Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 974

Chapter 960: Heir

(It’s the end of the month again, brothers have monthly tickets in hand, don’t forget to vote…)

She was crazy twice today, so she should have no desires or desires now, but Sun Yalin’s fragrant and soft body was in her arms, making Shen Huai want to move again, but he didn’t dare to make any movement in his hands, and quietly pushed his body up. .

It was very comfortable for Shen Huai to press the hard thing between her buttocks, and her heart was burning hot and soft. She told Sun Yalin to thoroughly feel the torment of **** desire as a woman, and she also felt something slowly. Something was flowing down the lower abdomen, and the whole body was numb.

Sun Yalin was also afraid that she would burn herself into flames like Yang Lili today, and it would be difficult to control herself. While she was still awake at the last moment, she reached out and pinched the sturdy and frightening stem behind her, and said softly, “You think about it all day long. What are you wearing, can’t you sleep well?”

Shen Huai gritted his teeth in pain, the evil fire in his heart was just like the white snow splashed by hot water, it quickly disappeared, and there was still some burning pain in the place where he was pinched. Opening the quilt and taking a look, I could only complain twice: “This is a normal reaction of a man, okay?”

“The normal reaction is to make a woman cry, and then shamelessly put this ugly thing on another woman’s butt?” Sun Yalin asked angrily.

“It didn’t matter to you before, why are you becoming more and more stingy now?” Seeing that she couldn’t say anything about Sun Yalin, Shen Huai pretended to pull the quilt to cover her head to sleep, ignoring her; she was thinking that Sun Yalin was in the bathtub just now She was groaning softly under the impact of lust, thinking about the surname and the ultimate temptation of her helping Yang Lili, entanglement with Yang Lili for comfort, and thinking that she really couldn’t figure out what this goblin was thinking.

Sun Yalin curled her body up, only she knew best in her heart that her legs were so moist and warm; when she was in the bathtub just now, it was so difficult for her to hold the last line of defense and not be overwhelmed.

However, at this time, I thought again, what’s the point of defending the last line of defense? If you and Yang Lili were in the bathtub at the same time and had **** with this **** when you were crazy, maybe you wouldn’t be so entangled in your heart.

Pain or no pain is always just an answer; if you don’t go out, how will you know the answer?

It’s just that the madness passed, and Sun Yalin didn’t have the courage to try and find the answer, and she didn’t have the courage to go back to her room alone on a night like this.

She asked Shen Huai to turn around, put her body on top of it, put her arms around Shen Huai’s spacious shoulders from behind, and said with a soft voice that felt strange to her, “Okay, let’s sleep, okay?”

Asking Sun Yalin’s soft chest to come over from behind, Shen Huai felt an indescribable tenderness, hugged her hand in his arms, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


When I woke up, there was a drizzle of rain outside the house. The rain fell from the eaves and hit the stone slab in front of the house, making a non-stop sound.

The hot bath and the crazy love in the bathtub failed to pull Shen Huai back from the brink of a cold. When he woke up, he felt top-heavy, his head was dizzy, his nasal cavity was blocked and he couldn’t breathe smoothly, and his throat was sore. .

There was no one behind her, and there was no movement outside. She didn’t know where Sun Yalin went when she woke up in the morning. She wanted to shout, but her voice was so hoarse that she couldn’t make a sound.

He saw a new cell phone on the bedside table, but he couldn’t make a sound. Shen Huai didn’t want anyone to see his embarrassed and sick face, so he didn’t call for help. The rain outside the window slanted.

After a while, I heard the sound of a car stopping in front of the yard, and I heard the voices of Chen Dan and Kou Xuan talking.

“Sun Yalin said you’re sick and it’s very hot, let me come over and give you medicine,” Chen Dan held a small plastic bag in his hand with a few boxes of medicine in it, came over and touched Shen Huai’s forehead, it was hot Terrified, he asked, “You have always been healthy, why did you suddenly catch a cold?”

I don’t know where Kou Xuan took out the thermometer, she slammed it in the air, and handed it over to Shen Huai to hold it under her armpit.

The body temperature reached 40 degrees; Chen Dan was afraid that the medicine would have no effect, so he insisted on sending Shen Huai to the hospital.

Shen Huai thought that he should talk in front of Chen Baoqi and Guo Chengze, and he would leave the investment promotion of the Tudu board project to Tangzha District to take over. If he fell ill, he would be in the hospital for a few days.

Shen Huai didn’t go back to the county, so he asked Chen Dan to drive him directly to the Municipal People’s Hospital for registration, and the hospital was put on water. However, he called Zhou Qibao and Du Jian to the hospital to see him and explained to the people who would attract investment in the Tudu board project. The matter was handed over to Zhou Qibao to cooperate with Tangzha District, and Du Jian and Wang Weicheng completely let go and no longer care about the matter.


Shen Huai’s explanation was that there was no way to make Guo Chengze, Meng Jiansheng, and Chen Weili feel completely at ease. He even suspected that Shen Huai was deliberately acting as a shopkeeper after the Municipal Standing Committee. Looking at the medical records, Shen Huai really had a high fever of 40 degrees on the day he was admitted to the hospital.

Shen Huai was hospitalized for two days, and his body recovered.

In the next month or so, Shen Huai made three trips to Yushan, but Yang Lili avoided them; even Sun Yalin returned to France without saying goodbye after that morning.

This sudden evil fate seemed like a spring dream that seductively reminiscent of reverie, and he could only put it aside for the time being.

Only occasionally in the old house, put a large pot of hot water in the oversized bathtub in the bathroom of Sun Yalin’s room, and when I sit in, I can carefully reminisce the fragrant scene of the three people entangled in the bathtub. He stands tall.

The real devil in his heart is Sun Yalin.


Xie Zhi heard that Shen Huai had a high fever and was hospitalized. She also knew that after he pushed her down the lake, he wrapped in wet clothes before returning home to change. It was almost impossible not to get sick.

Although she felt guilty in her heart, it was impossible for her to visit Shen Huai in the hospital, and she had no chance to see Shen Huai again in the past few days.

On the twenty-seventh day of June, it was the 50th birthday of my aunt, Xie Jiahui, and Xie Zhi naturally wanted to rush back to Xucheng for a family banquet.

There was a delay in the company, Xie Zhi drove to Xie Tang’s house, the twilight was getting late, the setting sun could not enter the alley, and only the last bright light was left on the pink and gray courtyard wall – the cicadas on the trees had begun to disappear. Pause tweets.

Walking into the yard, I realized that Cheng Yi had just been here and left a red envelope for He Shou. He said goodbye and left without expressing his dissatisfaction here. Xie Zhi didn’t know whether Shen Huai was in Xucheng today, and guessed that Cheng Yi came here to send gifts. I wanted to express the normal human relationships and sophistication, and I thought that it shouldn’t disturb the mood here, but seeing her brother, her father, Ye Xuanfeng, and Hong Qi who rushed over at noon, their faces were covered with gloomy clouds, and they looked like they were deeply worried.

“What’s wrong?” Xie Zhi felt a little strange.

“Vice Mayor Chen just called to say that Liang Rongjun made an appointment with Zhou Fengyi today, and was delayed again by Fengli for excuses…” said Su Kaiwen, who rushed over to attend the birthday banquet.

This is really not good news. Before that, today should be Liang Rongjun’s third meeting with Zhou Fengyi.

Tangzha District strives for the Fengli Tudu board project. The biggest magic weapon is in Provincial Steel, Rongxin, and Fuji Iron.

The policies formulated by the central government cannot be broken through, and the tax incentives and financial subsidies that local governments can give enterprises are limited. Tangzha District can give it, Qingsha County will not be ambiguous – Fengli Group is a leading private enterprise in Pingjiang City, and the relationship between emotional and personal connections is a bit worse in Tangzha District, but the key depends on other supporting resources. supply.

Whether it is the complicated personal grievances in the past, or the most important thin plate market with Meigang in the future, Provincial Steel, Ronshine Group and Fuji Steel are all willing to cooperate with Tangzha District in this investment promotion. For Zhao Qiuhua and Chen Baoqi, as for the battlefield in Donghua City, it is in their interests to cooperate with Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng to drive Shen Huai away, even if Chen Weili replaces the secretary of the Xiapu County Party Committee and serves as the Standing Committee of the Donghua Municipal Party Committee.

Fuji Steel is reluctant to participate in too deep local disputes, but from the interests of the company, it does not show up directly and is willing to give a certain degree of cooperation. Therefore, for them, the best solution is for the joint venture steel mill to invest a small amount of shares in the Tudu slab project, but Ronshine Bank provides a loan to solve the funding problem for the construction of the Tudu slab project. The Fengli Tudu plate project is built outside the Meixi New Area, and the Fengli Tudu plate project must be strived for and incorporated into the industrial chain of the joint venture steel mill.

Liang Rongjun, as the deputy general manager of the Provincial Steel Group and the general manager of Xinjin Iron and Steel, has given the highest attention to the details of all industrial cooperation.

Fengli Group also did not reject the request for negotiation, but for more than a month, Zhou Fengyi, chairman of Fengli Group, has not shown up, which has explained some problems.

Xie Zhi was also deeply puzzled by the attitude of Fengli Group: “Qingsha County cannot offer higher conditions, nor can Shen Huai offer higher conditions, why is Zhou Fengyi not even willing to show up for a talk? ”

No one can guess what card Shen Huai is playing behind his back, and no one will tell them the truth, but Fengli Group seems to be determined, making everyone worry that it is too late to restore the situation at this time.

“The county has already started to mobilize the project for demolition and relocation,” Song Hongqi said in frustration. “Looking at this situation, Wei Nanhui has 70-80% confidence that he can keep the Tudu board project in Qingsha; Wang Yunqing also went to Qingsha this morning to inspect Yanjiang Industry. Garden, and then went to Fengli Group to investigate.”

“Ah…” Xie Zhi thought that things would turn around after Tangzha District took over the business, but she didn’t expect Qingsha County to speed up the process.

If Wei Nanhui were to successfully keep the Tudu board project in Qingsha, Hongqi would not have the chance to stand alone in Pingjiang in three or five years.

The stagnation of three or five years is nothing to the vast majority of officials. How many people in the official circles have not been benched? But for Hong Qi, who has greater ambitions in his career, the stagnation of three or five years will be fatal. With this delay, he may not be able to preside over district and county work until he is forty years old.

Compared with other princes, Hongqi’s development can be said to be too slow, too slow. In the future, there will be more restrictions on the ceiling, and even in this lifetime, it is impossible to reach the height of his father at this time.

Xie Zhi also couldn’t help but suspect that Shen Huai’s ultimate goal was to attack Hong Qi and slow down his development in his career. He also secretly felt that his uncle, Ye Xuanfeng, his father, and his brother were maliciously speculating about Shen Huai. , or not unfounded.

Everything comes from heir thinking?

From the moment Cheng Wenguang took charge of the political axe work in Hebei was elected as a member of the Central Committee, Xie Zhi knew that the secret contest between Hongqi’s father and Cheng Wenguang had begun; Hongqi’s father Who and Cheng Wenguang will become the next top official of the Song Clan in charge of the local area is something that many people inside and outside the Song Clan are waiting to see.

Everyone knows very well that with the age of Hongqi’s father and Cheng Wenguang, as long as he can successfully take charge of the locality and become a senior official in the frontier in the next five years, it is almost a sure thing to enter the Politburo before retreating to the second line. He became the leader of the second generation of the Song Dynasty.

It’s just that there are too many uncertain factors behind it, that is, the internal resources of the Song family are more inclined to be tilted, and there is no conclusion. Some members of the Song family who are relatively literate are also undecided. I don’t know if Song Qiaosheng and Cheng Wenguang are involved Who should give priority to support.

The old man’s attitude is also cloudy and foggy.

The heir may be one of the most critical factors driving the fundamental change in direction.

The heir has a greater development prospect, which usually means that the development prospect of the faction is clearer and more open, and it can also bring long-term stable benefits to the faction.

Xie Zhi knew that Hongqi’s father had long-term considerations in this regard, and he had long decided to take Ye Xuanfeng and Hongqi as the core and to succeed in a step-by-step manner. thing.

However, Shen Huai’s rise was too monstrous, and Ye Xuanfeng, who had a very good internal evaluation, had already been set off by a dim light. Xie Zhi didn’t know if Hong Qi was severely injured again this time, it would have a profound negative impact on their side.

However, Xie Zhi couldn’t help but think about what Shen Huai said to her after she fell into the water that day. Could it be that this side has misjudged the direction from the beginning, so that step by step is passive?

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