Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 971

Chapter 957: Fall Into The Water

Xie Zhi walked in front, listening to the footsteps and following up, and whistling frivolously in her ear, only thinking that it was the three sloppy young people entangled, she was full of fire in her heart, very irritable. , turned around and pushed the entangled person into the lake, but he didn’t expect Shen Huai to catch up with the ball without saying a word, and frivolously leaned into her ear and whistled. .

Xie Zhi pushed back with resentment, and tried so hard that it was too late to stop. Shen Huai didn’t think that Xie Zhi’s reaction would be so strong, so he was caught off guard, his heels hit the road teeth, and he fell into the lake, subconsciously, he only had time to grab Xie Zhi’s arm and push him until he consciously let go. At that time, Xie Zhi’s entire body was already unbalanced for him, and he crashed into his arms at a faster speed. The two of them “thumped” and rolled into the water together.

The lake is very shallow, Xie Zhi couldn’t swim, and even panicked, screaming in fear, people struggling in the water, hugging Shen Huai’s neck and not letting go, causing Shen Huai to choke several sips of water before standing in the water, She supported Xie Zhi who was still in the water and fluttered in a panic, and said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: “I said you are so cruel to me?”

Xie Zhi stood firm in the water, only then did she realize that her whole body was hugging Shen Huai’s waist, sticking to Shen Huai’s arms as if hugging a life-saving tree, and hurriedly took a step back. It’s just that her feet were stuck in the mud at the bottom of the lake, and she didn’t pull them out, so she was in a hurry to separate from Shen Huai, so naturally she could only fall into the lake again.

Shen Huai almost pulled Xie Zhi into the water again, grabbed her arm, roared at her, and said, “Can you be a little harder, do you think I’d like to hold you? Do you want to send you a mirror another day? ”

Xie Zhi glared at Shen Huai, but she suddenly became more honest, no longer struggling, she obediently supported Shen Huai’s shoulders and stood up, only to realize that the lake water did not penetrate into her lower abdomen, and she was simply frightened by falling into the water.

Citizens wandering around the water platform saw someone falling into the water, so they all came to help; while the three young people who caused trouble ran away without showing their faces.

The people on the shore stretched out their hands to pull, and Shen Huai asked Xie Zhi to go ashore first.

Xie Zhi didn’t let Shen Huai touch her, but unexpectedly the lake shore was slippery, she asked someone to hold her hand, her feet climbed up step by step through the protruding bricks from the lake shore, but unexpectedly slipped on the moss After a while, the two people who came over to help didn’t grab her wrist, and her whole body fell down again.

Shen Huai’s eyes and hands were quick, he held her buttocks and hugged her waist, so she didn’t ask her to fall into the cold water again.

Xie Zhi’s falling momentum was very strong, and Shen Huai finally hugged her waist. She was forced to take a step back into the lake to stand firm. She couldn’t help but say, “Why are you so heavy?”

“…I’m not heavy,” Xie Zhi glanced back at Shen Huai and defended her weight. She also knew that the lake shore was slippery, but even though she was reluctant, she could only let Shen Huai support her below to help her climb to the shore.

Shen Huai saw Xie Zhi’s vigilant face, as if he was really afraid that he would still be interested in touching her **** at this time, he half-squatted down with a wry smile, let her stand on his shoulders, and slowly stood up while holding her calf. Get up and let her climb up against the bank.

Lifting down and pulling up, Xie Zhi finally managed to climb ashore. One of her shoes got stuck in the mud, and she couldn’t go ashore with her.

Xie Zhi didn’t even care about her shoes, she sat on the shore in a panic, and saw Shen Huai bent down and touched the water for a while, then took out her sneaker stuck in the mud from the bottom of the lake and washed it in the water. , and threw it on the shore.

Xie Zhi also took off the other shoe and silently lifted it in her hand.

“Girl, is this kid playing a hooligan to you?” An old man who came to help looked like he was exercising by the lake. He watched Shen Huai about to climb ashore, and asked Xie Zhi cautiously, as if As long as Xie Zhi nodded and said “yes”, he would kick Shen Huai into the lake without hesitation.

Shen Huai felt guilty at this moment, and this **** hated him in her heart. If she said a hooligan at this time, he would really not be able to wash it out if she jumped to the Yellow River.

“We accidentally fell. Thank you so much.” Xie Zhi said to the old man.

Hearing what Xie Zhi said, the old man and the people who were watching to help dispersed one after another, and did not catch Shen Huai on the spot and beat him as a hooligan.

“Thank you…” Shen Huai’s hands and feet were fairly quick, and without the help of others, he climbed ashore, sat on the concrete floor, took out the mobile phone in his pocket, and pulled out the battery. , will it be necessary to change the phone again?

Xie Zhi saw Shen Huai sitting on the ground squeezing water from her clothes without saying a word. She was dripping with sweat when she was running just now, and she didn’t feel anything when she fell and immersed in the lake. Although it was a cold wind at this time, it really made her feel better. , I was shivering with cold, and my teeth were chattering.

Seeing that Xie Zhi was silent, Shen Huai continued: “You must be thinking: I was the one who pushed you down the lake, why did you thank me instead? Think about it, last time I kindly didn’t let you down. Sleeping on the street, taking you to the hotel, asking someone to take care of you, but instead you hit me with an ashtray and gave me a concussion. This time, you didn’t let them beat me as a hooligan, can you say I can’t thank you? ?”

Seeing Shen Huai trembling with cold, but still in the mood to be mean and rude, Xie Zhi also made him speechless. She also knew that Shen Huai should be afraid that the three young people would entangle her, so she came over deliberately, but told her to push it into the lake, it was really her fault.

Just asking Xie Zhi to say sorry or thank you to Shen Huai, it was harder than asking her to jump into the lake again. She just gave Shen Huai a sloppy look and ignored him.

“Go back and change your clothes, don’t freeze; I’ll leave first.” Shen Huai was shivering from the cold when the night wind blew, and instead of entanglement with Xie Zhi, she stood up and went to the street. Taxi back, just took two steps to touch the pocket, the wallet slipped out of the pocket at some point.

Seeing Shen Huai standing there feeling his pocket for a long time, Xie Zhi asked, “What did you lose?”

“The wallet has fallen into the water.” Shen Huai usually put his work permit, ID card and other documents separately and soaked in water, but they were still in his pocket. He thought about the wallet and nothing but more than a hundred dollars Important things, the mud at the bottom of the lake that almost covered his calf made him feel a little uneasy, and he didn’t want to go down to the lake to touch his wallet, and said to Xie Zhi, “Forget it, there is nothing important in the wallet, it should be left. Glorious retirement. Could you lend me twenty bucks for a taxi?”

Xie Zhi came out for a run, and only brought the keys with her to listen to her, not her cell phone, let alone her wallet.

Seeing that Xie Zhi didn’t bring any money out, Shen Huai could only bite the bullet and climb down the rocks. However, after touching the mud at the bottom of the lake for a while, nothing came out.

Xie Zhi was also soaked all over her body, and the night wind blew her teeth into battle. She knew that Shen Huai was even more uncomfortable standing in the water. She knew that even if she had money, if Shen Huai took a taxi back to her residence like this, she would most likely get sick from the cold. He said reluctantly, “You better go to my place first. Call someone to pick you up later.”

Xie Zhixin thought that it would be best for him to take a taxi for 20 yuan, but thinking that she was also allergic to pushing him into the lake, it was not appropriate to send him away for 20 yuan.

Shen Huai thought that his wallet might have fallen into Zhou Yu’s car, looked up at Xie Zhi, and thought to himself: You **** should have said such a sentence earlier, I need to climb into the dirty mud to touch it. The first half of the day?

However, Xie Zhi asked him to borrow a phone to make a call. Shen Huai didn’t dare to take advantage of her verbally. She asked Xie Zhi to reach out and give him a hand, and climbed ashore together to go to the Ninghai Community from the pedestrian plank road by the lake.


Xie Zhi’s residence in Ninghai Community was not particularly spacious. It was a well-decorated small apartment. It was only 40 to 50 square meters when it was fully furnished. The bedroom was connected to the living room. Shen Huai stood at the door and looked in. Opposite the bed was a row of large bookshelves that reached the top of the wall, full of books, magazines, and CDs—it was hard to imagine her posture as a strong woman, and she would live simply compared to her personal wealth. It can be called a humble to the extreme house.

Xie Zhi saw Shen Huai standing at the door and peeking in, and asked him to wait at the door for a while, and she went into the room.

After a while, Xie Zhi took out a large bath towel.

Shen Huai thought that Xie Zhi took out the bath towel to wipe him first, thinking that this **** was not bad after all, but she didn’t want Xie Zhi to bend over and spread the bath towel on the floor in front of the entrance.

Cold sweat was about to break out on Shen Huai’s forehead. It turned out that this **** was afraid that the water dripping from him would stain the floor of her residence.

Shen Huai really didn’t know what to say to this cold-faced girl.

“Just wait here,” Xie Zhi asked Shen Huai to stand at the entrance, not letting him enter the room or closing the door, she held a dry towel, “I should have a spare cell phone here, you wait a while.”

Shen Huai also didn’t expect Xie Zhi to treat him well. He would be thankful for him to come over to borrow a phone, and motioned her to get out the spare mobile phone quickly. He had made a call, and he could find someone at the gate of the community to pick him up.

Xie Zhi took out the spare mobile phone and inserted the SIM card, but found that the battery of the mobile phone was dead and could not be turned on for a long time.

Xie Zhi hesitated for a while, and Shen Huai suspected that she would spend twenty dollars to send him away. Seeing her take out the charger to plug in the phone, she thought that this **** finally left him. face.

Xie Zhi didn’t invite Shen Huai to sit in the room, didn’t let Shen Huai close the door, and she didn’t rush into the bathroom to change her soaked clothes, and she stood tremblingly in the room waiting for her phone to charge.

Shen Huai knew that this **** was very wary of him. Seeing that she was with him in the cold and wet, he leaned against the door and looked at this **** with great interest.

The sweatshirt Xie Zhi was wearing was originally very light and thin, and there was no clothes inside. At this time, it was wrapped wet and wrapped around the body. The light was turned on, and the breasts, buttocks and slender waist were all embossed. Shen Huai knew it. Xie Zhi was so hot under the cover of clothes.

Xie Zhi’s face was pale from the cold, her lips were a little purple, her wet long hair was also messy, and her little face would have looked pitiful if it weren’t so tight–Shen Huai thought to herself: This mother They are so fierce, if you really think she is so pitiful, you are really blind.

Xie Zhi noticed that Shen Huai’s eyes were staring at her, but the house she lived in was a big room, and the partitions were knocked down during the decoration. If you wanted to hide in the bathroom, there was nowhere to hide. She didn’t want to really drive Shen Huai out in such an embarrassed state, so she could only sit with her arms on her chest and turn her body to prevent Shen Huai’s eyes from looking at her sensitive parts.

It was also extremely cold, and Xie Zhi didn’t care whether her body was wet or not, she took out a dry towel from the bed, wrapped it around her body and sat on the sofa, covering her body to prevent Shen Huai from looking around.

Shen Huai pouted and took his eyes away from Xie Zhi. The wallet might have fallen into Zhou Yu’s car, and his mobile phone, work permit, and cigarettes were all soaked in water. He really stood at the door wet and silent, staring at the floor, and said:

“As you said, the Tudu slab project involves the core interests of Meigang, and I can’t really let it go. I have no intention of messing with anyone, but Song Hongqi and the Xie family have been in the wrong direction from the very beginning. , will only be wrapped in mud, sink deeper and deeper…”

Xie Zhi was so cold that her teeth were trembling. Hearing Shen Huai mention this topic again, she turned around to look at him. Seeing that his face was also pale from the cold, she couldn’t bear it, but she was afraid that he would make an inch, and what was wrong with him? Thinking, just hardened his heart not to look at his face, and said, “How do you know that it must be someone else who is wrong this time?”

Shen Huai smiled and said, “If you don’t say the word ‘again’, you seem to be more confident.”

Xie Zhi pursed her lips and didn’t say anything. She had already speculated that Shen Huai couldn’t give up the initiative so easily. It’s just that her surname was better, and she seemed to be better in front of Shen Huai, so she naturally ignored Shen Huai’s teasing tone.

“Someone was reluctant to give up his vice-governor’s throne, and he made public his conversation with Secretary Zhong in Huaishan. I didn’t think much about it. In fact, I was thinking that even if I left Donghua, it would not be unacceptable,” Shen said. Huai laughed at himself, then raised his head to look at Xie Zhi, and asked, “If Song Hongqi, your father, and your brother blindly think that all my plans and tricks are for the purpose of keeping Donghua, in order to keep this place. One-third of an acre, do you think they were outrageously wrong from the start?”

Hearing what Shen Huai said, Xie Zhi was also speechless.

Over the years, they have always regarded Shen Huai too lightly, or just stood on their own narrow standpoint to try to figure out others, but never paid enough attention to Shen Huai, so they repeatedly broke the halberd in Shen Huai’s hands. Step by step, I fell into a situation of extreme embarrassment and embarrassment. She also reminded Hong Qi, her father, and her brother intentionally or unintentionally, but they always stubbornly adhere to their existing views, and she can’t say too much to make everyone unhappy.

And deep inside Xie Zhi, she was also conflicted and struggling.

Speaking of her prejudice and hatred towards Shen Huai, she thought to herself that she would not be weaker than anyone else. However, so many things that happened in these years have turned her upside down greatly, making her logic confusing. At least in matters related to Shen Huai, she became extremely unconfident and uncertain about her judgment.

However, Xie Zhi would not fully believe Shen Huai’s words, thinking to himself that he might have other motives for saying this.

Xie Zhi got up to see how much power was in the spare mobile phone, thinking that Shen Huai would call and ask someone to come and pick him up, so that he could be sent away early, but “Kika” heard someone walking in high heels from the elevator come out.

Xie Zhi suddenly felt that if others saw Shen Huai standing in front of her house wet, it would be even more weird, but she also thought that the owners of the two rooms next door had not moved in…

While Xie Zhi was hesitating, she heard a pile of unidentified objects fall to the ground in the aisle. She stood up and walked to the door, where she saw her assistant Feng Yuzhi looking over with a look of surprise.

“Mr. Xie, I’ve called you several times for the materials you want to see, and the response is that the phone is turned off, so I’ll go upstairs to have a look…” Feng Yuzhi said at a loss, she didn’t know if she ran into something wrong. what she saw.

Seeing that it was Feng Yuzhi, Xie Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Shen Huai and I both fell into the river just now. His mobile phone was soaked in water, so I came over to borrow the phone to find someone to pick him up – you and Secretary Shen go ahead. Sit down for a while.”

Feng Yuzhi couldn’t imagine how Xie Zhi and Shen Huai would fall into the river together. Her beautiful eyes didn’t dare to look around, she picked up the documents in the tunnel, held them to her chest, and walked in with her head down. in the room.

When Feng Yuzhi came over, Xie Zhi closed the door, not looking so weird. She was also too cold to bear, put the towel on the sofa, took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to put on the dry clothes first.

Shen Huai wrapped Xie Zhi in the towel on the sofa, so she didn’t feel so cold.

Xie Zhi came out after changing her clothes, holding a hair dryer in her hand, handed it to Shen Huai, and said, “I don’t have any clothes you can put on here, so just use a hair dryer to dry your clothes a little, be careful not to get sick. .”

Shen Huai didn’t know what Xie Zhi was thinking. Just now he thought he was a thief, cold and frosty, as if showing a smile would be like killing her. Unexpectedly, after Feng Yuzhi came over, she asked her to treat herself better. .

Feng Yuzhi didn’t know what was going on at all. Seeing that Shen Huai’s hand was shaking with the hair dryer, she couldn’t bear it and said, “Secretary Shen, let me hold it for you.”

“It’s still Xiao Feng, you know how to be considerate. Your boyfriend is really lucky to have you as his girlfriend.” Shen Huai handed the hair dryer to Feng Yuzhi and joked.

Feng Yuzhi said, “I don’t have a boyfriend.” She plugged the hair dryer into the wind, only to find that Shen Huai had been asked to open the towel. She held the hair dryer and approached to blow the hot air on Shen Huai, only to realize that the two were close to each other. It was very close, and she blushed a little shyly, and didn’t dare to look up at Shen Huai.

Shen Huai jokingly said to Feng Yuzhi, “You don’t have a boyfriend? It’s impossible, aren’t all those unmarried men blind? Or are you demanding too much, no man can make you fancy?” Feng Yuzhi has just graduated from university two years ago, her face is as tender as a freshly peeled boiled egg, she has beautiful big eyes, red lips and white teeth, wearing jeans, her slender thighs are tightly wrapped, she is a beautiful beauty.

Xie Zhi saw that Shen Huai’s teeth were shaking from the cold, and she was also in the mood to tease her assistant, and she despised him, but she couldn’t do anything about him. She stood up and glanced at Shen Huai, then sat behind the desk next to her and picked up the materials sent by Feng Yuzhi.

Even if she couldn’t read a single word, she wouldn’t say anything to Shen Huai.

Feng Yuzhi held the hair dryer for Shen Huai, got close, and could see the shallow scar on Shen Huai’s forehead. She remembered the situation when Shen Huai was misunderstood by Xie Zhi and smashed with the ashtray, and then she thought about how Shen Huai asked Yang Lili to bring it to her. What Xie Zhi heard, she couldn’t help but feel funny when she thought about it.

Feng Yuzhi looked back to see Xie Zhi sitting at the desk with a serious look at the documents, and asked Shen Huai in a playful low voice, “Secretary You won’t let our President Xie push him down the river today?”

Seeing that Feng Yuzhi guessed so accurately, Shen Huai couldn’t help laughing out loud. It seemed that Xie Zhi’s surname was best seen by the people around her.

Xie Zhihan looked at Feng Yuzhi with a sullen face, and scolded: “You help him hold the hair dryer, do you really have so much to talk about?”

Feng Yuzhi stuck out her tongue in fright. She looked sweet and cute, much more lovely than the glamorous Xie Zhi.

Shen Huai asked her, “Did you drive here?”

“Do you want me to take you back? That’s fine; I’ll go back after Mr. Xie has read the materials, you wait for me for a while.” Feng Yuzhi boldly agreed in a soft voice.

Xie Zhi naturally couldn’t sit and watch Shen Huai seduce Feng Yuzhi so blatantly, and couldn’t smash the material in her hand into the face of the little goblin. She was also unspeakably irritable. She took out the car key from the drawer and threw it at Shen Huai. , said: “You drive back by yourself, change your clothes and drive back, park the car downstairs, and throw the car keys in the car…”

“It’s okay, Xiao Feng has promised to take me back. If the car keys are thrown into the car, if the car is stolen, my salary is less than 3,000 yuan a month, and I don’t have a lot of meat on my body, but I can’t afford you. “Shen Huai said, and threw the key back to Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi only regretted that she didn’t lend the car earlier, and let this **** get out as soon as possible, but seeing Feng Yuzhi’s face full of wishes, she seemed eager to drive Shen Huai back, Xie Zhi thought to herself, she didn’t know the depth of death. Girl, you can cry if you eat so much that you don’t even have bones left.

It’s just that Xie Zhi was really worried about Shen Huai’s character, and couldn’t stand his flirting with Feng Yuzhi, so she picked up the car key and stood up and said, “I’ll drive you back, you won’t be dissatisfied, right? “

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