Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 979

Chapter 965: Exchange

“Regional cooperation is not about playing empty shells or playing with concepts.”

With a cigarette in his left hand, Shen Huai deliberately lowered his tone of voice, not so flamboyant, but there are certain things that he is duty-bound to stand up and speak.

“Secretary Nanhui proposed that the two sides of the strait should engage in the joint development of the economic belt. This proposal is very good. From a small scale, Qingsha County and Meixi New District are separated by a strip of water, breaking the administrative gap, and developing industries in the Zhujiangkou area should be coordinated as a whole. , joint development, realize resource complementarity, engage in orderly competition and mutual promotion. Vice Mayor Chen proposed to develop 100 billion advantageous industries, this idea is very good, but it is not good enough, because Vice Mayor Chen’s vision is only limited to the East Hua, it did not meet the requirements of Secretary Xu. It would be more reasonable to adjust the planning plan of Deputy Mayor Chen, and consider the Yanjiang Industrial Park of Qingsha County together. Is it better to promote a more reasonable layout of the entire industry, faster development and growth? Meixi Port, and the Jianggang Wharf within the Qingsha Yanjiang Industrial Park, the waterway is only four to eight kilometers away from The waterway to Tiansheng Port is still a long way off; after the completion of the Zhujiangkou Cross-river Bridge, it will only take 10 to 20 minutes by car. The two places share the same dialect, culture and industry. , to cut the organic whole of the Zhujiang Estuary? And Secretary Xu has repeatedly stressed that the entire Huaihai Bay should develop a large river-sea combined transportation. Pingjiang City has no advantage in developing deep-water seaports. The import and export of bulk commodities are mainly distributed in Jinghai Port, which is far away. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is difficult to improve efficiency. We should strive to strengthen the cooperation and joint development of Pingjiang City’s riverside port terminals, Xinpu Port and the future Xinjin Port. Vice Mayor Chen did not mention this in his proposal. I feel a little sorry…”

Seeing Shen Huai’s concentrated artillery bombarding Chen Weili’s face, everyone sitting around the conference table was expressionless.

Although Shen Huai is not likable, the Donghua steel industry can have the scale it is today and have a certain position at home and abroad. With a scale of over 100 billion, Chen Weili is not qualified to dominate and fight for the right to speak in front of Shen Huai.

In Chen Weili’s planning plan, there is no Shen Huai’s voice, but it’s just a false beak. Besides, Chen Weili’s concept of a 100 billion industry was originally aimed at Shen Huai. He chose to stand up and fight against Shen Huai, so he can’t blame Shen Huai. At this time, he was cruel to him.

Chen Weili’s face turned pale for a while. Although he was the deputy mayor, no one in the audience thought that he would be heavier than Shen Huai, and it was impossible for Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng to have the slightest sympathy for him in order to choose themselves.

Shen Huai looked away from Chen Weili’s face and knew that he would leave some topics for others to talk about, so he stopped talking and said, “I have been leading the development of Meishan Iron and Steel for the past few years. That’s how it feels.”

Xu Pei nodded slightly, signaling the others to continue exchanging opinions.

Meng Jiansheng saw that Shen Huai’s artillery fire was fierce, but his words were still very measured. It seemed that his purpose was very clear, and he had no intention of spreading the war. He let go of his mind, coughed lightly, and said:

“The development of Meixi New Area is faced with the problem of insufficient land for industrial construction. We felt this when we were fighting for the Tudu board project. Within the metallurgical industrial park, only 800 acres can be allocated for the Tudu board project. It is enough, but if Fengli Group wants to further expand its production scale, it will not be able to get a whole piece of construction land nearby. And the future market for coated boards is very large, we should not be satisfied with the current production capacity of one million tons In terms of scale, we must also be able to imagine the future production capacity of 2 million tons, 3 million tons, or even 5 million tons of coated board, so we have to look farther. I have heard what Secretary Shen said. Shaxian is also engaged in a metallurgical industrial park on the other side. The joint development of the two parks and the joint investment promotion can have strong complementary advantages. Our two places do not fight in each other, but join forces to compete for metallurgical projects outside. The big fight is big. Secretary Wei proposed to set aside a place in the Yanjiang Industrial Park of Qingsha County, and jointly build an international metallurgical industrial park with Tangzha District, as the extension of the Meixi New Area Metallurgical Industrial Park. Contribute capital, jointly plan and build this industrial park, coordinate investment promotion, solicit projects, and finally use the tax that should be left in the local area as profit, which is shared by both parties. I think this proposal is very good, and the power industry jointly developed by Xiapu County and Huaixi Qingfeng County The park model is very similar. Qingfeng’s electric power industrial park is an innovative model developed in the province, and the provincial Party secretary Zhong and Xu support it; I think the city should seriously consider this proposal to promote this work, and I would like to ask Secretary Xu to give us strong support…”

Although the joint development of the economic belt on both sides of the Zhujiang River is a plan proposed by Wei Nanhui on behalf of Qingsha County and Pingjiang City, everyone with a discerning eye knows that Shen Huai is more involved in this. There are various innovative mechanisms that break through existing policies in this plan. When I arrived at Feng Zhichu, I was secretly shocked, but I have to say that these innovative mechanisms are worth trying.

In Guo Chengze’s office this morning, I heard that Pingjiang City might give up some of the actual benefits in regional cooperation this time. Before Wei Nanhui proposed the specific method of cooperation, Feng Zhichu did not expect that Pingjiang City would agree to cooperate in building an industrial park. way to share Fengli’s Tudu board project.

The land is allocated within the scale of the Yanjiang Industrial Park in Qingsha County, and the two governments will jointly fund the construction of the industrial park. Fengli’s Tudu board project will be built in this industrial park. The big economic data belongs to Pingjiang City, but it can be intercepted locally. The tax revenue that can be classified into local fiscal revenue will be shared by Tangzha District and Qingsha County, which can be regarded as the biggest cake sharing for Donghua to participate in this project.

In the longer term, the joint construction of an industrial park in Qingsha County can make up for the shortage of industrial construction land in Meixi New Area to a certain extent, share the local fiscal revenue that the industrial park can withhold for a long time, and find new opportunities for local fiscal growth in Tangzha District. For Qingsha County, the construction of the Industrial Park along the Yangtze River has just started, and more resources such as capital construction funds need to be introduced to improve the infrastructure.

In Qingsha County and even Pingjiang City, metallurgical industries such as iron and steel are inherently weak, and Tangzha District will help them to strengthen them. Even if they give up half of the local financial income, they will still make money.

Sitting behind Guo Chengze, Feng Zhichu could see that Chen Weili’s face was as black as iron. He knew the feeling of being thrown on a stone as an egg by others. Chen Weili would not feel good.

After Meng Jiansheng, Guo Chengze continued:

“The Lanjiang Expressway and the Zhujiangkou Cross-River Bridge have several plans from the Provincial Department of Construction. I’m also thinking, can it be built this year? The provincial finance has no money, and the Provincial Expressway Group has no extra budget. A part of the construction fund can be allocated to Pingjiang City, Lanjiang City and Donghua City, and another part can be allocated. This year, the construction of Lanjiang Expressway can start this year. The construction of Lanjiang Expressway can be started this year. The Huaihai Bay area includes cities such as Pingjiang and Tinghu on the south bank of the Zhujiang River. To engage in regional cooperation, strengthen local horizontal integration, and promote the unified planning and development and overall construction of the Huaihai Bay Economic Zone, of course, we cannot limit our attention to the north bank of the Zhujiang River. The construction of the Lanzhou-Lanjiang Expressway and the cross-river bridge will help the two sides of the strait to be more organically integrated into a whole.”

There will be no formal meeting minutes and no resolutions will be made at the exchange meeting, but Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng have made clear their positions one after another, Gao Yang secretly feels that regional cooperation with Pingjiang may soon be fully rolled out.

Gao Yang couldn’t help but glance at Chen Baoqi, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Seeing that Chen Baoqi was looking at the thermos cup in his hand, his eyes were half-closed, and he couldn’t understand what he was thinking.

Chen Bing took over Guo Chengze’s speech and said: “I am coordinating financial work in the city, and I will add one more thing. In terms of hardware, horizontal integration and regional cooperation are required. As Mayor Guo said, we will strive to start the Lanjiang Expressway within this year. And the construction of the bridge across the river, the software needs to be integrated horizontally, and the cooperation in the construction of an international metallurgical park in the Qingsha Riverside Economic Belt is also on the one hand, and it is also possible to strengthen the cooperation of financial leaders. The local economy needs to develop and finance needs to innovate. The four major The policies of state-owned commercial banks are relatively strict, but some policies of local city commercial banks, urban and rural credit cooperatives, and credit unions can still be mastered locally, and they should be relatively flexible…”

Shen Huai was sitting at the conference table, smoking a cigarette calmly. The regional cooperation between Donghua and Pingjiang was in full swing.

Shen Huai does not compel Fengli to tie its coated board project into the downstream industrial chain of Meisteel, but a good upstream and downstream cooperative relationship will undoubtedly make Meisteel more competitive and advantageous than Provincial Steel. ; And make Pingjiang’s riverside ports connect with Xinpu Port, and Pingjiang deeply participates in the river-sea combined transportation system of Xinpu Port, which will promote the development of Xinpu Port, further introduce port investment, and expand the business scale of Xinpu International Shipping Group. All have great impetus.

Pingjiang and Donghua have launched regional cooperation in an all-round way, and there is a direct benefit to the Meigang Department, which is that the development of city commercial banks can achieve breakthroughs.

The operation of local city commercial banks is subject to strict regional restrictions, that is, Donghua city commercial banks cannot set up branches in cities other than Donghua and solicit public deposits.

This actually restricts Donghua City Commercial Bank from developing into a small commercial regional bank, but it is not that there are other ways to break through.

Restricted by domestic financial policies, and at the same time by the current level of banking operations and risk control, large national commercial banks headed by industry and commerce, construction, transportation, etc., mainly focus on supporting the public-owned economy, and provide financial support to private enterprises. Support is limited.

The private economy of Pingjiang City is relatively active, but without strong financial support, it is greatly restricted in expanding the scale of reproduction and industrial upgrading – this is also a key reason why the economic momentum of Pingjiang City has not been as good as that of Donghua in the past two years. reason.

Although Pingjiang also established a city commercial bank as early as, the development speed is slow and it is far from meeting the financial needs of Pingjiang’s private economic development.

Fengli’s Tudu board project has had several twists and turns, which is a typical epitome of the current financial situation.

When it comes to regional cooperation, Shen Huai hopes that the financial cooperation that Chen Bing will directly promote is the hope that Donghua City Commercial Bank can inject capital and hold shares in the city commercial banks in Pingjiang City.

In this way, the financial capital of Meigang Group mainly concentrated in Donghua City Commercial Bank can break through regional restrictions and develop into Pingjiang City, where the private economy is more active; after the opening is opened, it can continue to expand to Lanshan, Yicheng and Xucheng. The city commercial bank injected capital and participated in the shareholding to prepare for the formation of a large regional medium-sized commercial bank in the Huaihai Bay area.

Yexin Bank and even foreign banks such as BNP Paribas and Berkeley Bank, which have close cooperative relations with Meigang Group, may also participate this time to further expand their basic market on the coast of Huaihai Bay.

After the city commercial bank in Pingjiang has received a large amount of capital injection and other high-quality resources, in addition to its own development will rapidly improve, the financial support for the development of the private economy in Pingjiang will naturally be greatly enhanced.

These are also things that Pingjiang City desires.

It can even go a step further. The metallurgical industrial park in Qingsha Yanjiang Industrial Park is jointly built by the two places. Can Donghua City Commercial Bank set up a branch in this industrial park?


PS: La La La – I’d like to tell you a piece of good news, Yanyu Jiangnan has published a new book, and his “blasphemy” has become popular all over the Internet. Everyone still remembers the fat Rogge, the bone dragon Gregory, the Pope’s earth-shattering big No prophecy? His new book is called “Eternal Night King”

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