Stolen Love

Chapter 3 - Racing

While the heart of the glass slowed down, it was a good time to see the excitement. Seeing that there was a smart person returning to drive, and shook his head in disappointment, the excitement could not be seen, and he turned back and prepared to speed up.

At this time, the car had slipped past the two people who had escaped. The two of them were eager to jump on the wall, and the outside skills were very flexible. Actually, one of them was holding the door of the glass heart, and the situation was forcibly jumped. Going in, while holding another person, I also pulled it up, and I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows.

“Come on, you don’t want to be drunk and drive fast.” A fluent English is thrown out, not to panic, but logically tight.

The heart of the glass has not returned yet, and the car is still slowly driving. From the rearview mirror, it is quite embarrassing to see both of them. One of the black-haired mountains may have a mixed blood, and the forehead constantly oozes out, giving the original handsome appearance. It is hard to add a trace of sputum, and the other blue hair of the golden hair is even more embarrassing, blood on the cheeks, even the original look can not see.

At this time, the blue eyes see the glass heart still slowly driving, although faster than the people running behind, but it is much slower than the car that has already caught up quickly, can not help but anxiously toward the side of the man said: “You open her, I am coming.” It was just the voice of English.

The mixed-race child frowned slightly, and looked at the back of the glass heart and suddenly said: “Excuse, we need to get rid of the people behind. If you can’t speed up, let us drive, you can rest assured that we will compensate you afterwards.”

Liu Xin listened to this person talking to her in Chinese, could not help but raise his mouth and said: “I don’t like someone driving my car.”

“**, then please open it quickly.” Blue eyes listened to the glass and answered, not helplessly watching the car chasing after him, while changing the mouth to use Chinese.

“Smelly scorpion, stop for the uncle, hear no.”

“The bastard, see the old man catch up and not kill you, actually dare to take them.”

The heart of the glass listened to the blue eyes, but the people who chased them were chasing them up. The glass suddenly fell cold and snorted, and a glimpse of those gits, cold and cold: “Catch well “When you slam the throttle, you can see the gorgeous color of the burgundy, and fly on the shoreline for a moment.

“The front is the hairpin bend, plus the diversion, pay attention.” Glass heart listening to the blue eye export is a professional racing language, can not help but smile.

“Mom, I see you running there.” The people who catch up later are obviously not good, the car skills and speed are quite good.

The heart of the glass saw a smile on his mouth slowly rushing toward the front at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

“You are crazy, slow down, do you want to go to the sea to feed the fish, slow down.” Blue eyes see the glass heart not only do not slow down, but also accelerate after he reminded, not to wipe the blood from the eyes, while Screaming out loud.

While looking at the back from the rearview mirror, the glass heart sipped coldly and said: “Shut up.” The mixed-race child who had not spoken at the back, gently pulled his blue eyes and shook his head, but he also saw The sea in front of the blank is not covered, and it is not white.

Seeing that the front is getting closer and closer to the hairpin bend, the team behind it was accelerated by herself. It was obviously ignited with anger, and it actually accelerated to rush up, and the glass heart could not help but reveal a cold smile.

Shifting, bombing, switching, braking, only a moment to see the Ferrari rushing out of the driveway, a large rotation of 180 degrees, the tires rubbing against the ground to make a sharp squeak, from the only one, directly convert In the direction of driving, I entered another lane that runs counter to one another.

At the same time, there was a violent collision sound beside them. Those who didn’t think that the heart would change away from the other lane were chasing the car. In the front of the person, a hesitant brake was diverted, and all of them couldn’t catch it. They only heard it. The slamming of the collision, several of the best sports cars are scrapped, but fortunately it seems that some professionals, in the shortest possible time, to minimize the damage.

“Hahaha, I wish you good luck.” The blue eyes saw the wacky people who climbed out of the damaged car. They laughed and laughed at them and compared them to the middle finger.

The heart of the glass resumes the slow driving speed. The steering wheel is operated with one hand and the door is placed on the door. I dare to marry her. It is a price to pay. These modified sports cars are given to them as a less respectful lesson.

“Great, powerful, can’t see your technology so good, catch up with me, right, my Chinese name, Xiao Yun, his name is Wu Sen.” Blue eyes, hey, no, Xiao Yun sees the glass car skills Well, suddenly turned to the front of the co-pilot seat, looked excited at the heart of the glass, like the **** violence just now, he is not the party in general.

The lazy eye of the glass is faint: “Get off the bus.” While walking on the brakes, she can still buy soy sauce.

Xiao Yun suddenly squinted at the glass heart, this is the seaside, there is no one in the shadows. I have to go back to the city to walk for a day, and the woman is really refreshing. So I am so prepared to throw them, no. Seeing that both of them are wounded?

Xiao Yun is about to speak. The latter Wu Sen grabs Xiao Yun and pulls down from the car to the glass heart. “Thank you, this is my phone number. If there is a need in the future, we can help if we speak.” “I said that the business card was placed on the car of the glass heart.

The heart of the glass looked up at the two people and saw that the two of them were sincere and sincere, and they couldn’t help but lick their mouths. This person was really talking, but he couldn’t say the key point. He directly said: “Give money, one thousand.”

Wu Sen and Xiao Yun suddenly black line, can open such a high-end car, but also less of the amount of money to ride a car, not to mention their commitment, can not compare with a thousand dollars, Xiao Yun face black line The wallet, all the assets inside are taken out and handed to the heart of the glass.

The glass heart reached out and took out a thousand. With the business card handed back, there was no extra words. A bombardment of the gas door went away, and the remaining two sides were opposite each other. The **** wounds were blowing in the sea.

“Ah, my stomach is so hungry.” Wrinkled a bitter face, the glass heart carrying a bag, while walking in the stomach, starved to death, almost ran half a San Francisco, finally bought soy sauce.

As soon as I entered the door and saw the figures in the living room, the heart of the glass could not help but sigh that the world is really small. If you don’t go, Jun’s prayer is not counted. Now there are two more bandages in the house. It’s the two that met in the middle of the road. Kid.

When Xiu Shui saw the glass heart, he came over and took the things in the hands of the glass heart. He said, “Why are you coming back so late? It’s all time, it’s already past lunch time.”

The heart of the glass turned a blind eye and said: “This soy sauce is hard to buy, do you know?”

Xiu Shui immediately exclaimed: “I forgot to tell you to buy it there.”

The heart of the glass suddenly touched the forehead without a word. If it wasn’t for Xiu Shui’s good food, she really wanted to fire the second landlord immediately, and her stomach was never resistant to delicious food. Hey, who said that he wants to catch a man to grab his stomach first, this sentence is equally practical for women.

“hi, beauty, I met again so soon.” Xiao Yun lying on the sofa to deal with the fruit, whistling to the heart of the glass, looking at the heart of the glass with a smile.

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