Stolen Love

Chapter 74 - Give up

“Cough, cough.” Qi Mo suddenly stunned two times in a coma. A filter of blood ran down the corner of his mouth and scared a few people on the scene. This is a problem with the internal organs. Cough bleeding.

When the glass heart saw Qimo, his face began to turn blue, his breathing was obviously not smooth, and he suddenly grasped Qimo’s hand subconsciously. The instrument issued a mechanical diagnosis at the same time: “The lung function began to fail.”

“Fast, fast.” Yan Wen, Hong Ying, etc. This time can not care about anything, surrounded by white hair old people and settlers, the face is quite ugly, and urged the two people to take medicine.

Renal failure, liver failure, although all can be a life-threatening symptom, but lung failure is even more powerful, breathing can not breathe, how to live, and according to the speed of Qimo so fast, can not go A few days may have been accounted for here, and everyone suddenly panicked. No one has ever seen such a powerful infection. For such a thing that does not know the virus, mutation, and radiation, it is not enough.

The white-haired old man was originally a nuclear radiation researcher of the US Department of Defense. Later, he was directly brought into the Qi family by Qi Mo. It is necessary to know that the US military is relying on the arms manufacturer, and Qi Mo is the biggest one. It is not difficult to get into your own hands.

At this time, the old man with white hair was full of seriousness and anxious words: “It doesn’t work, it doesn’t work at all.” Looking at the injection of several antibodies to Qimo in succession, the momentum of exhaustion has not slowed down, and the various bodies of Qimo In the constant debilitation of the organs, the red light illuminates and the authority of the nuclear radiation medicine industry. At this time, the urgent hand does not know how to put it.

“The rice bucket, what do you want to eat? Quickly find a way.” The oldest man from the white-haired old man, listening to this, and seeing the face of the bed is getting more and more ugly, suddenly filled with anger and mixed with anger And desperate, grabbed the old man’s collar and raised it, screaming in anger.

“Let him go, if you don’t want to be a master, you won’t be like this now?” Huang Ying is also anxious at this time. Although he did not speak, but the two slaps are his own recognition, see you at this time. Yan Wen was full of anxious anger, and suddenly his face was quite ugly, and if he had a problem with his family, he must fight with the essay.

“Don’t make trouble.”

“Hurry up and give medicine to the head.”

The sudden interruption of the red eagle and the white eagle made the atmosphere suddenly more tense. Although the two sentences were not like persuasion, maintenance was not like maintenance, but it also succeeded in letting Huang Ying and Yan Wen not speak out. This time is the most important thing. It’s the home, everything else is over.

“Pick up the serum, hurry up.” I haven’t been involved in the arguing of the heart of the glass. At this time, I suddenly shouted and shouted at the same time.

“Retrieve serum?” It is a good low-level practice for both the household and the white-haired old man. This is a serious illness. It is good to pick up the serum, so they have never thought of this direction from the beginning to the present. At this time, the heart of the glass came out, and the two men were worried at the same time.

When the glass heart saw the two people, they suddenly said: “What are you doing? Don’t hurry, the dead horse is a live horse doctor. Don’t you know? Even if the injection is gone, you won’t die. Try it out.”

The settler and the white-haired old man immediately looked at each other, and the family quickly began to collect blood from the glass heart. The white-haired old man also quickly began to prepare to refine the serum. The glass heart was right, and he couldn’t stand it anyway, why not try it.

The glass heart saw the settler and other people quickly acted, and immediately held back Qi Mo to grab her hand, she did not learn any medicine, and she did not know how to mix her blood, she just remembered, After a person is not bitten by a snake, extracting serum or what kind of venom, he can heal people. This is a common-sense problem. I don’t understand complicated things. Anyway, the drugs don’t work anymore. Then try. She doesn’t want to lose too much blood, and others have something to dislike.

One hundred cc of blood was pumped out, only for a moment, through the most advanced instruments, the most authoritative medical experts, the serum was quickly raised, and when everyone was silent, silent even could not hear the breath, the settler carefully The serum promoted the body of Qi Mo.

Silence, still silent, the feathers can be heard on the ground, everyone sees the display on the instrument, is continuing to fail, or better, or stop the exhaustion, this moment, everyone puts their heart On the edge of the scorpion.

“The failure is weakened, and the exhaustion is weakened.” The white-haired old man and the new family looked at the instrument, and only the lines that the professionals saw were fluctuating, and they suddenly shouted out.

“Really, stand up, are you sure you have no eyes?” Bai Ying stood next to the settler. At this moment, he quickly reached out and grabbed the arm of the stand. He asked for expressionlessly, only the slightly trembling hand, declared that he was at this moment. How nervous is the mood.

“There is no eye, really…what is wrong… What does this mean?” Looking at the line fluctuations on the instrument slowed down slowly, and the exhaustion began to accelerate. The original family, who suddenly became a brow, suddenly became stunned and the words became hard. .

“The exhaustion began to accelerate again.” The white-haired old man did not panic this time, nor did he look pale, but walked directly to the glass heart with a needle, Shen Sheng said: “The serum is not enough.”

There is nothing to say about the heart of the glass. I straightened my hand and went out. There was no problem with people losing blood. Although she had pumped two blood out these two days, she couldn’t die, but Qi Mo is now in need. As long as it is not dead, there is no problem. In the case of Qi Mo, it is also to save her. This person is still very conscience.

“The failure is weakened.”

“Depletion is accelerating.”

“The kidney bleeding has been controlled.”

“The heart and lung function is starting to work.”

Looking at the tube and tube of serum was injected into the body of Qimo, Qimo body began to get better in all aspects, although not to say recovery, but can control, can alleviate the speed of their failure, which is the most important at present.

“The liver function is still a bit problematic, and it is still seeping out of the blood.” After a busy half-sound, the white-haired old man looked at the instrument with a sweat, and frowned slightly toward the household.

The household looked at the glass and frowned, and the serum in the hands was used up. Most of the functions of Qimo’s body stopped attenuating. There is still a problem with this liver function. If this time is not controlled, it will definitely be out. Big problems, sometimes a part is not appropriate, you can have a lot of organs together, he is a medical doctor, which he knows very well.

“Not yet?” The red eagle frowned at the stand.

The settler shook his head and said: “It’s still a little bit worse.”

The black eagle, who has never said anything, said with a calm face: “Can you relieve it, or you can extract it.”

The settler bite his teeth: “It is reasonable to say that serum does not need so much. As long as it can be analyzed, copied, equipped, it can be used, but we are not prepared enough. If we don’t know, we can suppress it. At this time, we can’t refine it.”

After glanced at the perspective effect on the instrument, the settler frowned and said: “If it can be alleviated, I will never be so embarrassed. You see, the blood has begun to show signs of large infiltration.” Black eagle, white The eagle looked at the perspective of the picture, and frowned, not talking.

Next to it, the blood of the glass heart can actually counter this virus, and the slightly awkward essays, seeing the settler saying that there is no action, can not help but say: “Why not do it?”

The eye of the house looked at the glass heart that was almost in a semi-conscious state, and firmly grasped the needle in the handshake. Shen Sheng said: “Human blood can’t lose too much, otherwise it will kill life, and the blood of the glass heart will be taken. Will exceed the burden of her body.”

Although the words are not very detailed, but the meaning of the words, everyone in the room understands that this is also the reason for the black eagle, the family to hesitate, no one thought that it would take so much blood to extract serum, the body of the ink is like A bottomless pit, constantly absorbing the essence of the heart of the glass, although there has always been the consent of the glass heart, but now how?

Yan Wen glanced at the half-stunned glass heart. When he looked at the ink and grasped the hand of the glass heart, he could not help but frown. This hand is the source of everyone’s hesitation, if not Qimo Holding on to the heart of the glass, I will recognize the heart of the glass. There is absolutely no one to hesitate. In the eyes of all people, the life of the glass heart is absolutely not expensive.

But in the eyes of Qi Mo, the life of the glass heart is precious, desperately to save, to change the life, if he wakes up without a glass heart, afraid that Qi Mo will go crazy, he and Qi Mo have been so many years of friendship, from an early age I know that the things identified by Qi Mo will not let go, and will definitely not allow others to make decisions for him. The life of the glass heart, he cherish, then others will not dare not cherish, because there is him, so she has.

“The blood of the glass heart is very special?” Yan Wen is not a person who has never seen the world. He looks at the other households and does not adjust other blood to supplement the glass heart. He also understands some things.

The household looked at the essay and knew that now it is no more than a slang. At the moment, he nodded: “The very rare blood type, the world has not found a few cases, can block the radiation source, so her blood can only be generated by itself. There is no way to mobilize the blood in the blood bank to supplement her. This is also the biggest problem. We all know the personality of the family.”

Yan Wen listened to his family and affirmed his thoughts. He paused: “Not the only blood type?”

The settled indulged: “No, I found this example, but it is too rare, there are only a few cases.”

Yan Wenwen nodded and glanced at the picture on the Qimo instrument. The blood vessels gradually became condensed. As long as they were not controlled, they would seep out immediately. At that time, they might have to spend more blood. I don’t know if I can save it.

Yan Wen precipitated his own mind, walked to the side of the glass heart and squatted down, gently patted the cheek of the glass heart, saw no reflection of the glass heart, could not help but slap a few slaps.

Because of the blood loss, the mind is not enough oxygen to supply the heart of the glass, the slight frown slowly opened his eyes, see Yan Wenyu in front of himself, not hoarse voice: “Well, no?”

Yan Wen lowered his voice and said: “The kidneys and lungs have been controlled. The extent of other organs and exhaustion of the body has almost stopped, and it is slowly improving.”

The heart of the glass could not help but hold up a smile. When she looked at her eyes, she grabbed her hand and whispered: “That’s good.”

I didn’t expect to use so much blood. The family had smoked on her again and again. The body that was originally painful was gradually numb, and the mind was groggy. The breathing was not smooth, and even the brain seemed to freeze. Now, listening to Qi Mo began to improve, although the body of the glass is uncomfortable, but my heart is still awake, and I can’t help but take a long breath.

Yan Wen sees the heart of the glass and closes his eyes. He can’t help but reach out and hold the face of the glass heart: “Don’t sleep.”

The heart of the glass sees the eyes of the singer on the ground, and even when she touches her, she is so courageous. When she is so bold, she dares to hold her face, but when she sees serious and heavy eyes, The glass heart could not help but frown slightly.

Yan Wen sees the glass heart and looks at his eyes. Shen Sheng said: “The heart of the glass, not enough, Qi, still need.”

The heart of the glass only felt that the mind was getting dizzy and hoarse and said: “Not enough.”

Yan Wen nodded and said: “Sorry, the heart of the glass, we still need to take a tube from you, but you can rest assured that this is the last tube. They said that if they control the problem of Qihe, they don’t need it. Now, the time is not waiting for people, Qi’s liver is beginning to seep out again, and the heart of the glass can be pumped out? We can’t let him collapse in the final step.”

The glass heart shook his head slightly, shaking out the faintness in his mind. Seeing Wen’s face looking at her with seriousness and caution, she glanced at the red eagle, which was silent in the room, and settled. Can’t help but whisper: “Will you want my life?”

When the family saw the glass heart, they silently said: “I don’t know, taking a tube will exceed your current body load. Some ordinary people will die because of excessive blood loss, but some can survive. I said no. Clearly, I dare not make this conclusion.”

“No.” The voice of the settler was still gone, and a dry, cold voice came, and the anger and absoluteness contained in it filled everyone with a slight tremor.

“When you are home, you can’t get up.” Standing on the edge of Qimo’s side, see Qi Mo slowly open his eyes, and he wants to sit up and hold his eyes and press Qimo.

Qi Mo slightly looked at the glass heart that was turning his head and looked at it. The pale face and the weak body made Qi Mo frown and frowned. He just heard the life of the glass heart. Now, at first glance, I haven’t seen such a weak glass heart. When is the glass heart not full of energy, even if it hurts like that, it’s still a day of spirit, now it’s so weak that it’s so windy. The heart of the drifting glass made him feel uncomfortable.

“Qi, you have to have a tube of serum, or else…”

“I said no.” The words of Yu Wen have not finished yet. Qi Mo directly interrupted coldly, while holding the hand of the glass heart, trying to lift the glass heart, but the hands and feet could not lift it. Can not help but frown, he did not have any signs, just fainted, and now the whole body is powerless to the glass heart he can not lift, this **** radiation.

“Qi.” Yan Wen saw the second time and couldn’t help but scream at Qi Modao.

The glass heart turned to look at Qi Mo, seeing Qi Mo’s face is very unsightly. Just now, she felt it, but Qi Mo did not lift her up. In the end, it should be the first time. The glass heart thought that it could not help but smile slightly, and there was nothing to do with Qimo.

“You are saying, directly…”

“Pull it.” Qi Mo threatened the words of the essays, the glass heart suddenly whispered, than the voice of Qi Mo did not know where to go, but did not miss anyone’s ears.

“You are damn, I said that I can’t die in the hands of other people.” When Qi Mo listened to the heart of the glass, he suddenly became angry and stunned.

The heart of the glass sees the eye of the eyebrows is angry, can not help but smile: “If you want to die, I still die in your hands, you still have a fight, not to mention.”

“When is my turn to oppose you?” Qi Mo is still overbearing, even if he sleeps in a hospital bed, he has no strength at all, and the natural domineering is not a little bit less.

Aside the other side of the house and others, the glass heart will agree, this is beyond their expectation, Qimo will suddenly wake up, such strong opposition, but not their expectations, the heart of the glass has always been special in the mind of.

The glass heart was so arrogant that she couldn’t help but smile slightly. She grabbed her hand and grabbed her hand. She turned her head to the red eagle and other people: “hold him down.”

The red eagle, the black eagle, the white eagle, the yellow eagle and so on looked at each other. When they looked at the fluoroscopy instrument, the blood in the blood vessels slowly infiltrated, and the four men kneeled down on one knee at the same time: “Please be at home “The side jumped up and stood in all directions, holding down the Qimo who was struggling to get up.”

“You are so bold.” When he was stunned, he was snarling at the four people. The four men looked down and looked at the ink, but the hand held the body tightly and did not relax at all.

The glass heart snorted and smiled at the house: “Put it.”

The settler saw a smile on the face of the glass. The usual tone seemed to be calling him. Sitting down, the hand holding the needle trembled, took a deep breath and walked to the side of the glass heart. The arm that has been full of pinholes, bite his teeth and whispered: “Sorry.” A quick down needle.

The needle was tied into the blood vessel of the glass heart, and the glass heart could not help but tremble slightly. The swearing beside her, did not avoid the suspicion at this time, holding the glass heart and supporting her body.

“Let go, hear no.” Qi Mo did not struggle, because he did not have strength, but the thick **** taste, and the cold breath, more than ever, just like a fierce beast, let the four eagle involuntarily tremble However, he kept tight control of Qi Mo’s body and prevented him from moving.

“What temper are you making, are they all for you?” The heart of the glass didn’t look at the settler. He turned his head and leaned on the shoulders of Yan Wen, and looked at Qi Mo with a smile.

Qi Mo sees the heart of the glass and talks to him. He suddenly looks at the heart of the glass. The coldness and chill in the eyes are like the moment before the storm, full of calm, but with the power that can sweep everything, the present calm It will be a critical point of madness.

The glass heart smiled and looked at Qi Mo, barely forced to hold the hand and grabbed her hand, whispered: “You save me once, I will save you once again, you don’t want to save me, I also I won’t take this life to save you, boss, if I can’t die for a long time, you will at least be gentle to me in the future. If you can’t live longer, don’t blame them. If you have such a subordinate, you should be thankful.”

She used to cherish her own life. If other times, she would ask her to take her own life to save him. I just don’t want to think about it. But now, watching the rapid exhaustion of Qimo, all kinds of organs appear. The problem is that she is like this. She is not a ruthless person. Others respect her. She respects others and Qi Mo takes her life to save her. She does not care what she does.

Looking at Qi Mo’s fury and looking at her, the glass heart smiled slightly. This time, he should still give him a life, but Qi Mo is because she should not be killed in someone else’s hands, she will save her, then she should consider It’s ridiculous that ink can’t die in the hands of others. This time, the front is flattened, and no one owes anyone.

Qi Mo looked at the glass heart and smiled slowly. There was a complicated look on the surface. It was not the cold and seriousness that has never changed for a long time, but a face that has never been seen on the face of Qi Mo. Qi Mo tightly stared at the heart of the glass, one word at a time: “You better hold on to me, otherwise, I will never let you go.”

The heart of the glass listened to the ink and said that it could not help but faintly whisper: “I am really overbearing.” While hanging down slightly, Yan Wen was busy clinging tightly, and the other side of the family bite his teeth tightly, holding the blood drawn. Quickly turn around and start extracting serum.

“You can rest assured that I will not let you die. I am going to find someone with your blood now. Even if I am young, I will find it for you. I will do what I promised.” The text tightly embraced the fainted glass heart, and prudently assured.

He just chose to come out and ask, and he made this plan. As long as the blood type of the glass heart is not a unique one, as long as there is still in the world, relying on his power, he will find her for three feet. Life is a practice without a person. If he has this ability, he will never allow such a thing to happen.

And all of him now guarantees that he wants to know if the heart will be willing to save the ink. He knows that the ink heart is too special for the ink, and it is unique and unique. It will be so desperate to save her. This is strictly forbidden. The calm and scary Qi Mo, it is simply a crazy move, and even more afraid that Qi Mo Mingming knows the result, but still choose to save her.

For the heart of the glass, Qi Mo is not special. It is also a coincidence to save the ink several times, or it is easy, otherwise it is someone else’s hands, she has to save, now know that the heart will be willing to save the ink, this That’s enough, and the rest of them are slowly grinding away.

Holding the glass heart, gently put Qi Mo to the side, the red eagle and other four people also retired early, Qi Mo did not say anything, stretched his hand and held the glass heart in his arms.

Yan Wen glanced at it, turned and walked toward the door, and Shen Sheng said: “I will give you an account.” After that, quickly went out, now the situation of the glass heart is very bad, he needs time Can’t waste a minute or two.

The settler quickly pushed the serum into the body of Qimo, and watched the indicators in the instrument stop at the stop position. For a long time, there was no rebound, and the settler could not help but feel a long sigh of relief.

Looking up at the Red Eagle and other four people nodded, the four people flashed and smiled and looked at each other, suddenly squatting at the same time, and silently, and Qi Mo holding the glass heart, what extra words Did not say that there is only a silence in the house.

Silence, long silence, settled in front of the bed, and did not dare to say anything, let the suffocating air spread in the house.

“Being at home, you can’t…” In a silence, Qi Mo suddenly propped up his body and walked out with a faint glass heart. When he saw this, he wanted to remind Qi Mo’s current body. It is best not to exercise more. And doing heavy things, but then swallowed again.

Qi Mo’s cold head did not return: “Go to the law enforcement hall yourself.” Then he held the room and went out of the room.

The Red Eagle and other six people were slightly relieved at the sight of the law. The law enforcement hall should be guilty of disrespectfulness, not to listen to the orders of the head of the family, but without unnecessary punishment. Several people understand that Qi Mo is not a temper. There is absolutely no mistake in the punishment of the reward. Today they are not listening to the ink, they should be punished, there is no complaint.

And to the heart of the glass, this is contrary to the meaning of Qi Mo, but it has not been punished, everything is voluntary, and their starting point is also for the sake of good, is true or false, Qi Mo points very clear They can follow Qimo so heartily, and it is precisely because of this, but the people who align with the special inks start, even if the reason is justified, there will be good fruit to eat later, and the essay will be so good, it will be sent to Africa to mine. Now, they are estimated to go to Mars to collect coal.

Qi Mo holds the glass heart and sleeps on his bed, looking down at the pale face of the glass heart, without the **** lips, Qi Mo tightly holding the glass heart, just like being embedded in his body, one word on the side One sentence: “I don’t know how to be gentle. I only know that if you can’t die, I will let you know the cost of violating me.” The cold, **** breath, I don’t know if the glass heart in the coma is not.

One day and one night, all day and night, the heart of the glass continued her coma, the body maintained the lowest function, and did not pay attention to why there was no reason, but looking at everything is still normal, just weak, weak to unimaginable weak.

And Qi Mo’s body is quickly getting better. The serum extracted from the blood of the glass heart is copied. The ink is not needed in the glass heart. It is really scary, just like when you suddenly come, all over the body. The organs are quickly regaining operation, and the erythema on the surface of the body also disappears quickly, recovering at a speed that is completely unimaginable, but the physical strength has not recovered.

“Being at home, not the phone of the Prince.” Huang Ying looked at the cold-faced Qi Mo, Shen Sheng reported.

Qi Motou did not lift the road: “You cope.”

Huang Ying listened to Qi Mo and told him not to say anything. He quickly turned around and limped out. He disregarded the forty whipping, and the executive did not see the five leaders together. They got up, they only played hard.

“When you don’t have to worry too much, Wen Bo will definitely be able to find it.” The other side of the house checked for Qi Mo, and glanced at the still unconscious glass heart on the bed, bowing his head and admiring.

Qi Mo glanced at the fainted glass heart, and there was a hint of twilight in his eyebrows. He worried that he didn’t have to worry about it. He didn’t find anything that he couldn’t find. There was no one who couldn’t succeed. Her heart could never die, as long as she After supporting for a maximum of one day, death will not have a little bit of intersection with her, but after waking up, some accounts will be well counted.

Hey, the sound of the aircraft propeller, when the audience immediately heard, he said: “Wen’s boss is back.” As he said, he quickly rushed out and prepared to welcome the things brought back by Yu Wen. In Qi, in this state, only 蛟Wen dare to fly so arrogantly to stop at Qijiaben.

The essay was arrogant, and the two individuals were directly arrested. The two people did not say that they were going to check the blood type and whether there was any disease.

Yan Wen walked through the room and stood in front of Qi Mo. Qi Mo looked at the two eyes of Qi Wen. Both eyes were black. I used to spend seven days and seven nights with him, and I wouldn’t sleep. It seems that this is a miserable thing. It is.

When Qi Wen saw Qi Mo, he saw that he did not say a word. At the moment, his mouth was pumping two strokes. He smiled and said: “Qi, how do you punish, you can do it, but give me a day to sleep. It’s just more tired than anything.” As he said, he slept directly on the sofa of Qimo.

Qi Mo looked at the essays and turned to walk toward the glass heart. This day, he ran all over the five continents and used countless relationships and contacts to find these two people. Let him sleep first and get up. There will be time after the account is settled.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …………….

The second chapter comes up to the bird, make up the three thousand owed yesterday, ah, 10,000, ah, I really admire myself.

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