Stolen Love

Chapter 117 - Grand wedding

Back to the Qi family, the glass heart was injured in the body, was smothered by the ink to make the rest of the family, Qimo did not go out, staying at home to deal with things.

The weather turned from cool to cool, and the time passed quickly. Unconsciously, it was almost autumn. This day, the heart of the glass was in the woods, watching the opposite song, and the words were dejected.

Qu Wei suddenly laughed and said: “Does it mean that you are restricted from going out? Is there any reluctance?”

There is nothing spiritual in the heart of the glass. “My wounds are already good. It has been more than a month. Why can’t I walk around? He is imprisoned, imprisoned, and I am going to sue him for abuse.”

Qu Wei heard a slow drink and took a sip of tea. He nodded. “This is a good idea. I agree. By the way, I will sue my copy.”

This slightly leg injury has already been good, but Qi Mo does not open, think of this Qi family door, it is difficult to go to heaven, and Qi Mo is not very willing to see the song, Qu Wei wants to find someone also looking for Less than, with the heart of the glass, the heart of the glass in order to drag a person to accompany her, simply do not work, so this song is also good for me to raise in the Qi family, completely deprived of the hobby of the tomb, into a professional rice worm.

The heart of the glass listened to such a cool wind, and couldn’t help but sing a little, and told Qi Mo, where did you go to sue? Who dares to pick him up. This is just to say nothing.

“boring, boring.” The heart of the glass slammed on the stone table, screaming twice.

The Qi family did not tell her that at present, Qi Mo did not tell her anything, she did not look for her, but instead gave her everything she had to do, and she gave it to Fengyun William to deal with her. When a rice worm that is bigger than Qu Wei is raised, these days, from the beginning of the joy and the thoughtfulness of the thoughts, the whole body will be rusted.

“You don’t know what to do, we are tired to die, you dare to call boring.” A child voice and youth change, the duck voice in the changing period is not angry, the glass heart does not have to look back, this is the day The devil’s complex, William, came.

Fengyun William squinted at the glass heart, angered: “When the rice worm is in good condition, call again, I have a good for you.” While talking, he waved his fist at the threat of the glass heart.

The heart of the glass is full of depression, and this kid doesn’t know which point is wrong. After an old castle incident, it’s quite a bit windy in Qi’s family, it’s raining, the Qi family Especially those who followed Qi Mo to go to the castle, but also tolerate this guy extremely, and Qi Mo did not object to let Feng Yun William have his own power, this is too much, why even Feng Yun William has power And she is still the same.

Fengyun William saw the heart of the glass and stunned him. He couldn’t help but sit on the side of the glass heart with a cold voice. He drank the tea and drank it. He said: “The master mother must have the appearance of the master mother, sit down for me.” He took a look at the back of the glass heart.

The glass heart suddenly angered and said: “You are not a big guy, dare to arrogant in front of me.”

Fengyun William suddenly looked down at the glass heart, and I was arrogant when I was in the eyebrows. How are you? Let the glass heart not hit a place, but the teeth are itching and do not know how to start.

Qu Wei sees this scene that is often performed. I can’t help but smile and shake my head and open the topic: “Yes, Fengyun, how are you doing this time? You don’t see people all day long, is it time to go?” ?”

Fengyun William took a look at the glass heart, looked at the smile of the face, ignored the look of the heart of the glass, a touch of the road: “Just fight with us by a few heads, hey, don’t look at who the opponent is.”

After a pause, I went on and said: “It can be said that it is a crucial time. It is too easy to find a few evidences to let them down. It is difficult to pull them down. It is difficult to pull them down again, let alone this time. They are offended by the entire underworld, not directly made by people, and they are given face.”

As for what is the current situation, it is too careful to say that it is not necessary to say to the heart of the glass. Anyway, those people’s end will be the same, the country that imports and exports arms and the president who competes for the job, the essential difference is greater than the day. I hope that the military is free and powerful, so that they can take risks and turn to all arms dealers and underworlds to turn to the target, then it is not as simple as losing a president.

So in contrast, it doesn’t have to be considered which one to give away. Although it is not a person’s decision, there will be scenes of dare to start, but at this time, it is justified to abandon the car and protect the handsome, and the person who is discarded by the state, It is also a poor person, even if it has been a high-top, or will automatically come down after many days of resignation, then waiting for the resignation of the boss, the end is already there.

This is true to Qu Wei, but it is actually said to the heart of the glass. After so many days, I should also tell her to listen to it. These days are busy dealing with this matter, and Qi Mo said no. Say this to the heart of the glass, let it be well cultivated, then surely no one will tell her, he will not tell her, it is estimated to be dying, or William will not have the leisure to talk to a little song that has no effect. Although he is the uncle of Qi Mo.

Since the glass heart came back from injury, Qi Mo did not allow her to participate in anything. The main reason was that the shot was from the back and the injury caused by the abdomen. If it was not handled well, it might be dangerous to the next generation, so the settler firmly insisted. You can’t be tired, you can have less activity and less activity, and you can worry less if you are less worried. This injury is not the kind of physical fitness that is good, and no matter how bad it is, there is no problem. This is why you want to know what is happening now. A ventilator gave her the wall, only to listen to a star and a half from Fengyun.

The heart of the glass listened to the words of William, and he couldn’t help but interrupt: “What about the blues now?” This is also her concern.

Feng Yun suddenly stunned the glass heart and said: “What do you ask, know that you asked the two to join forces on the same day, that is what everyone in the underworld hears, who will break the promise, you as a confession, It’s like eating.” At present, the gangsters are united in an unprecedented unity, and they are united and unmatched in the past few hundred years.

The heart of the glass doesn’t care for William’s tone. This kid doesn’t have to rush in front of her, but the meaning of this is that Lanbang is now cooperating with Qi, and the last time they all suffered a big loss. If the two previous grievances were like this, they would still stop.

From the Fengyun William mouth to know the exact news, the heart of the glass can not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief, she does not want the two to fight down, the last little bit of action, has been so chaotic, now it is rare to have a chance all the gangsters with the enemy, can temporarily stop It is also good.

“That’s good.” The heart of the glass nodded.

Fengyun William saw the heart of the glass with a wide-minded appearance. He couldn’t help but sing a cold voice: “You are really not suitable for this person. You can see your eyes when you are out of the window.”

However, Qi and Lanbang once joined forces in the dark, so that the entire turbulent market quickly recovered. The two leading bosses have joined forces. The people underneath are still more competitive, so there is no more in Qijia and Lanbang. After targeting the other party, the speed of recovery of the entire market is like sitting on a rocket. The unstoppable situation has quickly become the way of doing things in the past. It is a sentence, there is no eternal enemy, no friends forever. .

The glass suddenly reached out and grabbed William’s ear. After a twist, he angered: “The tiger doesn’t show up, do you treat me as a cat?”

Fengyun William suddenly had a cold eyebrow, and he reached out and tried to hit the glass heart with a fist. The song next to him couldn’t help but smile. I have never seen these two people stop.

Cough, cough, two light cough suddenly came, Feng Yun William half of the hand suddenly received back, the glass heart is just right body, take back the hand to sit upright.

“Master, this is the command of the master of William.” The men stood behind the two men with respect and respect, and bowed their heads.

The glass heart nodded and nodded. This is what Feng Yun said to her. If there is no ability, then I have to be motivated, and I have no idea. At least I also want to be the master of the master. The front of her may not be very good. It is made up by the momentum behind it.

Feng Yun’s cold face turned and he took a look and took a casual look. The man followed: “When the family waited for the return of William.”

Fengyun William picked up his eyebrows slightly and reached out and turned his head and said: “I won’t go.”

The man was a little surprised when he heard it, but after a tribute to the glass, he was slightly rude to William, and quickly stepped back.

The glass heart went to see people walking away. I couldn’t help but take the paper from the hands of Feng Yun’s hand. After sweeping my eyes, I said: “Going to Europe to the eagle, this is very good, why not? This is a good opportunity.”

When Feng Yun suddenly stunned the glass heart, he twisted his face and said: “I am going, I am going, you are only being bullied.” When he said it, he suddenly felt no. Yes, Fengyun suddenly turned cold and cold, turned his head and angered and ignored the heart.

After a slight glimpse of the glass heart, suddenly smiled and opened the flower, and reached out to hold the wind and William, and smiled: “My good brother, my good brother.”

“Let’s let go, you are an idiot.” Fengyun William uncomfortably glared at the heart of the glass, and kept struggling. The glass heart was not holding it, and William didn’t want to break away. It was so difficult.

On the side of the song, I looked at the two people and suddenly raised my eyebrows and looked at the heart of the glass: “Master mother? Glass heart, when did these people change your name?”

The heart of the glass is pulling with the wind and William. At this time, listening to the song, he said that he was smiling and smiling, but he suddenly remembered the name of the man who had just called her. He couldn’t help but let go of William, and muttered to himself: “He called my mother?”

William and Fengyun used to laugh and laugh. Feng Yun has always been the master of the future. When he listened to it, he did not respond. At this time, listening to the song, he remembered that the name was not right, and the heart could not help. Looking at the wind, William, full of doubts.

Although she hasn’t known how to do it since she came back, all of them have shown that she has been in awe and fearfulness in the past, and it’s no different from her in the past, but she has to do more in her words and deeds. So little, and from time to time there are other famous doors on the underworld, for her to send some good medicine for medical injury, or what kind of care products, there is no shortage of such things, but those people have to send, originally she did not I know, it’s just that the family will sometimes say a few words, just the word of the mother and the mother, but no one has ever called it. There is a problem with the sun today.

She didn’t know that when she was in the old castle, she opened the iron gate for everyone. Qimo even lifted her up and made a final blow for everyone. This is what everyone sees on the monitor screen. Opened a door for survival for all, the most important qualifications of the underworld, and the most gracious kindness. This kind of grace, the underworld is not in the mouth but will be remembered in the heart.

So come back, other gangsters naturally remember the future of the heart of the glass, the heart of the heart, the reputation of the heart is widely spread in the spread of the people, but it is not only in the position of Qi family. So at this time her prestige is in full swing, although she does not know.

“After ten days, your wedding.” Fengyun William saw the glass frowning and looked at him. He couldn’t help but pick a eyebrow. Unfortunately, Qi Mo arranged it and gave her the last key point to her. It was a stupid word.

The glass heart suddenly said: “How can I not know?”

Fengyun William squinted at the glass heart: “Isn’t you talking to you?”

The glass heart suddenly blinked, and the air was rushing out. He held his fist and said: “When did he tell me that he had not seen it for two days.”

Fengyun William looked at the glass heart with pity, and he said, “That’s your business. The wedding is scheduled to be ten days later. The news is already known on the road. No one is invited, but I am not invited.” In the name of yours, everyone in the Tao has been invited, no one can say no.” After that, I took a sip of tea leisurely, as if I didn’t mind doing it right.

The heart of the glass listened to the squeaking of the teeth, and the song next to it slowly stood up and stepped back two steps, leaning against the big tree around, looking at the heart of the sympathy.

“Damn, I didn’t ask me to disagree.” The heart of the glass slammed on the stone table.

“Do you disagree?” The cold words suddenly passed from behind, with absolute murder and anger.

The heart of the glass turned around and saw that Qi Mo was walking quickly. The color of the face was full of anger, and the murderous gas could be felt ten miles away. The red eagle and the settler behind him were all optimistic. Full of smiles looking at the heart of the glass, accurately stopped at a safe distance.

The glass heart came to the front in a few steps, and was full of anger and glared at her. It looked like she just said that she disagreed with the word, and she immediately disappeared into the world, but she was also very angry. Why? Everyone knows that she is getting married, and she is not aware of this bride. Is there any reason?

“You didn’t ask me to marry me.” The anger of the ink on the ink, the anger of the glass heart is greater, grabbing the clothes of Qi Mo’s chest, facing Qi Mo is an all-nighter.

Qi Mo listened to the glass heart and said that the anger in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and he frowned slightly and said: “Do not marry, you dare not marry.”

The glass heart was suddenly more angry with the gas, and said: “You are forced to marry.”

“What about that?” Qi Mo looked down at the red cheeks of the heart of the glass, and frowned. “What is good, anyway, you are the mother of my family, my lady, who has What to say.” As he said, he sat down and grabbed the glass heart and sat down.

The heart of the glass listened to Qi Mo’s words. I really didn’t know if it was mad at the moment, or what should I do? I didn’t think about it in my heart. I listened to Qi Mo’s stomach and said: “What kind of cool breeze is blowing, the body is important.” Tightly held her in her arms.

The heart of the glass looks up and sees the darkness of the black eyes. There is something in the eyes that should be called gentle. The hand that massages the abdomen is gentle and gentle. Compared with the care of an injured person, it is already far away. This person in front will It was her life’s companion. When she thought of this, the heart of the glass suddenly became irritated. Qi Mo was originally such a person. If he kneels down to marry him, perhaps it is not the same, but this kind of Qi Mo, let her heart, Why do you want to pursue form?

“I’m fine, my body is already good.” The anger disappeared, and the glass heart looked up and smiled at Qi Mo.

Qi Mo mouth corner slowly sketched a smile, hugged the glass heart and walked toward the main house, while whispering: “Set up the house, check again.” The settler suddenly followed the trot.

Standing on the side of the song, watching this scene, could not help but smile and said: “If Xiaomo would propose marriage, I really don’t know what it is.”

Hey, just take a sip of tea. William, when you listen to the song, suddenly all the tea is supplied to the stone table. The moment is very strange, the half-sounding laughter is from nothing, and then to the overwhelming: “small Ink, haha, little ink.”

The tenth day passed by, the dark road gathered on this day, the scene was grand, the forces of all parties gathered, the private airport of Qijia could barely stop many planes, and all kinds of luxury cars traveled around, all the people in the house All have arrived, the whole world underworld and some other forces have gathered in this land of New York, and are more grand than the last peace talks.

I have friendship with Qijia, and some big countries with business dealings can’t participate in Mingli. They are all congratulations in advance. The next person’s gift is a soft hand, all kinds of rare and precious things, the water price is generally sent. Entering the family, and the face to buy can be the face of the master of the family, because it is not Qi Mo, but her.

All well-known and unknown people are invited to gather in the Qi family, and the family is married. This is a big thing for the family and a big thing for the whole underworld.

Qi Mo did not invite the gangsters to participate, but at present there are no discomforts in the scenes of the gangsters. The Red Eagle and others seem to expect such scenes. They greet each other and politely and politely All weight class guests.

It’s too late, and the biggest event in the underworld in recent years is about to begin.

Sitting next to the dressing table, Liu Xin looked at the wind around him, frowning: “Go, go, go out, I make up, you give me something to do, go out.”

Fengyun William sneaked a sigh: “The ugliness of the person is too long, and it can’t be seen again.” But he still said that he had retired and waited outside.

“Dead boy.” The heart of the glass also returned with a cold voice.

“After that is the master of the family, it is the style of being the master.” The faint voice came, and the heart of the middle-aged woman in front of the glass was the woman who had been doing the trick with her at that day. Designated to give her makeup.

“I want to know what you should call it.” Glass heart has been a little curious about this woman. There was no time before, and now it is rare for two people to get along and ask.

The woman has no other expressions, only finishing the clothes for the glass heart, and faintly said: “I am a next person, the mother is not welcome.”

The heart of the glass listened to her saying that she was talking about the West. Obviously, she didn’t want to tell her. She couldn’t help but ask her. She couldn’t help but ask her. The woman who was half-sounding while finishing the conversation said: “There is more bitterness when Qi Mo was a child, and there is nothing here. If you really care about him, you will care more about him in the future. No matter how strong he is, he is a person. After all, we need it. He needs it, and even more. After that, you take care of him. Everything about this child is hidden in your heart. The heart is getting thicker and thicker, and in the end it becomes ice.”

The heart of the glass listened to this woman’s tone, and compared with her age, she thought for a moment: “Have you taken care of Qimo in the past?”

“Well, I am the young man of the young master.”

The heart of the glass listened to this sentence and couldn’t help but understand that this woman was the one who waited for Qi Mo in the same year. Maybe it was the only person who really cares for the ink. Otherwise, Qi Mo will not only leave her alone, but also think of this. No longer asked, just nodded: “I will take good care of him.” The woman nodded and did not speak.

At eight o’clock, the wedding began, and Feng Yun walked out with the heart of the glass. The white wedding dress was tailored, simple and generous, modest and generous, and the hair was lifted up. It didn’t use too much decoration. The totem of the flying eagle, engraved with a Qi word, generous, luxurious, graceful.

The big Qi family main house has already been crowded. When the glass heart comes out, the congratulations from all parties have sounded, especially after the old gangsters of the castle, especially warm and respectful to the glass heart. Everywhere, everyone congratulated and nodded slightly.

The heart of the glass smiles and returns, the grace of life, is very heavy on the underworld, saves so many people’s lives, and the families that are with them are grateful to her, and the combination of Qi and Lanbang has solved the current underworld. The chaotic situation is even more admirable for everyone, such as the prestige, but not the glass.

Qi Mo is in a black suit, and the chest is also a flying eagle totem, but the glass heart is red, and his purple is purple, one eagle head is facing the left, and one is facing the right. This is the symbol of the masters and masters of the Qi family. A black suit, the lining of the ink is more awkward and straight.

Qi Mo saw the glass heart came out, all the forces cheered and congratulated, and the corner of his mouth slowly outlined a smile. The song standing next to him smiled and went forward, one third of the distance from the lobby door to the high platform. From the hands of Feng Yun, the hand of the heart of the glass, accompanied by the heart of the glass toward the ink.

In turn, the people in the hall congratulated the voice, and the forces of all parties stood up and smiled at the heart of the glass.

In two-thirds, Qi Mo has already walked down and waited in the local area. He smiled and put his hand on the hand of Qi Mo, and Qi Mo held the hand of the glass heart tightly. The glass heart could not help but look up. The ink smiled brightly, and the ink and ink came back with a smile, holding the hand of the glass heart, accompanied by the hand that walked to the highest point and then turned and held the glass heart, raised high, sighed: “My lady, Muli heart.”

“Congratulations, congratulations to the family, congratulations to Mrs. Qi…..”

“Okay, there is a lover end…”

After the noisy congratulations, all the people in the family stood in the same place, and they greeted the two people in a concert: “See the mother.”

The heart of the glass holds the hand of Qi Mo, aligns with the sweet smile of the ink, and turns his head elegantly: “Free.”

“Thank you, mother.” After the sound of the uniformity and the silence in the hall, the congratulations echoed more frequently.

“I announced that Qi Mo and Mu Liu are married.” A voice with a smile suddenly came, and the warm congratulations in the hall suddenly calmed down. Everyone looked at the door of the hall. Ink is already the top figure in the underworld. Who else dares to announce it to him?

At the entrance of the hall, Lans had a white suit, and the whole person was more charming. A charming smile came in, and when he smiled elegantly toward the glass heart, he raised his eyebrows at Qimo and his eyes were provocative.

Everyone suddenly became dumb. No one thought that Lans would come. Even if they joined forces with the heads of the heads, they would not be able to think that the two had turned their backs into jade. At this time, Lans did not say it, and once he sang it, he could not help. The atmosphere suddenly rose a bit.

Qi Mo’s wedding book doesn’t know how to do it. The person who can sit in this position is already a person who may have a grandson. Who is not married, so the rule of Qi Mo’s wedding is really nothing. Come out to compare, only how to deal with how to deal with how to handle, can only use grand or not grand to distinguish the future of the mother of the mother, and this child wedding who dare to say that it is not grand, and Lans dare to come to such a sentence It’s really kind.

When Qi Modun frowned slightly, the heart of the glass was laughing and laughing toward Lans: “Please feel free.” Anyway, Lans is not married, and some are coming back.

“Of course.” Lance’s charming smile, seeing that the two are unmoved and unnecessary, anyway, he is not to destroy, just follow the post, do not come to the face of the glass, and as for the family and the blue state, anyway, anyway The long time is that some are opportunities to decide whether to win or lose.

The music rang, the glass heart pulled Qimo into the dance floor, hugged the beloved, listening to the heartbeat under the chest, happiness, maybe that’s it.

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