Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 944

Chapter 930: Let’S Get Married

When Shen Huai and the others arrived at the Municipal People’s Hospital, it was almost ten o’clock at night.

In addition to Zhou Zhibai, Zhou Yanbin and his wife, and the confinement sister-in-law and the nanny who specially invited to take care of the mother and baby, Zhou Yu was still in the hospital so late; when she saw Shen Huai walking in, she extended her hand generously and shook hands. Let others not see the slightest abnormality – Zhou Yu is Zhou Zhibai’s sister, and her sister-in-law was admitted to the hospital to give birth, so she naturally wanted to show up. In addition, Wu Haifeng’s eldest daughter Wu Hongxia, who is also Zhou Zhibai’s cousin, also stayed in the hospital to help so late.

Donghua’s economy and taxation have increased rapidly in recent years, but the construction of some public facilities has not been able to keep up with it in time. Although the city’s First People’s Hospital acquired land before the old site to build a new outpatient building, inpatient department and physical examination center, it will not be opened until summer at the earliest. In the old building on the second floor. The Zhou family is considered a first-class and prominent in Donghua, but the intensive care unit obtained from the People’s Hospital is only a large suite with an **** room.

There were also several pregnant women who slept in the aisle with extra beds to give birth. Together with their family members, the entire inpatient floor of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department was crowded and noisy. Fortunately, everyone is catching up with the good thing of giving birth to a child, and their faces are beaming, and they are also polite and kind to each other.

Shen Huai, Song Hongcheng, and Cheng Yi accompanied their aunt and uncle into the intensive care ward where Song Tong lived. Zhou Yanbin and his wife had to stand up to greet Song Wenhui and Tang Jianmin. The small ward became more crowded. Shen Huai stood at the door. With a smile, he said, “Let’s sit for a while, don’t crowd the door; I’ll squeeze it out for you…”

Apart from her pale face, Song Tong was still in good spirits. She was lying on the bed chatting with Zhou Yu and Wu Hongxia – she saw her parents rushing out of Yanjing, she was moved and her eyes were red; After all, no matter how well the Zhou family took care of her, none of her parents would make her feel close. Song Tong wanted to sit up, but there was still an analgesic pump hanging on her body. Zhou Yu held her body down to make way for Song Wenhui to sit by the bed.

The baby, who was only two or three hours old, was lying beside him with purple skin and some wrinkled skin and was sleeping sweetly.

“You’re about to give birth, and you don’t know the importance of running around, you just owe someone to clean up.” Song Wenhui sat down and naturally blamed Song Tong for a while. Her in-laws and aunts and sisters-in-law couldn’t handle the relationship well, and they always wanted to kill her majesty in front of the Zhou family.

Song Tong complained to Zhou Zhibai Jiao, “I told you not to tell my mother everything when you called me?”

Song Wenhui patted Song Tong and said, “If you don’t tell me, why don’t you call me against the sky?”

Cheng Yi walked to the bed and gently touched the sleeping baby’s little face with her fingers and belly, and said in surprise, “The little face is really slippery.”

“It’s just too ugly…” Song Tong said.

“It’s just like this when I was born,” Zhou Yu said standing next to him, “My family, Qingqing, has a wrinkled skin than Xiao Yun when she was born, like a little old lady. When I saw it, my heart skipped a beat, thinking about how to give birth. Such an ugly child, after a few days, when the flesh grows and becomes full, it will be really beautiful, the more you look at it, the more you like it – you and Shen Huai will quickly have one, and you will know.”

“My mother also said the same thing about me, saying that I was just born, so ugly she wanted to throw me away.” Cheng Yi said with a smile.

“If I really throw you away, Shen Huai will be miserable. It’s hard to find such a beautiful wife?” Zhou Yu said with a smile.

“What can he be so miserable about?” Cheng Yi gave Shen Huai a sideways glance, but in front of her aunt and uncle, she wouldn’t make fun of Shen Huai’s affairs, but with her eyes longing for her, she Tell Shen Huai the meaning of what he wants to say.

Shen Huai stood at the door, sweating in his heart. He didn’t dare to look at Zhou Yu’s smiling face, nor did he dare to look at Cheng Yi’s eyes with hidden resentment, so he could only turn his face to look elsewhere.

Cheng Yi asked Song Tong again: “The little baby has a name, what is it called ‘Yu n’?”

“My name is Zhou Yun, and Yun is Wen Wu Bei; what do you think?” Song Tong said.

“That’s right, it’s quite atmospheric…” My aunt sat next to me and took the conversation.

Shen Huai saw that Zhou Yanbin and his wife were relieved to hear what the aunt said, and smiled in his heart: the stronger the cohesion, the more important the family values traditional concepts, the more important things are to marry, enter the family, and inherit the lineage, the Song family has always given people It feels very strong, not to mention that Song Tong is still the only daughter of the little aunt and the little uncle. It is normal for Zhou Yanbin to worry that the little aunt will ask the child to follow the Song family name.

It may be that there are too many people in the room and the noise is noisy, or it may be that the baby woke up from hunger and woke up crying at this moment – Song Tong hugged the baby and tried to breastfeed, and Shen Huai joined Song Hongjun, Zhou Yanbin, Tang Jianmin, etc. Men, all went to the parlour outside to speak.

My aunt and my uncle heard the news from Yanjing and came over by plane, but they didn’t eat on the way; Song Hongjun didn’t pay attention to his work and rest habits. He received a call from Xucheng and found out that Song Tong didn’t eat when he entered the hospital, so he rushed with Shen Huai. After meeting, I picked up my aunt and my uncle and rushed to Donghua. Zhou Yanbin and his wife, Zhou Yu, including Zhou Zhibai, have been busy with this and other things since they knew that Song Tong had broken the amniotic fluid, and they have not eaten until now…

Song Wenhui was worried about her daughter who had just given birth and wanted to stay in the hospital to take care of Song Tong. In the end, Zhou Yanbin’s wife and Zhou Zhibai both stayed in the hospital. Zhou Yu also stayed in the hospital with her, and asked the hotel to cook some meals and bring them directly to the ward. ; Others were greeted by Zhou Yanbin himself and went to a nearby hotel to eat.

This time, Song Tong also had a smooth birth without any risk, and the mother and child were safe. If the knife was cut, she only needed to meditate and recuperate for three or five days.

Shen Huai went to the hospital again, and heard that Song Tong said that he could be discharged on New Year’s Eve, so he said to his aunt: “Little aunt, you and my uncle will stay in Donghua for the Spring Festival – so, I am here in Donghua. Can you have a more lively Spring Festival?”

At this time, Song Wenhui was only serving as the party secretary of an electric power research institute under the Ministry of Electric Power. There was nothing urgent for her to solve; she came by plane and planned to stay in Donghua for the Spring Festival.

However, when Shen Huai said that he was going to stay in Donghua this Spring Festival, Song Wenhui said, “I heard from Cheng Yi’s mother that Cheng Yi hasn’t gone back to see her and Lao Cheng for a long time, and she planned to visit Shimen. Spring Festival? You don’t have to stay with us, if the county can walk away, you should go to Shimen to celebrate the Spring Festival together.”

According to tradition, two people who are engaged should spend the Spring Festival together. It is up to the two to discuss whether to go with the man or go home with the woman for the New Year.

Zhou Qibao may not have enough courage under his suppression, but he is qualified to preside over the political axe work as the county magistrate. During this time, all the political axe work has been arranged in an orderly manner – in addition to various condolences at the beginning of the year and the end of the year, the party committee The work here is really not that heavy.

At the same time, Shen Huai is not afraid that Zhou Qibao and Qi Jingyao can compete with him in Xiapu. There is nothing to give Zhou Qibao and Qi Jingyao the opportunity to make public appearances at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. As long as a large number of migrant workers are arranged to return home and the construction arrangements of many projects during the Spring Festival , he did not need to stay in the county.

It’s just that Shen Huai was only used to the surname and thought that during the Spring Festival, as the secretary of the county party committee, he would naturally stay in the county, and it was normal for Cheng Yi to go to Shimen to reunite with her parents during the Spring Festival. .

Listening to my sister-in-law’s tone, Cheng Yi’s mother wanted them to go to Shimen for the Spring Festival together, but she asked Cheng Yi to stop her – Cheng Yi didn’t seem to tell her mother that she would go to Shimen alone for the Spring Festival.

Thinking of this, Shen Huai felt guilty for a while, but he responded quickly, so he followed his aunt’s tone and turned to ask Cheng Yi, “Why don’t we go back to Shimen for the Spring Festival instead of being in Donghua this year?”

Cheng Yi looked at Shen Huai with watery eyes, nodded, and asked uncertainly, “Can you leave the county?”

“I’m going back to the county to arrange work in the past few days, and I should be able to walk away.” Shen Huai said.

My aunt and my uncle will stay in the hospital for a while, and then the driver of the Zhou family will take them to rest at the Zhou family’s house – Song Hongjun travels in style like this, with three or four secretaries, security assistants, and drivers following him at any time, living in the Zhou family club. Tell him to feel unfree, find a hotel to stay, and return to Xucheng tomorrow; Shen Huai and Cheng Yi drive back to Xiapu.


After driving into the community, he stopped the car at the parking lot paved with lawn tiles by the lake, but Shen Huai turned down the sound of the music radio, and did not mean to turn off the car and get off.

Cheng Yi glanced at him suspiciously and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Shen Huai said, “I’m sorry…”

“Why do you say that?” Cheng Yi tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and the light from the street revealed her crystal clear auricle. She glanced at Shen Huai, and then quietly looked at the small lake opposite.

“I forgot to invite you over to accompany me for the Spring Festival. I didn’t think enough for you. I sinned deeply. People like me would be burned at the stake and stabbed in ancient times. You didn’t expose me in front of my sister-in-law, so I I want to say sorry to you…” Shen Huai said.

“We originally agreed to help hide it from the family.” Cheng Yi said gruffly.

Shen Huai turned Cheng Yi’s face over and said, “Marry me.”

“Why do you say such things here?” Cheng Yi asked in a soft voice, leaning her head on the dashboard and looking sideways at Shen Huai.

“Because you can’t go to the village in front of you or the store in the back, if you don’t agree, I’ll throw you into the lake.” Shen Huai said, putting his hand on Cheng Yi’s smooth face.

Cheng Yi smiled and raised her hand to hit Shen Huai; Shen Huai grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes seriously: “What I said just now is serious…”

“Are you really throwing me into the lake if you don’t agree?” Cheng Yi asked, pretending to be confused.

“Well.” Shen Huai nodded.

“I’m afraid of you,” Cheng Yi said with a smile, “even if I promise you.”

“What does it mean?” Shen Huai asked.

“My mother told me very ruthlessly that I can’t take you back to Shimen for the Spring Festival, and I don’t want me to go back to Shimen for the Spring Festival – I don’t want to spend the Spring Festival alone, so naturally I can only promise you temporarily, even if If you regret it, you have to wait until this Spring Festival is over before you regret it.” Cheng Yi said with a smile.

Shen Huai smiled and said, “As long as I don’t regret it this Spring Festival, it will be fine.”

Seeing Shen Huai laughing weirdly, Cheng Yi asked, “What do you want to do?”

“You’ll find out later?” Shen Huai smiled and dialed the car keys. Seeing Cheng Yi dodging and refusing to get out of the car, he walked over and dragged her down, and even groped her on her chest wickedly. After two hands, he said, “It’s useless for you to escape now…”

Cheng Yi saw Shen Huai reaching out and groping in her arms, deliberately struggling to play with him, but afraid that the noise would alarm the neighbors on the left and right, he struggled away from Shen Huai’s arms, and jumped into the house with the key. , pretending to shut Shen Huai out.

Shen Huai squeezed in the door, dragged Cheng Yi into the bedroom, and pressed her onto the bed.

Cheng Yi took off her shoes, curled up on the bed, pushed Shen Huai up, and pressed her feet against his chest to push him down.

Shen Huai scratched the soles of her feet twice, Cheng Yi was ticklish, and her feet shrank back, letting the rogue Shen Huai also lie down on the bed.

Shen Huai saw that Cheng Yi’s delicate face was flushed red as if drunk, and even the roots of her neck were dyed like rouge. Her beautiful eyes, which were full of affection, were so moist as if they were about to drip. Thinking of the good things that could happen tonight, Shen Huai’s heart sank even more. , kissed Cheng Yi’s charming face, turned on the air conditioner, and helped her take off her coat, which was a close-fitting fleece jacket with her chest high.

Since the heating hadn’t turned on yet, and the blanket was still cold, Shen Huai rubbed his hands together, reached into Cheng Yi’s woolen sweater, and grasped the pair of naughty jade rabbits in his hands, feeling Cheng Yi’s breath as tight as a while. Touching her beautiful eyes blurred, she snuggled softly in Shen Huai’s arms, letting him do anything wrong.

Shen Huai undid the copper button on the front of Cheng Yi’s jeans, took off the bottom half, and stroked her smooth belly without any fat. This was a forbidden area where Shen Huai was forbidden to enter. Glancing at Shen Huai, he pressed his hand on Shen Huai’s hand through his underwear, as if to prevent Shen Huai’s hand from continuing to stretch in, but he did not pull his hand out.

Shen Huai’s fingers lightly touched the soft hair, and further down is the plump protrusion.

Cheng Yi squeezed Shen Huai’s hand tightly, preventing him from touching it any more, and said, “Your hands are dirty…” Her voice was so soft that it almost melted Shen Huai’s heart.

She also felt that Shen Huai’s lower body was big and hard. She used to be shy to avoid her, but today she moved her plump buttocks close to it, making Shen Huai so excited that she only hated Cheng Yi wearing it. His jeans were too thick and hard, so that he couldn’t feel the plump and soft flesh more clearly.

Seeing that Cheng Yi was no longer rejecting himself, Shen Huai took a breath, tried to control his excitement, and asked in Cheng Yi’s ear, “I’ll take off your clothes for you, okay?”

Cheng Yi didn’t say a word, she lay down with her hands covering her hot face, and pulled the quilt over to cover her face; her long, slender legs wrapped in jeans were lying on the outside of the quilt, as if calling for Shen Huai to quickly release those beautiful legs. .

Shen Huai knelt down to the edge of the bed, grabbed Cheng Yi’s feet in his hands, and helped her take off her socks, revealing her tender and delicate feet. Shen Huai couldn’t help scratching the soles of Cheng Yi’s feet twice in a nasty manner, scratching Cheng Yi. The body under the quilt shrank.

Shen Huai said with a smile, “No one will come to save you even if you break your throat…”

The soles of Cheng Yi’s feet were the most ticklish. She lifted the quilt and saw Shen Huai reaching out and scratching again. She was kicking and trying to hide. Although his foot was not very heavy, his body slanted when he dodged outwards, and he lost his balance immediately.

A short table was placed beside the bed. Shen Huai had previously used it to make it easier for him to get on the bed and read the materials, but he didn’t expect that he rolled off the bed and hit the hard and straight wooden pestle with the abdominal muscle groove. On the corner of the lower table, he almost cried out in pain.

Cheng Yi didn’t know the seriousness of the matter at first, but seeing Shen Huai’s forehead sweating from the pain, she panicked and got out of bed to ask him where he hit.

After a while, Shen Huai recovered a little, struggled to get on the bed, and then pointed to the crotch with Cheng Yi with a wry smile: “I hit it there, it hurts to death.” Let Cheng Yi help him take off his pants. , to see if the crash is gone.

Cheng Yi also didn’t care about being shy, and helped Shen Huai take off his pants. The giant python that had been itching on her buttocks before became a lifeless dead python, swollen and crooked to the side. The side of the collision is a piece of Qingwuwu, and you can see that the collision was not light.

“Go to the hospital…” Cheng Yi got up to get the phone.

“Don’t,” Shen Huai said, holding Cheng Yi, “letting others know, you’ll laugh hard. It won’t hurt so much now. Help me pick up ice cubes from the refrigerator. As long as the swelling can be reduced, it should be Can’t survive.”

“It’s okay to be disabled, so as not to harm other women.” Cheng Yi raised her hand and wanted to hit the thing, but she was afraid that a light hit would also make Shen Huai hurt, so she touched it lightly, then got up and ran to the In the kitchen, he put ice cubes in a fresh-keeping bag and handed it to Shen Huai, asking him to apply it himself.

Shen Huai spread his hands and said, “I don’t even have the strength to sit up.”

Cheng Yi sat down angrily and put an ice pack on the thing, Shen Huai’s stomach twitched from the cold, making Cheng Yi amused, she couldn’t help but stretched out her fingers to tease the thing and asked Shen Huai: “Why is a man so ugly, and he wants to drill into a woman’s body so shamelessly?”

Cheng Yi’s fingers are very soft, and Shen Huai’s heart is restless after a few touches. He knows that the function is not damaged, but the swelling has not disappeared. If he touches the wound, he will feel a tingling sensation. The honest and soft lie there like a dead worm.

That night, Shen Huai could only hug Cheng Yi to sleep honestly, and couldn’t do anything. In the early morning of the next day, when he woke up, although the swelling was no longer so bad, there was still a tingling sensation. He told Shen Huai not to have any bad thoughts about Cheng Yi, so he could only lie on the bed like a dead dog. , hugging Cheng Yi’s delicate body wearing only thin cotton underwear, she didn’t dare to touch it, asking herself to suffer, and sighed and said, “It seems that I have to take back what I said yesterday…”

“What do you take back?” Cheng Yi asked.

“My thing looks broken, so naturally I can’t marry you again…” Shen Huai said.

Cheng Yi reached out and touched Shen Huai a few times. Seeing that the thing was huge, even if it was lying dead, but Shen Huai didn’t have the reaction that Shen Huai would stiffen up when he was next to her before, and asked, “If it wasn’t for me Take off your clothes, can you try it?”

Shen Huai tricked Cheng Yi to touch him a few times and became impatient. At this time, he didn’t dare to ask Cheng Yi to take off his clothes to seek stimulation, so he flicked to the side.

Cheng Yi thought that Shen Huai was in a bad mood, and comforted him: “There shouldn’t be anything wrong; if it doesn’t work, you don’t need to be ashamed or not, you have to go to the hospital; don’t think too much…”

Seeing that Cheng Yi took it seriously, Shen Huai was just laughing and didn’t say anything wrong, and asked her to drive back to Xucheng to work, saying that he would go to the hospital for a checkup.

After Cheng Yi was coaxed and coaxed away, Shen Huai also dressed and washed. After breakfast, he called to inform the driver to come and take him back to the county.

When he got busy in the county, Shen Huai also forgot about it. After all, he was only hit from the side, not from the front, as long as he waited for the swelling to subside. Shen Huai went to the port construction site in the afternoon to express condolences to the workers who would stay in the construction during the Spring Festival. After returning to the county from Xinpu, she received a call from Cheng Yi and asked him where he was.

“I’m in the county…” Shen Huai said.

“Then come out and meet me.” Cheng Yi said.

Shen Huai looked up and saw Cheng Yi’s car parked in front of the county party compound. He quickly asked the driver to stop and let him off.

Du Jian and the others were also stunned. They didn’t know what happened. They knew that Cheng Yi had rushed back to Xucheng in the morning, and when they saw her rushing to Xiapu to block Shen Huai’s door in the afternoon, they only thought that something had happened. Family matters, I wondered if some woman found Cheng Yi to make a fuss, made Cheng Yi stimulated, and ran over to trouble Shen Huai?

No one can intervene in this kind of housework, so Du Jian can only tell the driver to drive the car into the compound first, and call a few people, asking them to be careful not to let others approach, in case Shen Huai and Cheng Yi are in the county party compound There was a loud quarrel at the door, and he had to think about maintaining the image of Shen Huai and Shen Huai’s family in front of outsiders.

“Why did you run over again without saying a word?” Shen Huai sat in Cheng Yi’s car and asked suspiciously.

“Did you go to the hospital for an examination today?” Cheng Yi asked.

“Ah,” Shen Huai had forgotten about this, and when he saw Cheng Yi driving back on a special trip, he opened his mouth to ask about it, and lied to her, “I went to check, the problem seems to be quite serious, but that’s the only way it can be. ; You drove here just to ask this?”

“Let’s get married,” Cheng Yi said, “I went back to Xucheng to get the household registration booklet; your household registration booklet, I just went to you to get it for you – do you have your ID with you? You didn’t find it there.”

“…” Shen Huai watched Cheng Yi take out a stack of documents and materials for marriage registration, looked at her serious face, kissed her lips, and said, “You are so stupid.”

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