her is the granddaughter of his second uncle, and his grandmother is her aunt nǎinǎi. She is his distant cousin. Like him, she is also the fourth generation heir of the Sun family. However, he has deprived his maternal grandparents of the inheritance due to the unforgivable mistake he made before.

The French girl had probably heard of Shen Huai’s bad deeds in France before, and confirmed from Sun Yalin that he was the one, so she showed a look of disgust.

Sun Yalin and her companions guessed that Xiong Dailing and her sister were his partners, can you tell Xiong Dailing this? Shen Huai shrugged with Xiong Dailing, and only said, “I’ve been in China for the past few years, and I’ve lost all my French, so I can’t understand…”

Xiong Dailing glanced at Shen Huai. A few days ago, she saw that Shen Huai had a stack of French documents in the room, and she wondered what the relationship between the tall woman with mixed blood was in front of Shen Huai.

“Stop!” Liu Chengguo saw that when they came in, he grabbed Xiaopingtou, who was about to beat the girl in black, and wanted to run away. He grabbed it back, took out the handcuffs and slapped them, and shouted, “Yao Jinsan, you can stab the basket. , I dare to provoke anyone. I won’t peel you off this time, my surname is yours…”

It can be seen that Liu Chengguo is very prestige in this area, the gangsters watched Xiaoping’s head handcuffed, and did not dare to surround him and make trouble.

Liu Chengguo handcuffed Yao Jinsan, took out the three young men who had attacked the nearest young man, and handed it to his colleagues to watch. He pulled Shen Huai aside and asked, “Director Shen, what’s going on?” Yang Haipeng also joined in. Come and see the fun.

“Her aunt nǎinǎi is my grandmother, what are you talking about?”

Shen Huai smiled bitterly. He didn’t want to tell Liu Chengguo and Yang Haipeng about the family history of Shen Huai and the history of Shen Huai’s bastards.

“In our family, the relationship between so many distant cousins and sisters is not very harmonious. I usually don’t see it when I see it. This happened to me by chance, so I reported it. I really don’t care about other things. Thinking of recognizing her…”

Shen Huai asked Liu Chengguo again, “Aren’t you slow to come here? It took less than three minutes for Yang Haipeng to report it.” Normally, it should be from the nearby police station. Kicked to the street police station, right?

“There is a lot of trouble in this case, and if you want to seal it, you can’t seal it; when we have nothing to do, there will be people watching nearby, rushing me to be on duty today…” Liu Chengguo said.

Shen Huai said “Oh”, it turned out that Liu Chengguo and the others were eyeing this place, but they couldn’t deal with it directly. Maybe there was something behind this place.

“Liu Ke, Liu Ke,” at this time, a young man in a blue suit wearing a dark red plaid shirt with a large lapel collar and a gold chain with the thickness of a pinky around his neck, came over with a smile and greeted Liu Chengguo, “Yao Jinsan is with me again. There is trouble in the field, Liu Ke, do you **** them out first? It is also possible to **** them back to the city bureau, and I will continue to operate here!”

“You have people fighting every other day here. Do you want to suspend business for rectification?” Liu Chengguo looked at the young man who came over.

“I’m fine right now, Yao Jinsan and the others come in with their tickets, and I can’t drive them out. They fight and fight, and we all actively report it. Liu Ke shouldn’t think that I call Yao Jinsan and they are making trouble in the field all day long, right? ?” The young man said with a flattering smile, “Besides, I can’t afford to lose this business for a day…”

“You should shut it down today. If you don’t look at it, what’s going on?” Liu Chengguo said, pointing to the messy dance floor.

“Chen Bureau made an appointment to come over for a drink tonight. If I close the door, what if Bureau Chen mistakenly thinks I’m giving him a face? I can’t bear this responsibility, or you can call and explain to Bureau Chen. What?” The young man became tough when he saw that Liu Chengguo’s salt and oil could not get in.

“Why are you talking so much nonsense, what role is Yao Jinsan in your field, he is just a gangster to show you the field, don’t think we really don’t know anything,” Liu Chengguo glared at the young man angrily, soft and hard He didn’t eat any of them, and directly threatened, “You shut down this **** for a day now, and I’ll take people back to the bureau for investigation; if you want to be stubborn, use Director Chen to press me again, and we’ll investigate the problem here today. go…”

The young man’s face turned pale with anger, but he finally held back his attack. With anger, he suppressed his voice and said to the people around him, “Clear the scene and cooperate with the Public Security Bureau to solve the case!” He left without shaking his head.

The crowd of people in the arena was quickly driven out, and Liu Chengguo didn’t say much, just handcuffed Yao Jinsan and walked out.

Shen Huai also knew that he had always wanted to ease his relationship with the Song family and the Shen and Sun families. Since he recognized Sun, he could no longer stay out of it, went outside and said to Yang Haipeng, “Help me. Send Xiaoli back to Meixi, and I’ll go to the city bureau to see…”

Yang Haipeng saw that Shen Huai and his so-called cousin didn’t seem to have a good relationship, and knew that Shen Huai didn’t want others to get involved in some things, he nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll send Xiaoli and the others back… I’ll call you back later. ?”

Shen Huai nodded and asked Yang Haipeng to drive Zhou Ming, Xiong Dini, Xiong Dailing, and Xiao Li to leave first.

Shen Huai walked over to find Liu Weiguo, Sun Yalin took back the coats and handbags they had deposited, and was talking to someone on the phone when she saw Shen Huai coming, she turned her face and ignored him.

It was very windy outside, Yao Jinsan and the other three gangsters were already handcuffed to the car, and the other two police officers also got into the car. Shen Huaila and Liu Weiguo hid behind the jǐng car to take shelter from the wind, and asked, “Who did she call?”

“It seems to be calling the Foreign Affairs Office of the city…” Liu Weiguo said with a wry smile.

Shen Huai knew why Liu Weiguo smiled bitterly.

It’s not that Liu Weiguo is afraid of causing trouble. He used to be able to contradict Song Sanhe, and just now he forced the man with flowers to close his business, so he knew he was a tough-tempered person. But in the middle of the night, no one is willing to make a small matter a big one. Besides, if this matter provokes the people from the foreign affairs office, it is impossible to shut down this disco with a hard relationship behind it. The officer was caught in the air at both ends.

Shen Huai took out a cigarette and gave one to Liu Weiguo. Liu Weiguo took the cigarette, looked at it, and said with a smile, “Why does Director Shen smoke gold leaves? What about a good cigarette to smoke?” He took the cigarette and lit it, then showed Shen Huai the half-pack of slumped gold leaf cigarettes in his pocket.

Shen Huai laughed, feeling that Liu Weiguo’s words made him lose his temper, and said with a smile, “Yes, please smoke another day…”

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