Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 981

Chapter 967: Coordination Council

Once the cover was lifted, the movements of the two sides were exceptionally quick.

The next day, Wang Yunqing, Secretary of the Pingjiang Municipal Party Committee, rushed to Donghua to attend the regional cooperation forum; although it was only an informal visit, many keynotes were set.

The Pingjiang Municipal Committee and Municipal Axe will soon discuss the decision to pass the joint development of Qingsha Yanjiang Industrial Park and Meixi New District at the economic work conference in early July.

This is the fastest decision by the Pingjiang Municipal Committee.

The core part of the joint development is Tangzha District and Qingsha County. In the Yanjiang Industrial Park of Qingsha County, a total of 10 square kilometers of industrial land is set aside in the two phases to build Meixi-Qingsha Metallurgical Industrial Park. At the same time, sufficient resources will be provided to promote the construction of the Fengli Tudu board project in this metallurgical industrial park as soon as possible.

In the next five years, in addition to land transfer income and local tax rebates, Tangzha District also promised to invest 500 million yuan in land leveling, road gardening, water supply and drainage, power supply and riverside wharfs in the Metallurgical Industrial Park. Construction of facilities, construction of standard workshops and office space for leasing.

Tangzha District Party Committee District Political Axe also passed resolutions on related matters at the same time and submitted them to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Axe for approval.

At the same time, the Pingjiang Municipal Committee passed the resolution to promote financial innovation and promote the restructuring and expansion of Pingjiang City Commercial Bank, allowing Donghua City Commercial Bank and Yexin Bank to inject capital to hold a total of 20% of the shares of Pingjiang City Commercial Bank, and allowing foreign banks Berke. Lai and BNP Paribas injected capital to hold a total of 10% of the shares of Pingjiang City Commercial Bank.

In addition to injecting 400 million yuan of capital into Pingjiang City Commercial Bank, the four banks will jointly provide a total of 1.5 billion yuan in project loans to Fengli Group to promote the Tudu board project with an annual output of one million tons Construction started in Meixi-Qingsha Metallurgical Industrial Park.

Since Donghua City Commercial Bank had foreign banks and Yexin Bank as shares when it was established, its management was on the right track.

Donghua Municipal Axe, through municipal state-owned enterprises, indirectly held state-owned shares at about 30% at the beginning, and after several capital increase and share expansion, the city did not participate, and the shareholding dropped to about 15%. It is difficult for the firm to compete with Meigang for control.

Therefore, for the approval of the relevant financial cooperation agreement, Donghua City Commercial Bank only needs to report to the Municipal Axe, and does not need to obtain the approval of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Axe.

The cooperation agreement between Xinpu Port and Pingjiang Port was also signed in late July.

Pingjiang has no deep-water seaport resources. In the past, the import and export of bulk commodities in Pingjiang City was mostly distributed through Zhenhai Port, which is 500 to 600 kilometers away.

Xinpu Port and Pingjiang Port, in addition to the connection of river-sea combined transportation and the substantial reduction of distribution voyages, will adopt a form similar to the joint construction of Meixi-Qingsha Metallurgical Industrial Park. Both parties will jointly fund and establish a joint port investment and development company. To the south of the coal terminal, a two-kilometer coastline has been set aside to invest in the construction of new berths, which not only expands the total scale of Xinpu Port, but also allows Pingjiang to share the huge benefits brought by the development of Xinpu Port. In this way, the Pingjiang Port Department will also There is more motivation to promote the distribution of bulk commodities in Pingjiang City through Xinpu Port.

The cooperation in the Huaihai Bay area is mainly concentrated in Donghua and Pingjiang. The specific framework of cooperation is promoted by Guo Chengze, Chen Bing and others in the districts, counties and cities involved. At a higher level, Xu Pei puts cooperation in the Huaihai Bay Economic Zone. It is carried out under the framework of the development leading group. Although Chen Baoqi is the secretary of the Donghua Municipal Party Committee, he is caught in the middle and cannot move. If he wants to interfere, he has no way to intervene. He can only see the cooperation framework agreement item by item. fly past.

Jiangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Political Axe soon also came out to support regional cooperation. Although no official resolution has been issued in a short period of time, in mid-August, the Qingsha County Committee on the promotion and adjustment list of relevant provincial cadres in the Organization Department of Jiangdong Provincial Party Committee Secretary Wei Nanhui was officially promoted to serve as the deputy mayor of Pingjiang Municipal Axe.

Although it is still a step away from the real ideal situation, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Pingjiang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Qingsha County Party Committee, compared with the beginning of the year when the throne of the County Party Committee Secretary could not be preserved, Wei Nanhui took a solid step in his career, and also took Song Hongqi The hope of presiding over the work of important districts and counties has been completely extinguished.

After the development plan of Huaihai Bay Economic Zone was approved by the State Council, the development leading group established later was an organization officially established by the Huaihai Provincial Editorial Committee; in order to promote the work of regional cooperation, but also to put regional cooperation in the development leadership of Huaihai Bay Economic Zone Under the framework of the group, Xu Pei pushed through a resolution at the Provincial Standing Committee in mid-August to set up a Huaihai Bay Regional Cooperation Coordination Group, inviting Wang Yunqing, Wei Nanhui and other Jiangdong provincial officials to participate.

With the cooperation of Shen Huai, the Huai-East Power Transmission Project was also promoted under the Huaihai Bay Regional Cooperation Framework.

In order to promote the construction of Lanjiang Expressway, Xu Pei, Wang Yunqing, Wu Haifeng and Shen Huai, who was hidden behind the scenes, all advocated the establishment of Lanjiang Expressway Co., Ltd. outside the Provincial Expressway Group.

In the draft plan, the registered capital of Lanjiang Expressway Group shares will reach one billion yuan, and Huaihai Political Axe Construction Fund will lead the investment of 500 million yuan. The five units including the Group invested 100 million yuan respectively, and the subsequent construction funds of nearly 3 billion will mainly be supported by the Huaihai Zhengfu Construction Fund and relevant banks to provide low-interest loans; after completion, the Lanjiang Expressway will be operated for 25 years. Owned by the group company.

When Lanjiang Expressway is completed, it will be connected to the expressway network in Jiangdong Province to the south; while in Xiapu, as long as more than 200 million yuan is invested, a 20-kilometer branch expressway will be introduced to the east, and then it will be connected to Xudong Expressway.

In addition to further strengthening the core position of Xinpu Port in the Huaihai Bay inter-maritime transportation system, it is also of great significance to the follow-up development of Xinjin Port.

Only from the point of view of personal direct competition in career, Zhao Qiuhua never hopes that the Huaihai Bay regional cooperation under the leadership of Xu Pei will be too big, too strong and too dazzling, nor does he hope that so much work can be done in a short period of time. You can get the progress of breakthrough surname.

Chen Baoqi, Yu Chengzhen, Gao Yang, Ge Yongqiu, Han Shouchun, etc., as well as within the provincial steel, can generally be consistent with Zhao Qiuhua, but the status of Rongxin Group and Zhao Qiuhua within the Hu clan is equal, should we protect Zhao Qiuhua’s status in Huaihai? Without being overly squeezed by Xu Pei and sacrificing the interests of Ronshine Group in Xinjin Port, the voices from within Ronshine Group were a bit mixed.

Ronshine Group has invested heavily in Xinjin and participated in the construction of Xinjin Iron and Steel, Xinjin Port and other projects.

It is hoped that Xinjin Port will become the core industrial base of Ronshine Group in China. At the same time, Ronshine Real Estate, in addition to leading the construction of the Binjiang business district in Qinjiang District in Xucheng, has also invested heavily in large-scale comprehensive real estate development in Donghua. There is just so much they need to plan.

Even if the construction of Lanjiang Expressway does not start, the east extension of Xudong Expressway to connect to Xinpu Port will start construction within this year; when the Xudong Railway double-track project is completed, the advantages of Xinpu Port will be completely determined.

It is very difficult for Xinjin Port to surpass Xinpu Port. However, as the industrial base of Rongxin Group in China, the most urgent thing for Xinjin Port is to first realize the connection with Xudong Expressway and Xudong Railway, so that there will be more changes in the future. Great development potential, not just the production base of the joint venture steel plant between Provincial Steel and Rongxin Group.

The construction of Lanjiang Expressway has started. Without Ronshine Group paying a penny, the connection between Xinjin Port and Jiangdong and Huaihai Expressway networks can be realized. How could Ronshine Group be willing to compete with Xu Pei for Zhao Qiuhua? , completely ignoring these interests?

If Zhao Qiuhua still has a great future in his career, he may indeed put more chips on him, but Zhao Qiuhua’s performance in Huaihai over the past few years can only be described as unsatisfactory, and there are also people within the Hu clan who are more inclined to exchange for more practicality. interests first.

In the province, the voice is even more pure.

In the past, the construction scale of Lanjiang Expressway was planned to be constructed mainly by the provincial government axe financial appropriation.

After the completion of Lanjiang Expressway, it will mainly benefit Donghua and Lanshan cities; under the circumstance of such tight infrastructure funds, how could the other eleven prefecture-level cities in the province agree to send such a large amount of construction funds eastward. Are the cities of Hua and Lanshan tilted?

Well now, without the need for provincial financial allocation, Lanjiang Expressway is carried out under the framework of Huaihai Bay Regional Cooperation. The main funds are contributed by the Huaihai Political Axe Construction Fund and the beneficiary Municipal Axe. The other eleven prefectures and cities are naturally greedy. Why go to the province to make trouble.

The biggest resistance before was eliminated at once; when the resistance was eliminated, the driving force became more dazzling.

The construction of a cross-river bridge at Zhujiangkou will truly realize rapid geographical connection between Pingjiang and Donghua, making it more convenient for bulk commodity trade and transportation in Pingjiang and other south bank counties and cities to be distributed through Xinpu Port, laying a solid hardware foundation for regional cooperation between the two places. The meaning is of course needless to say.

As for the construction of the Lanjiang Expressway, Donghua City’s finances only need to allocate 100 million yuan to the outside world. Chen Baoqi and Yu Chengzhen have a hundred reluctance in their hearts, how can they say “no” in the city?

Lanshan City, on the northern section of Lanjiang Highway, is connected to other cities in Huaihai Province because it is mainly blocked by Yushan Mountain.

After the strong economic rise of Donghua, especially the completion of the Haiphong Highway and the start of construction of the Lanshan section of the Jinghai Highway, Lanshan City has also been affected to a certain extent, and its economic development has improved somewhat, but it is far from strong.

Lanshan has been in a marginalized position for a long time. There are no highways, no railways in the territory, and no ability to build a large deep-water seaport. At this time, it has slipped into one of the most economically impoverished cities in Huaihai Province, and it is urgent to improve the status quo.

The construction of Lanjiang Expressway requires Lanjiang Municipal Axe to undertake an investment obligation of 100 million yuan, which exceeds the financial capacity of Lanshan City. At the work meeting, “bang bang” loudly patted his chest and said that when he went back to smash the pot and sell iron, he would collect the money without delay when needed.

This is completely a good thing that “if you miss this village, you won’t have this store”. Everyone knows in their hearts that without the Huaihai Political Axe Construction Fund taking the lead, the Lanjiang Expressway may not be able to start construction even after ten years.

The coordination meeting went well, everyone’s attitude was very positive, and the meeting ended soon. Wang Yunqing and Wei Nanhui had to rush back to Pingjiang overnight. Shen Huai broke up with them at the parking lot in front of Baiyi Pavilion of the Provincial State Guest House.

When Shen Huai went to a meeting in the province, he would always reunite with Cheng Yi, and naturally he would not ask Du Jian or Wang Weicheng to follow him. As soon as he drove out of the gate of the State Guest House, Li Gu called:

“Lao Pang wants to invite you to dinner tonight, depending on his style, but I don’t want you to refuse.”

Pang Yunsong was the deputy director of the provincial economic commission earlier, and Tian Jiageng, the former secretary of the provincial party committee, was in Huaihai, and he was transferred to Lanshan as the executive deputy mayor.

In order to promote the work of the Huaihai Bay Economic Zone, Xu Pei is more dependent on Pang Yunsong. Pang Yunsong has risen rapidly in Lanshan. At the beginning of the year, he served as Secretary of the Lanshan Municipal Party Committee. He has a good personal relationship with Li Gu.

“Secretary Pang’s chest clapped loudly at the meeting. This person hasn’t finished yet. He won’t say that Lanshan can’t even make this 100 million yuan, right?” Cheng Yidu was already in the office waiting for him to drive over to pick him up. Shen Huai really didn’t want to go to Pang Yunsong’s dinner, so he asked Li Gu directly on the phone.

“It’s still possible to get it together, but Lanshan’s funds are tight. If you collect 100 million to fill in the construction of Lanjiang Expressway, Lanshan will delay a lot of other work,” Li Gu said with a smile on the phone, “Old Pang In order to raise construction funds, it is notorious to conduct apportionment within the party and government system of Lanshan. For 100 million yuan, he has to borrow a month’s salary from the administrative, career and teaching staff of Lanshan City to make it up. I’m afraid the following people will turn against him.”

It is notorious for Pang Yunsong to raise funds after he went to Lanshan. During his several years as mayor, all the administrative and career staff of Lanshan City, as well as primary and secondary school teachers, could only receive ten months’ salary each year.

The finances of Lanshan City are too weak, and the channels for external financing are also very narrow. After the local banking institutions in Lanshan City have been drained, they can only make a fuss about the salaries of financial support staff if they want to build bridges and build infrastructure.

The administrative staff and teaching staff in Lanshan have low wages, and they have been forcibly apportioned many times.

In fact, the initial investment of one billion yuan in the construction of Lanjiang Expressway is not less than the 100 million yuan of Lanshan, but the subsequent construction funds of nearly three billion will mainly rely on bank loans. Pulling in Lanshan will help to obtain loans in the future. resource.

The Lanjiang Expressway project itself has very poor returns. Even if the joint venture has the right to operate for 25 years, it is difficult to predict whether it will eventually break even. Shen Huai strongly promoted Qiqi to see this project, and he also valued the completion of the Lanjiang Expressway. The comprehensive benefits such as the promotion of local economic development are much higher than the project itself.

This project with high comprehensive social benefits and poor self-operating benefits can only be invested by local governments and purely state-owned enterprises. After the completion of Lanjiang Expressway, Lanshan City will benefit a lot. Naturally, everyone hopes that Lanshan will undertake a project. share responsibility.

Shen Huai could understand Lanshan’s eagerness to build a highway, so Pang Yunsong’s chest clapped loudly at the meeting. Through Li Gu asking him to eat, it seems that Lanshan has some difficulty in taking out the money.

“I made a dinner appointment with someone tonight, I’m afraid I won’t be able to go to Secretary Pang’s appointment,” Shen Huai thought for a while, and said, “The problem of Lanshan City’s investment is not without solutions. Lanshan City can do it. Contact CNOOC to see if CNOOC is interested in investing.”

“Why would CNOOC be interested in participating in the construction of the expressway?” Li Gu was quite puzzled. CNOOC failed to successfully list in Hong Kong to raise funds in 1997, and now even the funds for the expansion of its main business are extremely tight. Other infrastructure fields, not to mention the Lanjiang Expressway project itself, may have limited benefits.

“If the gas stations along the Lanjiang Expressway are tied to CNOOC, do you think they are interested in stepping in?” Shen Huai asked.

Li Gu did not expect that Shen Huai had this idea.

Eight gas stations and service areas will be built along the Lanjiang Expressway. This may not be a big deal, but the key point is that Lanjiang Expressway will be a part of the main artery of coastal expressway in the future. The franchise of the station will be of great benefit to CNOOC’s future oil product sales network.

“If that’s the case, the Lanjiang Expressway only asked CNOOC to contribute 100 million yuan, is it too little?” Li Gu asked.

“I won’t intervene in this matter. It depends on Lanshan City.” Shen Huai said.

“Why didn’t you take the initiative to contact CNOOC?” Li Gu asked curiously.

“When Xinpu Refinery was built, CNOOC was brought in for cooperation. Petrochemical Corporation and Petroleum Corporation have great opinions on our side. Now I’m learning to keep a low profile.” Shen Huai said.

On the other end of the phone, Li Gu laughed and said, “Okay, since Lanshan can’t even get 100 million yuan, this villain will naturally have to be done by Lao Pang, maybe he can get two more from CNOOC. The project will go to Lanshan. Well, you can go to your dinner, but do you have time to meet at night?”

“Okay, you have dealt with Secretary Pang and the others well, and we will contact you by phone.” Shen Huai said.


Shen Huai drove to the Provincial People’s Bank, and Cheng Yi was already staring at the provincial pedestrian building.

Cheng Yi was wearing a simple plain long dress, stood gracefully on the steps, her long hair was casually clipped with amber hairpins, and her white and tender face was unusually soft under the setting sun. She saw Shen Huai. He drove over and walked over excitedly waving his hand.

“How about we eat western food today?” Shen Huai asked.

“…” Cheng Yi reached out and touched Shen Huai’s forehead, and asked in surprise, “No problem, why do you suddenly remember to eat Western food?”

Others have been born abroad for many years, so they wouldn’t reject Western food too much, but Shen Huai has never liked Western food very much, and Cheng Yi was also surprised by this. It was a little strange to see him take the initiative to eat Western food today.

“I thought you would be very excited,” Shen Huai said, seeing that Chengyi was not only not excited, but also suspected that there was something wrong with him today, and said as if he was defeated, “I still want to take you to Kiddji to see your face. ?”

“I knew you were not at ease,” Cheng Yi laughed and asked, “Why, is there something else going on at night?”

“Li Gu made an appointment to meet at night to talk about things, but he couldn’t get out of it for a while,” Shen Huai took out two movie tickets from the dashboard and said, “The movie starts at seven o’clock, the time is a little tight, we I can only make do with KFC for dinner…”

Cheng Yi saw that Shen Huai had brought out two movie tickets for “Notting Hill” starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, and said excitedly, “I thought you didn’t have time, so I made an appointment with my colleagues to watch it together on Saturday. “It seems that I’m going to let them go.”

Although it is not a weekend, Xinshi Street is still full of people.

There are three or four million people in the urban area, and the core business area is less than two square kilometers, so it is usually crowded with people; and there are not many cinemas in Xinshi Street.

Fortunately, Shen Huai expected this situation. When he held a meeting at the Provincial Guest House in the afternoon, he asked people to buy movie tickets in advance. He was only able to find a seat after waiting in a long queue at the KFC store, or fighting a table with a couple of college students.

When the movie was about to end, Li Gu sent a text message to ask where Shen Huai was.

Thinking that it was still early, Shen Huai asked Li Gu to meet at the cafe next to the cinema. He and Cheng Yi walked over from the cinema first, ordered coffee and drank first.

“You didn’t have a coordination meeting together in the afternoon, so I can’t talk about anything in the afternoon. What will Li Gu talk to you alone at night?” Cheng Yi asked.

“Perhaps Xu Pei had something inconvenient to talk to me directly, so Li Gucai asked me to meet alone?” Shen Huai guessed.

“Talk about your transfer?” Cheng Yi asked uncertainly.

“It should be,” Shen Huai said. “Every aspect of the conditions is ripe. Xu Pei is still close to his throne as governor. He doesn’t want to make extra troubles. He should sit down and give us some benefits first. Pei Mo can’t save face, and he can’t be sure how big our appetite is. It’s the most suitable for Li Gu to talk to me. I actually thought, if I can transfer to the province this time to stay for three or five years, I’ll do nothing. Okay. How about we have the baby?”

“Let’s talk about it when you really sit on the bench, I don’t have time to talk to you now.” Cheng Yi pursed her rosy lips and said to Shen Huai playfully.

The situation has always been changing rapidly. Before the regional cooperation was released, many people speculated that Shen Huai might be transferred to the province to be idle this time. Leisure is also difficult.

Shen Huai wanted Chen Bing to take over the position of Secretary of the Xiapu County Party Committee. At the same time, Chen Bing’s qualifications could also be a member of the Standing Committee of the Donghua Municipal Party Committee. Therefore, whether it is the follow-up development of or the coordination of all aspects of the relationship in Donghua City, Chen Bing is competent enough.

Shen Huai couldn’t be promoted and presided over the Donghua municipal axe work in a short period of time, so there was no need to stay in Donghua and overlap with Chen Bing.

It’s just that after the transfer from Donghua, it’s not entirely up to Shen Huai to decide what to do.

Cheng Yi and Shen Huai are both surnames and can read well, but when they have children, the issues to be considered will be very different.

Even if Shen Huai is transferred to the province to work, others can’t be idle, and Cheng Yi has a career that she can’t talk about too stable to fight for, so it’s not the time to have a child.

Cheng Yi still wants to wait two or three years, her career will be more stable, and it is better to have children when she has more personal time.

Shen Huai touched her nose and smiled. Cheng Yi was only twenty-seven years old. After studying abroad for many years, she also wanted to have a career of her own when she returned to China. Shen Huai also didn’t want her to be tied to her family so early.

“Ah, Sister Cheng Yi…”

Shen Huai was talking to Cheng Yi, and when he heard someone shouting, he looked up and saw Xie Zhi and Xie Tang standing at the door as if they had just walked in. Xie Tang waved to this side, and Xie Zhi saw them in the cafe. It looked like he was going to pull Xie Tang away.

Xie Tang pulled Xie Zhi over and said, “I saw the two of you at the movie theater just now, but it was far away, so you didn’t hear me calling. We originally wanted to let Wei Yue drive to pick him up, but Wei Yue called your dad temporarily. We went out to run errands, and we waited in the cafe, but I didn’t expect to meet the two of you again…”

Seeing Xie Tang’s cordial appearance, Cheng Yi didn’t want to turn people away, but Shen Huai was waiting to talk to Li Gu, so she obviously couldn’t ask Xie Zhi to listen, she stood up and said, “Shen Huai has an appointment later. See you here, I’m about to leave, why don’t I drive you back?”

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