Stolen Love

Chapter 76 - Punishment

When I heard a word, I suddenly turned a blind eye. The Four Eagles never had the same moment. They all concentrated in Qijiao, and they still gathered together at the end of the three days. Some of the brains and smells were smelling, and most of them were problematic. Now that Qi Mo’s physical strength has not recovered, there is no need to protect the people around him. The four eagle are not all right, and there is only him left.

When the next eyebrows said: “The mind, said really nice, forget it, I don’t talk nonsense with you, it is rare to come home once, live for two more days.” While talking, stood up and walked out.

When the four eagle saw each other, they nodded slightly. Although they were in Qijia’s home, they couldn’t be a little slack. Let Yu Wen be with Qi Mo’s body these days, and use Qi Wen’s skills to make Qimo’s bodyguards. That is absolutely no problem.

Time passed by, the heart of the glass had the same blood type of blood to make up, the face looked better every day, and it took a few days to get out of bed. After all, she was traumatized, a little scar, and there was no problem with bruising. Excessive blood loss, with the input of fresh blood, it is better to get better.

Qi Mo’s injury is faster than the glass heart. It’s basically the same as no one in two days. It’s just that the physical strength doesn’t know why, the recovery is quite slow. The rest of the household is estimated to be because the internal organs have been affected too much. Now I have stopped the exhaustion and started to recover well, but because of the heavy damage, the recovery is slower. This is not visible on the instrument, so the physical strength is not so fast recovery. This is not a big deal. It’s just that there is no strength.

And the heart of the glass is restored to the mouth of the rice, the clothes to reach the point, everything is in the hands of Qi Mo, but the rich anger of the eyes of the ink, but more and more serious trends, although the performance of Qi Mo Not arrogant, even if he followed the turn of his family, he did not see it, but the heart of the glass is absolutely negligible.

Especially when I took medicine for her wounds, I saw the two arms of Wuqing, the face of Qimo was even more ugly, and the heart of the glass was eaten with trepidation. I thought about the wound and I thought about it. It’s still a bit slower, or I don’t know what kind of punishment is waiting for her after the injury, and watching the face of Qi Mo’s iron blue makes people shudder.

These two days have been in the Qi Mo’s turn around the essay, always in the back of Qi Mo, looking at Qi Mo’s eyes swept over, just sly smile, really like a fool, there is a little Italy The head of the mafia boss, so that the heart of the glass is shame for him, but in order to avoid the black hand of Qi Mo, afraid of what, big Mars to go to dig coal.

Fortunately, the two days of Qi Mo are not the same as the essays. The cold face is only aimed at her. When the essay is not there, the essay is deeply breathed. If it does not happen on the spot, then it is deeper. More fierce anger is waiting for him, and he is so hard to do bodyguards for Qi Mo, just to see if he can eliminate the anger of the ink. As a result, facing him every day, it is better to be sent to settle down.

On this day, the morning sun shone between the heavens and the earth, the treetops swayed slightly with the breeze, and the birds screamed from the treetops. The gentleness was mild and a rare weather.

Standing in a dark room, the heart of the glass glared at the yellow eagle, why did she come here? Her injuries are still not good. Why is it so good that she can’t sunburn her eyes, just walk around and concentrate on her injuries? And to be directly mentioned by Huang Ying in this empty basement?

Huang Ying looked at the glass heart and looked at him with complaints. He shrugged his shoulders and said: “It is the command of the family. If you want to listen, I will never stop you.”

When the heart of the glass was heard by Qi Mo, it suddenly turned a blind eye and the punishment came. After listening to Qi Mo in the past few days, I thought that Qi Mo would not punish her. Now it seems that Qi Mo’s words must be Believe, I believe unconditionally, because he will never forget, and immediately raised his eyebrows: “How do you punish me?”

Huang Ying mentioned a small suitcase brought by him, and took out the things inside, and said: “I don’t know, my task is to teach you to use a gun today.”

“Gun.” Watching the yellow eagle open the suitcase and push it to the front, the heart of the glass licking the black, translucent pistol that has not been assembled, looking at the yellow eagle with doubt.

Huang Yingyi should have a more casual look in the past, with a serious face: “Look at my movements and order, I only teach it again.” Then, suddenly grabbed the pistol inside and began to assemble.

The action was quite arrogant, but in a flash, all the parts were combined into a newest type of pistol. The yellow eagle did not look at the glass heart, and quickly disassembled it. After re-arranging it in order, he turned his head and looked at the glass heart. Expressionless: “It’s up to you.”

The glass heart slightly sucked the mouth of the mouth, reached over and thought about the order of the yellow eagle, and said: “Why should I teach me to use a gun? What is this punishment?”

Huang Ying’s eyebrows suddenly became cold and cold. “The training time is not nonsense. I will give you two minutes. Obsolete, don’t blame me.” He said that he went straight to the side and didn’t know where he was. Pulling out a whip, facing the air is a whip, only the sound of the whip breaking through the air came in an instant, the sharp voice, and the strength, let the glass heart can not help.

The glass heart knows that Huang Ying is serious. He can’t help but frown. He started assembling the pistol in his hand. The punishment of Qi Mo is to let her come to learn the gun. What does this mean?

Silence, only heard the sound of the timer in the yellow eagle, ticking, ticking, “There are still twenty seconds.” Huang Ying did not look at the timer, cold warning.

The glass heart picks up the eyebrows slightly, and the movements in the hands speed up, but the only triggers will be used. When it comes to the glass heart of the gun, it will obviously be less for two minutes, and it will not be formed.

“Yellow Eagle, are you teaching me once? You just moved too fast, I didn’t see it clearly.” The heart of the glass saw the time, and he couldn’t help but look up at Huang Ying.

There was no other look on the yellow eagle face. I looked at the glass heart coldly: “Three seconds, two seconds, one second.” When the countdown time came, the yellow eagle held the whip in his hand, suddenly lightning-like As far as the body of the glass is drawn, the heart of the glass did not expect that the yellow eagle would really do it. It quickly flashed, and the yellow eagle’s whip was just like alive, and the direction was followed, and the hate was hit. On the arm of the glass heart.

The glass suddenly felt a burning pain, and could not help but yell at Huang Ying. “I am the same as you. Without my consent, you can’t move me a finger.” This sentence is what they said, but now it is really playing. .

The look of the yellow eagle is still faint, Shen Sheng said: “This is the command of the master, you have to refuse, you can go to the house, now, come back, this time you only have one and a half.”

The heart of the glass is the words of Qi Mofa, and it seems that Huang Ying is really a little bit of love and does not leave her. Seeing Huang Ying said that the two opened her, just assembled into a half pistol, directly started on time, more I didn’t ask her not to be ready, and suddenly bite her teeth, endure the pain in her arms, and quickly assemble.

She is a thief. She learns that her eyes are fast and her hands are fast. She is talking with her eyes and fingers. It is said that Huang Ying’s action is fast, but she is absolutely clear, but she doesn’t want to learn. It seems that she really can’t follow Her willingness came, and suddenly she sighed in her heart, but she began to assemble the pistol with speed.

“One minute and twelve seconds.” Huang Ying looked at the gun in the hand of the glass heart, faintly spit out the time, it seems that this glass heart really is the same as above, has the ability, as long as the oil press is generally squeezed, it must When the oil came out, Huang Ying saw this brow slightly stretched. I thought that the order under the head of the family was too harsh for the heart of the glass. It does not seem to be necessary now.

The glass heart saw Huang Ying nodded, not waiting for her to speak, turned and walked to the training ground next to it, and the glass heart glanced at the thousands of square training ground. I didn’t know what to do, but now I know, this is A place dedicated to training shooting.

At the forefront of the target station, the yellow eagle took the gun on the hand of the glass heart, cold channel: “The distance to the opposite side is fifty meters, the center of the target is one centimeter, your training today must be Two shots were shot at that position, otherwise, stay here and don’t want to go out.” He said that he didn’t raise his six shots.

The glass heart only saw the target sign next to it, only one bullet point, but the sound of the machine came out, all six shots hit the bullseye, and suddenly looked at the yellow eagle, I already knew that this guy was good at shooting, but also You don’t need to be like this.

Huang Ying turned his head and glanced at the glass heart, and threw the gun to the heart of the glass. The cold road said: “If you can’t hit it, you will stay here, when will you hit it, when will it come out.” Heart, walk quickly toward the exit.

The glass heart couldn’t help but glimpse. The yellow eagle who walked to the door suddenly turned back and said: “Forgot to tell you, the rules here, there is no water to drink, there is no food to eat, you can grind it.” Hearing a bang, the door closed and locked.

The glass heart heard that Huang Ying said that there was no water to drink, no food to eat, suddenly his face sank, looked at the pistol in his hand, looked at the opposite target, the heart of the glass bite his teeth, said: “I don’t want to give it to me.” Eat rice, no door, my heart is not so useless.” Then he attacked the target and began to attack.

Hey, hey, the quiet voice is constantly coming from the empty space, so the morning time in the basement is full of vitality.

“Damn, what the **** is this?” Carrying the already numb arm, the heart of the glass slamming the target in front, one is not in the middle, and I don’t know how much time I shot. Actually, there is no middle, if not Huang Ying’s first After doing the demonstration, she really thought that these things were not working.

It seems that it is not physical exercise, but as long as the arm is flat and straight for one morning, I know how difficult it is, and the back of the gun is very strong, the wrist has long been sour, it hurts, and now it is numb. The glass heart could not help but drag the arm against the wall and gasped slightly.

The body is not completely good, it is still relatively weak, and now such a long standing, and rigid movements, let her out of my heart, originally with a red cheek, now gradually a little pale, the sweat on the forehead, a A little bit of it dripped down.

“What to do, hungry, Qimo, you are not a good person.” Tightly close to the teeth, the glass heart that began to practice again against the target, listening to the hungry howl, not helpless, hungry and uncomfortable, while Think of Qimo as the target of the opposite, a raging madness.

I didn’t really think that Qimo would punish her. After all, I didn’t have it before. Although it’s said to be harsh, she has merits to replace it. This time it should be replaced. It’s good, I don’t know Qi. Monica’s ribs are not right, she is thrown to be punished.

Punishment is no problem, why not give her food, this is her most hateful, everything is good to discuss, this article has not been discussed, the more I want to get angry, the heart, and where the target is. Opposite the opposite is a violent launch.

At the top of the basement, the red eagle sitting in front of the monitor shook his head and shook his head: “Is it too harsh? She is still not good enough, and she has not learned to shoot.”

Sitting on the side of the yellow eagle shrugged his shoulders and said: “When the family is so commanded, I dare not listen, my target has already set her the shortest distance, and I specially asked her to eat more breakfast before she took her. Go, and you don’t forget, we didn’t learn to shoot at that time. When we threw us and threw it for three days and three nights, we were only a few years old and eight years old.” I thought that when I was hungry, I tried my best to shoot. In order to come out, Huang Ying has no good face.

The red eagle listened to the glass heart in the monitor. He touched his stomach with one hand and shot with a bitter face. The sweat on his forehead slowly flowed down. He could not help but say: “The family is not so good, this kind of thing is now Watching is a punishment. When I use it later, I know the benefits. She still hasn’t understood it.”

Huang Ying raised an eyebrow and glanced at the glass heart in the monitor. He raised his eyebrows: “Maybe, she understands, but there is really no qualification.”

The red eagle listened to the words of the yellow eagle, and could not help but frown slightly. Perhaps the yellow eagle said yes, hey, smart glass heart, can now practice shooting like this honestly, perhaps understand the meaning of such punishment, as for shooting In the middle, it may be really a matter of qualification.

However, he did not know that the heart of the glass was hungry and confused. Now, what kind of meaning is there, I think that I can shoot two good people, and my stomach is so hungry. I have to say that I am smart in some aspects. The glass heart of the pass is really idiotic in some respects.

Hey, the crisp sound of the guns kept ringing in the basement. From the smashing of the fast-moving like a fried bean, to the one by one, it’s been a long time since I heard it. It’s been a long time. One day.

In the wind of the night, there was a faint aroma of vegetation, and the lights of the house illuminated the dark sky of New York, and the night was filled with it.

In the basement, the hands of the glass heart could not be lifted up. Looking at the blank target on the opposite side, the glass heart was licking the belly, and the face was pale and squatting on the ground. So tired, tired, she had no strength, and her arms were not stiff. However, it is clear that I have been very focused. Why didn’t I shoot a shot? In this way, I really want to say that as Huang Ying, she will not starve to death here.

Looking at the closed door, such a door is very simple for her, as long as the finger is opened, but the Qimo people must be waiting outside to throw her in, so shameful, she is this There is still no training in my life.

Reluctantly propped up and wanted to stand up, but the weak body did not support her thoughts, and there was no strength on the ground.

The heart of the glass knows that Qi Mo’s words are absolutely boring. If she can’t shoot, she really doesn’t want to go out. She has a hard work, but she really can’t shoot.

Thinking that I might be starved to death here, the whole body of the glass is tight, and the wall is slowly standing up. If she changed it before, she would never be so useless. If she doesn’t eat for a day, she won’t be like this. Her willpower is trained, she is able to persist in training as a child, not to mention that this is not a very heavy training.

But now she seems to be as big as before. The body has been hurt in recent times, killing too much physical strength, and now the physical injury is not good, it is not high, but it is not low strength, really Let her be very unbearable.

When the arm is slippery, the body is unable to support it, and it falls directly to the back. The heart of the glass can not help but laugh. When is it so embarrassing, she will not be so embarrassed after ten years old, and she will be defeated by hunger and pain. It’s a shame.

Falling on the ground, the heart of the glass has not had time to catch his breath, a shadow on the head enveloped her, and the glass heart looked at the light. The cold look of Qi Mo was just in sight, and the heart of the glass could not help but pull a bitter smile: “Boss, I really have no strength.” It is not a shot, not a compromise, but really just no strength.

Qi Mo coldly looked at the glass heart half-hearted, reached out and hugged the glass heart and hugged it, faintly said: “Your mission has not been completed.”

The glass heart leaned against Qi Mohuai and nodded her teeth. She knew that she knew what Qi Mo said, and she couldn’t get the water out. She didn’t want to be like it. She was just physically weak and had no strength. She The heart of the glass is not true. If it is true, she is not a personality that is convinced, pleading, coquetry, and maybe able to make it in normal times. She really has to face the challenge and the task that must be done. She does not recognize the loss.

Slowly easing, I still didn’t think of what to say, the arm was suddenly lifted up, the glass heart could not be seen from the side, Qi Mo carried her arm, supporting her body, cold and cold: “Aiming, meditation “”

The heart of the glass sees Qi Mo is willing to help her, not to say anything, nodded directly, directed the position of Qi Mo mobile, relying on Qi Mo, I do not know why, because Qi Moqiang’s power, for her Her own confidence, or a broad-minded chest, her heart gradually calmed down.

The distracting thoughts are slowly removed, and the heavy body does not need to worry about her own. The heart slowly calms down, irritability, dissatisfaction, and the arrogant mood disappears. The only thing is the target. In this moment, there is only one red heart. Outside the calm.

Hey, the crisp gunshot sound, the first time the sound of the machine was heard on the scorer, a shot, the bull’s-eye, and the heart of the glass suddenly bent.

“Laughter, come again.” Qi Mo coldly interrupted the smile of the glass heart, shouted.

The heart of the glass suddenly smirked and smiled. She still had a shot, the same sharp shot, the same instrument cold voice, two shots, and the heart of the glass.

“Why can’t a person be inaccurate?” Qi Mo saw this sinking voice, and put down the hand holding the glass heart.

The heart of the glass slowly burst into a bright smile, whispering: “Because the heart is not quiet enough.”

At the same time, she also understood the meaning of Qi Mo’s punishment for her, because her heart is not quiet enough. If she can calm down, based on her experience and intelligence, it is not difficult to see the intention of the person and other people. It is not difficult to hear that Qi Mo is really rejecting. Instead of shoving, it is not difficult to think that in addition to her, there are people of the same blood type in the world who can use it. Life is only once, and it must not be wasted. This is the meaning of Qi Mo.

Relying on Qi Mohuai, Liu Xin smiled and said: “Boss, I understand, but I am so hungry now.”

Qi Mo saw the bright smile of the glass heart, nodded slightly, did not say anything, directly hugged the glass heart, and went outside.

Quiet, everything must be calm down. He went to save her because he knew there was no choice. He didn’t go. The glass heart only died, and the glass heart saved him. The motivation was good, but he ignored the external factors. Not only she is the only one.

He believes that he will not let her suffer other injuries, and will not allow her own harm, protect a person, protect her for a while, protect her life, and only let her strengthen, let her know what is it. The best protection for yourself is the real protection and maintenance.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………..

The second chapter comes to the bird

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