Stigma (Yi Cong Yin)

Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Assassinated

Duan Mingchong and Sui Yan stayed at Xiangguo Temple for another day.

Sui Yan had nothing to do all day, and Duan Ming Chong was busy with the ceremonial ceremony. Sui Yan had no choice but to go to the Shideng Xiaozhuli of Xiangguo Temple by himself to see the long life lamp that Duanming Chongdian had spotted.

Xiaozhuzhong was full of burning stone lanterns. As soon as Sui Yan entered, he ran into Master Gengxue who was holding a prayer bead.

Sui Yan: “…”

Sui Yan cursed in a low voice, secretly saying that the enemy’s road was narrow, but because of etiquette, he couldn’t turn around and leave.

He stepped forward and nodded as a salute: “Master is well.”

Even more snowy smiled but smiled back, and said lightly: “What is Hou Ye doing here?”

Sui Yan didn’t blink his eyes: “I’m lost.”

Gengxue smiled. I don’t know if he believed his nonsense. He turned sideways and said, “Then where Lord Hou wants to go, the poor monk will guide you.”

Year-old Yan Pi smiled without a smile, gritted his teeth and said: “Go… to the Dharma Hall to listen to the Dharma.”

Gengxue smiled and said: “That’s a coincidence. Today it is the turn of the poor monk to speak the Dharma in the Dharma Hall. Let Hou Ye come with me.”

Sui Yan: “…”

Sui Yan gritted his teeth and followed Gengxue to the hall.

He stared at the back of the monk’s head, thinking all over his head-if he grabbed a bunch of snow and smashed the bald head of the monk, will Xuexue’s temperament, who see through Hongchen, directly beat him in disregard of his image.

But Sui Yan just dared to think, but didn’t have the courage and leisure to do it.

He kept thinking all the way, and finally followed Gengxue to the hall.

There have been many monks in the hall, all sitting on the throne, holding the Buddha beads in their hands and chanting with their eyes closed.

Gengxue walked to the table in the center of the hall and bowed her hands together in a salute.

There is a huge screen behind the seat of the law, with a picture of a beast faintly painted. Sui Yan didn’t look at it very much. He chose a place near the door to sit down at random, planning to run away secretly later.

He had just sat down cross-legged, and a surprised voice appeared on the side: “Forget home?”

Sui Yan tilted his head: “Ah.”

It’s Gann and he.

Jiang Enhe wrapped a small Buddhist bead in his hands. He was kneeling so that his legs were numb. Seeing Sui Yan suddenly appeared, he was like traveling all the way and finally saw his relatives, and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Sui Yan was taken aback and whispered: “Why are you here?”

On the throne, Gengxue had already begun to speak the words Sui Yan and Jiang Enhe couldn’t understand, and the two secretly got together and whispered to each other, sneaky and didn’t know that they thought they were plotting something bad.

Jiang Enhe sniffed, and said aggrieved: “Yesterday the Hou Mansion mixed with an assassin, and General Suixun was assassinated…”

With only the first sentence, Sui Yan almost jumped up: “What?!”

Geng Xue said, “Master Hou, is there any problem?”

Everyone turned their heads to look at him.

Gann and desperately pulled him: “General Yi Sui’s skill won’t happen at all, what are you worried about?!”

Sui Yan was pulled by Jiang Enhe and knelt back again, smiled at Gengxue, and continued to lower his head.

Gengxue didn’t care, and continued to lecture.

Jiang Enhe still whispered in a low voice, and was pulled up by Sui Yan, who could no longer sit still, and hurried out of the hall regardless of everyone’s looks.

Gengxue opened one eye and closed one eye, leaving him alone, as long as the indifferent Master Hou didn’t come to steal his pick, everything would be easy.

Jiang Enhe was dragged away by Sui Yan, still yelling, “Ah, wait, wait! I still want to listen to the Buddhist scriptures!”

Sui Yan drew him to a quiet pavilion outside the hall, then let go, took a deep breath, and said, “You tell me what happened to the assassination yesterday?”

Jiang Enhe was still pointing at the Fa Hall: “Sutra!”

Sui Yan probably couldn’t wait. He even grabbed a ball of falling snow from the tree beside him and threatened: “If you don’t say anything, I will put the snow in your neck.”

Gannhe: “…”

Gann looked at him in shock: “Yi forget to go home! What are you going crazy again?!”

Sui Yan grabbed Jiang Enhe’s arm and asked, “How on earth did my brother get assassinated? Did the assassin catch him? Whose person is it?”

Jiang Enhe was dumbfounded by his questioning, but seeing Sui Yan’s face a little gloomy, it seemed that he was really worried, so he said truthfully: “I told you that General Suixun is fine…”

The Hou Mansion has been heavily guarded, not to mention that the guards in Suixun’s courtyard are all Titans who have fought on the battlefield for several years. Naturally, those assassins can’t hurt Suixun.

It’s just that the assassin came inexplicably, and he rushed towards Sui Yan’s courtyard regardless of his life or death, and Suixun happened to go to the courtyard to find something, and ran into the group of black-clothed assassins head on.

Suixun said nothing, and directly asked his guards to take them all down.

Suixun didn’t make Ye Luzi like Sui Yan. He asked his subordinates to interrogate according to the habit of being in the barracks. Only in the middle of the night did he learn a name from a population.

——Duan Mingchong.

Suixun’s complexion changed immediately, and he secretly silenced people, and spread the news overnight to Duan Mingchong of Xiangguo Temple.

Jiang Enhe didn’t know the details very well. He only knew that before dawn, Jiang Ning suddenly opened the door and broke in, dragging him out of the quilt.

Jiang Enhe was awakened alive, and wailed in pain: “Sister! Second sister! I am your brother, do you want to kill me?”

Jiang Ning threw the robe on him with disgust, and said coldly, “Hurry up and wash and dress. I have something important for you to do.”

Gann and Lai jiggly put on their clothes, and reluctantly said, “What’s the matter?”

Jiang Ning said, “Go to Xiangguo Temple and ask for a peace sign for me.”

Gannhe: “…”

Gann he suspected that he hadn’t woken up yet, could he still beg for this safety talisman for others?

“Who is it for?”

Jiang Ning said: “Sui Xun.”

Gannhe: “…”

Jiang Ning said, “I’m going to the Hou Mansion today. I’m afraid I don’t have time to go to Xiangguo Temple. Anyway, if you have nothing to do at home, just run for me.”

Gann looked at her with trembling lips in disbelief, and didn’t say anything for a long time.

Jiang Ning gave an impatient “tsk”, took out a silver ticket from his sleeve, and threw it to Gan Enhe: “Here.”

Gannhe completely collapsed: “Sister, I’m no longer a kid, I don’t need money!”

When he was young, Jiang Ning would always give him a few pennies or some small pieces of silver to run errands when he had something to instruct him to do. Xiao Enhe was innocent at the time. As soon as he had the silver, he was too happy to do it and grabbed the silver. Go and help my sister.

And the grown-up Gann and he could spend a lot of money at any time if he wanted to, and there was no shortage of Jiangning’s errands.

Jiang Ning received the bank note and said, “That’s just right, I can save Suixun and buy a deerskin boots.”

Gannhe: “…”

In the end, Jiang Enhe was forced by Jiang Ning’s lewd power, dressed in clothes aggrieved and ran to Xiangguo Temple alone.

Gan Enhe squatted on the ground, with his hands on his neck, and said aggrieved: “Who knew that I was here, saying that I would ask for another person’s peace talisman for someone else and listen to a Dharma here. Saying that sincerity is good, I have no choice but to stay here. That’s it.”

Sui Yan only breathed a sigh of relief. He touched Ganen and the head of the dog, which was regarded as comforting.

“It’s okay, let me ask for a peace charm with you.”

Gannhe looked up at him: “Who do you ask for?”

Sui Yan broke his fingers: “One is my brother, one is your sister, and one is your Royal Highness.”

Gann looked at him expectantly: “Where about me? What about me?”

Sui Yan: “Oh, yes, there are you. Then I will ask if you can give me one of them. If you send me, I will give it to you.”

Gannhe: “…”


Knowing that Suixun was okay, Sui Yan also let go of his heart, and sneaked back to the hall with Jiang Enhe, pretending to listen to the scriptures that Xuexue had been talking about for a long time, and only then did he get a few peace symbols.

Sui Yan handed a safe talisman to Jiang Enhe: “Here, it’s for you.”

Jiang Enhe glared at him, but accepted it.

“What about my sister? You can give it to me, and I will give it to her.”

Sui Yan shook his head: “No, I’ll go back and ask my second brother to give it to her.”

In this way, Suixun would not pursue the matter of leaving the Hou Mansion suddenly and following Duan Ming Chong to Xiangguo Temple.

Sui Yan Ruyi’s abacus was furious, and the two had a meal at Xiangguo Temple, before Jiang Enhe went down the mountain with the safety talisman.

Sui Yan didn’t even bother to look at the Longevity Lantern. He returned to the courtyard and found that the palace people were packing things around, and it seemed that he was planning to return to the palace.

Sui Yan hurriedly walked into the room and saw Duan Mingchong sitting by the couch, looking down at the sign in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

“His Royal Highness?”

Duan Mingchong came back to his senses after being called by him, raised his lips and said with a smile, “I’m back, is Xiangguo Temple fun?”

Sui Yan casually said a few words, “Are we going back? Your Highness’s affairs are done?”

Duan Mingchong nodded, nodded the wooden box on the side, and said, “All the scriptures I copied at Xiangguo Temple are there. The ceremony for the sacrifice to the sky is also discussed with Master Gengxue, and there is nothing important to be busy. .”

Sui Yan said, “That’s good.”

Of course, someone would help Sui Yan’s things to clean up. As long as he hugs his shaved wooden stick and the peace talisman he has asked for, he will not be in charge of other things.

After half an hour, the group of people descended the mountain mightily.

Sui Yan and Duan Mingchong did not return to Beijing until after the sun set.

It was too late. Tomorrow was a small year. It was inconvenient for Duan Mingchong to stay longer, so the carriage stopped at the entrance of the Hou Mansion.

Sui Yan personally tied the requested Ping Talisman to the waist seal of Duan Ming Chong. After thinking about it, he made up his mind for a long time, raised his head slightly, and said: “Your Highness will be nineteen after the new year. I have been married for many years, but I have never thought of setting up a concubine. You are…”

He pursed his lips, and changed his words: “What kind of person do you like better?”

Duan Mingchong was taken aback for a moment, looked at him in astonishment, and then the roots of his ears turned slightly red.

Sui Yan looked at him expectantly.

Duan Mingchong thought about it carefully, and then whispered softly: “It’s inevitable to be in a high position and involuntary. My father should be afraid of losing power. He never knew which marriage I should find for me. If the door is too high He will still be jealous, because the doorway is too low, and he will inevitably fall behind, so this has dragged on to this day.”

In three years, Duan Mingchong has seen a lot.

He no longer blindly listened to the emperor and others, he already knew how to judge the situation and distinguish right from wrong.

Duan Mingchong was telling the truth, but it was not what Sui Yan wanted to hear.

Sui Yan said: “Then if your Majesty really grants a marriage one day, what will happen to your Majesty?”

Duan Mingchong smiled and said, “Even if the marriage is given, that person is probably a **** that restrains me. It can be anyone, so for me, it doesn’t matter what I like.”

Sui Yan grinned reluctantly, opened the curtain and jumped out of the carriage, and bowed to Duan Mingchong, who was looking suspicious while holding the curtains, with a trembling voice: “Send your Royal Highness.”

Duan Mingchong was a little at a loss, not knowing where he was wrong, so he nodded, “See you tomorrow.”

Sui Yan straightened up, looked up at him, and returned to his smile in an instant, and said with a smile, Yan Yan said, “Okay.”

Duan Mingchong then left.

Sui Yan was standing at the gate of the Hou Mansion, watching the carriage go away, before returning to the mansion somewhat exhausted.

When Suixun heard the news of his return, he came out to pick him up with a gloomy face.

Seeing Sui Yan from a distance, Suixun said in a loud voice: “You ran out without saying a word. After going there for so many days, you still know how to come back?”

Sui Yan raised his head and glanced at him, rubbed his eyebrows, and said, “I don’t have one.”

Suixun approached and found Sui Yan tired and pale. He frowned and said, “Didn’t you go out with His Royal Highness? Why are you so unhappy? The prince bullied you? ”

Sui Yan didn’t do anything at all, but felt extremely tired inexplicably.

Hearing Suixun’s question, he was about to shook his head to deny it, but somehow, after a moment of stunned, he almost nodded.

“Well, it’s him.”

Suixun: “…”

The author has something to say: Suixun: I just ask casually, what you said makes me unable to answer.

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